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tv   U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  April 18, 2024 8:59am-9:46am EDT

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i appreciate this line open. if anybody hears me and says please, maybe we need to have more conversation and education, then i've done a good job. thank you. thank you for the line. host: joe in quincy, massachusetts. also a democrat. good morning. guest: good morning, mimi, c-span. the gold standard of american news. my thoughts on the border. i think stay in mexico, finish the wall is a good idea, especially now with the numbers that are out of control. the democrats don't get behind resolving that, joe stands a chance of losing the election because of the border, the way that donald trump lost the election because of covid. i wish i could've spoken to the congressman before, but my thought to resolve the issue in israel, which has gone on for
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60, 70 years, is when we finally resolved getting hamas out of palestine, creating two states. the second palestinian state should be run by a coalition government formed by friendly arab countries until which time the palestinians can take over their own government and except israel, each country except each other. host: thanks for everybody who called in, thanks for watching. that is it for today's "washington journal." the house is about to gamble in. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] we are back tomorrow at 7:00 eastern. be sure to join us then.
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the speaker: the house will be in order. the prayer will be offered by our guest chaplain, pastor jay linicardle, of brewedder who have church communities in rifton, new york. the chaplain: good morning. let's pray. lord, our god, we lift up thanks and praise to you this day for the beauty of this earth, your
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creation, for people of all lands and cultures. for our country and nation. its founding values defending human dignity, liberty, and justice for all. we pray for all the members of this house of representatives, and for all who walk and work these storied chambers, hallways, and offices of our government. all servants of the people and servants of you, our god. grant them wisdom, patience, understanding, determination, and hearts of love and self-sacrifice in order to make good law, uphold the constitution, and legislate for the flourishing, unity, and strength of our people and country. to lead all nations in efforts of peace, justice, good will, and generosity and love to neighbors and even enemies.
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for give us our faults. in this we pray in jesus' name. the speaker: the chair has examined the journal of the last day's proceedings. pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1, the journal stands approved. the pledge of allegiance will be led by the gentleman from new jersey, mr. gottheimer. mr. gottheimer: i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. without objection, the gentleman from new york, mr. ryan, is recognized for one minute. mr. ryan: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise to welcome and thank today's guest chaplain, pastor heinrich arnold, representing the bruderhof community. over the century ago they were
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exiled from germany for their refusal to fight for the nazis. they found refuge and freedom here in america. today the hudson valley is proud to be home to almost half of the worldwide community of bruderhof families. they lead a simpler life focused on family, faith, and selfless service. and their example has served and inspired our entire community. pastor arnold's leadership extends far beyond his role as senior pastor for the communities. he also serves as chaplain for our ulster county sheriff's department, teacher at the school. he has dedicated his life's work to speaking about forgiveness and reconciliation through the breaking of cycle of violence program. his efforts in over a dozen countries and right in our own community have been remarkable to follow. at a time where our country faces such great division, i am thankful for pastor arnold and
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the entire bruderhof community for presenting this prayer today. blessing our government as we prepare to make critical decisions in the days to come. i ask all of us to recertainty ourselves and work together on these critical issues laid out before us. and has they believe, when you truly love your neighbor as yourself, peace and justice become a reality. thank you, mr. speaker. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair will entertain up to five further requests for one-minute speeches on each side of the aisle. the chair recognizes the -- for what purpose does the gentlewoman from north carolina seek recognition? ms. foxx: i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. ms. foxx: thank you, madam speaker. i rise to recognize jack miller, a entrepreneur, philanthropist, and champion of civic education.
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he founded the jack miller center, a nonpartisan, nonprofit, dedicated to reinvigorating education in america's founding principles and history. an education vital to thoughtful and engaged citizenship. he recognized that the future leaders of our nation lack a fundamental understanding of the founding principles of our republic, as well as our history. madam speaker, we can agree that mr. miller's endeavor is of paramount importance and it underscores the serious demand that we prepare future generations of americans to become both informed and engaged citizens. thank you, mr. miller, for your continued work in ensuring that america's bedrock principles remain alive and revered. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? >> madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. revise and extend my remarks.
