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tv   Ukrainian Norwegian Ambassadors to U.S. Discuss NATO Summit Priorities  CSPAN  April 30, 2024 1:21am-2:22am EDT

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romania 2.5. the number of allies are moving out on stretching beyond the 2% to ensure that we can replenish our stock from the valve assistance that we provided to ukraine over the last two years, and keep giving ukraine additional forms of security assistance. so this is generally a good news story. we'll be sure to keep our foot on the gas that needed to ensure that every nato member meet its commitment to get to 2%, but we are on our way. >> and with that we're out of time unfortunate but ambassador smith, thank you very much for joining us here today and thank you to the atlantic council for hosting us this morning. we look forward to seeing you here in washington in july. >> thank you. thank you very much. >> foreign diplomats from ukraine and norway join the
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discussion on the upcoming nato summit being held this summer. the ambassador's book about each of the country's defense priorities, the ongoing war with russia and ukraine and other security issues on the horizon. hosted by the atlantic council, this is about one hour. >> good morning to you all. good afternoon in europe and hello to wherever you are watching around the world. y view of the atlantic council. i'm pleased to serve as moderator for our fireside chat on the importance of supporting ukraine head of the washington summit. welcome back from your break here after headquarters. and just so you know, the ukrainian ambassador cannot only make policy suggestions, , was also made a very big policy change your atlantic council. she likes these caps. we are now going to offer all important people were on our
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panels, and maybe even know people on our panels, a cup from the atlantic council. so that's a great innovation. and thank you for that suggestion. and so the government of norway and ukraine will not walk away from this session empty-handed. this year's event comes during milestone year for the lines as new celebrants 75 years of collective defense. next week at atlantic council have our distinguished leadership awards. one of the awardees will be the romanian president. one will be gina raimondo, , the commerce secretary, the famous actress michelle yeoh from everywhere, everything everywhere all at once. and, but the question of said fifth anniversary of a nato of o representing artist in which leadership award, distinct
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military award to general cavoli, sipping on the command of your emerald to special salute that eating tainted s well. and we will be driving conversations about nato this entire year. as atlantic council always does with its particular emphasis this year. we have seen clearly in the bravery, to bravery of ukrainian people, even as russia continues to leverage its war machine against ukraine. russia's war cast a dark shadow over the summit proceedings this july, and mandates and allies response appropriate to this historic moment. i write an occasional column called inflection points. i wrote at of the congressional decision on the supplemental i would geopolitical malpractice not to pass. i'm really glad they did pass at her with going to come to that and a second of what should come next.
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as heads of state and, convenient washington d.c. in the summer concrete 73 taken to give ukraine the continued and enhanced support it needs from the whole alliance. we are all delighted to see the positive critical youth support to ukraine finally move forward last week but we all know there's a lot more to be done. before we go into this conversation i would like to briefly take a moment to introduce our guests on stage with me today. so first and foremost i would like to welcome ambassador try to come ambassador to united states from ukraine has been a part of atlantic council as we continue to work to support ukraine. ambassador thank yous much for being here. prior to take on the full in 2021, the ambassadors of japan's ministry of finance as first deputy minister and government minister on investments. and after 201818 as minister of finance. so we are honored to be joined by you today. additionally, we are joined and
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i'm just delighted, we just did a big gathering at your residence at the embassy, and we have been working together with you for a long time on issues that you are one of the leading experts on, issues of arctic issues of security policy, law of the sea. so anniken krutnes is the norwegian ambassador to the united states. she served with norwegian minister of foreign affairs since the beginning as a trainee in 1994. so you been there for a while. in a predisposition with the ministry jesus deputy director general of the department security policy, and before that she was norway's ambassador for arctic and antarctic affairs. this discussion is on the record. we're going to leave some time as always for questions from audience. there's a microphone here where people can stand to deliver the questions, and if you're listening to us online then
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please submit a question to ask a cdot orrick and they will show up on my screen here. please identify yourself if you ask a question or if you ask it online is like to give you credit for your questions. we also invite you to interact with us on x formally known as twitter by following at atlantic council and by using our hashtag hashtag stronger with allies. so let's start with how you see the situation following the passing of the supplemental and ahead of the washington summit and that the situation on the ground. in my own writing ahead of passing the supplemental i invoked churchill where he said americans would always do the right thing after exhausting all other alternatives. churchill actually never said that but it's a nice quote and so the toys when you don't know who is a person who said
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something the size could say churchill said. but the fact of a is, the fact of matter is we took a long time to pass we should've in past months ago. it didn't help on the ground, and, but we are we are. russia, there's great concern about a counter offensive this summer from russia that might be quite strong. and, of course, we had a summit what people are going to be wanting what we're going to do regarding ukraine in the short term, we determine long-term. let me start with you, ambassador markarova. you can tell me as early at this, what are your highest priorities? what's your biggest hope in the months ahead and maybe your biggest concern? >> thank you. thank you so much for having us and for this very timely discussion but also thank you to the atlantic council for staying the course turned his time for all the publications and informing american public about what is important. first of all, the priorities
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never change today when russia invited us at the frankly never changed since 2014 when russia attacked as the first topic we need more weapons frequent or support for ukraine, or sanctioned uninstallation uninstallation to russia. that is always been the priority and it's important to keep us focused on because as long as congress has been really difficult six months, and we are catching up now, but it's not just the decision to we shouldn't address at the end of it same way, the congress adopted a supplemental pick because the speed at which we will turn the supplemental authorizations in into weapor into support for ukraine budget. ..
