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tv   Campaign 2024 House Speaker at Fmr. Pres. Trumps Hush Money Trial  CSPAN  May 14, 2024 10:01pm-10:08pm EDT

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aloud. the gag orders has to come off so you ask me a question about the people we are talking about i'm not allowed to answer. there's never been anything like this in the history of our country. it is a scam. it is selection interference at a level that has never taken place before and if you don't mind i will go into the icebox and sit for a long time. thank you very much. >> mr. trump, what will you testify -- >> how will you make money off of this case? announcer: house speaker mike johnson was at the new york city courthouse on day 17 a former president donald trump's hush money trial. he spoke outside to reporters as michael cohen was being questioned on the stand for a second day.
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rep. johnson: good morning, everyone. i called president trump and told him i wanted to be here myself to call out what is a travesty of justice that i think everybody around the country can see that. president trump is a friend and i wanted to be here to support him. i am here speaking with you outside because the court will not allow us to speak inside the building. that is just one of the many things that are wrong here. this is the fifth week that president trump has been in court for this sham of a trial. they are doing this intentionally to keep him here and keep him off of the campaign trail. i think everybody in the country can see that for what it is. i am an attorney. i'm a former litigator myself. i am disgusted by what is happening here. what is being done here to our entire system of justice overall. the people are losing faith right now in this country, in our institutions. they are losing faith in our
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system of justice. and the reason for that is because they see it being abused, as is being done here in new york. the facts here are very important. facts are always important in a trial, or at least they are supposed to be. the president's actions in this matter were previously reviewed and no charges were filed. why is that? because there is no crime here. now eight years later, suddenly they have resurrected this thing. they brought it back. why is that? everyone can say. it is painfully obvious that we are now six months from election day. and that is the reason. that is the reason why they brought these charges here and across the country. what we've got here is a partisan democrat district attorney. we have a biden donor judge. and we have an assistant da who was recently a top official at the department of justice, biden's doj. and recently received over 10
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thousand dollars in payments from the democratic national committee. the star witness here is michael cohen. i just listened to a few moments of his testimony this morning and it is consistent with what he has already done. this is a man who is clearly on a mission for personal revenge. and who is widely known as a witness who has trouble with the truth. he is someone who has a history of perjury and is well known for it. no one should believe a word he says today. he lied to congress, he lied to the irs, he lied to federal election officials. even cohen's own lawyer testified to a grand jury that he is not reliable. so there is nothing that he presents here that should be given any weight at all by a jury and certainly not this judge. the crimes that they are accusing president trump of is falsification of business records. but i think everybody knows he is not the bookkeeper for his company. president trump is innocent of these charges. and again, anyone with common sense can understand what is
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happening here. in the midst of all this nonsense and corruption, they have placed a ridiculous and unprecedented gag order on president trump. they are overwriting his constitutional right to defend himself from political smears from his harshest critics that the most important time. he is soon to be officially the nominee of one of the major parties in our country, running for president. and they have him tied up here in this ridiculous prosecution that is not about justice. it is all about politics and everybody can see that. president trump is leading in swing state polling. the american people see right through these politically motivated attacks. i have been in over 102 cities the last few months and i can tell you no matter where we are around the country, i have been doing large events, and people from all walks of life come to these events and they are disgusted about this. they are fed up, they have had enough. because they see what is happening. it is impossible for anybody to
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denies, that looks at this objectively, that the judicial system in our country has been weaponized against president trump. the system is using all the tools at its disposal right now to punish one president, and provide cover for another. and meanwhile, among the atrocities here, the judge's own daughter making millions of dollars doing online fundraising for democrats. they are using this trial as a hook. it is so corrupt. it is so corrupt and everybody knows it. if alvin bragg thinks the american people will believe these absurd charges, take a look at the turnout and trump events. compare those two biden events. he had over 100,000 people in new jersey, by some estimates far more than that, because the lineup getting in was thousands deep as well. they know this trial is a sham. they know that president trump is being mistreated by the judicial system. and it is not just this case of course. this is a year-long partisan witch hunt, years long.
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and it has been going on for quite some time. we are seeing the same thing and declassified documents case. that one is so egregious the trial has been indefinitely postponed. i'm working with chairman jordan, german comber of our oversight committee, on measures to rein in the abuses of session -- special counsel jack smith. the latest revolution is they might have tampered with the evidence in the case and that does not surprise any of us. in commerce -- in congress it is our objective and our responsibility to hold them accountable. these are politically motivated trials and they are a disgrace. it is election interference. and they show how desperate the opposition to president trump has and how desperate they truly are. the american people are not going to let this stand. election day cannot get here soon enough. and we will continue to shine a light on all of this in


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