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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  August 8, 2022 5:00am-5:16am CEST

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the global struggle with nothing can be done. first starts august 10th on d, w b o . business day w news live from building a fragile truth type, the fake between israel and palestinian militants in gaza. celebration breakout in the territory. i've to, israeli is drugs and militant rocket launches, sees, but can the break in fighting last? also coming out columbia gets its 1st lift this lead gustavo petro promises to,
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in decades of conflict. but he also faces a long list of social and economic challenges. and it was a miserable outing info line for shaka, who failed to impress on their return to the buddhist lee, got all the goals from sunday's fixtures coming right up. ah, i'm jared read. welcome to the shark. a ceasefire brokered by egypt has gone into effect following 3 days of deadly violence between israel and the palestinian islamic jihad militant group authorities in gaza. say at least $43.00 people, including children, were killed in his riley, s drive since friday. andre, it's more people have been injured. palestinian militants loved barrage rockets towards israel in response. it was the biggest escalation in violence, the region,
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the scene in more than a year. steven cook is a middle east analyst at the council on foreign relations in washington. early guy, i asked him how optimistic he was. the deal would hold. well, let's get through the night 1st and then now we can think more about the next couple of days. these are always, these fires are always quite fragile. the palestinian islamic jihad, there is a variety of use within the palestinian islamic jihad and whether they continue to fight against news railey. but so for i think that you really have won this round. so there's every interest or is from the hard to maintain the bar. ok, so thinking of winning this round, israel says most of the military leadership of the islamic jihad group has been quote, neutralized in this operation. what do you make of this statement? well they really have tory have succeeded in targeting very high value
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islam of g hide leaders starting with the arrest last week, but some of 80 who is the west bank leader of the summit, jihad and killing the chief of operations in both in northern and southern got district this very, very successful for them from their perspective, it's worth whatever international condemnation then they come as a result, the collateral damage in killing of civilians in the process. so i don't have a real reason to lie about this. they had every reason to publicize the fact that they take it out, at least the, the read people. ok. now garza's ruling, how mosque group has. so foss died out of this latest fighting. what does this tell you about in a palestinian relations? well this is the probably the most interesting aspect of this round of violence because it's always a competition between islam of jihad and him. us over who can proved themselves to
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be more nationalists than the other. and the expectation was that hum oxford joiner, not so much that a solid garrity with islamic jihad, but to ensure that it did not lose any kind of political support in relation to islamic jihad. but it seems that, huh, got the message from the israelis after the 11th a war in may 2021 and really don't have the capacity to take on the israelites at this time. so they basically, beside their words of support were funky, had leadership that has now been killed by the is really they have set this one out . okay. now, if the fire has gone into a sake you've said, let's wait out the night to see how it holds. how likely do you think that this could perhaps re escalate into into some kind of wider conflict? it certainly has the capability of doing that. keep in mind that palestinian islamic jihad is supported by iran,
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as is his belie in lebanon. it has happened before that violence in the west bank has led not with me. my apologies, in regards to strip, has led to violence along israel's northern board and war in the summer of 2006 is precisely that scenario. and you can look at this military operation on the part of these roads as part of its broader shadow war against iran and its proxies around the region. so there is that possibility that this could broadening some case, but as of now let's keep our fingers crossed, that it doesn't do that. and that is for me to has gotten the message that escalation is not really an option for them. ok, that was steven cook with the council on foreign relations in washington. steven, thank you for your very clear analysis. let's take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today. the us senate has passed a sweeping climate tax and health plan. democrats approve president joe biden,
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$430000000000.00 spending bill, which now goes to the house of representatives. republicans have criticized the cost of the plan, which is america's biggest climate investment. nearly a 1000 people were stranded after flooding in death valley in the us. one of the hottest and dry places in the world floods not unusual in the area, but these are some of the largest in the last 20 years. belief in brazil's capital have arrested a german diplomat on suspicion of killing his husband. the soft, big told brazilian authorities that his partner a belgian national fill and hit his head off to becoming ill. but investigative, say the victim was severely beaten. columbia has ashi and a new chapter in its history way. the form i left a rebel being sworn in as president. gustavo petro has played to fight inequality, achieve peace,
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and rethink the war on drugs. columbia new vice president also represents a new start, a black woman from an underprivileged community. you bought a, deborah, it's an inaugurated, like no other in columbia history. and it's marked many 1st order you're able to wear to god and promise to the people to faithfully comply with the constitution and the laws of columbia. gustavo petro is the country's 1st left as president. and the 1st former gorilla fighter to lead columbia, his election mares a transition in politics sweeping across latin america. one that is more left leaning. one where those elected are a reflection of the people who put them in office. i would get which is a day when we see ourselves represented battle and it and the fight for social equity is one. i got equity that we all aim for and a fought for for so many years. thank you that and columbia. second highest office
