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tv   Business  Deutsche Welle  August 26, 2019 3:45pm-4:01pm CEST

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because the markets did open in the negative territory but have since then recovered their losses the markets at this point of time are the slapping up any positive news on this front even in these uncertain times even if it comes from a highly unreliable president trump but there is a certain saw for last in terms of how these 2 board the parties are dealing with the crisis the trade war and in fact and i mean this has remarked that the best to be the best thing that president tom could do to ensure that there is stable it in the market is to keep quiet moderate our markets correspondent spending for us at the frankfurt stock exchange thank you now to one of the other big topics on the agenda at the g. 7 summit as we mentioned trump a story also made remarks on iran and tehran's foreign minister made a surprise appearance on the sidelines of the meeting after being invited to barretts by the french trump tonight reports that he had been in the dark about
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this saying he had approved the move. but there is a chorus already has been served. that was with great respect i spoke to president rouhani is today. i knew everything he was doing and i approved whatever he was doing and i thought it was funny and i think it's too soon to be i don't want to be. i said i don't want to be great but it's true to be told to meet with is going to be a group thing for a group. or it let's go back to gary and berates garrick you know we've seen such as collating tensions between the u.s. and iran and the french move here was really to address some of those tensions and we are just hearing there are some positive words perhaps on iran how is that being received. well sumi the president here really confirms what we have heard before from other world leaders that including angle america that actually there was agreement that's tensions with iran should be east
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french diplomats when he went a step too far to say that the french president had to a mandate to pick up diplomatic relations in order to achieve that goal but overall there was agreement and now the american president has confirmed that he's on the same page and so german chancellor in a common press conference with the american president also just look at it's still a long way to go but very positive signals here from be a it's a character day they will come back to you again in just a moment with the iranian foreign minister in berets iran is looking to defuse tensions with the u.s. after it pulled out of the 2015 international nuclear chord and the u.s. is applying a policy of maximum pressure that includes economic sanctions did it is to face a tough it has been looking into what that means for ordinary iranians. the economic heart of the iranian capital in the bizarre at 1st glance it seems to
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be bustling here. but looks can be deceiving. has traveled all the way from isaan to seven's fabrics but business is slow today. and i was a move to 2 inches. this is one of the most important parts of the bazaar this is where clothes and textiles are part and sold this area is known worldwide as the trade hall but as you can see it's almost empty it shows you how badly the economy is doing right now hardly anyone comes here. to see that is nice. some days many traders make a single sale u.s. sanctions the depreciation of the local currency and now the standoff in the persian gulf have all taken their toll. hopes for fresh negotiations between the u.s. and iran. we have to solve our problems and make peace with the rest of the
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world. we live in a time of communication we can't close the doors to the outside world just as many traders here share that opinion but by no means all of them the constant uncertainty has made people wary and tired many believe a new deal with the u.s. under donald trump it's no longer possible. there should be a war we want war then at least we'll know where we stand for better or worse. more than a year since the u.s. pulled out of the nuclear deal such sentiments have become more commonplace. i set off to discover what people think in other parts of the city. i'm not surprised to hear words like these down here in the south of tehran where views have always been more traditional and more conservative but is the mood all
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over the capital shifting to find out let me take you to the north of cheraw clocks tick differently. i stopped to visit a man with been following the situation in iran very closely. i want to know what effect all of this has on the political mood in the country there were on the administration i actually was elected on an agenda of dialogue and engagement with the world to settle differences on the nuclear issue and other issues but now that you know the nuclear file and the j.c. is not there because of in terms of u.s. withdrawal and other parties iran complains that they are not living up to their commitments it is basically radicalizing the general public which was pro engagement at electing a government that was calling for an agent with the world now it is turning the
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other way around. i've come to the northern part of the city to hear what people have to say it's mostly young well educated and well to do iranians who live here they voted for president rouhani and celebrated his commitment to the nuclear deal nobody here wants to see war. they should make friends and be done with it. or want to help us we should be friends with the whole world and work together so we can all move forward. it's only been i've given up hope 1st our regime has to. ange. more or regime change the political viewpoints into iran have become more extreme in both directions. all right back to be or it's in character matters now where as we said iran is one of the big big topics on the agenda this weekend garrett we're seeing there that are rainy and are eager to diffuse at least some of them some of the tensions that have
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escalated over the past few months it seems that leaders this weekend haven't been able to agree on much of anything so how reliable are these statements from trump on iran saying that it's going to be a time to meet with iran it's going to be a great thing for the country that would signify an important step. and that would signify an important step and i think the point is at the end of the day it's it's really difficult to say what to make of statements when donald trump just now in a press conference is that we more or less agree on the conclusion regarding iran and let me give you traders as another example here i have been reporting in the past 2 days on the american president and his opinion on trade relations with china and it started out with the president having regrets or 2nd thoughts about escalating relations with china then the white house came along and said what the president actually meant is that he would like to poor more oil into the fire he
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wanted to he regrets not being tougher with china and today the president has said he's a he's close to a deal and china is a great partner so it really difficult to say which statement is actually the real one whether it's iran or economic relations we'll we'll just have to wait and see what actually comes out of the talk well garrick it seems like one topic that the leaders there seem to have agreed on is that they want to help brazil fighting the ongoing fires in the amazon what are you expecting to see on that today. exactly the french president said at least they're nearing an agreement regarding the amazon rain forest and no firm commitment however yet but the agreement for sees it's a draft paper yet it's for c's technical support monetary support for the privilege in government in fighting these fires and german chancellor angela merkel that once the fires are out a reforestation programme could be supported so
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a number of ideas and a number of potentially tangible results that could out of come out of this g 7 meeting him be a it's all right to have is gary mattis reporting for us thank you very much. as we heard him.


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