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tv   House Speaker Unveils Statue of Late Rev. Billy Graham  CSPAN  May 18, 2024 8:02pm-8:57pm EDT

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earlier this year. the house is back tuesday at noon eastern. lawmakers will conside the bipartisan legislation with the inspector general to conduct. innings and make recommendations toongress to fix any problems. later in the week, members will debate legislation deal, digital assets by the securies and exchange commission and the commodity and futures trading commission. watch live coverage of the house. the senate on c-span2. and a reminder to watch all of the congressional coverage on the free video app. c-span now on online at c-span .org. >> c-span is yournfiltered view of government. we're funded by the companies and more. included the podcast. >> you think this is just a community center. no. it is way more than that. >> comcast is partnering with
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1,000 community centers to get students from low-income to get the tools to be ready for anything. >> comcast supports c-span as a public service along with the other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> up next, house speaker, mike johnson, taking part in the ceremony unveiling a statue of the late rev vanned billy graham at the u.s. capitol. the speakers is reverend franklin graham and the north carolina delegation. he was a well known christian figure from north carolina. he died in 2018. this is about 50 minutes. >> ladies and gentlemen, the honorable mike johnson. speaker of the house of representatives.
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[applause] >> good morning, everyone. it is a true honor to have you with us and the people's house. as a speaker of the house, it is my pleasure to welcome you here as we honor one of the america's greatest citizens and enduring heros. our capital is filled with monuments to the history. they teach us about where we were and where we are and where we are going as a nation. the statute of the oldest man in the capitol is john winthrop. he was an english puritan leader. he symbolized how the country began. with god's help, we could be a shining city upon a hill for the people. of course, making the reference from scripture. our newest statute is of a man that shared that same vision and who believed the same gospel.
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a man who looked back at where we were and who prayed and served endlessly for what we could become again. the shining city upon a hill. i want you to know this is -- this truly is a historic moment. there are only four people in the history of our country who have received the three highest honors here. those three honors are congressional gold medal, having tie -- lied in state, and having a statute here in the capital to be honored. two of them were presidents. presidents ford and reagan. and one is rosa parks. the other, as of today, will be reverend billy graham. [applause] >> i've done a few of the
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ceremonial events now. i don't ever get nervous for public speaking. i'm nervous today. billy graham is such a towering figure in my life and such a singular figure. the leading ambassador for the kingdom of our life sometimes. it means so much to us. it is always a long journey to get the statue here in the capital. we have a lot of things to get out today. many who helped to bring this day about and make this possible. billy graham takes this place on the hallowed ground of american democracy. >> ladies and gentlemen, please stand for the presentation of the colors by the united states army color guard from the third infantry region, "our national anthem" by the brass quintet, and retiring of the colors.
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[national anthem] o say can you see, by the dawn's early light, what so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming, whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight
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o'er the ramparts we watch'd were so gallantly streaming? and the rocket's red glare, the bomb bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there, o say does that star-spangled banner yet wave o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? [song ends]
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>> ladies and gentlemen, please remain standing for the chaplain to deliver an address to the united states senate. >> let us pray. spirit of holiness, before whom none can stand in his or her own righteousness. come into this statute dedication ceremony and dwell within our hearts. lord, we thank you for this
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opportunity to honor the life and legacy of your servant, the reverend william franklin billy graham jr. by placing his statue in the united states capitol building. we praise you. for his life which was like the light of mourning at sunrise on a cloudless day, and like the brightness after brain that brings the grass from the earth. lord, we celebrate his laudable example of blameless living of obedience to your commands and of telling your good news about
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salvation around the world. inspired by his great and sacrificial life, may we emulate his commitments by refusing to deviate from integrity, living upon reproach and striving to transform dark yesterdays into bright tomorrows. in all of our tomorrows, oh, mighty god, keep our eyes from tears, our seat from stoneling, and our hearts from despair. we pray in the name of the one dr. billy graham passionately loved and served. jesus christ, the king of kings,
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and lord of lords, amen. and amen. >> please be seated. ladies and gentlemen, the honorable mike johnson, speaker of the united states house of representatives. >> well, one of the good thing about the ceremonies is we don't belator the point. we get right to the unveiling of the statute at the begin of the ceremony. i would like to do that. i would like to invite people to join me for the important exercise, beginning with governor cooper, the members of the north carolina congressional delegation, the graham family -- it is a big family -- dr. bruce, mr. feigen, and the statue
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committee. join me here and we'll do this together.
