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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  May 20, 2024 10:03am-11:06am EDT

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if you live in the eastern central part of the country, that line is (202) 748-8000. mountain pacific, (202) 748-8001 . black voters only can also text this morning at (202) 748-8003 or post on and also on x with the handle@c-spanwj. we will spend the first 30 minutes hearing from black voters only and then we will open up to everybody else and also take your temperature on campaign 2024. your choice in november. that is our conversation here on washington journal in the first hour. let's begin with some of battleground polls. this is from the new york times. in these six key states, it showed the matchup between president biden and former president trump. in the state of michigan where
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the president was last evening, he trailed 49-42%. he began the day yesterday in georgia at morehouse college with the commencement address, and he is also trailing the former president in that state, 39% to 49 percent. usa today referencing this new york times poll this morning, reporting that polling shows biden is vastly underperforming his 2020 performance among black voters, reliably democratic constituency as some drift to president trump. a new york times poll of six battleground states found biden had support from 60% of black voters, while trump is backed by 20% of black voters. biden won black voters in the 2027 -- 2020 election.
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here is what president biden had to say yesterday evening at an naacp event in michigan. [video clip] pres. biden: i just came from atlanta where i delivered a commencement at morehouse college. there were 400 young black men who will do an extraordinary thing. i told them i saw them, i heard them, and the nation needs them. they are the future of this country. i am here tonight to say the nation also needs all of you, and i mean that sincerely. you matter. let's be clear, because of your vote, it is the only reason i am standing here as president of the united states of america, period. that is not a joke. that is a fact. and historic kamala harris is vice president. you are the reason donald trump
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is the former president. and donald trump is going to be a loser again. host: president biden in michigan talking about the former president there. this morning, we want to hear from black voters only, your choice for campaign 2024. biden reaching out to black voters in the state of michigan, and georgia yesterday. papers noting that there is an enthusiasm problem, as well, for the candidates. here is the washington post, sheriff black americans saying they are certain to vote down from a 2020 poll -- the share of black americans saying they are certain to vote down. this is june of 2020 were 74% of black voters said they were certain to vote, now in april of 2024, that dropped to 62%. from the washington post article, they note younger black
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americans are less certain to vote this year than in 2020. president biden reaching out to young voters at morehouse college yesterday in georgia with a commencement address. there's also this from the pew research, they found that the president against the former president in a virtual tie in the presidential race, but when they break it down by gender -- by race and ethnicity in a recent poll, they found that black voters are voting for president biden orlean to president biden by 77%, with 18% voting for the former president or leaning toward voting for the former president. and they new york times says in 2020, 95% of black women and 87% of black men voted for mr.
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biden, according to the pew research center. but in april, only 55% of black voters told pew that they approved a president biden's job performance. a recent poll showed that 62% of black americans plan vote in 2024, down from 74% in 2020. the wall street journal headline this morning about president biden's speech at morehouse, noting what he had to say about gaza, an issue for young voters, especially black voters. here is the headline, at morehouse, biden renews call for cease-fire in gaza. here is what he had to say in his commencement address. [video clip] pres. biden: i want to say this very clearly, i support peaceful protests. your voices should be heard. i promise you, i hear them. i am determined to make my
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administration look like america. more africans and highest places, including the court, than in american history, because i need the input. what is happening in gaza and israel is heartbreaking. hamas vicious attack on israel killing innocent lives and holding people hostage. i was there night is after. saw pictures of a mother and daughter in a rope with kerosene port on them, watching them die. men, women, and children killed or displaced. i desperate need of water, food, and medicine. a humanitarian crisis in gaza. that is why i have called for an immediate cease-fire. an immediate cease-fire, stop the fighting. bring the hostages home. and i have been working on a deal as we speak, working
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around-the-clock, to get more aid into gaza and rebuild. i am also working around-the-clock for more than just one cease-fire, working to bring the region together, working to build a lasting, durable peace. you see what is going on in israel today. what after? what after hamas? what happens then? what happens in gaza? what rights to the palestinian people have? i am working to make sure we finally get a true -- a two-state solution, the only solution. for people to live in dignity. host: president biden making an appeal to morehouse. that is the headline in the new york times this morning about his commencement address. they say, for a ceremony in which students are discouraged even from decorating their caps, the science of protests were respectful but noticeable. a small group of graduates
