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tv   House Republican Leaders Hold News Conference  CSPAN  April 10, 2024 11:46am-12:01pm EDT

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providing balanced, unfiltered coverage of government. taking you to where the policy is debated and decided with support of america's cable companies. c-span, 45 years and counting. powered by cable. >> house republican leadership held a press conference following the decision to delay sending an impeachment resolution against homeland security secretary mayorkas to the senate. top house republicans also addressed the re-authorization of section 702 of the foreign intelligence surveillance act which allows the government to conduct warrantless surveillance of foreigners outside the u.s.
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>> good morning, everyone. thank you for being here this week. house republicans are advancing several important items on the floor. but among these efforts-tkwaeurpbt to take a moment to high highlight our steadfast opposition to placing one-sided pressure on israel as it battles hamas. mr. moore: our conference believes any effort from the biden administration to pressure israel into an immediate cease-fire without conditions weakens israel's hand. makes it less likely that the hostages will be released and only benefits hamas in the short-term and long-term. the most frustrating start of the biden administration's handling of this dire situation is while israel goes out of their way to work through back
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channel negotiations and set up a temporary cease-fire to get many of their hostages back as they can hamas continues to walk back these efforts. hamas believes, this is largely because they believe that the biden administration will do the leg work for them. house republicans refuse to stand for this and we will remain committed to our alley, israel, in their fight against the evils of terrorism. thank you for your time. we have several to speak today. and we'll start with my colleague from florida, maria salazar, she'll speak further on this issue. thank you. ms. salazar: thanks to all of you for being here and speaker johnson to allow me the opportunity to introduce this resolution. our position is that the horrors of october 7, the attack against israel, will continue to live in infamy. after six months, we are also fighting to shine the light against the terrorist group called hamas and the
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supported -- and its support from iran which is the greatest evil. we are also opposed to the biden administration's misguided calls for a one-sided cease-fire. and that is why i proposed resolution 1117, or 1117, to a firm -- affirm that we, the house of representatives, stand strongly against evil, period. in all its forms. unfortunately, the white house has sent a very clear message that empowers hamas by subduing israel to a one-sided cease-fire. because one thing is clear, hamas started this unprovoked conflict and they have no intention of ending it. with this resolution we are sending a very strong message to the international community that we stand with the only democracy in the middle east, israel.
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through our words, our resolutions we are conveying a very clear message that we support israeli prime minister netanyahu as he leads his country in permissible acts of self-defense. but it is also very important to mention our intention to break the chokehold that hamas has over the palestinians. poor victims being used by this evil force that is the -- is only in the business of power. hamas is not in the business of bringing prosperity or well-being to the palestinians. the suffering of the palestinian people under hamas is immense, 33,000 have died. 70,000 have been injured in this war that hamas started. and why are they starting is? -- starving? why are they hungry? if the last week over 1,000 trucks of food and medicine have entered gaza allowed by israel.
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now there are three new corridors to pass food and medicine to the palestinians. those are opened, too. but hamas always manipulates for political purpose. hamas cares a lot more to win the war of propaganda against israel than the poverty against its own people. so democrats do not have the monopoly on compassion. we are compassionate, too. we republicans. and the compassionate thing to do is to let israel finish this war so they can end the reign of terror that hamas has unleashed on the whole region, specifically on the palestinians. this congress and this great nation has a long tradition of defending the righteous might. and we'll continue our tradition of standing for the freedom of our allies and against terror abroad. we will not stand for one side of calls for israel to stand down.
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we stand firmly with israel and its right to defend itself. i yield back. now i want to introduce our whip, honorable congressman emmer. mr. emmer: this past sunday actually marked six months since hamas carried out an attack that resulted in the most deadly day for jews since the holocaust. it's been six months since hamas broke a cease-fire to slaughter innocent people in their homes. rape women. kill children. and parade their victims through the streets. it's been six months that an unknown number of israeli and american hostages have been held in gaza by hamas. but unfortunately, over the last six months, the democrat party has cemented its place as the pro-hamas party. look no further than president biden giving israel cease-fire ultimatums, or chuck schumer calling for new elections in israel.