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the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. takano: madam speaker, today i rise to recognize a profound loss in the japanese american community. the passing of sakaia ototani. her death coincides with an ever dwindling number of adult japanese americans who endured the injustice of being forcibly removed from their homes and imprice prisoned in world war ii internment camps here in the united states. she and her late husband made a remarkable successful post war journey in business and became important philanthropic figures within the japanese american community and beyond. every year i would see her at community gatherings for various japanese american organization that is she and her husband supported. and every year i was struck by her grace, elegance, and intelligence. my heart goes out to the family and i join with the rest of the
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japanese american community in mourning her passing. i yield back, madam speaker. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from alabama seek recognition? >> ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> madam speaker, evangalist gateway cop worked disaster across the country with the support of the assistance of the nicaraguan government. americans and their counterparts associated with mountain gateway have made it their mission to spread the hope of the gospel for 30 years. mr. moore: in january the attorney general of the government began pursuing charges against three u.s. citizens associated with mountain gateway and 11 of the gateway anything rag juan pastors on trumped up charges of money laundering and organized crimes. since then 11 pastors have been charged with up to 15 years in
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prison and combined $1 billion in fines. these pastors were working to bless the people of nicaragua and now all their personal property has been seized. they have no legal representation. which ask a violation of the human rights. these sentences leave families without income, children's without mothers and fathers. simply for sharing the good news of jesus. i am deeply concerned these citizens are being targeted for sharing their faith. i ask the nicaraguan government to release the imprisoned pastors immediately. matthew 5:10 says blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake. theirs is the kingdom of heaven. i'm praying for a swift resolution. they be safely returned. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition? >> madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. gottheimer: madam speaker, i rise today to honor the life and legacy of bobby allen. bobby was one of jersey's best.
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a hero who put others first as a firefighter and advocate for his brothers and sisters of labor. he passed away after a valiant fight with cancer. bobby started his career with the a at the is efire kept in 1992. in recent years he became a labor leader, serving as president of fmba local 2 and chairman of njfba legislative committee for more than decade. bobby will live on through his beloved relationship and big personality. those who loved him and the firefighter community, his family, and all of his friends. and the legislation he championed which improved the lives of thousands of career firefighters and retirees. because of his advocacy for the firefighters nationwide are safer and better equipped to protect our communities. as we mourn the loss of boby, we think of his wife, his parents, retired patter is ebattalion receive -- patterson battalion
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chief. i ask my friends to join me in remembering bobby allen. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from north carolina seek recognition? >> unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> madam speaker, today 14 u.s. textile manufacturing plants stand idle and much of the rest of american manufacturing is endangered by a new threat from china that this congress could end at a stroke. mr. hudson: in -- mr. bishop: in just the last two years chinese online marketplaces have exploded in size. selling cheap goods and dumping prices into the american market. what's causing this? they learned to exploit fully the de minimus tariff loophole n2023, nearly a billion packages entered the u.s. through the $800 de minimus loophole. nearly four million individual chips per day. that's not de minimus business, it's big money. chinese companies temu and shein
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alone account for roughly 1/3 of all de minimus shipments. temu appeared on the american scene only in 2022. shein not much earlier. you can buy sneakers for five bucks. a sweater for seven. temu reportedly losing $30 per order to flood the u.s. market with cheap crap and move toward market dominance. it's not only textiles. the speaker pro tempore: your time has expired. mr. bishop: we should close this loophole today. yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlewoman from pennsylvania seek recognition? >> madam speaker, i seek unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. >> thank you, chairwoman. together we are witness to war in the middle east. yet so many of us are divided in our righteous anger and desire for peace. ms. dean: at home i speak with friends, family family, and constituents who want what is
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just. nevertheless, i also see how we speak past each other, missing the common humanity of both israelis and palestinians. the innocent people on both sides who work, live, play on lands now ravaged and scared by war. so let me be clear, i condemn hamas. and yet i decry mr. netanyahu's prosecution of this war. that is why i called for a bilateral cease-fire and release of all remaining hostages in february. i hold both beliefs, not as an equivalence or political spin but principle to stand with the innocent with palestinians and israelis who must know peace and security in their lifetime. we must reject the far too tempting politics of hate and division. and embrace the duty of peace and security for israelis and palestinians. in time warped by hate, i lean on my faith. the speaker pro tempore: your time has expired. ms. dean: blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of god.