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holder represents a victory for social equity. well no. i swear to god and the people to faithfully fulfill columbia's constitution and laws. i also swear before my ancestors, that dignity will be shared by all yon se stress us stuck. a lead me laugh. say i got go. somebody vice president francine martinez, is an environmental activist and former housekeeper. today she makes history as the 1st effort columbia anna to hold her post, go mia? it's the beginning of a new era in our country. finally, columbia made the decision and to day gustavo, petro and from san marcos are going to govern columbia, columbia. it's doug, but i'm happy to see the inauguration of our president, mr. val petro, what happiness? i know, i can't contain it up for the happiness is grant me the pair, have a big agenda, and big challenges ahead. half of colombians live in poverty. the pitcher marcus
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platform includes ending hunger, establishing environmental reforms, and bringing peace to the country. after 60 year armed conflict. it's an agenda full of promises to help regular people that are running for office and holding it are very different. now, voters room learn how president petro will lead once the dreams on the campaign trail gave way to the realities of coffee and civil manhood. in phoenix that was to w, corresponded johan ramirez was at the inauguration in bogota. he told me more about the new president's priorities, that the priority of his agenda, master b car been poverty, an inequality, as he is the 1st president. first the left, his president, even in the history the there are huge expectations that he can tackle those. he's charged social problems and he cost to work on those issues very weakly. actually,
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it is suspected that tomorrow his 1st day in office, he said ministration. what were sent to you, fax reform, bill in congress, another to reject quality to the country. he needs to present a short term solutions to the population in those 2 issues. poverty, annette wanting, johan ramirez in columbia a well in mexico rescue. as the still trying to save 10 workers tramped on to ground in a collapse to mine. plans to send in divers had to be postponed because the flooding with it was an agonizing wait for friends and family. but it wasn't the news they wanted to hear. despite the furious efforts to pump water from the collapsed mine conditions a still to perilous descending rescue, divers 5 were able to escape after the mind collapsed 4 days ago. but the fate of the earth 10 traps, 60 meters under ground,
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remains unknown. we have faith in god that they will come out to live. they haven't given us any information we've been here day and night since the accident happened. we're waiting to find out how long we'll have to stay with that in one has been as well. so we're hoping that they're above the water, although the well was almost phill. i'm clear, the marcial falls, we trust in god. they took over the and then the over game is they will make a mortgage representing people killed or injured in my me, accidents say this is another example of negligence. the minds owner, sense of focus should remain on the rescue operation for now, for when we go, well others, but i am being blamed for what happened in the mine where people are trapped fellow
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miners also. i believe the priorities to rescue them and let the authorities investigate. let them do their job a little more. if they conclude that i am responsible to let them do what they have to gather, who, who borrow more than 300 emergency workers, a trying to bring the men to safety. but as the day slip away, all the families can do is wait and pray for the safe return of their loved ones. ah, football now and german giant chalka made their return to the buddhist laker after a 2nd after season in the 2nd tier. but it was not an easy return for the royal blues as they lost away to color inside who were without fear. star man, before the match, it was confirmed cologne would be losing stars. striker antony modesto,
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who was out of the squad ahead of his move to proceed dormant a blow to the host spot. they were handed a boost 10 minutes before half time shuck is dominic dex. leigh was sent off for a dangerous tackle on captain jonas hector. shortly after the break. cologne made use of dan jamiracle advantage. hacksaw finding luca killian to open the scoring just after the al marked lilian kinds doubled the lead. as the host seemed perfectly capable of compensating the loss of modesto, who had not stopped 20 goals for them last season. shall kill then showed a sign of life. as thomas oberon's re kick found substitute matthew's booter to make it to one. but the hope didn't last long as 4 minutes later cologne struck again to seal a 31 final school day anew bitch. with
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a cracking head. the cherry on top of a dawning display, celebrated coolly by coached f and bound. got chalka. meanwhile, will hope to offer their fans more when they play in front of a home crowd next weekend and stood god hosted leipzig in hell damn till one old draw. visitors took the lead 3 reigning bundis league player, the seas in christopher and cuckoo. a different strike, i've been his account after the 7 minutes that stood god's own forward. however, i'm a dot armada soon. got the equalizer with these 1st one is the goal. the 2nd half was goal this, so the she teams shared the points jeremiah . now the top story we're following for you. the ceasefire has taken effect in gaza between israel and palestinian militants. is riley,
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as strikes and broken launches by islamic jihad fight is kept on going right up to the deadline for the 40 people have been killed in 3 days. all these riley strikes on the territory you're up to date coming up and d, w. the reopening of a board damage school in ukraine. that's next enrolled stories. remember this more not website d, w dot com and on social media to take w news side gyrating building. thanks to with her. i'm just kinda, i was tired and in the end they sent me you and what i love to see you anymore, we will send you back. are you familiar with this.


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