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tv   The Young Turks With Cenk Uygur  Current  March 25, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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>> welcome to "the young turks." the nra versus bloomberg. this time bloomberg is bringing in $12 million to the party, though. >> i don't think there has ever been an issue where the public has spoken to clearly where congress hasn't understood and done the right thing. >> we'll talk about that in just
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a little bit. and doma and prop 8 those are the gay rights issues the supreme court is going to take up. >> the question of same-sex marriage, now before the supreme court. on tuesday and wednesday the justices hear oral arguments of two cases. major implications for same-sex couples. >> and then my face-to-face interview with president carter. >> wiping out a disease from the face of the earth, does that pop maybe everything else? >> i think in a personal way maybe it does because it affects so many people. >> i'll tell you about that, plus what is the one thing president carter wished he would have done when he was president. it's go time. [♪ theme music ♪]
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>> cenk: now the nra is used to running rough shot over our politics in this country, but all of a sudden they have a significant foe, his name is major bloomberg and he is about to spend $12 million in ads targeting republicans and democrats who are waivering on this issue. >> my dad taught me to hunt and i'll teach my kids. background checks have nothing to do with taking guns away from anyone. i want to protect my rights and my family. >> tell congress don't protect criminals. vote to protect gun rights and our criminals. >> cenk: he attacks in a bipartisan manner and i like
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that. a lot of times democrats go we have to prosect our conservative democrats. bloomberg is going after 15 lawmakers. the bipartisan list to which i say go get em. now bloomberg doesn't need my advice, look at him on tv. >> i want to put in office somebody that will do the things that i think is necessary for this country. that's what democracy is all about. >> cenk: you would think but usually you need that $12 million to incentivize the politicians. and that's what is wrong with
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our democracy. wayne lapierre, the lead of the nra of course is vivid over this and counterattacks. >> he can't spend enough of his $27 billion to try to impose his will on the american public. they don't want him in their restaurants, homes and telling them what food to eat, they sure don't tell them what self-defense fire arms to own, and he can't buy america. he is so reckless in terms of his comments on this whole gun issue. >> cenk: what i love is when political people tell us american people want this or that. let's look at the polls. 88% support background checks so wayne lapierre, you are totally wrong. american people want background checks. among gun owners 85% support
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background checks. they are not with you, they are against you, wayne lapierre. all right. now it's of course not just bloomberg who is opposed to wayne lapierre, there is now other groups that are also targeting this issue if you will, and there's a new ad out by ultraviolet and they are an interesting group. let me show you. >> about 2:00 in the morning was when he came in and he shot my daughter. >> my dad we think he may have been bipolar. when i was 16 in '95, my dad shot himself and died. >> my daughter was 39 weeks pregnant and just starting labor when she was shot in the back of the head. >> why so many people have to die and why it has to be someone
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close to you before you can say something about it. >> majority leader reid -- >> majority leader reid -- >> majority leader reid show some courage. >> cenk: i love that. harry reid once bragged about how his dad shot himself in the head with a gun. he made that in a pro-gun argument? so should he be targeted with these ads, definitely? now let me bring in some extras on this issue. diane diane kirby is a gun-control advocate, and rashad robinson, executive director of, one of the longest african american organizations in the country, and certainly the largest online one.