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we can actually the defense and opened. the occupied territories.
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there is a program. lived. binkley are a number. this is horrible. >> i will come back and follow-up what is highest on your priority list. >> i also needed coffee.
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i agree pimental has to be found as soon as possible. i think it's very important. supplemental is important but will not change so protect the people doctrine. continue thinking next steps we cannot rest europe and the u.s.
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will gradually change the situation. that will follow russia with. >> let's take a look. there's a lot of conversation can washington about europe and don't support is important as it ought to be. how do you see the division of labor what most important they getting from the u.s. box what are you getting from europe and now where american support will.
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i just wonder overtime performing your own capabilities. this is a gallery of the support is balanced and europe u.s. >> it takes a village to witness work. look at the mass you see when all of us euro costumes about and did.
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so the americans who are appointed in the u.s. defense. for any that ukraine is, we use our defense. nobody is helping us find our armed forces. they are all. for years.
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on a monthly basis and was covered by your grant european union. japan has been there, very good support so everyone is, if you look for contributions you will see care among readers who provided this support to us. that will actually get us there.
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when, if the goal is to win, and all of us have to see the results. family are also in russian assets. european countries are reluctant. and the solution" quickly together. >> are you getting what you want as opposed to the u.s., what more would you like?
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>> 800 miles and russians are taking us on a daily basis and they are simply facility. we need all the armored vehicles and these countries have enough especially given the fact that they don't have any reference. still winnable war" we can do
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new with just our production we can break and deter russia from going which we will have to discuss with himself can do it but russians had time which is providing office work. they're using it and russia together with iran. it's not just a threat to ukraine so just talk to the
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right decision now provide us with what you have. >> project underscore that because we are not seeing static stalemate situation but we are seeing russia getting more support from iran more support from china at the same time. >> this is the decision. if it's their gdp so much more than ours, i think it was organized start just big statement huge look at,
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typically the u.s. and left men. but it and the military side and our case the same and the supplemental. the you look at 20 billion allocating, we really stepped up think we have to this understanding of the war going on we have to click on both and
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we will review responsibilities. there are possible similarly so we have to take some special in europe and we are understanding -- >> what you see the priorities for what you are doing? >> a recent company cap just opened production and support on the industrial base. now one of the biggest both
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calculi so we donate six to long-term. acute going you determine the rest. you doing what we can long-term and we have a five-year return and we have a strong negotiations. that has a tenure horizon some of the countries combination and
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but long-term production of us think war and we have to continue and that building defense minister. >> let's fast-forward to july, nato summit. if you look at the baltics during this period of time they have been threatened. he would think nato guaranteed
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makes the country mark secure but others say there guaranteed to make it less secure because test the ideal outcome of special keeping in mind and ms there were some disagreements, quote be an ideal outcome you heard, i think we have to build a bridge to nato members so more
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responsibility for coordinating. nato has been working for many years and they use that coordinating we have all of these actual commencement to ukraine and altogether they built that bridge secretary (said, i think it was very well said sebastian. ukrainians, with deliveries.
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sufficient, efficient and colors and what should there be for the average? >> it's important for were discussed any particular reason not president zelenskyy but i think we are focusing too much on regions and not enough on strategy is the strategic objective of nato and for 60
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years re- discussing different modalities expressed desire in the resident providing ukraine russia. now it is very important to say
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and crush up weekly agreement with that work nato was better with russia. russia attacked in the beginning 2008 during all this time. important is the other way around. i think you are weak that we have to be very clear discussion the same page are not? of course i would argue that the most capable resource the army
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not only using nato equipment because you pretty much use all nato for equipment but the russian equipment order using some of them to get the chart, this is what it is like a. he cannot deter russia from a large territory unless you are prepared for ukraine to move which we are not prepared. we will fight until we went and if we went ukraine becomes, that
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will make nato and families more secure so this is what we have to discuss and if we are all on the same page on this how we get there, concrete plans on how to be more prepared going through our annual plans and it was executed successfully and it was created to do this. and they put together, that's not how it works so we have to keep in mind to be ambassadors as nato.
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to be crystal here about that objective and that is not shared by all and it is a unanimous decision. and how we get to that. >> as you said ukraine is fighting for us to a certain degree i agree with the ambassador with focus too much and it's more important the underlying direction.
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ambassador from york perspective move things forward worst four peace membership us not going to be tomorrow, there's have to membership guarantees along the way. and israel is not a member of nato there were number of countries that help defend israel at that time. so let me turn to you first and reasonable intraparty concerns.
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>> security. >> i will start taking questions of people want to go to the microphone, turned to them and we have a questions here in front of me on the screen. >> this is a nato membership. ukraine should become nato member and to help the process move forward and interoperability helping the institutional reform. all of that is on track so we
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are looking forward with you on that. a complicated issue and talking a lot about that european security and i don't think i should go too much into that because it is being custom so many faces. step ups. most countries now are on super sense.