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>> ladies and gentlemen, the honorable roy cooper, governor of north carolina. >> well, mr. speaker, elected officials, distinguished guests, family, and loved ones, i bring greetings from the state of north carolina. it is such an honor to be with you on this special day. as i'm sure you know, it is always a great honor to be from
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the great state of north carolina. our state has given the nation its first flight, its first public university, its rich farmland, its best colleague basketball, even its first declaration of freedom. today they give them a symbol representing one of our dearest treasures. the reverend billy graham. a man of faith. a man of north carolina. the reverend graham was known as a minister to millions. a pastor to presidents. a selfless man of god who lived out his calling by preaching and teaching across the world. always returning to his beloved home in the blue ridge mountains of north carolina respite.
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then to return again to his worldwide ministry. i'll never forget as a child hearing him preach in carter-finley stadium in raleigh. he brought together people of different faiths and different races. today we acknowledge that he is a better representation of our state than the statute it replaces. which brought memories of a painful history of racism. not that reverend graham was perfect, he would have been the first to tell us that. instead, he realized that he and all of us here today have feet of clay. we are imperfect. we have been found wanting. but he believed as many of us do, that there's redemption. he gave his life to delivering that message.
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the reverend billy graham recognized the responsibility of public servants such as as and especially that of the president of the united states was so anest that whoever was in the office deserved a presumption of good faith. the power of prayer. the gift of his wisdom, friendship, and advice. he did not seek to bludgeon or defie any political candidate or party. instead he could use his magnetic, loving, ander is -- persuasive gifts to council and lift leaders of both parties. he did not seek to attack other religions. he treated all with dignity and respect. in fact, he once said, quote, racial prejudice, antisemitism,
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or hatred of anyone with different briefs has no place in the human mind or heart. we've often strayed from that example. but it is as we stand together today as public officials, we can honor his legacy not just by unveiling the statute, but by being humble. humble enough to know that our public service is not to honor ourselves but to serve our country and strengthen our democracy. and humble enough to put aside personal aggrandizement to do best for our country and not for personal gain. as we gaze upon north carolina's newest statute here in the capital, let us reflect on the realization that the reverend billy graham's work to share
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counselor and guidance, to seek grace and peace, and live a life of faith, service, and humility is needed now more than ever. the work to bring people together for a higher calling, that work is unfinished. and that work must continue. thank you. [applause] >> good evening. it is an honor to be here. this day is a day in the making.
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i want to thank you in honoring one of north carolina's favorite sun -- sons. it is based on a simple message. creation, fall, rediscussion in our ultimate hope set forth in scripture. you know, he took this message of hope in christ to more than 185 nations to more than 200 billion people in person. i was one of those two billion that would watch him on tv as a young kid. when i was young, i remember loving to watch billy graham. for two reason. 1) it was the good news of jesus
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christ whimically presented. if he was on tv, my parents would let me stay up late. you know, to this day, any time the hear the hymn, i want to get up and walk forward. you know, more people have heard the good news of jesus from billy graham than any man in the history. the incredible legacy. it didn't start with him. as with many things, it started in the prayers of prior generations and putting his parent the, his in-laws, and it was enriched by the love of his wonderful wife ruth. his legacy continues on through his children and grandchildren and for the north carolinians here today, it is our great honor to have billy graham and his family call our state home.
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he put his heart in the history. let us never forget the bible he preached, the souls that were saved, and the lives that were transformed. enough lives to affect the course of nations. it is our hope we as lawmakers and come and go as visitors passed by the statute here of billy graham, we're reminded of his ministry and what he preached emphasizing two verses in the gospel john etched on either side of the beautiful statute. the first as we know, from the book of john and chapter 3 listen 16. for as god loved the world, he gave his one and only son.
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in john 14 listen 6, jesus declares i'm the way and truth and life. no one comes to the father but by me. his point was this. i quoted in his words in the final crew said in 20 05. jesus christ came, he died on the cross, and to receive him by faith as lord and save yore. if we do, we have forgiveness of all of our sins. friends, god's grace is un11 served. it is freely given. it is my testing in i hope and pray. amen.
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[applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, the honorable tom, united states senator from north carolina. >> thank you, all. thanks for being in south carolina. you are here to get consensus on what color the sky is on a cloudy day. i bereave we can all agree billy graham was a trail blazer. when they openly embraced segregation in the south, it was billy graham that spoke out against it. he insisted they be integrated. he shared his platform of black ministers, including one named martin luther king jr.