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should probably be thinking about gaza where they haven't had bun wince 2006. this issue is simple. it's a matter of good versus even. there is zero room to ekweufl kate. this week house -- ekweufbg kate. house republicans will once again give our democrat colleagues the opportunity to correct their pro-hamas record by voting in favor after commonsense resolution that opposessers to place one-sided pressure on israel with respect to gaza. we already saw 194 house democrats side with hamas by voting against critical israel aid in november of last year. 166 of them doubled down when given the opportunity to correct their pro-hamas record in february. i hope this time that this time -- that the time that has passed has granted them the strength to stand for what is right. by voting in favor of our resolution this week. regardless what they decide, americans can rest assured that house republicans support for our strongest alley in the
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middle east will not -- ally in the middle east will not favor. i yield to our leader, steve scalise. mr. ask close: we'll have a lot of important debates on the floor this week. we'll hear from the foreign minister of japan tomorrow. and we look forward to welcoming him into the chamber. as you go around the country as a number of us do to talk about a lot of the issues that people care about and want to see congress and the president addressing, there are some very, very important issues that we are focusing on that this president has walked away from. people around the country want a secure american border. and president biden from his first day in office set us on a course to have an open border to the tune of over eight million people. more than 35 states in america don't have a population that big. of people who have come into our country illegally because the
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president opened up our southern border. and he refuses to reverse course now that everybody knows how dangerous the steps he's taken have been for our country. you think about the national security implications. when you see scores of people on the terrorist watch list who have been caught coming into our country. those are just the ones we know of. we don't know how many haven't been caught who are on the terrorist watch list who have come into america because they want to do us harm and now they are able to because president biden opened up the southern border. we are bringing a resolution to call out the president on the steps he's taken specifically to open the border. they are very well listed out in tony gonzales' resolution. and we denounce those actions because we as house republicans want a secure southern border just like most americans do. we passed h.r. 2, a bill that would actually secure america's border. president biden opposed that bill because he doesn't want to secure the border. speaker johnson time and time
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again has tried to engage president biden in an actual discussion about how we can work together to secure the border. president biden won't even meet with the speaker to talk about those specific actions because president biden doesn't want to secure the border. there's something else that president biden has changed his tune on. you go back over the years but especially in these last few months, president biden has walked away from the strong relationship we have with israel. you saw majority leader schumer's comments calling for the prime minister of israel to be replaced during a time of war. who walks away from a friend during a time of war? that's when you stand with your friends the most. as house republicans continue to do. we are proud to stand with israel in their right to defend themselves. as ms. salazar laid out not just here at the podium but in her resolution that every member of congress will have the opportunity to vote on in just a
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few hours. do you stand with israel or not in a time of war and the right to defend themselves from a terrorist organization who ended the cease-fire? if there is any talk of cease-fire, president biden, that ended on october 7 when hamas decided to barbarically murder, not just jews in israel, but others. they are still holding over 100 hostages, including american citizens. when president biden called for a cease-fire, he didn't precondition it on hamas releasing the hostages. you just look the other day in michigan. there was a rally held where they were chanting death to america. and president biden's white house was asked just yesterday will you denounce those chants of death to america? and president biden's administration refused to denounce that. when you can't stand up to chants of death for america in america, and then you walk away from your alley, israel -- ally,
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israel, this president has lost its way because he's worried about bowing to the radical left. who has walked away from israel. house republicans will continue to stand by our ally, especially in this time of war. as prime minister netanyahu and his whole coalition government stand united to eradicate this terrorist organization known as hamas. sponsored by iran. nobody should be walking away with -- from them. we should all be standing together. republican and democrat. to show our strength and solidarity with our great ally israel, we'll give everybody that opportunity on the house floor. with that, bring up our speaker, mike johnson. speaker johnson: thank you, mr. leader. appreciate you for being here. good morning. hope you had a good easter. we are back in business. a lot going on this week as you heard. i know you are in tune to that. as you know -- has been noted, today the house will be voting on this resolution to denounce
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biden administration's immigration policies. every american should be paying attention to how their representative votes on that. we have been talking about this ad nauseam in this room and everywhere, every press conference, and media appearance that we have had for the last many months. for the last three years for that matter. since joe biden went into the oval office on day one, they began to open that border wide. the people in this room know very well. we documented 64 specific executive actions and agency actions that he and secretary mayorkas and others took intentionally, deliberately, to open the border wide and send a welcome message to everybody around the globe. including violent criminals and terrorists in foreign nationals here -- coming here to do us harm. and the numbers, the official number's about nine million people have been encountered at that southern border in the last three years and few months. but we all know and i think intuitively we understand the number is much higher than that because we don't have any idea how many people actually have come across totally undetected.
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the got aways' number close to three million. i think i say this often, i think the number -- >> we take you back live to the floor of the house where today lawmakers will consider the rules for several measures. including immigration related bills and the re-authorization of section 702 of the foreign intelligence surveillance act. which allows for the surveillance of foreign individuals outside the united states without a warrant. you are watching live coverage on c-span.


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