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tv   Campaign 2024 President Biden at NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner in Detroit  CSPAN  May 20, 2024 8:01pm-8:40pm EDT

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de receives a lifetime achievement award from the naacp during its internal freedom fund dinner in deoi followed by former prede trump speaking to reporters in new york of the trial continued for e th day. then we will hear from a prosecutor from internationa criminal court and his intention to seek arrest warrant for her musket a is really leaders cling prime minister benjamin netanyahu. dellin later, defense secretary lloyd austin alongside the joint iefs of staff chair of the licopter crash that killed iran's president and foreign minister this weekend. that and more, coming up tonight on c-span. announcer: c-span is your unfiltered view of government funded by these television companies and more, including buckeye broadband. ♪
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buckeye broadband supports c-span as a public service, along with these other television providers, giving you a fronrow seat to democracy. announcer: up next, president biden received the lifetime achievement award from the naacp during its internal freedom fund dinner in detroit. in remarks, the president said, let's be clear, because of your vote, is the only reason i am standing here as predent of america. this came as polls show that support for the president may be slipping among black voters. this is about 20 minutes. [cheers and applause]
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pres. biden: thank you. thank you. thank you. [chanting "four more years!"] pres. biden: thank you. please have a seat. i don't feel tired. i feel inspired! [applause] hello, detroit! my name is joe biden and i am a lifetime member of the naacp. as a matter of fact, the first organization i ever joined was the naacp. we didn't get to vote until we were 21 in those days, but i got involved in civil rights when i was 15. i want to thank reverend anthony for that introduction. i tell you what, i measure the
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significance of an award based on the character and the consequence of those organizations bestowing it. i love detroit for three reasons. number one. my dad was an automobile manager. detroit put food on our table every night. [applause] not a joke. not a joke. and when i was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic. and what happened was barack said to me, go to detroit and help fix it. the poor mayor, he spent more time with me that he ever thought he would have to. [laughs] folks, i'm humbled to receive this organization with defines -- which defines the character and consequence of what we do. i'm always grateful to derek johnson. and the leadership of the naacp. and thanks to all the members of the biggest naacp branch in america, in detroit.
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[cheers and applause] it's great to see so many friends, including debbie stabenow. i am going to miss her in washington, but she will not get away because i will keep coming to her for advice. i will always be your friend and seek your counsel. and governor gretchen whitmer is the cochair of my campaign. [cheers and applause] and another great leader is mayor mike duggan. i brag about him all the time. i think, mike, you are one of the best mayors in the entire united states of america, and i mean that. [applause] all the members of the congressional delegation and all of the local leaders. look, folks, i just came from atlanta where i delivered a commencement at morehouse college. [applause] truly inspiring. over 400 young black men who will do extraordinary things. i told them, i saw them.
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i heard them. and the nation needs them. they are the future of this country. i'm here tonight to say the nation also needs all of you. and i mean that sincerely. you matter. let's be clear. because of your vote, it's the only reason i here as president am of the united states of america. period. again, that is not a joke. that's a fact. you are the reason kamala harris is a historic vice president. you are the reason donald trump is a defeated former president. [applause] pres. biden: and you are the reason donald trump is going to be a loser again. [cheers and applause] you placed enormous faith in me. and i have tried my best to honor the trust by doing everything in my power to get us through one of the toughest periods in our history. we got through the pandemic.