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reverend graham was blessed with the differences and brought us all together. there were two things that were a staple in my family. walter cronkite and billy graham. reverend graham was blessed with a gift that brings us all together. you can remember it. in the crusades, we all came together. we divided americans. he lefted them up. he understand how to change the hearts and inspire us to live up to the highest ideals. i hope when members of congress walk by his statute, they reflect on the standards of faith, ethics, and decency that he exemplify throughout his life. we find efforts around what makes the nation great.
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there's no north carolinian more deserving of this honor. i wanted to thank the many people who played a role in getting the statute here. i see one of those people, my friends, former colleagues, charlie jeter in the audience. he lead the charge to get the state law passed in 2015. started the whole process. chase feigen, charlotte hardin, what a wonderful job you did with the statute. i also have to thank the graham family. franklin and all of you. thank you for sharing such a wonderful treasure with rest of this world. our nation is grateful to have billy graham as the nation's pastor. it is north carolina's honor to
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be able to call him our native son. thank you for being here today. thank you for gracing this beautiful capital with billy graham. god bless you all. >> ladies and gentlemen, william franklin graham iii and son of billy graham and ceo of billy graham association and samaritans first. [applause] >> thank you, mr. speaker. vice president pence. members of the senate and members of the house and governor cooper. distinguished guests, friends, and lots of family. my father would be a little uncomfortable.
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with this being here. because he would want the focus to be on the one that he had preached. he would want the focus to be on the lord jesus christ, the son of god. [applause] >> john 3:16. john 14 listen 6 are inscribed. god so loved the world that he sent his son on a rescue mission. to save sinners. he didn't come to condemn. he came to save. if we would confess our sins and repent and believe on the name of the lord jesus christ, we can be saved. this was his message that he
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preached. his entire life. he never got off track. of course, jesus said i'm the way and the truth and the light. no man comes through the father except by me. my father believed it. he believed the bible cover to cover. he didn't understand it all. he certainly believed it all. every word of it. our family is honored. that our earthly father will be here this this capitol. pointing to the future generations to our heavenly father and his son, the lord jesus christ. thank you. [applause]
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>> ladies and gentlemen, michael w. smith performing "i surrender all." >> it is an honor to be here. i can't help reflect on the many few years. the last few years of his life, and the last few months when i would sit at his piano beside him in his wheelchairs. he didn't want to hear friends, he wanted to hear him hymns, is what he wanted to hear. i would play his favorite hymns. he would try to sing along. this is one i'll remember for the rest of my life that we had the treasure of experiencing together. i think really just maybe billy
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would want this to be our theme song today. [singing]
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[applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, the honorable patrick mchenry,
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united states representative from the 10th district of north carolina. >> this is a program that i would not follow. franklin graham or michael w. smith. forgive me. this will pass quickly. but one of the great moments and i would say the greatest moment of my service in congress was in 2012. redistricting just occurred in north carolina. which is traditional. seasonal. just new parts of my district when i got a call from the folks in reverend graham's office. he says he would welcome the opportunity to meet his new congressman. and so you see my new district had taken in a whole town called a little college town in the
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valley of western north carolina. and it was in this small town in western north carolina that reverend graham and his beloved ruth for married, made his home, and raised a family. he was just as comfortable chatting with locals as a coach restaurant and neighboring black mound as he was in the world stage. it was in the low trend stop in black mountain that he would take the overnight train in the 1950's and 60's to come here to washington. he could get off the station down the road. he would go meet with folks here in the capital. both parties. he would go to the white house. no matter the president, they wanted him as their counselor. no matter the party, they wanted him as their counselor. and to be able to speak with reverend graham in the home that he and ruth raised their amazing
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family. to pray with him. to feel the warmth. that so many had felt. in his experience and memory i will always, always treasure. so today is a true honor to be part of the lasting tribute to america's past. who counseled 13 presidents and nearly 215 million people and 185 countries. a man who scary was in the public eye but who transcended politics. the public servant who was raised on his father's dairy farm in charlotte. he went on to be the finest north carolinian. without the doubt, the finest north carolinian, north carolina has ever produced. it is altogether fitting he could take his place among the
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greatest americans here in the statuary hall. thanks so much. god bless. [applause] >> thank you from the representative of the fifth district of north carolina. >> he said he didn't want to follow the program. what about me? good afternoon, everyone. people who have traveled all the way from the beloved mountains from north carolina. welcome. the statues in the united states capitol, a building that i love and admire deeply, should represent the very best of america. that's why it is such a proud
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moment for me and north carolinians to see reverend graham's statute take its place here. millions will be able to every year look upon the statute, read the verses, and be encouraged. the north carolina delegation general assembly, the design committee, worked with expediency to bring the suggestion to fruition. everyone involved in the process understood reverend graham's impact within our country and across the world. it is a tangible way here in the capitol. during the lifetime, he councilled foreign