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i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from virginia seek recognition? mr. good: permission to address the house for one minute. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute mr. good: madam speaker, i rise to recognize world war ii veteran elmier congress of danville, virginia, who recently turned 100 years old. after finishing high school, elmier joined the u.s. maritime radio school. he underwent training in new york and massachusetts, learned morse code, and promoted to warrant officer. in 1945 he joined the william j. palmer a liberty ship. when sailing across the mediterranean in 1945, the william j. palmer struck a mine in the adriatic sea. elmier jumped into action. the entire crew boarded a rescue ship and were taken to italy with no crew members lost. elmer headed back to new york and another liberty ship going to france to transport hundreds of victorious american soldiers back home. he was discharged in 1946 and
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returned to his wife. i'm honored to recognize the extraordinary veterans of virginia's fifth district. a living picture of the courage and patriotism that kept our nation free. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlewoman the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentlewoman from hawaii seek recognition? ms. tokuda: i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for one minute. ms. tokuda: thank you, madam speaker. on august 8, 2023, there were many heroes that exhibited courage and bravery as wildfires ravaged maui on hawaii island. today it is my honor to recognize o one of those heroesa third generation mariner and co-owner of one of maui's oldest family boating companies. when the coast guard called for help, riley and six other trilogy captain and crew members answered the call, rescuing count s people who had jumped -- countless people who had jumped into the ocean to escape the flames and transporting them to safety. battling 80-mile-per-hour winds, intense heat and smoke, riley saved lives as they conducted
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emergency rescues throughout the night and into the next morning. for his courageous effort, the congressional medal of honor society selected riley from over 200 nominees nationwide as the 2024 single act of heroism honoree. it's an award that's much deserved. and his service is a reminder of the many everyday people who stepped forward and became heroes on those fateful days. so today in addition to recognizing riley, let us lift up and celebrate all of our heroes who risked life and limb and ran towards the flames to save the people and places they love. thank you, madam chair. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the chair lays in front of the house an enrolled bill. the clerk: senate 382. an act to take certain land in the state of washington into trust for the benefit of the tribe and for other purposes. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman
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from new jersey, mr. kean, seek recognition? mr. kean: pursuant to house resolution 1149, i call up house resolution 1143 and ask for its immediate consideration in the house. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title of the resolution. the clerk: house resolution 1143. resolution condemning iran's unprecedented drone and missile attack on israel. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to house resolution 1149, the resolution is considered read. the resolution shall be debatable for one hour, equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on foreign affairs or their respective designees. the gentleman from new england, mr. kean, and the gentleman from -- new jersey, mr. kean, and the gentleman from new york, mr. meeks, will each control 30 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from new jersey, mr. kean. mr. kean: madam speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five
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legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and to include extraneous materials on this measure. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. kean: i yield myself as much time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. kean: madam speaker, over the weekend the world watched in horror as iran launched over 350 drones and missiles at our ally and friend, israel. this attack confirmed our worst fierce -- fears. the likely attack was openly discussed in the media days before it occurred. for years iran had been threatening israel and amassing a terrifying arsenal of missiles and drones. no one should have had any doubt that one day iran would fulfill its longstanding threat of death to israel. however, the fact that this unprecedented attack was long expected did not make it any less terrifying. were it not for close coordination between israel, the
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united states and other partners to successfully intercept these weapons, israel and other countries in the region could have faced significant casualties and major damage. over the last seven months, we've seen iran's poisonous influence rip apart the middle east. iran-backed hamas launched the massive unprovoked october 7 attack on israel that killed over 1,200 people. hezbollah has fired thousands of rockets, mortars and missiles into israel. iran-backed militias have launched over 170 attacks on american troops in the middle east and the iran-backed houthis have launched over 100 missile and drone attacks on global shipping. this is not just a threat to israel. this is a threat to the united states and to all of our partners in the middle east. and that is why this moment is such -- has such tremendous strategic importance. iran and its proxies are testing the resolve of israel, the united states and the