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investing more money than ever in black families and communities, putting checks in people's pockets to reduce black child poverty. reconnecting black neighborhoods cut off all highways and decades of disinvestment, including here in detroit. removing every lead so every child, particularly neighbors on the brink can drink -- including your neighbors here in flint can drink clean water without fear of brain damage. we are making the most significant investment ever in climate justice, including the most significant environmental justice is asked ever. every child can breathe clean air. we are delivering affordable high-speed internet. so no child has to do their homework outside of the mcdonald's parking lot. as a senator i tried for years to beat big pharma. we finally did. $35 a month for seniors, instead
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of $400 a month or more. we put a cap on out-of-pocket costs for seniors at $2000 a year, no matter how high their prescription costs are. expensive cancer drugs would cost $10,000, $15,000 a year. this year, medicare is negotiating for lower prices for the cost of these drugs in the market, for everything from heart disease to authorities. it saves the taxpayer $160 billion, because medicare doesn't have to pay those exorbitant prices. on my watch, more black americans have health insurance than ever in all of history, and i protected and expanded the affordable care act. saving millions of families $8,000 per year in premiums. my administration is taking significant action to provide -- taken the most significant action to provide the most
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student debt relief ever. over 4.5 million americans including a significant number of black borrowers have their debts wiped out. and i am not finished yet. we are investing a record 16 billion dollars in hbcus. $16 billion. [cheers and applause] more than ever. because you are critical to our nation's growth and opportunities for african-american women and men. we are giving access to capital to start businesses, and loans to buy homes. we are cracking down on corporate landlords to keep rents down. our policies are resulting in historic lows in black unemployment, and blacks small businesses are starting up at the fastest rate they have in 30 years. we are opening the doors to generational wealth. in fact, the racial wealth gap is at its lowest level in 20
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years. but there is much more to do. i appointed the first black woman to the supreme court of the united states of america. it matters. her name is justice ketanji brown jackson. [applause] by the way, i have appointed more black women to the federal circuit court of appeal than every other president in american history combined. [applause] people are now realizing how critical the supreme court appointments. overall, i have appointed only 200 judges for the federal bench. we passed the most significant gun safety law in decades and i will not stop until once again , we are able to ban all assault weapons in america. [cheers and applause] but, folks, all of that progress is at risk. trump is trying to make the country forget just how dark
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things were, and unsettling things were when he was president. but we will never forget. we will never forget him lying about how serious the pandemic was. telling america, just inject bleach. i think that's what he did. that is why he is so screwy. [laughter] trump wants to give power back to big pharma. charge exorbitant prices again. he wants to take seniors back. tenant paying 400 dollars a month for insulin, instead of $35. to eliminate the $2000 cap that i have set, that no senior has to pay for a yearly basis, for more than 2011 for all prescriptions including both terrible needed drugs for cancer and many of the things that can cost as much as 14,000 dollars, $15,000 a year. the medicines you need in order to live. look, folks, on my watch, 20 million americans have health insurance under the affordable care act.
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trump has tried to get rid of the affordable care act more than 50 times. trump is still determined to do it. in his words, he wants to terminate the affordable care act which would deny 3 million black americans health care. end-of-life protections for pre-existing conditions for millions of americans. we are going to deny trump. [applause] during his presidency, he enacted a $2 trillion tax cut that overwhelmingly benefited the very wealthy and the biggest corporations and excluded the federal deficit. republicans talk about the debt. well, guess what? he racked up more of the federal debt than any previous president in all of american history. now he wants to do it again. at the same time, he is determined to cut social security and medicare. i will protect medicare and social security. i will make the very wealthy
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family begin to pay their fair share. [applause] look. i am a union guy. [cheers and applause] i am a i will remind everybody. wall street didn't build america. the middle class built america, and unions built the middle class. [cheers and applause] i walk the picket line with union workers here in michigan at the same time trump went to a nonunion shop to show his disrespect for union workers. he bragged about getting roe v. wade overturned. he not only denies reproductive freedom, the mortality rate for black moms who are nearly three times more likely to die from pregnancy complications than a white man. -- than a white woman.
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trump encouraged voter suppression. he and his extremists gutted affirmative action. if he is reelected, who do you think he will put on supreme court? you think he will put anybody who has a brain? , look, as dr. king said, give us the ballot and we will put judges on the bench. re-elect kamala and me and the democratic congress, and we will sign the john lewis voting rights act, the freedom to vote act, and make it the law of the land again. equity end -- are the questions of america. that is what i am proud to have the most diverse administration in history. to tap into the full talents of our country.
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i promised you when i was president that i would have an administration that looks like america. we have more african-americans, more women, more minorities in our administration than any other administration in all of history. that is why we are doing so damn well. i never imagined in 2024 that there would be folks fighting to ban books in america. what in god's name is that about? not only that, they are trying to erase black history. literarily. they do not stand, black history is american history! [cheers and applause] together, we make history. we do not erase history. [applause] but folks, the threat that trump poses is greater in his second term than the first. it is clear that when he lost in 2020, and i mean this sincerely, something snapped in trump. he lost it.
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that is why january 6 would happen. every legal avenue, tried trump to challenge the election, field. then it led to insurrection. now he is running again. he is not only obsessed about losing in 2020, he is clearly unhinged. just listen to him. he calls those who stormed capitol hill patriots. he says if reelected, he warns quote everyone of them, pardoned. let me ask you, what do you think you would've done on january 6 if black americans had stormed the capitol? i am serious, what do you think. i can only imagine. this time he is telling people, he is being more honest. he says, i will be a dictator on day one. asked if he thought violence would occur if you lost, he said, quote, it depends.