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dignitarieses, numerous presidents, members of the royal family, and many other significant public figures. however his life's work was dedicated to the millions of people around the world who found jesus christ as their lord and savior through his preaching as well as to being patriarch of a family that cannots his work. he once described being a christian as quote more than just an instantaneous conversion. it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like christ. how well we here in congress understand what a challenge that is. and others have alluded to it. but seeing this statute here every day will encourage us to strive to be more like reverend
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graham and like christ. we're blessed that the lord allowed him to be with us for 99 years. with this statute, his memory, and example will live on as long as our country exists. may god continue to bless all of you and our great country. thank you. [applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, the honorable mike johnson, speaker of the united states house of representatives. [applause] >> what a -- what an exciting day this has been. what a fitting ceremony. you've heard promotion and awe tentiest and humility. he embodied that for so much of
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us. he was the model in so many ways. we want to thank you for being here. scripture gives honor where honor is due. we give thanks to the north carolina committee. it is an awesome group. you've been an awesome group to congress. led by the delegation dean. which has the massive, untold impact. many of my heros, secretary dole is with us from north carolina. and -- another person who i know was personally impacted by billy
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graham, was vice president pence. [applause] >> he was mentioned earlier just briefly. chad feigen is the sculpture of the magnificent statue. there's only four americans that have achieve the highest honor here. one of the men was president ronald reagan. he's another of my personal heros. he's -- what you may not know is mr. feigen created that statue. that's pretty awesome. it is positioned prominently there in the rotunda. i love this placement. i'm not sure if you realize the significance of this. this is the main corridor with the congress and capitol. literally millions will read by and read john 14:6 and john 3:16.
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they are going to see him pointing to the open book. that will be a great conversation piece to give tours of the capitol late night and bring all of the friends, visitors, school kids, university students. i think it is right here. it is the perfect placement. while i stand before you as the speaker of the house, i'm here today as a believer and christian and followers of christ. one who has been deeply impacted by the ministry of the reverend billy graham. it was in the 1951 that he came to the hometown for one of his early crusades. he came at invitation of dr. m. e. dodd. reverend graham started preaching. it is where elvis -- you know the phrase elvis has left the building? right there. reverend graham was too popular. the message was too popular.
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they had to move to the football field at the state fairgrounds. the meetings become his very first outdoor crusade. you are right. the other teachers were the massive influence on me. and the gospel they heard of jesus christ is the gospel they preached to me and my siblings and everybody. that's the message that changed my life for eternity. which reverend graham knew would change every person's life. it is the good news of salvation and redemption and hope that
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you've heard articulated here today. the creator loved it so much. he gave his only son. every single person that believes in him can have the same gift of eternal life. even if he preached the hundred, what we love about billy graham is that he exemplified christ's humility. he was buried in a plywood casket that was fashioned by prisoners in louisiana. reverend graham humbled himself to care for the poor, prisoners, the forgotten and lost, the least of these, exactly from the scriptural tells us to do. because he believed, he really did believe he believed that even the poor sinner could be a co-heir with christ for eternity. that's what motivated him. those men who made his casket
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had come to believe that message too. they believed it through the influence of billy graham and the graham family. because reverend graham never pursued earthly riches, he would probably be uncomfortable. the great honor with a great statute. the humility is why god exalted him and chose him and raised his platform to such great heights. he was known as america's pastor. he had a personal relationship and influence on every president since harry truman. in 100218 -- 2018, it lied in state. all of the members of congress and dignitaries and tributes poured in. they included all of the living former presidents. here's a quick example of some of the things they said. billy acceptance of jesus christ around his 17th birthday not
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only changed his life, it chained our country and the world. he was one of the touring figures of the last 100 years, the american hero whose life and leadership truly earned him the title god's ambassador. barack obama said billy was a humble servant who gave home and guidance to generations of george w. bush said those of us benefited from his deep convictions and personal example, his wisdom and humility, his grace and purity of heart. we knew his life was a gift from the almighty. he rejoice he's in the company of god. bill clinton. he said billy graham was one of the most important religious leaders in american history. his powerful words touch countless hearts and minds. george h.w. bush. they were close. his faith in christ and his totally honest evangelical
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spirit inspired people across the country and around the world. i think billy touched the hearts of not only christians, but people of all faiths. because he was such a good man. i was privileged to have him. one more. they tell you about the brought minded. he exemplified the life of jesus christ by reaching out for opportunities to serve. what a model for us. what a story to tell as we bring school kids through and university students and constituents. we'll stop right here. i'll be stopping right here every time to tell some of the stories. at foundation of the statute as you mentioned of the two verses. those will be shared broadly now. in his lefthand, just a couple of things -- he holds an open bible. as you can see. with an open right hand.