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international community. we absolutely must restore deterrence against iran. to protect our vital national security interests in the middle east. and that means standing shoulder to shoulder with our friend and ally, israel. we are stronger together. together this coalition literally shot missiles and drones out of the sky, protecting cities and citizens alike. some of my colleagues over the easter recess, my wife ronda and i traveled to israel, and we were able to see firsthand the impacts of the conflict on the people there. the resolve of the israeli people is stronger than ever. h.res. 1143 makes a simple, clear statement that we stand with israel and we support israel's right to defend itself and to restore deterrence. including by responding to this attack as is appropriate. it also makes clear that our longstanding commitment to israel's security, including through the arm sales and
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security assistance, is ironclad. finally, it urges full enforcement of all of our sanctions against iran and its proxies. madam speaker, we must not forget what israel experienced over the weekend is unfortunately a reality of everyday life in ukraine. our adversaries are working closer together than ever before, undermining the american-led international order that's kept peace in the world since the second world war. before the united states ultimately joined the war, winston churchill showed the world the fortitude it took to face -- to look into the face of authoritarianism. he declared the democracies of the world stand up for their beliefs and they would endure. we must project that same message today and in the future. our allies and our partners are watching what actions this body takes. we must project that confidence. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from new york is
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recognized. mr. meeks: thank you, madam chair. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. meeks: i rise in support of the gentleman from new jersey's resolution, 1143, condemning iran's unprecedented drone and missile attack on israel. like every member of this body, i'm horrified by iran's direct attack on israel. in retaliation for israel's targeted strike against two iranian military generals on april 1, iran launched more than 300 drones and powerful missiles at israel's population. jews, muslims and christians alike. the great success of israel's missile shield co-developed by the united states of america and
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the combined forces of the u.s. military, france, the u.k. and jordan, prevented significant death and destruction. and our thoughts and hearts are with the young israeli girl who is recovering today from injuries she suffered during and due to the iranian projectile. and i stand strongly with the people of israel and their defense against both direct and proxy iranian attacks and support this resolution being offered by representative kean. israel, of course, has the right to defend itself, like any other country. but as a true friend of israel, i do encourage the israeli government to be smart and
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strategic as it considers its response. and i urge this body not to beat the drums of war. as secretary blinken recently said, an escalation of the conflict is not in the united states' or israel's interests. and i understand, believe me, i really understand the rage felt by israel towards the government of iran. a government hell-bent on wiping israel off the map. the two generals whom israel eliminated work day and night to provide iranian proxies the lethal materials and strategy necessary to significantly harm the state of israel. and i also understand the need for israel to maintain strategic deterrence. iran needs to know there will be
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serious consequences if it attempts to harm israel. deterrence serves to prevent expansion of conflict. but i also understand the massive consequences of israel and iran descending into a broader war and what that would mean for the united states and the rest of the entire world. an expanded israel-iran war would distract from the ongoing conflict in gaza, a conflict that must end, while assuring the elimination of hamas' military capabilities. we still have the challenges that we must get and must free the hostages remaining in gaza and achieve a humanitarian ceasefire. famine and the current humanitarian catastrophe must be reversed at all costs. and there must be a realistic plan for the future governance
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and reconstruction of gaza. one that results in palestinian control of the strip. an expanded israel-iran war could also serve to drag the united states of america deeper into the conflict. as the ongoing debate on the supplemental should make clear, the united states already has a lot on its plate. my colleagues, please remember that russia's war of aggression in ukraine remains unfinished business and that ukraine is losing ground to russian forces due to donald trump's interference in our emergency supplemental process. the future of europe is urgently, urgently at stake. already there are dangerous conflicts simmering throughout the middle east region, including continued attacks by the houthis in yemen against international shipping and u.s.