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turned to visit with their backs to mr. biden as he spoke, and several graduates wore a traditional scarf of the palestinians draped over the shoulders. black voters only this morning, your choice for campaign 20 24. john in brooklyn, good morning. caller: good morning. let me first say that c-span is my favorite news station because they take it direct from the people. and i wish c-span would do some statements on biden's infrastructure. nobody talks about it. cnn, msnbc, channel 2, always trump, trump, trump. the trials, i am tired of hearing about trump. i want the substance that is in president biden's infrastructure deal. host: ok, let's talk about your
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choice for campaign 2024. caller: but i wanted to tell you this before i tell you my choice, and i was hoping that my talking out would tell you who i am voting for. if i can, i would like to say, yesterday, president biden signed a bill for $9 billion in new york city to build a tunnel between jersey and new york that helps our economy. nobody talks about it. i am voting for biden. i do not know where they take these post from, but i want to tell them blacks are not naive. i do not believe these polls. they never asked me. and i am asking all these tv channels, talk about the substance that is in president biden's infrastructure. host: got it, john. eric is in maryland. your choice for campaign 2024? caller: definitely my choice
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will be biden. i want to explain why. i am a registered independent. i voted for donald trump years ago, then i realized how messed up he was. four years ago i voted for biden . actually, i am really encouraging my fellow americans to vote for biden for just one reason. vote for your interest. vote for your interest. host: and what does that mean? caller: it just means that when i look at the republican party, i do nothing think that a black man has any future. i do not see them giving any interest to the black people. president biden, just like john said, he has signed a lot of bills, a lot of programs that really bring jobs to our community.
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but when you look at the republican party, just look at the u.s. senate, look at the u.s. house. how many black representatives do the republican party have compared to the democrat party? we have one black senator on the republican side, and he is on the right as possible, and if you go to the house of representatives, it is even less. but if you go to the democratic party, at least in the house, we have to come over to the left. before i let you go, people forget politics is about numbers. black, we are 13% of the u.s. population. so it means that even if every black people voted for biden, we will still need the latino vote and the white vote to make it. so my dear democrats, please, my dear black man in america, fold where your interest is. that is with biden.
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host: from pew research, key facts about black eligible voters in 2024. the population in the u.s. is projected to reach 34.4 million in 2024, up 7% from 2020. black voters could play antiporn role in determining the outcome of key 2024 elections, including the u.s. president. tyrone and harlem, new york. we are talking to black voters only for the first 30 minutes. your turn. caller: thank you, greta. i appreciate your commentary. i am voting for joe biden, mainly because of health care. he don't want to destroy it. the other guy do. he don't want it. he will say it is our right to be able to express our opinion with the first amendment, just
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like everyone else. like the other guy, he is not appreciating the fact that black people can talk out against him. and for so many reasons, he has been trying to stop us from being able to speak. in fact, joe biden has also helped us financially. i know he is not perfect. we do not think he is some messiah. we know he is a part-time employee, just like every president before him. we know he is going to come and he is going to go. we do not try to convince people that joe biden is not old. people try to convince us that the other guy won the election. that is unrealistic. in truth, we know that there is a clear, clear choice that we make. if we choose the other guy, we're going the upper set direction. -- opposite direction. we choose joe biden, we're not going full steam ahead, but at
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least -- host: do you sense and enthusiasm problem among black voters in your community? caller: some of us have become complacent about how the election affects our lives, and we do not realize how much politics play in the path of our lives, and we have become ambivalent to what actually is going to transpire. we think nothing is going to really change. i am not speaking for all of black people, but some of us feel like nothing is really going to change if we vote. so many people do not vote and do not bother to participate in the path this country takes. and then when we make a wrong turn, we complain about it, but we do not want to involve ourselves in what happens. you know, i see people definitely coming to political things. i went to the apollo with rachel maddow, and people were