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how could it be that any american president cannot denounce political violence? political violence has no place in america. period. but that is not donald trump. [applause] donald trump has said if he loses again in november, there will be, quote, bloodshed. what in gods name are we talking about here? if the united states of america! folks, trump is not running to lead america. he is running for revenge. that revenge is no way to lead the country. you can't build a future on revenge. america has a future of promise and hope and possibilities. because that's who we are, a nation of possibilities. let me close with this. [applause] on friday, i joined the naacp at
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the national museum of african-american history and culture in washington. we honored the anniversary of brown v. board of education. i spent time with the plaintiffs and their families in the oval office of the white house. i also met with members of the little rock nine. one year after brown v, vivian malone and james hood reached the doors and university of alabama. they were blocked by hate. and a governor of alabama. back in washington, president kennedy addressed the nation, warning them of moral crisis and bigotry facing the nation. he enacted the civil-rights bill. late that night in jackson, mississippi, naacp leader medgar evers was assassinated outside his home. earlier this month, i posthumously awarded medgar evers the presidential medal of freedom, our nation's highest civilian honor.
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[applause] his spirit and doors. the naacp's. spirit and odors. that is what i need you. imagine the future recompute build together. i see a future where we can build democracy, not diminish it. protect our freedom, not take it away. a future where the middle class finally have a fair shot and the wealthy begin to pay their fair share in taxes so we can pay for child care, elder care, paid leave. an ideal future where we save the planet from a climate crisis in our country from gun violence. above all, i see a future where the full promise of america is available to all americans regardless of religion, race or , background. folks, the idea of america is that we are all created equal
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and deserve to be treated equally throughout our lives. we have never fully lived up to it. we have never fully walked away from it either. but trump will. i will not. i know you will not either. we just have to remember who we are. we are the united states of america. and there is nothing, nothing beyond our capacity if we do it together, and there is no better outfit to do it with down the naacp. god bless you all, and may god protect americans. thank you. [cheers and applause] >> ladies and gentlemen, presenting the james weldon johnson lifetime achievement award to president joseph r. biden, let us march on until victory is won. [cheers and applause]
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pres. biden: folks, let me say one more thing. my state was a slave state, to its great shame. my state was segregated by law. my state changed. the democratic party in my state needs to more southern than it was northeastern. i couldn't bring myself to register to vote as a republican , but i couldn't register as a democrat at the time because i joined an organization to try to change the party. that organization, the first when i joined, declined for stating what you are. but i am proud to have been part of a party that was changing the nation and the state. thank you to the naacp. thank you for all that you do.
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[applause] >> thank you, mr. president. ladies and gentlemen, please give us a little moment. we have some awardees. we are going to make it brief. we want to be respectful to those who are here, our awardees and our students. we'll now present to the elementary school for their robotics championship. please calm down. spain elemeary school, and also renaissance. annocer: reuters is reporting on fdic chair at martin gruenberg, annncing his plan to resign after reports of employee mistreatment ansexual harassment at the fdic came to light. he said heould remain at the position until the new successor
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is confirmed. a white house spokesperson confirmed president biden will soon put forward a new nominee for fdic chair. the announcement came after he testified last week on capitol hill before house and senate lawmakers. you can watch either of those hearings on our website,, by typing"fdic" in the search bar. announcer: on tuesday, secretary of state antony blinken will testify about his recent trip to the ukraine, the ongoing fightingetween israel and hamas, in the president 20 budget request. watch live covera from the senate foreign relations committee on c-span3,, c-span now, our free mobile app, or online at ♪ announcer: c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these television companies and more, including sparklight. >> the greatest town on earth is the place you call home.
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at sparklight, it is our home, too, and right now, we are all facing our greatest challenge. that's why sparklight is working 'round the clock to keep you connected. we are doing our part, so it is a little easier to do yours. announcer: sparklight supports c-span as a public service, along with these other television providers, giving you front-row seat to democracy. announcer: psetors in former president trump's hush-money trial have resd eir ce. the defense is now presenting their arguments by: robert costello as their first witness. thnew york times describes him as a lawyer and fixture in new yo's legal world who first advised michael cohen. 's testimony is expected to continue tuesday. former president trump addressed reporters as he was leaving the courtroom on the 19th day of his trial, where he once again called on the judge to dismiss the charges he is facing. >> mister trump.