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military forces. china still has its sights set on taiwan as it strengthens its relationship with both iran and russia. and an expanded war in the middle east would put american soldiers deployed to the region in greater danger. it would harm the american middle class and global economy still clawing back from pandemic-spurred inflation, just as our economy is beginning to rebound. and there are those amongst us, there are, i'm asking those amongst us who think it is wise to open a broader war in the middle east this week, do we want to further encourage iran to rush and build and test a nuclear weapon? do we want to give vladimir
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putin and xi jinping the satisfaction of the united states being bogged down in war? china and russia would love to see the united states embroiled and distracted by the -- in the middle east. as they continue their nefarious destabilizing objectives in europe and the indo-pacific. we should not let that happen. i will conclude my remarks where i started. we stand strongly with the state of israel. and its right to defend its people. israel, without question, has the right to defend itself. and i hope that strategy and tthoughtfulness rule the day. not rage, not revenge. there's too much at stake.
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and i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. kean: i yield as much time as he may consume to the gentleman from california, mr. kiley. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. mr. kiley: thank you. i stand there strong support of this resolution condemning iran's unprecedented missile and drone attack on israel. however, it is important to note that for the people of israel, attacks and threats from iran are far from unprecedented. every single day the people of israel face attacks from iran's terrorist proxies that literally surround the state of israel. hezbollah, the houthis, and of course hamas. and we saw the consequences of iran's massive support for these terrorist proxies play out in such horrifying fashion on october 7. now, with this latest unprecedented attack directly
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from iran, we saw almost all of the missiles and drones intercepted. and this is a testament to the strength and the importance of the u.s.-israel relationship. ... both in terms of the partnership that has allowed israel to develop such impressive capacity to defend itself, and in terms of the collaboration that was on display. and i am glad that we will soon have an opportunity to provide long overdue support for israel in this time of such great importance for the region. something else, though, is equally important to note about what happened last weekend. and that is that you had regional allies, other countries in the region, also rally to israel's defense. this is something the likes of which we have not seen before. and it speaks to the
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extraordinary success of the abraham accords. to usher in a new era of peace in the region. this, of course, is exactly what iran does not want. this is the reason for their desperation. they cannot -- they understand what is unfolding. if they do not respond, if they do not somehow stand in the way of it. so this is a time not only for the united states to stand with our ally, israel, but for every nation around the world that values peace, freedom, and democracy to do so as well. i strongly support this resolution. i would hope it passes this house with strong unanimous bipartisan support. and i yield the remainder of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey reserves. the gentleman from new york is recognized mr. meeks: continue to reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves.
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the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. mr. kean: thank you. as people are here witnessing and speaking about this -- the attacks are all interconnected. iran, russia, and china all are seeking to do harm to this ---o our nation and the western rules-based order. it's extraordinarily important during these times we show strength and unity of purpose. i am thankful that the gentleman from new york, the ranking member of the foreign affairs committee, mr. meeks, supported this measure both in the rules committee as well as on the floor here tonight. because it shows a very strong importance of this resolution. and our unparalleled support for the state of israel anti-right
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to defend itself. we -- and the right to defend itself. we as the house of representatives have the responsibility, and i expect later this week we'll pass a strong foreign aid package. that would support iran -- excuse me, support our opposition to iran, support our opposition to russia, support our opposition to china and make sure we support the people who are in fighting for the freedom in israel, in ukraine, and in israel to make sure that we have the strong support of the american people. that is why it's important on a bipartisan basis that we work together to support this measure. i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from new york. mr. meeks: i continue to reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman. mr. kean: in closing, madam
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speaker, i urge my colleagues to join me in standing -- sending a strong bipartisan and overwhelming show of support for the state of israel and the passage of this resolution. our allies and partners are closely watching this body's actions. we must send a clear message that we stand by our allies and partners and our resolve against the adversaries and those who wish us all harm. i urge the adoption of this resolution and i continue to reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from new york. mr. meeks: madam chair, i yield the balance of my time to representative madeleine dean and ask unanimous consent that she may control that time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from pennsylvania will control the time.