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interested in what was going on. it gave me hope that we do pay attention to what is going on in the world and know it affects us. host: ok. tyrone their ion harlem. more from president biden yesterday at the speech in detroit before the naacp gathering. this is what he had to say about the former president and january 6. [video clip] pres. biden: i never imagined in 2024, there would be folks waiting to ban books and america. what in gods name is that about that -- what is that about? not only that, people trying to erase black history, literally. people do not understand, black history is american history. not a joke. together, we make history. we do not erase history. but folks, president trump, it
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is clear that what he lost in 2020, and i mean this sincerely, something snapped in trump. he just cannot accept the loss, and he lost it. that is why january 6 would happen. trump tried to challenge the election and failed, starting an insurrection. and now he is running again. he is not only obsessed about losing 2020, he's truly unhinged. he called the insurrectionists who stormed capitol hill patriots. he said to his electorate, he wants every one of them pardoned. let me ask you this, what do you think he would have done on january 6 if black americans had stormed the capitol? i am serious. what do you think? i could only imagine. host: president biden in detroit yesterday, the battleground
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state of michigan. in the evening time before that, he was in georgia, two key states to a second term for the president. this morning, we're talking to black voters only because the president is reaching out to that them a graphic yesterday. vincent, brooklyn. caller: yes, good morning. thank you for taking my call. as a descendant of the kidnapped black africans, those slaves, i can trace it back to the 1800's, i want to make this statement, the black people in america should stop embarrassing our ancestors by advocating for democrats or republicans. neither one in history confirms had our best interests at heart, especially at a more than 70%
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rate of voting. that is ridiculous. the black folks were informed we would collectively vote our own prioritized community agenda, like every other ethnicity that has since. if only those in the black publisher would vote our own prioritized community agenda, every political party would come bearing gifts for the true elevation of the most loyal citizens america has ever had. the most loyal citizens america has ever had. one less thing, the democratic party of the 1950's and 1960's is not today's democratic marxist party. thank you for listening, and black folks, wake up. you do not owe anybody anything. they are bringing in illegal aliens, your boy biden.
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host: will you vote in november? caller: yes, i am still going to vote. host: at this moment, who would you vote for? caller: let me tell you this because i do not have a lot of time, i will not be voting for the democratic marxist party. that is ridiculous. host: ok. patricia, chandler, arizona, your turn. caller: hi, how are you? i am concerned about the organized gang -- the president signed the 702 bill. we have over 400,000 people being gamestop by the cia, fbi. my dad was a world war ii vet to protect this country -- host: patricia, we're listening to you. you have to mute the television or you will get confused. how do you plan to vote in november? caller: i am not going to vote
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democrat. i am a democrat. both these -- host: all right, patricia. a reminder, folks, you have got to mute your television. just listen and talk through your phone when you call in. a call in maryland, francois? caller: that is me. i will be voting for biden. and i'm asking everybody to look at this, consider the price of insulin, how much more it was before, and how much is it going to be? $35. just think about it. and i am calling all black voters who are undecided or who are making the decision not to vote, please put yourself together and go and vote. go invoke for biden -- go and
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vote for biden. host: carl in thomasville, georgia. the president in your state yesterday. did you listen to the commencement address? caller: yes, it is howard. host: howard, good morning. thomasville, georgia? caller: yes. [indiscernible] host: howard voting for biden. the president was in minnesota for a republican dinner, and he was also at saturday's national rifle association's annual meeting where he discussed his future presidential debate with president biden. here is what he had to say. [video clip] fmr. pres. trump: if this horrible, low iq individual, who is representing us, this
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horrible person who has done such a bad job, worst president, by far, if this horrible individual finishes the bait -- the debate, which i think he will, if he is standing, if he is dandy, he will say it was a brilliant performance. a brilliant performance, never seen anything like it, very much reminiscent of the days of fdr. fdr had a beautiful voice, great debater, very smart man. fdr, almost 16 years, he was four term. i don't know, are we going to be considered three term or two term, you tell me? are we three term or two term if we win? but think of it, they're going to say wonderful. he did the state of the union the other day. he was high as a kite. so i think we should call for drug tests on the debate. we're going to call for drug tests. host: former president trump at the nra this weekend. headline from the wall street
