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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  October 24, 2019 4:00pm-4:28pm CEST

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new. this is news live from berlin nato grapples with turkey's incursion into northern syria the alliance is meeting today to hammer out a unified response as nato member turkey conducts operations with russian troops in itself to cleared safe zone in syria also coming up russian president vladimir putin welcomes african leaders for their 1st ever summit focused on trade moscow is looking to expand its influence on the continent we'll tell you what is at stake. china confirms the $39.00 people found dead inside a truck near london or chinese british police wrap up their investigation including
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raids on 2 homes in northern ireland. and the european union's human rights prize goes to income totally for his work defending china's weaker minority we speak to his daughter who says the family hasn't seen the jailed activist since 2017 our family members were and are no longer with us able to visit him and we don't know if we still have to tell them the same question or if we did we don't even know if he's still alive. i'm sunni so must conduct good to have you with us nato defense ministers are gathering in brussels to discuss turkey's incursion into northern syria it is an unprecedented issue for the alliance because turkey a nato member is closely collaborating in syria with russia a nato outsider that sees the alliance as
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a threat turkish and russian troops are now jointly patrolling a so-called safe sona northern syria where turkey wants to resettle syrian refugees . this area is now under moscow's control russian military police made their way into the north syrian border town of kabbani on wednesday. u.s. troops had withdrawn from the region earlier abandoning their kurdish allies and making way for their nato partner turkey to lead a military incursion into the area. a move that faced harsh international criticism nato however has been reluctant to criticize the so efforts of their allies in brussels general secretary voiced concern and called for international effort there war has been there for years we have seen hundreds of thousands of people being killed at the us it is so there's a need for progress for for a political negotiated solution now russia which is not
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a member of nato has become turkey's closest ally in the attempt to implement a military solution as part of a deal struck between the leaders of turkey and russia they seek to create a buffer zone in the formerly kurdish held border region and german tornado fighter jets could be part of a greater international effort to stabilize the area this is according to a recent plan by a german defense minister and he could come she wants to take billions commitment even further. is this my suggestion is that we set up an internationally controlled security zone and valving turkey and russia. and a suggestion that took many by surprise back home in germany and brussels the proposal was met with interest by the nato chief i welcomed out nato allies proposals on how to move forward how to find a political solution and of course a political solution how to in one when all the in-wall all actors on the ground.
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but this proposal just might be too little too late russia one of the actors on the ground has made clear already that it rejects berlin's vision of a security zone in northern syria. our correspondent in brussels teri schultz is covering this story for us hi terry russia rejects this proposal of a security zone but nato was tentatively welcoming it how will this be discussed in today's meeting. well so i mean the german proposal will not come up formally on the nato agenda but everyone's talking about it and very much looking forward to talking to the german defense minister on the sidelines about just what her vision is there are no details the u.s. defense secretary said this morning that he welcomes proposals but that he hasn't read it yet so i think that no one is going to turn down visions for a political solution on the ground in syria but as you say the complications are many if russia which is now in charge of patrolling some of these areas will not
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agree to this and turkey doesn't insist on it it will be very difficult to see how any european forces would be going into that area the u.s. secretary of defense mark asked her did speak earlier and said turkey is heading in the wrong direction on a number of issues relating to nato how will the u.s. deal with its partner in this alliance. it's not just the u.s. that has to deal with this problem it is all of the allies and any time there's tension between 2 allies especially those countries with the biggest militaries in nato of course everyone's going to be nervous has been a very uncomfortable situation european allies were very critical of the u.s. decision to pull its forces out of northern syria which of course turkey saw as a green light for its incursion so it's not just the turkish defense minister who will be getting hard questions here from allies it's also secretary esper everyone wants to know what the plans are for moving ahead on the ground especially this turkey russia proposition no one is comfortable with with russia which is seen as
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the biggest enemy of nato patrolling very near its borders terry reheard the french president to monitor my calls say that turkey's incursion raises questions about how nato works how will that be addressed. well nato works by consensus for better or for worse and so there's nothing that can be done to criticize turkey or to limit turkey without turkey's own acquiescence so any organization that works by consensus the european union run this runs into this as well is always going to be limited by those those members that sort of run astray so yeah nato is limited by that and everyone knows that at the same time on the sidelines there will be very very direct discussions as they say frank and constructive discussions with turkey about just what its plans are on the ground and you know secretary esper earlier called for investigations of potential war crimes so it will be interesting to see if he continues that harsh line after what