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the gentlewoman is recognized. ms. dean: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from new jersey. mr. kean: yes. madam speaker, again i urge my colleagues to join me in sending a strong bipartisan measure in overwhelming show of support for the state of israel and the passage of this resolution. our allies and our partners are closely watching this body's actions. we must send a clear message that we stand by our allies and our partners in a resolve against our adversaries and those who wish to do all of us harm. i urge the adoption of this resolution. i yield one minute to the the gentleman from louisiana, the majority leader, mr. scalise. he's a strong supporter of the
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state of israel. he has led this floor time and again, one of our strongest allies in the world, and i yield mr. scalise one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from louisiana is recognized. mr. scalise: thank you, madam speaker. i want to thank my friend from new jersey for leading this effort and for making sure all of our colleagues have the opportunity to stand with our friend israel while they are at war. we all know starting october 7 israel was attacked. barbarically by one of iran's proxies, hamas, a terrorist organization. they went into israel, murdered barbarically israelis. took hostages. still to this day have about 130 hostages, including some american citizens. while this war to eviscerate the
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terrorist organization known as hamas is going on, israel then over the weekend faced an unprecedented attack directly from iran. no longer is it the proxies, whether it's hamas, hezbollah, the houthis, all who are supported by iran, now iran directly attacked with 300-plus drones, missiles to try to kill more israelis. fortunately a coalition, of course israel, but the united states and other allies joined together to shoot down those missiles and drones. but at the same time iran made it clear they wanted to attack israel directly, which means israel now is looking at how they properly respond. and during this time, again, a war that started this idea of a cease-fire. the cease-fire ended when hamas decided they were going to go
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murder israelis. israel has a right to self-defense. we have always stood, this congress, by our friend israel. our greatest ally in the middle east. a democracy in the middle east. but the -- they are always under attack. they have been under attack since their existence. and they know how to defend themselves. but when they respond, whatever choice the people of israel make through their elected leaders, we need to express our support for that defense. that's israel's right. if america's attacked, we saw september 11, there have been other attacks on our homeland, of course pearl harbor. america responds. we don't have our allies calling us saying don't respond. this is a time when the allies of israel, including the united states, need to support israel in their right to respond. call out iran as this resolution
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does. mr. kean's been really good about laying out the case for why we need to condemn iran and their actions. we also need to support israel as they consider their options and how to properly respond to deter this from happening again. it was unwarranted. it shouldn't have happened. we shouldn't just look and say all the missiles and drones were shot down so everybody should just look the other way. they will keep trying million they kill innocent civilians. iran has always sponsored terrorism. and they have gotten away with it. we need to put sanctions back on iran. they shouldn't be able to sell their oil on world markets, for example. iran has made about $60 billion in the last three years selling their oil on world markets. they shouldn't have that access. they use that money to sponsor terrorism. and they -- now they are using that money directly to attack our friend and alley, israel.
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while israel is under attack, now more than ever we need to be unequivocal in our support for our friend, israel anti-right to self-defense. so god bless the people of -- and the right to self-defense. so god bless the people of israel. i thank my friend from new jersey for bringing this important piece of legislation and urge its adoption. madam chair -- madam speaker, i yield back. mr. kean: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from new jersey reserves. the gentlelady from pennsylvania is recognized. ms. dean: i'm prepared to close. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman reserves. the gentleman from new jersey. mr. kean: i am ready to close. and yield back my time. ms. dean: thank you. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the lady from pennsylvania is recognized. ms. dean: thank you, madam speaker. i stand by israel and its right to defend itself. and condemn in the strongest of
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terms iran's direct attack on our ally. it is my hope that israel listen to what many of its allies are saying and not take steps that lead us into a greater regional war. as president biden has said, our defense against iranian threats to israel is ironclad. we have israel's back and we will not yield to iranian's the threats. i support this resolution and yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized mr. kean: i urge the adoption of this resolution. and i yield back the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized. all time for debate has expired. pursuant to house resolution 1149, the previous question is ordered on the resolution and the preample. the question is on adoption of the resolution. so many as are in favor say aye. those opposed, no.
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the ayes have it. the resolution is agreed to. mr. kean: madam speaker, on that i request the yeas and nays. the speaker pro tempore: the yeas and nays are requested. those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. a sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this question are postponed. pursuant to clause 12-a of rule
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