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journal, candidates hope the debate that has been set at the end of june and in september provide a spark to this election. pulling shows that voters hold an unfavorable view of both candidates. democrats and republicans have been eager to shake up the stagnant race, and neither man this for has a clear cut edge. that is from the wall street journal. black voters only. anthony in orange county, california. hi. caller: good morning. how are you? hey, i am going with biden. i voted for trump and 2020. the main reason for my change is mainly the insurrection. all things aside, when i actually started paying closer attention to politics, i looked at it and looked at what biden did, has done so far, as opposed to what trump did, and in my
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opinion, there is no comparison. trump can get on the biggest bullhorn and talk about i have done more than african-americans, done this, done that, biden surpassed that. i do not like all the lies coming out of the trump administration, and it is really disgusting for him to attack african-americans to the fact that, because he is being persecuted, we should feel some type of sympathy for him. i just think it is, overall, i think it is just a shame. host: where do you see the president vulnerable in this election? caller: talking about biden? host: yeah. caller: definitely foreign policy, it has kind of hurt him, and the immigration thing. but at the same time, i do think people have been talking about the immigration thing for so long that when it gets close to election time, unless they do not pull out an immigrant
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killing a woman or something like that, i do not think it is going to have that impact. you know, i look at all the women in my life and think about women's rights and health care, how a man can kill -- tell a woman what to do with her body, i do not really care for that too much either. host: their views on the foreign policy front, the breaking news from cnn's website, they had an exclusive, the international criminal court is now seeking arrest warrants against a hamas leader and the prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu for war crimes over the october 7 attack and the gaza war. in the washington journal recently, we sat down with an expert on international criminal court and talked about how the issue of arrest warrants, investigations, and trials that they had at the hague. if you're interested in learning about how that whole process works, go to our website
10:29 am, and you can find it there. the caller also mentioned the issue of immigration. i just want to point out, from punch bowl news, back to the border, in their morning newsletter, the senate is in today, house returns tomorrow, it says in the senate various committees will hear testimony, but the action will be on the senate floor were majority leader chuck schumer is expected to tea up another vote of the bipartisan border security deal that republicans killed earlier this year. let's just say up that this effort will fail, republican see this as a political exercise intended to boost vulnerable democratic incumbents, so they are not going to vote for it. schumer openly acknowledged that not every democrat supports it either. that is happening this week in the senate. glenn in detroit. good morning to you.
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your choice for campaign 2024? caller: good morning, greta. i am tired of democrats and republicans. i call them leap your candidates. they only think about black people once every four years and their issues. joe biden makes some of the most prejudice commercials by only targeting black folks. how is the economy for black folks? should be saying, how is the economy for everyone? bernie sanders, he got pulverized in south carolina things to clybourn. bernie, he is a little older than those two, but he is sharper than both put together. bottom line of it is, i want to see a third party. i want some candidates, and i want to see a debate with them. host: you want to see him on the
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debate stage? caller: if you cannot make the first one, i hope he can make the second. i think people need a choice other than these two. host: with the crated here -- criteria set out, it is the same for both networks, you have to be on the ballot in a certain number of states that show a pathway to 70. here is the wall street journal, rfk junior voters in arizona are in an election wildcard, the story this morning on rfk's campaign bid. let's go to rudy and douglas, georgia. caller: i absolutely support president biden. he served under president obama for eight years and selected kamala harris for his vice president. when he went into office, we were coming behind a situation of almost one million americans dying from covid, and his
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opponent wasn't saying to inject bleach -- they were complaining there were no milk on the shelves, supply chain issues. now we have gas prices coming down. we have supply chain issues under control. but more importantly, the stock market is at 40,000 for the first time in american history. if you look on fox news, you would think we were in a depression. so we are in a situation here where if you use the same yardstick on biden's three years, four years, versus the former president, it is clear that the indicators are for biden. more importantly, i am a pastor. he is a man of character. we have got a former president that is on trial saying they are lying on him, that he has said he will get on the stand and speak in his own defense. he should.
