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tv   House Republican Leaders Hold News Conference  CSPAN  April 17, 2024 4:48am-5:15am EDT

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conference. this is 20 minutes.
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>> good morning, everyone. under joe biden, the world is less safe. joe biden's weak foreign policy has been designedded -- defined by a steady stream of disastrous decision decisions and a world in chaos as a result. his desperate policy of appeasement has left our nation and allies vulnerable to attack. make no mistake, vladimir putin invaded ukraine because russia fear nod reprisal from joe biden. communist china flew a balloon over the united states and joe biden allowed it. who can forget joe biden's catastrophic and botched
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afghanistan withdrawal, resulting in 13 american lives lost, all under joe biden's watch. and now israel, our most precious ally is in the fight for her very survival, facing an onslaught of attacks on its borders from hamas and now the unprecedented attack from iran over the weekend. russia, communist china and iran have been emboldened by the utter failures of joe biden and the biden administration. our enemies do not fear recourse from america because of joe biden's weakness. for the sake of israel's survival, our nation and the world's security, we need to return to president trump's peace through strength policies which house republicans proudly support. with that, we are joined by our foreign affairs chairman, mike mccaul. mr. mccaul: thank you, madam chair. let me say, the world is on fire. and history will judge us by our actions. were you chamberlain or were you
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churchill? it all started with afghanistan. the debacle, the implosion, the surrender to the taliban, that projected weakness, not strength. it invited aggression, not peace. what happened? putin and the russian federation, we saw on satellite imagery, going down to ukraine to begin their invasion. and we warned them. i talked to the ambassador, our ambassador to ukraine yesterday. kharkiv is on the verge of fall, that's two million people, and the power grid could be taken down. it's a dire situation, in her words. china is more aggressive now than ever. threatening to take over taiwan that controls 90% of our advanced semiconductor manufacturing for the world and now the ayatollah has raised his ugly head with his proxies, his tentacles, and for the first
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time in history, unprecedented, an iranian strike from iran in israel itself. on israel's soil. how did we get here? by projecting weakness, not strength. iran, not enforcing sanctions. energy sanctions to the tune of $80 billion were essentially waived so china could buy $80 billion of energy and fund iran's terror enterprise. what else happened? the u.n. sanctions expired. we did nothing. on the drones and the missile, the very same drones and missiles we saw launched last weekend, last saturday night. the same missiles and drones we know mr. putin is buying and killing the ukrainians with as think build a manufacturing base in russia itself. we need to go back to the
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pressure campaign. we need to enforce the sanctions. we need to redesignate the houthi rebels as a foreign terrorist organization. for god's sakes, i don't understand this accommodation and appeasement to the ayatollah in the hopes of some iran deal when their own envoy, special envoy to iran is under f.b.i. investigation for violations of his security clearance. you really can't make this up. the speaker has a plan. we're going to address israel. we're going to address ukraine. we're going to address taiwan. we're also going to have a fourth package with things like my repo act to help pay for this from russian sovereign assets. we'll have a loan program for direct government payments. creative ideas. a package that would be far better than the senate's. i want to thank the speaker for his leadership in this very, very difficult time and very
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dangerous time. but the time clearly is now. i'm off to a hearing with secretary mayorkas. we'll be walking over articles of impeachment today. we're going to demand the senate do their constitutional responsibilities and hold a trial. this man is responsible for 200,000 people who are dead now because of fentanyl. this man is responsible for 350 on the terror watch list in this country now. posing a threat every day. nine million encounters. he's responsible for releasing a rah vaited felons. in fact, in a memo, he told his agents, disregard congress' law that says mandatory detention for aggravated felons, release them into society. we believe he merits impeachment. that's our message. that's what we intend to do. with that, i want to turn it
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over to our whip, mr. emmer. mr. emmer: iran's unprecedented attack against israel this past weekend was a result of joe biden's disturbing pattern of appeasement on the world stage. look no further than his failed foreign policy decisions over the last three years. in february, 2021, joe biden reversed a trump-era move which imposed permanent sanctions on iran's drone and missile programs. in september of 2023, joe biden waived sangs to give another $6 billion ransom payment to iran. in november of 2023, joe biden handed another $10 billion to iran despite the repeated attacks against american service members overseas. and just this month, joe biden actually demanded that israel back down in its fight against the iranian-backed hamas.