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president trump said yesterday that he was satisfied with how turkey is handling the situation in northern syria now our correspondent terry szell's covering that nato meeting for us in brussels thank you. russian president vladimir putin has welcomed dozens of african leaders to such where he is hosting the 1st ever russia africa economic forum the 2 day summit is focused on expanding cooperation and trade infrastructure technology and security all 54 african states are represented at the event it's being seen as part of russia's drive to restore its influence on the african continent which faded after the collapse of the soviet union in 1901 now china has long been leading the way on investment in africa but now it seems russia is eager to catch up for example by pursuing its business interests in one of the poorest countries in the world the central african republic. russia's colors who are on display at this youth sporting event in the central african republic the
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kids from the capital bangui you seem to be enjoying themselves and that was a good sign for the figures in sunglasses in the background. russia has set out to win the hearts in africa. this woman says she loves russia for organizing the event . russian money was also spent on a beauty contest that crowned miss central africa the sponsor at events like these is a radio station promoting russian african time as radio lingo is sung though. so what's it like it a broadcaster that does advertising for moscow we don't get mensura to that question that its headquarters in a suburb of bangor. but we do get to view an animated clip aimed at showing russia's friendly feelings toward the country's children it was paid for by low buy invest. that's a company with ties to russian president vladimir putin
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a company that was named for a region known for its diamonds the government here has granted by invest a lot of mining rights the country wants to look for the precious stones more efficiently whether with russia or other partners the. president has said that we are open to anyone who wants to cooperate in public private partnerships to exploit these valuable resources. this is the minister at the russian embassy he's with the areas that are of a security advisor to the african countries president saw her of his scene as a man with power behind the scenes who has helped train its army russians can now view that army on state television only a fraction of the trainers are officers from the russian army most of the rest reportedly work for a private russian security firm for the opposition here that's unacceptable. you don't. raise in our
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constitution it is forbidden that's why we are against. so what's behind russia's new solidarity with central africa how much is about mercenary services or weapons paid for with diamonds critics say russia is using private business to help secure national interests on the continent but most go says it's stop playing geopolitical games if you use african governments as partners. let's get a round up now some other stories making news around the world 16 people have been sentenced to death in bangladesh for the murder of a teenage schoolgirl including the school's principal they said john. fire after she reported them for sexual harassment her murder sparked outrage and protests across the country. india and pakistan have signed a pact allowing indian pilgrims to cross the border to a sikh shrine in pakistan the deal enables the set free access and
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a secure corridor to the town of cartop for where the grave of sikh isms founder is located it's a rare just for of cooperation between the nuclear armed rivals and the remains of spanish dictator francisco franco had been exuding from a state muslim and moved to a private family vault in a cemetery near madrid that comes after a lengthy legal battle between the government and his family who opposed the move frankel rule spain from 1939 until his death nearly 4 decades later. china's foreign ministry has confirmed reports by british police that the 39 people found dead in a truck container near london on monday were all chinese nationals police say they have secured a warrant to question the driver for another 24 hours he was arrested on suspicion of murder but no charges have yet and made the investigation has also led to raids on 2 homes in northern ireland britain's national crime agency says it is working to find out whether organized crime groups are involved. it's britain's largest
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murder investigation in years police are still trying to piece together what happened to the $39.00 bodies found in this truck. it's also a tragedy which has touched many in this community. completely and utterly shocked and devastated but that's actually happened here today especially in this area i mean my money my money was down the road my dad works down there so i you know i drive down all the time so for that to happen is completely shocked detectives want to know the exact route the truck took on its way to the industrial park on the outskirts of east london. this footage shows the vehicle passing by 2 separate c.c.t.v. cameras shortly before the bodies were discovered. british police a facing and europe wide investigation it's known the lorry has gary number plates