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he is not going to testify, i and my prediction, yet he says people are trying to railroad him. 100% for biden. host: about the trial, the former president set to pivot following -- nra speech says he is preparing for an outcome in that trial. the speech also touched on the challenging issue of abortion. it could be a pivotal week, prosecutors and defense attorneys in the new york russian -- hush money trial against him could make a decision as early as tuesday. vinny in louisville, kentucky. we are talking to black voters only here for the next minute. you are the last one. then we will open it up. caller: yes, ma'am. i am definitely voting for joe biden. no way trump would get my vote. during the previous election in 2020, he blamed the cities of
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detroit and atlanta, blaming -- saying that black people were stealing the votes and all of these bad things are happening in these black cities, predominantly black cities. he said his votes keep going up, or his support keeps going up, after he took his mugshot, that black people relate to that or something, you know, we can relate to going to jail and taking mugshots. it is just insulting and rude and disrespectful, and there is no way he would ever get my vote. host: all right, that call from kentucky. now we're going to turno all of you this morning and take her temperature on campaign 2024 we're opening it up to all demographics. if you are a democrat, dial in at (202) 748-8000. republicans, (202) 748-8001.
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independents, (202) 748-8002. you can also text us at (202) 748-8003, just include your first name, city, and state. or join us on facebook or x. your choice for campaign 2024. first, yesterday, senator j.d. vance, ohio senator, republican, was on the sunday shows, and this is what he had to say on what he is voting for president trump. [video clip] >> manhattan courtroom, in ohio alongside donald trump at a fundraiser, and you keep getting asked whether or not you are going to be vice president or not, and you said you have not spoken to him about it. we're also looking at a pretty tight race in the senate. i wonder, do you think you're more helpful to him in the senate or the white house? >> i will let him make that
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decision, he knows how to best run his campaign. i am happy to be an advocate for the agenda in the u.s. senate, that is a good way for me to help the people of ohio, and i'm certainly interested in helping in other ways as -- if that is what matters. the contrast is so extraordinary between higher inflation at home and a war overseas, that is the biden record, and a trump record of peace at home and prosperity, that is an acquittal thing to run on. importantly, an incredible thing to deliver for our country. i want to help donald trump get over the finish line, that is why i have shown support in new york. it is all about getting him elected president. i do not care too much who vice president is because trump is going to govern. host: on cbs's face the nation, j.d. vance talking about why he plans to vote for president trump. this morning, we are asking all of you to join us in a
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conversation about your choice for president this november. who will you be voting for and why? we want to hear from you. democrats, (202) 748-8000. republicans, (202) 748-8001. independents, (202) 748-8002. you can also text us at (202) 748-8003, just include your first name, city, and state. remember, you can also join us on or on x with handle @cspanwj. we showed you a little bit earlier, president biden made two trips yesterday, reaching out to black voters in the state of georgia at morehouse college, and then travel to michigan later in the day and spoke in detroit at an naacp event. want to show you a little bit, in case you missed it earlier, his address at morehouse, talking about the situation in
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gaza. [video clip] pres. biden: i want to say this very clearly, i support peaceful protests. your voices should be heard, and i promise you i have heard them. i am determined to make my administration look like america. i have more african-americans in high places, including on the court, than any in american history, because i need the input. what is happening in gaza and israel is heartbreaking. hamas' vicious attack on israel killing innocent lives and holding people hostage. i was there nine days after, some pictures of a mother and daughter tied up in a rope with kerosene poured on them, watching them as they died. men, women, and children killed or displaced, and a desperate need of water, food, and medicine.
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it is a humanitarian crisis in gaza. that is why i have called for an immediate cease-fire, an immediate cease-fire. stop the fighting. bring the hostages home. i have been working on a deal as we speak, working around the clock, to get more aid into gaza, rebuild, also working for more than just one cease-fire, working to bring the region together, working to build a lasting, durable peace. the question is, as you see what is going on in israel today, what after? what after hamas? what happens then? what happens in gaza? what rights to the palestinian people have? i am working to make sure we finally get a two-state solution, the only solution. so those people can live in peace and dignity. host: president biden yesterday talking about his strategy and policy toward the israel-hamas
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war. we have opened up the lines to everyone to ask about your choice in campaign 2024. eve, grand rapids, michigan, democratic caller. caller: good morning, greta. first of all, i would like to say that if you're voting for someone and you are looking at how the stage is set for the people that is running for president, there is only one person you can be voting for, and that is president biden, because of the fact that the other person that is running is a criminal. so people say people are never called to poll, i was polled, so me and my gen z will be voting for biden because that is the only choice we got. if you want to call it evil, if
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you want to vote for the person on the left, if you say they are people, it would be biden, because trump is just undescribable. this man has done everything under the sun that a criminal would do, and these people are still voting for him. i do not understand the people nowadays, at least the people on the others. host: eve, what do you make of these polls? new york times with a headline, if the election was held today, how would you vote? five key states, wisconsin, president biden leads by just 2%. in pennsylvania, 44% to 47%, within the margin of error. in arizona, 40 -- former president leading 49% to 42%, as well as in georgia. georgia,, and nevada. eve?