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it's no wonder iran did not take joe biden's warning of, don't, very seriously. robert gates who served as defense secretary under president obama hit the nail on the head when he said that joe biden has, quote, been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades. unfortunately, our allies continue to suffer and our adversaries continue to be empowered by this administration's incompetence. that is why this week our house republican majority will be voting on a series of bills that hold iran and its terrorist proxies accountable while showing our unwavering support for israel. we cannot afford to equivocate on this issue. the question remains will house democrats let this
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administration's failed foreign policy slow walk us into world war iii or will they vote with house republicans in putting a check on joe biden's incompetence. i hope that this week they're going to come to their senses in ain -- and join us in standing with our strongest ally in the middle east over iran and its terrorist proxies. with that, i turn it over to our leader, steve scalise. mr. scalise: thank you, whip. with the world on fire, this is an incredibly difficult time for our allies around the world. you see what's happening in israel. it's no longer just the terrorist proxies like hamas that are trying to eviscerate israel but now you have iran directly striking at israel. you see what happened in ukraine with putin taking advantage of the weakness in the white house to try to re-establish the old soviet union. you watch what's happening in taiwan as they look over their
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shoulder at china. we don't choose moments like this. but history will judge us based on how we respond to moments like this. that's why this week you're seeing the house deal with a number of pieces of legislation to further, stand firmly with our friend and ally israel to let them know that we have their back and their right to self-defense, however they choose to defend themselves from these unwarranted attacks from iran, that's their choice. that's their decision. but we support that decision and we are going to pass legislation to make that clear. we're also going to be confronting the threat that iran poses directly. it's no longer their proxies they are working through. they directly took unprecedented action to launch strikes, drens, other missiles into israel. thank goodness for the coalition that joined together over the weekend. not just israel but the united states. united kingdom. france. jordan.
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standing to make sure that we knocked all of those drones and missiles down so that you didn't have casualties in israel. but what about the next potential strike? we know that israel is contemplating a response. the president of the united states shouldn't be telling our ally that they shouldn't respond. imagine if the united states was attacked on our soil and u.n. and allies called and said don't respond. this is a time when your allies need to be standing together against evil in the world. there are dark forces out there and they're trying to do us harm and our friends harm. this is the time where you stand with them. that's what the legislation this week will bring -- we're bringing to the floor is focused on. yesterday i spoke with prime minister netanyahu. we know these aren't easy times. we meet with him a lot, here, sometimes in israel. they're facing serious challenges they haven't seen in decades and we are going to be letting them know, as the whip said, it's a time for choosing.
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everybody has to pick a side this week. do you stand with israel or do you condone the terrorists and the largest state sponsor of terrorism iran? i hope everybody chooses the side of israel. we surely will be. and we're going to continue to stand up with our friends and it's time the president stopped putting preconditions on our allies and recognized when there's a choice between good and evil in the world, stand with good against evil. israel is the country that we need to all be standing with. the man who has been leading that charge to stand with our ally, to stand up to the evil, and to push this administration in the right direction, is our speaker, mike johnson. mr. johnson: thank you, mr. leader. good to see everybody this morning. it's a big day on capitol hill. we have been trying to push the administration to do their job. let me say this very clearly, as you've heard me say so many times before and you'll hear me say in the days ahead.
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the biden border catastrophe remains the number one priority of the house republicans. we have fought for this every single day. we will continue to fight for border security every single day. and today is a big day to bring accountability. it's a very important time in history as has been noted here around the world but certainly here as well. we're all witnessing that we live in an increasingly dangerous world and our enemies are growing increasingly hostile abroad and they're trying to exploit our border here at home. the administration has made that easy to exploit. they put out the welcome mat, as we all know. for the last nearly four years we have seen secretary mayorkas wailfully -- willfully is a cede operational control of our border to drug cartels. we have seen exploding numbers of terrorists being encountered at the border. we've seen gang members and those with criminal backgrounds being released, we've seen fentanyl flooding over the border and it's now the leading
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cause of death for americans ages 18 through 49. it feels like every day we hear another story of violence committed against americans. some illegal alien who commit at violent act, attacks or brutalizes or murders an american. we're hearing about illegal aliens getting busted for trafficking drugs in even our small towns. as secretary mayorkas has invited this catastrophe into our cities and states and he is responsible for the heart wake of so many -- heartache of so many families across the country. he and joe biden allowed this catastrophe and apparently desired it. now we're all living with the results of it. he has repeatedly broken the trust in a way no previous secretary of the united states has. he has willfully defied federal immigration laws. willfully defied the will of congress, bipartisan will of congress, bipartisan laws enacted before he took office and since. after the house transmits the articles of impeachment to the