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thank you both for joining us. really appreciate it. >> harry reid is mentioned very often in that ad diane. is he one of the main problems here, and do you have go after democrats too if you want to help solve this issue to let legislation through? >> yes, gun violence is not a political issue. it's a healing issue. it's a women's issue because it's our loved ones that are being killed. so this is beyond politics. i don't care whether they are democrat or republican or independent, we need to come together as a group, as americans and do something about gun violence. >> cenk: yes and diane's nephew was shot and killed by someone else. diane thank you for your courage
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on that, and for talking about it. rashad, you guys at color of change are terrific in pushing people in the right direction. how do you do that from the outside in this particular issue. >> i think the leadership that ultraviolet are showing, mayor bloomberg's group and others, it is critical that we have to hold politicians on both sides of the aisle accountable. our friends are the ones who stand with us when we are the most challenged. we have seen the ravages that gun violence has had on our communities. mr. law pierre talks about money and politics and bloomberg's money, what he fails to talk about is the way the nra has carried the water for the gun industry for years and has moved their money into the pockets of
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politician politicians who support them and has went after politicians who don't, and what we have is organizations like color of change and ultra violent and others, and we need to cull those democrats who come into our communities and let them know they are not going to have our support if they are in the back pocket of the nra and the gun industry. >> rashard let me stay with you for a second, how pathetic is it that on an issue where 88% of americans agree, i have seen the number where 87% of republicans agree on this issue of background checks that we have to cajole democrats to support the people? >> it really does highlight the problem in politics. washington, d.c. politics can
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real drown out the voices of every day people. when 80% of folks are firm and set on the issue, and it's such a common sense issue. 40% of guns are sold without any paperwork. 80% of inmates report getting their guns through a private seller. and the fact that congress would try to move a bill or not move a bill, but try to move a bill without closing this loophole without dealing with armor piercing bullets or these other things that are so common -- background checks 80% of americans are with us and we have these democrats who are supposed to be on our side, who got elected with 90% plus of african american vote, and what we see happening in inner cities around the country with gun violence, you know, there's a lot of work that we have to do in our mritpolitical systems, but
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one of the key things is really deal with money in politics. the overwhelming reach that these lobby groups like the nra can have in drowning out the voice of every day people. >> cenk: yeah, i think you are right. the assault weapons and high capacity magazines, they dropped those already. diane i want to go back back to wayne lapierre. let's watch this together. >> the whole thing universal checks is a dishonest premise. there is not a bill on the hill that provides a universal check. the shooters in tucson and arrow, newtown, they are not going to be checked. they are unrecognizable. diane how do you respond to
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that? >> well, it -- the logic doesn't make sense. if you follow that through, criminals don't respond to any law, okay. so if we are going to follow that through we wouldn't have passed any laws. we need to put obstacles in their play anyway. we can't just hand the country over to them and say since you don't want to play ball, we're just going to give you the field. >> cenk: that makes so much sense. but of course, wayne lapierre is not paid to make sense. michael moore was recently on television and personalized this saying if harry reid's grandchildren were shots, he would have a different opinion. now a family member of yours was shot. was michael moore wrong to personalize it that way? >> i'm beginning to it this is really necessary. and it disappoints me that
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people wait, like i did, before they start taking action. silted getting worse and worse each other and it is affecting everyone. you can't limit it to a neighborhood anymore or one segment of the population. gun violence is everywhere. so we need to start addressing this problem like it's an american problem, not like it's a subset of one part of america. we need to hold people accountable. i would expand what mooil moore said and apply it also to wayne lapierre. i wonder how he would feel if someone that he loved died as a result of gun violence. would he still hold those same principles? would it still be more important to him that he doesn't have to get his gun regulated. my toaster is regulated. the pillows on my bed are regulated. years ago when we implemented laws around tobacco and alcohol,
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similar arguments were made. you are trying to take away this or that. six years later people are still drinking alcohol and smoking, but they are doing it in a more effective manner -- in a manner in which the rest of us can live safely without being worried about it. so some of those arguments just don't hold water when you really look at them. >> cenk: yeah, no. powerful case. thank you both so much for joining us. really appreciate. >> thank you cenk for giving me the opportunity to talk about this subject. >> cenk: no problem at all. now when we come back in new york city the nation has done a terrific investigation and found out that yes, they do have quotas for arrests and summons. we'll talk about that and the racial discrimination that follows from that.
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>> you stop the people who you know aren't doing anything, and then frisking them you know, pretty much turns you upside down and violates your rights. (vo) the answer in a moment. brought to you by expedia. expedia helps 30 million travellers a month find what they are looking for one traveller at a time.