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caller: you know, this is what i am thinking, these people are acting kind of like a soundbite. when member that once you are speaking, when you are speaking, the soundbites have to catch up with the person that are speaking. so they are putting the economy back in a place where it was in a really bad place, but they do not see yet what is happening, all the things that the president is doing for everybody. and i want to say this also, if the president is not in and the republican party keep bringing down the programs that obama put in place, the senior citizens and the people, not only the senior citizens, the people right now in the middle of working, they will see a terrible, terrible economy with trump. because you cannot just keep everything here at home. you have to also deal with the people are brought. host: ok.
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and polls are a snapshot in time and obviously are fluid. curtis in maryland, independent. caller: yes, ma'am, good morning. i am going to piggyback off of one of your previous callers who said he wishes there was some one else to vote for. i know that kennedy is out there. i have not heard a lot or read a lot into that. like the one guy was saying, i would love to see him in the debates on stage, but as far as for trump or biden, i really do not care to vote for reader -- for either one of them gentlemen. host: so what will you do then? caller: i am going to be honest with you, like your previous caller just said, i will go for, as you say, the less of the two evils, which would be biden.
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host: but you will vote? caller: i definitely will vote. host: michael and del reach --delray beach, florida, republican. caller: my choice is, obviously, donald trump. peace around the world, prosperity at home, lower taxes. i guess none of that is good enough for some people. because as you heard in your earlier segment, for some people, playing the victim card is a lot easier than being responsible for your life. and a lot of people do not want to have to take responsibility for themselves because, with that comes accountability. and i know this, it is funny, the united states has had three racist presidents in the last 100 years. woodrow wilson, lyndon baines
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johnson, and now joe biden, who bragged about being friends with klansmen. yet, black voters overwhelmingly still go out for biden, almost laughable. the last thing is a question, the new york post last week ran articles that the head of the nih, the national institute of health, admitted that american taxpayer dollars funded the wuhan china virus lab in china. when is c-span going to have people on to examine that? because, again, all these people who call in on the democrats line and say taxes aren't high enough, the government needs to take in more money, this is what your money is paying for. it paid for virus in china. host: understood. we will take the suggestion. in other news this morning, you
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may have heard about the helicopter crash in iran yesterday. the development today is that the iranian president and foreign minister were found dead at the site. the headline is, hardliner who crushed dissent died at 63. this is on many of the front pages this morning. a call from new york, democratic caller, your choice for campaign 2024. caller: my choice would be president biden, of the two. actually, for the other person, i would not consider him at all because his father would not let blacks live in apartments in new york city, and it was stated that he was a klansmen. andy former president -- and no
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one should not vote for a criminal. he wants to release people who stormed the capitol. our country will be a communist country, and if you say anything, you will be locked up or killed. he will never leave office if he returns. and you have to vote. when trump was in, he had the house and the senate, and that is why he got everything passed. when the other president was in before him, he did not have the senate or the congress, and they will not let him pass anything. but then he bragged about he did this, the former president, and he did that, he did that with the help of the senate and the congress. so i will be voting for president biden. he is the only one to vote for, because the other man is for self interests. he is not concerned -- he would turn his back on anyone, republican or democrat, if they say anything against him. and he is a child i and a grown
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man's body. host: all right, caller. let's move onto emily in massachusetts, independent. caller: oh, hi. i have looked at both, and i have listened to things they have been saying. and i could not believe when i heard mr. trump say that hannibal lector was a wonderful man. hannibal lector was a character in a movie, and he was a serial killer who ate his victims. so where do you go from there? host: hara in staten island, republican. caller: h, good mornini -- hi, good morning, c-span.