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>> to the minister and all focus on this also more security like ukraine and others to say there aren't you going. what we have to focus on the to get where we need to get?
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and also russia and all russian eggs talking about these use in the russian banks. and we had to agent : the backbone of and help them we
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have to move forward consciously. >> the security we have with many countries so we send a strong to ukraine i look forward. >> be information which will be this summer which is important because we need organizations to participate in together to get interest to participate. for them it's not against
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ukraine, sunday november against europe for the rest. it's against everyone on the planet who believes in sovereignties and of course nato is important member of. limit it helps us and there is so much institutionally, it's natural we look forward and open. and this is on all of us into
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these decisions they have not achieved what they wanted. look at nato. i don't think russia is happy. i really appreciate the work. we cannot. >> let me pick up a couple of questions. i think i'm asking you to go over there because i know he's just been like maybe you could go behind let me ask either one of you actually went to the question of what security guarantees income for the
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questions during active debate i am hearing in washington the security guarantees but up a storm security county in the territory it would increase guarantees from a group of nato countries tornado itself expands or escalates. >> from spike i go into much
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more ready. >> no will will know previous models no with germany. you can happen from it would not is going. >> i don't think any of them to the applicable.
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ukraine the 1994) third largest personnel and learn bit is definitely not so i think we have to be clear. the only guarantee when we all protect each other with everything we had in the provides us with the basis for the plan. security guaranteed together and
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i going to go back and get back and let us very important and they violated un so russians withdrawal from ukraine ordered so when we are talking about security guarantees for anything we talk when ukraine went. if that doesn't happen in the whole international is not stored battle but if that
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happens, i don't think why they can be a member of nato at the time. he and for the online audience, please identify yourself. >> the atlantic council 2020" assistance the last few years when the justification is they promote russia and the nuclear domain.
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nato membership for ukraine or russia is inflation. this of escalation what you sure and that risk? >> let's not forget nuclear escalation and potential concerns. let me to questions. >> the support in the house intelligence committee this is
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us. how do you information being bombarded by law and human we have these conversations on this. the american public. it's just i think that talk
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about that spirit it has been. beginning we just don't have the capability of rain of collation very important thing that and beginning a. russian will talk about
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escalation in the countries out and this is quite. they want to occupy and and every advancement so it is clear they will raise both redline everyone including nuclear every time 50 your providing more support in reminding people program by happened before that.
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no refocusing. the day with the vendor with everything ability and agreement already a couple of villages and crimea is off limits we will continue to do so so we just have to understand everything from torture, rape, all the war crime including what was already indicted.
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always start by saying think what you do if you are not and what we will do. and finalize them. the second question. >> they are predictable.
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>> let me ask you the question, think what you would do if you are not afraid. go to the nato membership, is escalatory or the escalatory? >> as long as there is a war going on, the kind of complicated. we have to do things i. >> we have on our side to be very clear we have to make sure our information is correct can
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have facts so nobody can we are doing this and we have to inform a lot. when president zelenskyy focuses directly, inform our citizens we should use social media and dollars for the information, we should guarantee eight the freedom of press are countries and it's very difficult to see
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them moving in their propaganda. >> yourself for the audience that watching organizers so somebody could signal that new mexico talk about between now and nato conference for ukraine to survive. talking strong except for germany to put out and asked voting to switzerland there's no signs of the u.s. on escalatory, the escalatory the united states for the white
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house taking crimea are untenable was always a redline. now the u.s. spent long range attacks. do you feel personnel blockage on the united states, no? trying to make crimea untenable? >> i liked your answer. i've heard you say this before, i like it even more now ukraine should not regularly spell focus on the end result and hopefully the problems get easier so here's my question -- here different things about military tactics. a month ago the word came out
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protect oil and russia angry here it enables russian territory. defendant larry defense austin said recently we hope ukraine will will will what is your understanding of the american decision" box if you choose not to answer, i get it. it's okay. >> think you for your work and i would encourage you keep asking all those questions and i cannot speak say how grateful we are. we have to win this war and we
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are defending ourselves in this work. and clearly allows us to defend ourselves including the present from the territory. all of the attacks and everything to defend ourselves from abilities. capabilities beget, the faster we can liberate. there's no difference between crimea or anything else in the declaration of the rest in a supportive every year after that.
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liberate all ukraine and with our american friends in the considerations going russia we are doing this but we have to you whatever to when this work ukraine is the one her own territory including how we treat the war. i like what they're doing.
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i followed your work and you are the first one in 2000 and you knew nothing good was going to be there we cannot survive put more in our defense. they can reach it with the system. say what it is. thank strike them so urgently
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need air defense. it will be there and air defense capabilities and everything else and it's urgent. grateful to congress and everyone to be approved. >> you have the final word. >> the german initiative so we
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will win this war. everything you need and long-term, we need to do both. >> thanks for the online questions to wonderful imposters show even more in the coming days and months. ♪♪ >> hello everyone


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