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tv   Interview with Axios Congressional Reporter Stephen Neukam on Senate...  CSPAN  April 14, 2024 6:44am-6:50am EDT

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powered by cable. >> the house plans to bring articles of impeachment against the secretary of homeland security to the senate. stephen knew come reports on congress for axios. what do you know about the recent delay by the house impeachment managers in bringing those articles over? >> we were supposed to get them this week. the senate has cleared their schedules, things were schiffed around. house republicans planned to send it monday of this week, senate republicans essentially
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asked house leadership if they could delay the -- the sending over after the -- of the articles because they want to have assurances from chuck schumer that there'll be a full trial. they may not get those assurances. but they're running up against the end of the wall the way the senate works. they want to get out of here on thursday. they're on a monday-thursday schedule. that's why they asked for it to be pushed back. we expect it to get to the senate >> tell us more about who is involved, the chairman of the homeland security committee and the secretary himself. >> mark green, the chair of the house homeland security committee, the impeachment articles are a crowning moment for him. the secretary himself, secretary mayorkas, aside from the president, has been sort of the biggest punching bag for republicans of the biden
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administration thus far. the order is a huge issue, and this is a culmination of years of frustration with the biden administration's border policies, and it ended in the secretary member being the first cabinet member to be impeached in over 150 years. >> what is the role of senator patty murray in impeachment? >> once it moves over to the senate, she will swear in senators as jurors, and then there's a couple of procedural things and options that we can go down. republicans in the senate want a full trial. democratic sources i have talked to say that the plan is for democrats to try and dismiss the charges as quickly as possible without a trial. that could take a day. that could take two days. there are some things republicans could do to sort of make that process a little bit more painful, so there's a couple of procedural pathways, and i will not bore our
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listeners and viewers with that, but, you know, the struggle here and the sticking point here is that democrats want to dispense with this as quickly as possible, and republicans want a full trial. >> as you mentioned, they do want that full trial. a lot of reporting on democratic senators trying to dismiss the impeachment as soon as they can, as you mentioned. what kind of strategy can republicans employ to force the trial to go longer? >> they can do motions to table. there's a couple things that -- the bottom line is that they cannot stand in the way of it being dismissed. it is a simple majority vote needed. democrats very likely have the votes to dismiss it. they can try -- they can sit on the table. they signed a letter to leader schumer this week, 43 of them, calling for a full trial. they can protest in other ways, going forward on other votes, if they chose that path as well,
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but in the immediate term, there is not a ton they can do to stand in the way of democrats getting rid of this quickly if that's the path that they go down, and all indications are that that is what they will do.


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