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thank you for bringing these shows to us. i have been listening to you guys and listening to everything. right now, people need to wake up. i do not understand people who are in their 60's or 70's who have been just going with their feelings. people need to wake up because we have only two parties in this country right now, and the third is string to get in but i do not think mr. kennedy is going to be a part of -- he is not going to win as a precedent. there are only two people here. we have to look at five years ago, how we were. we had jobs, headpiece -- had peace around the world, and people were happy and looking forward to things. but right now, as biden had got
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into office, he came into office with his team and they have been degrading this nation, degrading even to the whole world. right now, we do not know where we want to go even. people cannot go out there there are so many protests. from 2020, people. host: ok. marvin, democrat caller in michigan, you are next. your choice? caller: president biden. he is the only guy we can vote for. i listen to that guy trump, he was calling people like little bitty crybabies, having a pity party, saying i'm going to have a one-day paper valid vote -- paper ballot vote. i am just at a loss for words.
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my son got a two-year-old and a one-year-old. people saying i'm not voting for him, and i say just think of your two sons. if you want to help them have a future, not only you are not going to heaven, they are not going to have a path. i have never seen a person with so much hatred and dividing people against us. it has to stop. that man is worser then that hamas. host: ok. here is gregory wilmington in connecticut, biden talks of war wi russia, complicit of destructn,nd banned tiktok for telling the truth, i am voting for joel stein for president. maurice in illinois, independent. hi. caller: good morning. what biden is doing, he said we had some sacrifice when he went
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to ukraine to start that war -- not start the war, but helped. he said a man is going to sacrifice. i am through sacrificing for biden's decisions, horrible decisions. the afghan withdrawal, debacle. the border has been a mess. he does not know what to do with israel and palestine. the money -- i cannot afford biden's economy. i know there are a lot of liberals, progressives, it don't affect them because they have the finances. poor blacks and whites, they cannot afford it. five dollars for gas. six dollars for a box of cereal. four dollars for oatmeal. you cannot keep going like this. his decisions, a horrible decision-maker. host: who are you voting for?
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caller: i got to go with trump or the brother to get some momentum going, mr. cornell wilson --i believe that is his name? host: cornell west is running. caller: unless he gets momentum. black people are hypocrites. they should go with cornell west. i do not see how they can let biden in after he did that crimes bill that destroyed many millions of black families. him and hillary, they get a kick out of that statement. she made that statement when they came up with that crime bill, we going to make them heal. i don't know what to say to that one. he is a disaster. host: if you and others are interested in hearing about cornell west's bid, we have
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covered some events with him. you can find it on our website, qnn -- ann in tennessee, republican. caller: the only one to vote for his president trump. we have been living in misery and, people hating each other. most of them calling in here, they don't say much about biden. they all just hate trump, and it is mostly black people. maybe they heard what biden said, if you don't vote for me, you ain't black. you need to know his history, he was against immigration, against it. now he has covered up his past history. host: why are you voting for president in november? caller: because -- why are you voting for president trump in november? caller: because he knew how to run america. joe biden is not following our constitution, not following the supreme court. he ignores everybody and takes the money to buy votes.