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senate later today, we expect and demand that all 100 senators listen to the arguments of the house impeachment managers. they have a constitutional and institutional obligation to do so. if senator schumer cares at all about the suffering of americans and the disaster that mayorkas has wrought at the border, then he will hold a full and public trial. the american people want a full and public trial. i think they deserve to see the evidence and it will be unconscionable and in my view unconstitutional if chuck schumer fails in that responsible. we have fought every single day to secure the border therm accountability for secretary mayorkas is a long time coming. obviously there's much, much more to do. we passed h.r. 2 as everybody knows. a long time ago. and it had all the key provisions to secure that border. we say h.r. 2 as if everybody understands what it is. some americans may not. what did we do in that bill? very important things. we would restore the remain in
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mexico policy the previous administration under donald trump used to secure the border. we would end the catch and release policy that president obama first installed in -- and joe biden re-enacted. we would end abuses of the parole system and abuses of our asylum process and systems. that has allowed all of this flood of people into our country and even these dangerous criminals. we also would rebuild parts of the wall. as we have shown in texas, demonstrated elsewhere, that's a critical deterrent to people crossing illegally. that was h.r. 2. we sent it to the senate. it's been sitting on chuck schumer's desk ever since. since that time we passed resolutions in favor of the border. the house republicans will continue to push all of this legislation through the house and use every ounce of leverage that we have to get criminal of the border. i have begged and pleaded and demanded that the president use his executive authority, that he clearly has under law, section 212-f, the immigration and nationality act, that now
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everybody nobis heart, allows the president full discretion to close the border entirely, to shut it down if he deems it to be in the nation's interest, for goodness' sake. if this is not the time when it's in the nation's interest, we don't know when it would be. f.b.i. director chris wray testified several thienls hill, most recently sever several days ago, that all the lights are blinking. we anticipate and expect a terrorist attack on the homeland because we've allowed people on the terrorist watch list, none of us knows how many, to come through unevaded. we know single adult men, the vast majority of the people in some of these sectors that have come in, when we took 64 republicans to the eagle pass sector, the del rio sector back in january, january 3, largest congressional trip ever, they told us that 60% to 70% of the crossings at that border at that time for single adult males,
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military age and capability. what are they blotting? what are they planning? where are they? what small town are they encamped in? we have no idea but we anticipate the worst. we pray for the best. we pray these fears are not realized but this is a serious, serious thing for the american people. so i -- i put out a preliminary plan, as you all know on these measures, to handle these matters, from israel to ukraine to the done pacific region and the fourth bill in this package would be our priority which is the repo act and implement the len concept in all of this, the supplemental discussion. but the will of this -- of our body is to find every possible way, using this legislation and every legislation that we pass, to try to use as leverage to get the administration to get control of that border. the american people demand it. the american people deserve it. we're going to continue those discussions today about the
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bill. it's in draft form. it's not been released yet. they're still work it out. we have lots of ideas on the table. we'll be doing that in earnest. and i'll take a few questions. reporter: what is your response to republicans who say this move should cost you your job and that if you don't resign they'll try to oust you? mr. johnson: i am not re-signing. it is in my view an absurd notion that someone would bring a vacate motion when we are simply here trying to do our it is not helpful to the cause or helpful to the country and does not help republicans advance our agenda which is in the best interest of the american people, a secure border, sound governance, and it's not helpful to the unity we have in the body. look, we have a very important mission, the most of us, the reason every house republican ran for congress is because they wanted to come here and help
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save this beleaguered republic of ourself. we want to -- ours. we want to save our country. this is a civilizational moment and a moment we'll decide in this election cycle which vision we have for the country. we believe, and y'all have heard me say before, we believe in the founding principles, the foundations of america, things like individual freedom and limited government and the rule of law and peace through strength and fiscal responsibility and free markets and human dignity and the foundation, all the anchor points that make us the exceptional nation we are. right now we're in a political struggle, a battle between a completely different vision for the country. we have colleagues in the congress who envision for us not those things, they have disdain for those things i just listed. they instead envision america should be remade in the form of some sort of european style socialist utopia. that's a dangerous fool's arrow. that's a road to marxism,
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socialism and is a step towards those eventualities and knots who we are as a country. and for us to accomplish our mission which is to save the republic, we need to add more republicans and grow the house majority to have more votes. we need to win back the republican majority in the senate and we need to restore donald j. trump to the white house as our nominee. i believe all those things will happen. but we have to have the united front and we have to have our members work together. and we'll be working today to do that very thing. look, we're in unprecedented times, ok. we're in dangerous times. it's been articulated here, around the world and here at home. we need steady leadership. we need steady hands at the wheel. look, i regard myself as a wartime speaker, in a literal sense, we are. i knew that when we took the gavel and i didn't anticipate it would be a easy path. newt gingrich posted on his social media, it's the hardest challenge that faced a speaker in the history of the country,
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the moment we're in right now. he said arguably may be comparable to the civil war but may be worse, a single vote margin at a difficult time when our nation is terribly divided. the way we get through that is show unity and explain how we have answers. we have answers but shouldn't get in the way of ourselves. we'll work it out today and have a lot more comment for you later. i'm going to tell you that i am not concerned about this. i'm going to do my job and what the american people want. reporter: is there anyone calling your bluff, mr. speaker?
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