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♪ >> cenk: welcome back to "the young turks." if you live in new york city especially if you are a minority, it seems like the cops might have a quota for stopping
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you, and arresting you, you might be right. here are some very unfortunate stories, documented in the documentary called "the hunted and the hated." >> the mayor and the commissioner say there aren't any quotas. >> that's a lie. there are definitely quotas. ♪ >> it becomes you are just stopping people who you know aren't doing anything, and then you are frisking them you know, pretty much turns you upside down and violates your rights. >> people who might commit the crime [ inaudible ] sometimes i don't know if they committed it or not. there might be a beer right next to them, don't know if it is theirs, but i'm running out of time, and i got to make the
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quota, and if i don't, i get retaliated against. >> cenk: how is that for an incentive system. shockingly enough it turns out when they stop and fisk in new york city it is disproportionately applied to african-americans and latinos. and then i wonder why those minorities don't wind up trusting the cops. hum, strange. now let me bring in ryan devereaux, freelance writer for "the nation," who has always covered this issue, and ryan. thanks for joining us, and i want to start with this issue of the stop and frisk. now tell me what is happening in new york city right now in regards to that in terms of the community reaction and then what is happening legally. >> yeah so last week this landmark trial began in lower
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margin -- manhattan, which accuses the nypd of violations of hundreds of thousands of new yorkers through its stop and fisk practices under the administration of the mayor and the commissioner. nine out of ten people have been released without a summons or arrest. 86% there abouts have been african american, or latino many of them young men. what this trial seeks to do is to -- the attorneys are seeking injunctive relief. their plaintiffs in this case, four young men who were stopped by the place here on the streets of new york city represents hundreds of thousands of new yorkers who have experienced t this in recent years, and it
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has been fascinating. we heard testimony from two nypd whistleblowers spoke in court confirming what ross tuttle was able to find himself, basically that there is a quota system within the nypd which incentivizes or puts pressure on officers to stop people and fill out forms when they stop a person on the street. >> cenk: so the cops and i'm sure the mayor would say, we have got crime down in new york city, we're doing a good job, so obviously it is working. so stop bothering us. how would you respond to that? >> when you actually look at the numbers they are more complicated that the mayor and
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the commissioner make them out to be. while murder rates have gone down in new york city, the actual number of shootings have remained relatively the same despite stop and fisks, actual shootings have only dropped by roughly 4% so to say this has had a mayor impact on murders isn't exactly telling the whole story, and it certainly doesn't tell the story of the lived experiences of young people who say they are stopped on a regular bases. just weeks ago there were massive pro tests -- there was at least one very very massive protest, where a 16-year-old boy was shot by two plain-clothed police officers. young people -- mostly young people from the neighborhood four days after he was shot
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basically ran through the streets, smashed windows out of police cars, bricks and bottles were thrown at the cops, 46 people were arrested young women were pepper sprayed on the sidewalks, that explosion, i think typifies what this case is really about. this case seeks to prove the police have been engaging in unconstitutional stops on a regular basis. this police department came in second in terms of meritless stops. 94% of people in 2011 stopped by nypd in the 67th precinct were released without charge. and young people have become almost accustomed to that. and the frustration you saw that
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night was directly related to those stops. >> cenk: right. and another thing that happens is they just don't trust the police officer any more. it's not a good situation to be in. the other problem here of course is the quotas so i want to play you another piece here and get your reaction. let's watch. >> he said 21. the union is backing up one arrest. so it's sad, you know. here they are establishing quotas with their department.
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>> cenk: so there is the union working with the police department to establish quotas. so what it is so important that there not be quotas? >> for one it is violation of new york state law for the police department to not have quotas. but if you are incentivizing officers to make arrests or putting their jobs on the line, demanding that make arrests, they are not analyzing situations on the streets based on the activity unfolding in front of them, they are making decisions based on trying to protect their jobs. that's not the way it is supposed to work. >> ryan devereaux, from the nation thank you for joining us. they are not doing a lot of stop and frisks where there is the greatest robbery in american history, wall street.
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all of that robbery, fraud, in 2007, not a lot of stop and frisks being conducted down there. when we come back, a man who mights against that. and we'll talk about the one thing he wanted to do as president that he didn't get a chance to do. >> this is one of five neglected tropical diseases. and one of the most difficult diseases to attack. ♪
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♪ >> cenk: welcome back to "the young turks." last week i had a chance to sit down with the 39th president of the united states of america, jimmy carter center at the carter center. some of you might know some of the work at the carter center. they do great work, and they %
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also fight disease. one of the things they were fighting was the guinea worm. it is a pair siddic infection called by a round worm parasite. it's in the drinking water, it gets inside of you, the larva hatch inside of you, and within a year it worms down your leg. the worm can be as long as three feet long. it goes out in an open blister that is incredibly painful and then out of your skin. they have to exact it and it takes about 30 days to do so. it is incredibly painful, and also often leadings to infection which can kill you. now there is only 542 cases reported last year. those are provisional in south sue da mali ethiopia and chad.