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with over $100 billion, he is buying votes, using people's money to pay off the loans -- kids that have gone to college are not paying their loans off. he had no right to do that. it was against our constitution. host: diane is a democrat in key west, florida. caller: good morning, and thank you for letting me share. i want to make the point of concern that i have. i love c-span. i listened to the show before the "washington journal" this morning, and all the pundits were explaining how the black vote is starting to go towards trump, nearing 20%, which would be historical. i find that very hard to believe. then i listen to the "washington journal" this morning, we all heard the majority of black people who called in, they're going to vote for biden. my big concern is this, at the
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trial, it came out from the inquirer publisher -- enquirer publisher, he told everybody that trump's people were protecting his reputation and would not print any negative stories about -- as a matter-of-fact, about trump, as a matter of fact, he would create stories against his enemies, create stories. he was manipulating the media. i am worried that these polls, which today overwhelmingly favor trump, i wonder if trump's people are manipulating these polls. my concern is when it is election time and biden wins, the maga people are going to use this as an excuse again. they are going to say that the election was stolen because trump was way over in the polls, he had this election. that is my real big concern. and i wish that the united states would have paper ballots so that there could be no argument about who won the
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election, to ensure everyone it is fair, open, and transparent. i am definitely going to vote for biden because of the supreme court nomination, we cannot have another republican in office. and biden has done tremendous things for the people. social security, we got an increase. he brings people together, the student loans, working down protecting the border. it is the republicans who did not vote for the border patrol. so you have to look at the record. look at what biden does. and i wish the democrats would boast about the good things biden has done for this country. it is not known all the good things he has done. host: cindy in connecticut, republican. caller: good morning. i am 62 years old, and i have seen a lot and feel like we were healing as a country, but trump
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is not part of the uniparty. i am going to say both parties are against this country. please wake up, he was the cog in the new world order scheme. that aside, i'm going to appeal to people, just like msnbc, i do not know if people are aware, but president trump was one of the major funders of jesse jackson's campaign when he ran for president. and who forced a vaccine on you, trump or biden? did many of my fellow americans lose their jobs because of president trump? no, they lost their jobs because a dictator west demanding you have a vaccine -- because you had a dictator that was demanding a vaccine. i and 2017, he funded historically black colleges forever, not that they had to
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come back every year and ask for funding. he did this in 20, not a campaign year. biden suddenly is tanking in the polls a little bit with the black community, because, guess what, the money we told them they did not have for the community centers, suddenly they all have this money for the immigrants, because you guys are being replaced. your vote is being replaced. please wake up, america. host: all right. bruce in colorado springs, independent. who are you voting for in november? caller: i am going to be voting for president biden. personally, myself, some of these things i have been hearing about blacks, because i'm black myself, and all of knows about how like people are going to vote in these black callers who are suddenly into being pro-palestinian, and i know that
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is a different subject, but if you ask a lot of these black people about what is going on history wise, a lot of them are not going to know. all of the setting, we pro-palestinian and stuff like that. people say no wars under trump, but i am like they're still wars in africa that was going on under trump, all of this going down in haiti. black people aren't talking about we need to help them. i am doing ok and doing well under the biden administration. you got to clip coupons and work a little bit harder. yeah, guess in 1981 was 65 cents a gallon, and all of the sudden it went up to five dollars under biden. but some of these people that want to call up, i do not know if they are caucasian, wanting to tell us how we should vote and you should support trump.
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and then just trying to say that he took a mugshot and that associates all of us for being criminals. then talking about biden being a racist. yes, he did make comments in the past and stuff like that that is ridiculous. host: bobby is in indiana, democratic caller. caller: yes, i am democrat. host: who are you voting for? caller: i am voting for biden, because trump is a fool. anything he talk about, it is about him, all about trump. when he came to court, how he manipulate his people, all the people, the governors, people trying to be in the stans to speak out for him, stuff he could not speak out about. he manipulates people.
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i do not understand. it is crazy to me. host: we will leave it there for now. up next after this short break, we will take a look at what is happening in congress this week with mychael schnell, congressional reporter for the hill. later, with the upcoming 60th anniversary of president lyndon johnson's great society speech, we will take a closer look at whether the federal programs launched during his presidency have helped or hurt the war on poverty in this country. that conversation coming up later on the "washington journal." stay with us. ♪ >> this week on c-span, the house and senate are in session.
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to regular digital assets and cryptocurrency. the senate will take a procedural vote on a bipartisan cybersecurity bill. secretary blinken will testify before two congressional committees to discuss his department's proposed 2025 budget and global instability on tuesday before the senate foreign relations committee and on wednesday before the house foreign affairs committee. on thursday, the northwestern university president, ucla's chancellor, and directors university president -- and the rutgers university president. beginning friday, live coverage of the three-day libertarian pay convention. frida's speakers include robert f kennedy, junior. saturday speakers include former president donald trump. watch this week live on the c-span networks, on c-span now,
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>> "washington journal" continues. us this morning's michael snell with the pill newspaper. let's begin with we can congress and we will start with the senate. the headline from the -- remind viewers with the bill is and what is the plan. guest: good morning. this is the bipartisan border deal that the senate negotiators struck back in february. it would amend some asylum laws, it would end the so-called program called catch and release and would give the president authority to shut down the border if a certain number of individuals cross the border. this was the deal that has finally come together after months of painstaking negotiation that initially convened at the republicans had demanded than any aid for ukraine would


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