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pres. trump: [indiscernible] thank you very much. i've never seen anything like it in my life. everyone is talking about it. this is what we have, and acting judge -- appointed judge by the democrats. and this is the fourth week, soon to be our fifth week not campaigning. it is what happened, it just took place in that court. hopefully the motion to dismiss this trial will go through because of this trial is a disaster for our country, it's a disaster for new york city. the judge said where exactly is the crime, to quote a line from "shakespeare in love," i don't know, it's a mystery. there is no crime.
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it's unconstitutional for texas to enforce immigration laws, how is it unconstitutional for new york to enforce election law. this is a witch hunt. this is to damage covid joe biden, the worst president in the history of our country, by far, by far -- to damage his political vote food that is all the system at a highly political judge, a totally conflicted judge who just did something nobody has ever seen. and the press is not happy, i would not imagine. they just got thrown out of the courthouse. nobody has ever seen anything quite like it. district attorney bragg has no authority to enforce election ultimately did nothing wrong. ted cruz just said over 200 years, never once has the
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president of the united states been indicted over no crime. no crime. molly hemingway, very smart woman. "this is a show trial. there is no actual crime or evidence. molly hemingway, respected by everybody, by the way. here is a liberal gentleman, very jolly gentleman, critically acclaimed director oliver stone, harvin heard his name mentioned in a while. "it's a new form of warfare called lawfare, that they are using against strength." i never heard if he was liberal -- never had such progressive support. "you are living through what is not only the worst presidency in american history, when it comes to domestic and foreign affairs.
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but when it comes to our constitution and the rule of law, law and order, which is important to this republic, biden is dismantling it and destroying it. i think it's the people around his desk, that beautiful, beautiful resolute desk at the oval office. it's a horrible thing. the country has never been in this position before, we are doing badly in so many different ways than before and we are not respected in the road anymore. they are looking at us and say, hey, there are no different than we are. bad countries are saying that. they are saying the united states is no different than we are. " the hopeless elites have really miscalculated by declaring war on trump," i guess he is referring to the fact that the polls are through the roof, but i am not even talking about that -- and the polls are the highest they have ever been. terrific lawyers, as everyone
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knows,, "to dismiss -- it is past time to dismiss his case." there is no false entry. by the way, they paid a legal expense and market legal expense. i say it every day. it could have said construction. they could have said this is for construction purposes. for some other purposes. if are building a building. they called legal fees in legal expense. great paid a lawyer money for a legal expense and then the lawyer calls it retainer. former acting attorney general of the prosecution has presented absolutely no evidence of a crime. another comment from someone at the american spectator, "the
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judge's animosity toward trump and his inability to ensure a fair trial is not lost on the voters. never seen anything like it." this goes on and on. from the new york times, "i would defy anyone to summarize the underlying situation in which a presidential candidate could be sent to prison for a misdemeanor offense." there is not even a misdemeanor. for a misdemeanor offense elevated by a second crime for which he isn't even being judged. i am not even being judged on it. they don't know what to charge me. you know what the crime is? they don't want me to beat, on behalf of i think 200 million people, they don't want me to beat biden. it's a shame, what they have
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done, and to finish out, a description, cross as --. the cnn panel just came out, this is significant. "there is no direct link to triumph in the alleged conspiracy qr code that is from cnn. not a fan of biotin, as i understand. "possibly fatally undermines the prosecution's case. this is a disaster." it says here "undermines the prosecution's case." this case should be documented judge. the judge, if they did that, they would gain the respec t back. think of it, the republican party, one of the two great parties, nominate somebody to be their candidates and that candidate now has been sitting here for almost five weeks in
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the freezing cold ice blocks, listening to this stuff. no crime. from cnn, "the crux of the case is that he said the statement. trump didn't know. he never would have agreed to be robbed by cohen. he absolutely didn't know. this is a bomb being dropped on the prosecution's case. this is cruising for prosecution credibility." i'll tell you what, new york state is good to be hurt so bad by this. and they are watching all over the world. businesses are going to be leaving the state. they already are unfortunately. they can't be subject to this. this and other judges who have just created a horrible scar on the constitution. hopefully the courts will take care of it. they did not ask cohen about
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that. "have not made him plead guilty to larceny here, because you know what is taking place. i am not supposed to be talking about certain things. i am being very careful. but you so what happened. this is cnn mentioning it. which it is larceny, which it is. you know they are talking about it because there was an admittance. i will say that it is the money. you will have to get this one because i can't read it. i have been gagged from reading this. but it is a vicious statement by a respected person at cnn. so you will have to read that one yourself. it turns out now that trump was