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he's inviting all of those to view and reflect upon the word of god. his bible is open. you had to climb on a ladder to see it. later i'll climb up and take a picture to send you all. it is there. i mentioned earlier i'm nervous. they handed me billy graham's study bible. it is priceless. i'm about to shake just holding it right now. it's got its notes inside. i know. i know. god forbid that i should glory. save in the cross of our lord jesus christ, by whom the lord is crucified unto me and i am to
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the world. that's a fitting verse to be open to. you could see the pages. that's pretty awesome. this is the verse thai put on the manner of his life and in the final years. and to close using one of his own marked up bibles. that's what we chose to share with you. we want to thank you all for coming here today for being a part of the very special ceremony. it was a long-time coming, as we said. all you have who helped to make the day possible. it is a day through celebration. we invite you to stick around as long as you like and take photos. as we all celebrate together the great legacy of the reverend, billy graham.
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>> welcome the next speaker of the service. >> on behalf of the state of north carolina, thanks to the congressional leadership for the marvelous honor. mr. graham wanted remembered as a preacher of the gospel of the lord jesus christ. so he shall awes be. let us pray. our father and our god, thank thee for his day of remembrance and honor for this your servant, billy graham, and his ministry that income passed the world. we're also grateful for this place in which he's been honored, especially a beautiful building with its majestic dome and that reflects the beacon of freedom and democracy, dreams and possibilities, this is the united states of america.
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as you have commanded, for those in authority over us, in governmental offices and state houses, in the judiciary system, for the military and first responders, and all who work to keep us safe and preside over the leadership of the country. we pray for each leader, that they would act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with you our god. we also pray this day with thankfulness for the life of william franklin graham jr. and the extraordinary ministry provided to him. but clear annunciation of good news, the way of salvation, praise why your holy bible, and all punctuated with that remarkable north carolina accent, so beloved by all who heard him preach. for his life and his times, his
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family, and the spiritual calling that he lived so faithfully. for the statute and its remembrance, for generations to come of the message that he preached and the savior he reflected in life, heart, and word. thank you, lord. for billy graham a preach i of your gospel, a bearer to the good news. as we conclude the event, as believers in the place, we pray. in the midst of the world with the sin and evil that seems so prevalent, we rejoice in the profound hope in the good news of the gospel and the change of human hearts as they preached through a life well lived and a ministry completed in his day. for his life and message, we pray in the strong, wonderful, and beautiful name of jesus
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christ our lord. amen. >> ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today's ceremony. thank you for attending and enjoy the rest of your day. >> next week the house will take up legislation clarifying the securities and exchange commission and the ability to regulate digital assets and cryptocurrency. testifying before two committees to discuss the 2025 buet and global instability. on tuesday before the senate foreign relations committee and then o wednesday before the house committee.
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on thursday north carolina's unersity, ucl l la chancellor, given the account for the anti-semitic protests. and beginning friday, live coverage of the three-day libertarian party convention. speakers include robert f. kennedy jr. and former president donald trump. watch next week life on the c-span network or c-span now. also head over to for scheduling information or watch live or on demand any time. c-span, your unfiltered view of government. >> y d c-span is your uncensored view of government. >> the greatest town on earth is place that you call home. it is our home too.
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we're all facing the greatest challenge. that's why spark light is working around the clock to keep you connected. we're doing our part. it is easier to do yours. >> this happened after the review to keep the issues private. before the vote, we stroke to reporters. -- spoke to reporters. >> welcome. >>


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