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and passed through the port of support in belgium the truck's driver was from northern ireland forensic investigations are long underway but police say the victims are chinese nationals 8 women and 31 men late wouldn't stay offices towed away the truck. this matches attracted national and international interest and it's absolutely imperative that the operation is doubtful. that. the family life. play here is what's inside them and mathematics the same thing with their families for now they're still more questions than answers in this one case which of horrified many britons. the winner of the european union prize which honors people who defend human rights and freedoms has been awarded to ilham tohti totty is an economist and a member of china's weaker community has worked for more than 20 years to improve
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the rights of the minority ethnic. he's currently serving a life sentence in prison in china the price is worth 50000 euros it was a 1st hand about 30 years ago. and for more on the story we can speak to jo here in the daughter of in one total she joins us from washington d.c. joe hare thank you for being with us here on d w what does this prize need to you and your family. hello 1st of all means a lot to the either coming to you to my family and to me this is considered like safety lest for my family i would say i would hope i hope this prize this award could help my father. be away from some potential harm from the chinese government and i hope when the chinese government is when they decide to take a negative a negative action towards my father they would consider international attention and
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also this is a i would say this is a recognition for my father's work for the past decade very difficult for someone like my father who could actually decide to speak up and continue his work for so many years and even though he knew he this his action could get him into trouble could get him and get him arrested but he continued his work and he secrest by himself my brother's birthday tamar's my father's birthday and i hope this award can be a sort of a birthday gift for for both of them and. most of the people say happy birthday but i would say i wish both of them long and healthy life that's the most i wish for for them both of them now so here you yourself have been such a vocal advocate for the weaker community what do you think needs to happen at this point to improve the situation of weekers in china also looking to the international community. 1st of all i would urge.
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the u.s. has been doing a lot and with this awards given by the european parliament also. a gesture from the i would say it's a gesture from the your compartment for that we girls cause and i would hope this award and could bring up more countries to stand up for that we cause and also. i would wish them to stand up to ask the chinese government to release my father other interlocked trolls who are serving and just unjust and justice and in the prison or locked up in the concentration camp ok. the daughter of thank you so much for joining us here in the. now 100 years ago it's believed that there were more than 2000000 penguins living along the southern coastline of namibia and south africa but now africa penguin colonies are endangered the population is decreasing rapidly our correspondent adrienne krrish visited an
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organization in cape town that's trying to stop the alarming decline. one last chance to relax together before things start to get uncomfortable. an appointment with dr roberts is not something these penguins seem to be looking forward to so at the moment put are doing is we're just taking on the penguins and making sure that they're all ready for release so we each one has his own can cause this is a medical record this one he had most will say he was 70 percent oil and he was emaciated he was really underweight the conservationists take in sea birds in peril and try to prepare them to be released back into the wilds thousands of injured animals come here every year some will stay here forever as they would not so wife and their nature will have details. but these birds might not be here in the long term. they are in danger of extinction
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it's quite possible that one can go extinct in the future and we've had a dramatic declines in train with numbers even between the concert last year and this year the numbers of dropped by about 2000 breeding as so we have less than 20000 marines has that scared of. at least penguins 1st have to spend time in a small box but only briefly until they have fully recovered and are ready to return to the wood. in simon's town one of the few remaining thing we call in the us they are released. oh oh. it went really well it was really nice trails you can go out so quickly they didn't get confused the crowd was very polite and not too noisy so that didn't scare the penguins and they were they went straight out in the direction they should have gone. already we can see them i think there's one head sticking out over there so
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now the threats that they face of the same as all the other wild penguins you will need to think about the impacts of what they're doing and how they can affect anything once but all of the sea life and other wildlife that is in danger from human interaction but still the message seems to have got through to the hundreds of people in the crowd over here we have a lot of folk musicians who are trying to save the oceans and animals and obviously the pictures were being rehabilitated and put back in but there's a lot more we can do is you must do more to protect them because you see what is happening and see this is not only seen as it used to be this last t.v. problem however the biggest threats to the african penguin is the like a fish there are not enough and sardines in the oceans due to overfishing. in the worst case scenario the last african penguin colony will die out in 20 or 30 years but people here definitely want to prevent that from happening.