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-- yeah. that's right. i can't read it because i am not allowed to say it. cnn legal commentator. the prosecutor misled this jury. so there is a case to be made because five people has stated it very professionally that the prosecutor should be prosecuted. the district attorney should be prosecuted because he knew when he submitted this case, all about the life. therefore, he has committed a crime. many people have said that, that they should turn this around. he knew that this was a fake case. the lies were all over the place. we are not just talking about a small amount. you also have to go get the southern district's 28 page book on lies with the judge would not
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allow. by the way, the judge would not allow that, the southern district had to respect gates, a book of 28 pages, i believe, or more of lies, we were not allowed to putin. the expert witness that we have , the best there is in election law, brad smith, he is considered the rolls-royce. we will bring it back to an american car -- cadillac -- but the best there is. he can't testify. he is not being allowed to testify. you saw what happened to a highly respected lawyer today , bob costello, wow. i have never seen anything like that. but remember this. we can't put in an expert witness. we are not allowed to put in an expert witness. nobody has ever heard of it before. election law is very complicated, actually. and we are not allowed to have an expert with because the judge wants to rule on it.
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he said, we don't need an expert witness. no, he needs help. either side will admit it, brad smith, on the very complex law, but we did nothing wrong, i will tell you that right now. he doesn't want him to testify. that's because he you will say we did nothing. travis -- once again, i can say that one, i have a gag order. this one goes into a whole big thing on the witness today. so i can't talk about it. but sexton, the exact same thing. tim pallatori who is a very good lawyer, cnn, ureter. it's not only going to credibility, it also goes to alvin bragg's office's credibility. how did they not get this ahead of time? how did they put something like this out? then he goes on to say things i
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am not allowed to talk about. can you believe it? here i am. vice-presidential -- we have 15 people i am supposed to be reading about who will be our vice president, but i am stuck in a refrigerator all day. the presidential nominee, i am down here -- by an acting judge. he is acting! you know who appointed him, democrats. in the clubhouse. but hopefully, i tell you, for the good -- and i hope the governor and the mayor steps forward, it's like we have an armed camp outside. if you are a civilian, you can't get within three blocks of this courthouse. all we this police. they are in blue and they look good to me, but i'll tell you what, you don't see civilians outside. i have never seen so many iron gates as i've seen last five weeks. andy mccarthy, to show he stole from the trump organization even as they are structuring a deal, blah, blah, blah, and now i
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can't talk about it because, again, i have a gag order. so i think the case is going very well. we have asked for termination of the case. this case should be terminated. this shouldn't go anywhere. it should be terminated right now. new york state has to build up its system again. new york state can't let this happen. can't let this happen. there were no crimes. we did nothing wrong. i want to get back to campaigning. i am representing millions and am millions hundreds of millions , of people. meantime, russia and china are now good friends they want to take over the world. iran is developing a nuclear weapon and that's not going to be an easy situation when they have it. north korea is getting frisky and i get along with him very well but the current administration, they don't even know his name. we have a lot of things to solve. inflation is hitting new highs -- you see that, getting new
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highs. i should be out campaigning so we can turn the country around. thank you very much and see you tomorrow. [reporters asking questions] reporter: mr. trump, why will you not testify? announcer: iran's esident ebrahim raisi and the country's foreign minister have both died in a helicopter cra. according to reuters, it occurred in the mountains near the azerbaijan border. iran's vice president will not serve as interim president. under their constitution, a new presidential election must be held within 50 days. ♪ announcer: c-span's "washington journal good of our live forum involving you to discuss the latest issues in government,
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politics, and public policy, from washington and across the country. today morning, our gift from the heritage foundation discusses federal, state and local crime and law enforcement policies that a missouri democratic congresswoman talks about the israel-hamas war, black voters, and campaign2024, immigration and congressional news of the day. c-span's "washington journal." join in the conversation live at 7:00 he started morning on c-span, c-span now, our free mobile app, or online at ♪ c-span is your unfiltered view of government funded by these television companies and more, including charter communications. >> charter is proud to be recognized as one of the best internet providers and we are just getting started, building 100,000 miles of new infrastructure to reach those who need it most. announcer: charter


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