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tv   Defense Secretary Vows Weapon Supplies for Ukraine Will Continue  CSPAN  May 21, 2024 1:51am-2:00am EDT

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row seat to washingtonny, here. >> defense secretary lloyd austin said the u.s. would continue to supply ukraine with weapons for use in its war against russia at the military leadership meeting of the ukraine defense group. members include 32 nato members and 24 nation supported ukraine in its war against russia. tin: hello, everyone. it issee eryone again. thank you for joining us fornd e defense contact group. rtners.start by welng s from ukraine. we are meeting at a moment of challenge. invaders have launchednother offensive onto sovereign territory. the kremlin forces will try to make furtherdvans in the weeks ahead and carve out a
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buffer zone along the ukrainians fight. fends are showing and shorten area -- extraordinary courage and skill. putting the facilities this contact group has provid■$ to good use. food and -- putin's new offensive underscores the importance of this contact group. 50 countries from around the world are standing up for ukraine again today. will continue to give ukraine the support needs. the united states remains determined to do our part. we are again delivering urgently needed assistance to ukraine. and the security assistance we ce in this fight.raine will make that includes 155 millimeter artillery rounds and ammunition fo defense capabilities, anti-armor systems which com from a billion-dollar
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drawdown from our stocks after president biden signed the national security supplemental th. thanks to the supplemental, we will continue to approve securie packages for ukraine. you wiee a steady flow of u.s. assistance to ukraine week after week. president biden announced an additional package worth $400 thisonth. that will help ukraine defend kharkiv and other frontline areas under renewed russian threat. we have delivered many of ukraine's top priority requirements and much more assistance is on the way. nasams, patriot air defense systems, more himars systems, stinger antiaircraft missiles and javelin anti-rs. this package also includes armored vehicles. that is essential for ukraine's
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work to reconstitute its arsena our fellow contact group members continue to meet ukraine's most urgent needs. together they have committed more than $95lionn security assistance to ukraine since the start of p' full-scale invasion in february 2022. o intensify as bombardment using russian missiles and ir drones to strike more civilian targets across ukraine's y. and to put more innocent civilians and ukrainians in the crosshairs. air defense will be high on our agenda today. i will urge all of our valued partners to reassess their ability to get the air defense capabilities it so urgently needs. even as we work to blunt putin's rened t, we will build towards ukraine's long-term security.
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we now have eight capability coalitions up and running. that provides the sustainable, practical and nimble mechanism for our partners to coordinate with oneer, d meet ukraine's immediate needs, and build a formidable and sustainable future force to board o - ward off feature russian aggression. grateful for all the work our leads and co-leads of the capability coalitions are doing, including coordinating crosscutting issues through the capability coordination leadership group. i am looking forward to hearing updates today from maritime coalition and the integrated air and missile defense coalition. ladies and gentlemen, the weeks and months ahead will be crucial. we will continue to act with resolve. ukraine's survival and success are central to ukrainian
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security, european security, global security and american security. if putin prevails, tyrants will conclude t also try to invade and conquer their sovereign neighbors. that will leave europe under world more violent and chaotic. ukraine's for freedom and security matters to us all. i am more determined than ever to ensure ukraine has what it needs to succeed. let me pause for a moment while our friends in the media department. ♪ >> c-span has been delivering unfiltered congressional here is a highlight from a key moment. >> let this this flag is a symbol.
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we stand, we fight and we will win because we areukraine, amere free world. [applause] >> tsday oc-an, the senate energy and natural resources committee holine the opportunits anchlenges of growing demand for electric power in the u.s. and s pact on the electrical grid. that said 10 a.m. eastern. at noon, the house returns for genel speeches followed by
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legislative busiss at 2:00. members are considering bills including one tesblish an inspection's on c-span [applause] , c-span2, the senate will vote for u.s. judicial nominations for aron secretary of state antony inn testifies on his recent trip to europe rai t ongoing war between israel and hamas, d e 2025 budget request. at 2:30 p.m., a hearg roadway safety, including risk to pedestrians and cyclistsit testimony from transportatiowate free c-span now video app,r online at c-span ordered -- tonit,n c-span, president biden receives a lifetime achievement award from the naacp during its freedom fund nn in detroit, followed by former presiden
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reporters outside hisusmoney yot contind r the 19th day. then we will hear fm e prosecutor for the international criminal court announcingis intention to seek arrest warrants for hamas and israeli leaders, includi pme minister benjamin netanyahu. we will hear from defense secretary lloyd austin alosi joint chiefs of staff chair general charles brown junior on thear in ukraine and the helicopter crash that killed iran's president over theeken that and more coming up tonight, on c-span. ls show that support for the president may be slipping


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