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and this year so far two infections reported. that was part one of your discussion with president carter. >> president carter how did you go about fighting the disease? >> first of all we decided to eradicate it and not just control it. we found this disease in 20 different countries. and we did our analysis and we found the disease in 26,500 vil ladies and gentlemens. we have been in every village so far. and we found 3.5 million cases. last year we had 542 cases. 521 of the cases were in south sudan, and we had a few cases in three other countries. so far this year, we have only had two cases, but later this
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year we'll probably have more. what we had to do is go into every village teach the people what caused the disease, how to counter act and prevent it and give them the necessary materials to prevent it. >> cenk: of all of the diseases and problems in the world why this one? >> the carter center fills vacuums in the world. this was one of the five major neglected tropical diseases that world health organization describes, and they are no longer known in even halfway developed countries, but they affect hundreds of millions of people in the poorest countries in the world, and this is one of the most difficult diseases to attack, to correct, because it
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is scattered from one village to the other. the villages from just five miles apart speak different languages, and go through impenetratable jungles to get there, so we did that? the most remote villages in the world, and it was a very difficult disease to know how to correct. we figured all of those answer out at the carter center. it has taken us about 30 years to do so but we're on the verge of eradicating the disease. >> cenk: the peace deal in the middle east, president of the united states, nobel piece prize, but does wiping out a disease from the face of the earth does that top everything? >> i think it was. this was a disease known in the bible as the fiery surpant.
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it has been there for 10,000 years, and to teach a village how to correct it and go back the next year zero guinea worm just kind of brings tears to your eyes. and some people have had has many as 20 or 30 worms coming out of their body simultaneously. >> cenk: when you go to sleep at night sometimes do you have a smile on your face saying no matter what else i did, my life is worth living. >> i'm going to have a bigger smile when the disease is gone. we have to monitor with thousands of volunteers working with us, every village that has had guinea worm we're still watching to make sure it doesn't
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come back. >> cenk: so you now do incredibly hard work of wiping out diseases like this that others aren't fighting and the democracy work that you are doing, fair elections, that you are monitoring et cetera. given how hard these tasks are and how much time you spent on them, when you look back as president, do you think, god, with that awesome power, i wish i had done this with it? >> i wish i had known more about the value, efficiency and effectiveness of preventative medicine. the main thing i knew then was the danger of tobacco. but i finally came to realize, for instance, that now tobacco still causes more deaths on earth than aids and malaria and
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tuberculosis combined. so the prevention of death from unnecessary sources is what i wish i had known more about when i was in the white house. >> cenk: and then how could you have used the office to help in that process? >> just by orienting most specifically our foreign aid moneys to teach like we do to work with the presidents of countries and the administers of health and education, let them be our partners but then to make sure that the carter center people now go into the villages and do the work. so we have a long string of unbroken tries between the carter center and the people that suffer. >> cenk: right. so many ex-presidents are afraid
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to try because they don't want to fail. but one of their founding principles is it's okay to fail. when they first started in 1986 nobody thought it was possible to equipment it will guinea worm. turns out it was. tomorrow we'll have part two of the conversation where we get a little bit more into politics. that's also very interesting. when we come back on a separate issue the supreme court will be dealing with doma and prop 8. which way will that go? >> outside of the court, activists on both sides of the issue are already camped out. >> how do you use sexuality as a moral question?
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♪ >> cenk: back on "the young turks." the supreme court will be hearing two cases on defense of
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marriage act, and on prop 8 on california. abc news has more. >> supreme court is considering two cases right now, one having to do with proposition 8, and defense of marriage act. what i think what you are going to see is a lot of focus on two justices. anthony kennedy, and chief justice john roberts. they see the wave. they have seen that develop, the majority of support in the country is moving very very quickly. >> cenk: that's a really interesting point, and do they want to look like justice tanny who was part of the judge scott issue. there are some unabashedly on the wrong side of history,
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including gary bower. >> the argument that the public is overwhelmingly in favor of same-sex marriage, chris, is ludicrous. if the opinion of the american public was so overwhelming, they would not be asking the supreme court to say to the american people, you have no say on this issue. >> wait a minute. >> the polls are skewed chris. >> cenk: yeah, the polls are all wrong. the imaginary people in my head are all right. 58% of people support gay marriage. it's an all time high. and if you ask young folks 18 to 32 year olds, 70% support gay marriage. rick jacobs is the founder of the courage campaign and chaired
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the campaign back in '03 and '04. thank you for being here. >> gad to be here. >> cenk: let me read you this . . . i'm not sure i agree with that but how important is it to have people like chief justice roberts who has a gay count -- cousin in the court? >> it's everything. the supreme court is going to rule for prop 8 to be thrown out. there's no question in my mind. it may be a narrow ruling but
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we're going to win on prop 8 and doma. and i say that because if you look at all that has come together. you have had 40 senator -- u.s. senator -- i think if portman had been where he was, we would have had 41 and then claire mcaskill -- you have almost the majority of the u.s. senate on record now in a brief saying doma should be struck down. you have had ted olson who made george bush president with one vote, you have ted olson, and 10-something republicans, this is over. so we're watching a supreme court, 9 justices deliberate they have to hear they have probably already made up their minds, and they have to be looking at are all looking at was the country has moved. the best thing that could have
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happened to this country was the passoff of prop 8. >> cenk: that's really interesting. >> i call it the right wing's ted offensive. they said we won on prop 8. and guess what happened, two weeks later there were protests around the world, everybody was energized people came out in the streets, straight, gay, and everybody else, and look at what hand. 40% in 2007 and 58% today. >> cenk: so who is going to vote in favor of getting rid of prop 8? >> well, i think that kennedy and roberts -- >> cenk: really? you think it will be 6-3. >> that's what i think. i think the same on doma. we may even do better on doma.