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now since early september a mystery oil spill is contaminated more than 2000 kilometers of some of brazil's most beautiful beaches critics say far right president government has been negligent in handling the crisis and it is john. crane is here with us he's been looking into the story jonathan bring us up to speed on what's going on in brazil well. up on the shores of brazil's northeastern beaches for 2 months now more than $200.00 beaches have been affected sumi and it's not just the beaches obviously it's and they drink or the kind of sea wildlife that was even coral reefs farther out at sea now as you mentioned people have criticized brazil's government for not doing enough so people literally have been taking matters into their own hands that we can see lots of videos on social media people cleaning up the oil with their bad hands that thousands of people have come together on the beaches they've been rolling up the oil in their bags that putting into plastic bags one particular
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community cleanup is this one here cooled god eons now they running 20 beach cleanup teams they've got nearly 30000 followers on that instagram page the basics trying to raise money for things like gloves to really help with the cleanup efforts where did this all come from well here's the thing actually knows it's a little bit of a mystery brazil's government says its tests have shown that the oil came from venezuela originally that it came from a ship see now venezuela denies any responsibility for this but obviously brazil's president both an hour is also been having his say he posted a video on facebook there is this surrounded by his. naval offices in defense minister nabil often uses facebook to address his supporters has called this a criminal act he says it was designed to sabotage an upcoming oil that would bring in billions of dollars for brazil now he's got the proof for that he's not offered any proof i think the bottom line is this nobody can say for sure where this came
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from nobody knows how long it's going to last or even if it's getting better we saw people pitching in there on the beaches what is the brazilian government doing about this $1500.00 troops were deployed in an additional $5000.00 it was announced this week also on their way brazil's defense minister has also been defending what's been going on. this government saying we are taking action all right interesting stuff there reporter jonathan crane covering this story for us thank you very much. are we edging closer to an era of super fast quantum computing according to google the answer is yes the internet giant says it has designed a machine that needs only 200 seconds to solve a problem that would take traditional supercomputers thousands of years to crack google's researchers say that within a few years quantum computing could revolutionize all sorts of fields like artificial intelligence it may not loop like much more than
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a maze of interconnected wires chips and cooling roads but scientists here in california see this is in front a leap into the future this quantum computer called sycamore performed a task in seconds that even the most advanced computers would need centuries to complete. quantum computing gives us a chance to not only achieve many practical use cases and help make the world better in a way that we cannot do just with classical computers alone but it also allows us to help understand the universe in a deeper way closer to the way that actually works. though there were plenty of reasons to be cheerful ex-pat say that the promises of quantum computing such as revolutionizing medical science and vastly advanced artificial intelligence are still many years away. they really promise you that there are going to be
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applications which are going to you know impact ordinary people in 5 years or 10 years it's exploration i view it as a frontier of science. nevertheless google views it as a win over its rival i.b.m. google says it would take a traditional supercomputer like i.b.m. summit 10000 years to complete the same task i.b.m. accuses its rival of raising public expectations too high but google c. or maintains its quantum supremacy experiment is like the 1st rocket to leave earth's atmosphere an advance that made interplanetary travel at least theoretically possible. a reminder now of our top story here on turkey's incursion into northern syria is being discussed at a meeting of nato defense ministers the move has drawn condemnation from many nato allies who say it could reverse games made against the so-called islamic state.
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coming up next c w news asia with more such a chance statement for that. jura
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subscribe to documentary. this is asia coming up this sucker off the prize goes to reader activist. china condemned to life in prison he spoke out against beijing's persecution of his people. and local elections in hong kong becomes the new battleground for pro and anti beijing cast will meet 2 candidates facing off across the political divide. districts council actions ready to try to balance of attention particularly outside hong kong that this year that is radically.


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