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>> cenk: man, you are full of boldness today. but you mentioned earlier it could be a narrow ruling. what would that mean and what would be the effect of that? >> in both cases they could decide not to decide. they could say we don't think that the people who are appealing this in other words the proponents of prop 8, we don't think they have the standing or legitimacy to be before us today, and we're just going to let the previous court ruling stand. that could happen. >> cenk: in which case prop 8 would loose. >> exactly. >> cenk: but that would not apply to the rest of the state. so it is kind of like punting. >> it is kind of like punting, but i would be surprised if they issue a brood ruling saying that all 50 states have to accept voted that way, would they be an
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american hero? >> they i would be. look what roberts did on, quote unquote, obamacare. one reason he did it for sure is because chief justice roberts doesn't want his institution, the supreme court of the united states to be seen as a right-wing tool, and i don't think he'll allow it this time. i think he'll vote with the majority of the american people. >> cenk: i love it. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> cenk: in june we'll find out how they actually vote. coming back it's turk row, we bring everybody in, nothing but fun. that's what we call healthing. introducing lysol touch of foam hand soap. its rich, thick foam offers 10x more protection against germs on hands while added moisturizers leave your skin feeling so soft, everyone can feel
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it. new lysol touch of foam. tough on germs soft on skin. that's healthing.
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j now >>
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♪ >> cenk: all right. we're bark on "the young turks." we have turk row here, ana kasparian, lucas lilieholm noreen moustafa. ana your first story is on
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transgender. >> yes. phoenix, arizona passed a law that would help members of the lbgt community have some protection ps against discrimination, and as a response to that some politicians wanted to pass a bill that would discriminate against transgendered individuals. let's took at this report. >> the bill would make it a crime if the person enters a bathroom and the sign doesn't match the information on their birth certification. the bill is being delayed after dozens of transgender people gathered to protest. >> it puts someone like me in the position of having to decide either to commit a crime or out myself as transgender. >> and the point that was made in the last part of that video was the best part. if you are transgender, and you have gone through a sex change
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operation, if you go into a male restroom, then all of a sudden everyone is going to know you are transgender what if you run into bullies? what if they do something violent or retaliate against you? it could have serious ramifications? >> cenk: is it fair to say that some women are uncomfortable if there are preop transgender people that go into the women's bathroom and they have male body parts? is that a fair argument? >> it is but a lot of people think that sex and gender are the same thing. but if you are born in -- >> i also think it is not
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appropriate to legislate around people's discomfort. and for me i'm thinking what is up with arizona they got tired of harassing mexicans? and now they are moving on to transgenders. >> cenk: yeah in arizona the one thing we know is make sure you have your papers on you. >> exactly. but unless you are sharing a toilet stall, how are you going to know? the only way this becomes an issue is if you appear to be a woman and you have to walk into a men's restroom that is going to cause more of a store. and all of the guys are going to be hey, i think you walked in the wrong door.
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>> cenk: yeah and to noreen's point, people said i feel uncomfortable with sharing a bathroom with black people. >> cenk: isn't this arizona saying -- taking an issue that isn't an issue at all. like who has really complained about it? when was the uprising about people in the wrong bathroom. and isn't this arizona saying we love being discriminatory. >> and we are going to pick a smaller community that we can margelize, because at this point, if you maybe a homophobic statement you have to apologize for that, but this is a way to clooef off a smaller subset. >> cenk: that's a great point.
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because there always has to be others. blacks, gays and now transgenders. watch out for others. >> yes, and they are attempting to pass this bill, but the lbgt community has been protesting it, and there is a possibility that there won't even be a vote on this. >> cenk: the great news about this country is it's getting harder and harder to discriminate. it is not solved but at least there's a tremendous fight back. >> and arizona seems to maintain its status as the mad laboratory of democracy. >> cenk: all right. thank you guys. when we come back an important concluding thought. yeah, it's fast. clearasil, the science of clear skin.
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