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tv   DW News Asia  Deutsche Welle  August 11, 2022 6:30pm-6:46pm CEST

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race power between spain and portugal to race, to military interests, a race linked to political and military facilities, but also linked to main financial changes and adventure full of hardships, dangers and death. 3 years that would change the world forever. magellan journey around the world. starting september 7th on d. w with they sent it up the news asia coming up to date. what next for ties between china and taiwan? beijing has born to taipei, the use of force remains an option to reunify with the island and back it up with its largest. ever. many 3 drills have ties across the taiwan straits into a new,
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more dangerous phase. taiwan, stop diplomat in germany. joints be in the studio for some mom says, ah, i'm british energy, welcome to d, w, and use a show that you could join us. china sees it will quote, not renounced the use of force against taiwan to achieve re unification. the warning comes in a white paper on taiwan that china issued on wednesday. it runs off a week of the largest ever chinese military exercises around taiwan. they came in response to us. how speaker nancy pelosi is visit to the island. last week, taiwan responded to the chinese drills with exercises of its own and a warning from the items foreign minister,
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the china wanted to control lod swedes of the western pacific. so where does that leave relations between china and taiwan to help us on to that? i'm joined the studio by taiwan representative to germany sheer way researcher welcome a week of tit for tat military exercises later. where are we with ties between china and taiwan? but i used to live here on my nick. they tried to strangle to us in the we didn't give up the freedom. and i think after the tension overrun during the rockets into oceans around $71.00. and there would have been, it was a given china, a rocket, and i think we can study it again. yeah. but then it doesn't matter how many rockets are fired on. i will always out fire taiwan. do you think the level of tension between china and taiwan has increased? it is, but we're not standing alone there. where one of the allies,
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the so coach in the pacific strategic arms with nick us, we need to treatment. we need a u. k. froze, intervene, but also we are knitted by all these countries because we are, we are, we are holding a very key role playing a key role in the, in the pacific strategic lines that we are we get a very good my good chip. industrial, we have democracy, so we need them and then need, as they can not a road that hasn't become under the control china. all right. a military has also warned court that it will continue to carry out military training and prepare for war. what happens if china tomorrow decides to blockade taiwan than all the semiconductor industry that you're talking about gets located? what happens then? here? that means that we're, we're not the only one country who suffered this brocade, german usa, all a word or to with who needs it. microsoft there were and that could share that with suffer under that. so that when that that are you certain that the world will come
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to ty, ones if thy one is actually threatened by china for an actual invision. i spin exit very often, this kind of questions like what the americans would come over to help us. my answer is always no, that won't come because they are already there. if you take a look at close claims at that, what was the last 2 years that u. s. navy, the japan is australia. they are the already they are. so we are not alone, of course, we have to get prepared for anything like what happened in the last weeks. i do want to talk to you about that, but let's talk about the preparations 1st. so where is taiwan? nod east, i want in a place in which it needs to prepared economically and militarily and foster the potential chinese envision. i think it as we wet that as it's like in all rural men, a proper sage is back in part of a room. if you want to have your freedom, you have to be prepared to fight for you or for you for your peace and freedom. and
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that's what we've been doing the last in the last yes. maybe in the last ticket you have been doing that, but do you not think that the, that the intensity of that has to increase the frequency with which you do that has to increase? so there is more of a pressure on taiwan is there not after these recent pensions? it is after admit it is but we want it. that's another reason why we give up our freedom democracy. this over is uh because there's always a risk. we are. we know it, but we are sleeping in assembled together. we americans, we sort of friends around what for a 2nd about and nobody rosabelle. right. but we will talk about that. but i would like to talk about the people of taiwan because everything that you're seeing is the risk for the people of taiwan as to what might befall them in the event of an invasion. and as we saw, and i'd like to show you as a report that a colleague refers zachary lead, filed from taiwan as to how the current around of military exercises impacted the
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people of taiwan. this bomb shelters indians, leanne's house had been a store room for years, but no, she is preparing to use it again. the chinese military dream was near taiwan. have made war seemed like a real possibility to her son. so ha, we need to clean it up fast so we can have a place to hide at the war breaks out a safer to stay in here. you can see it is a solidly built shelter. lindsey small bum shorter was built nearly a 100 years ago. during the 2nd world war, she never expected to need it one day. she is not alone. li, increased monetary activity has rest concerns here in south and taiwan. residents living nearly airbags are very used to the south of fighter aircraft. by the past few days less they does more fighter jets are taking over a landing even at midnight. and this has arrest worries. here sharon sharon is one
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of them allowing the news about chinese trios has become a part of his daily routine. he has even asked his local administrator where the air is show to us. are you sure why we are used to chinese intimidation? it's been going on for decades. it's possible, but this time the drills are much closer to us. oh no. okay. she, this of course, has us worried in taiwan, constance or bowling military crises, asked naughty racing. a local survey font that a 3rd of the taiwanese are worried about a possible conflict with china. some are even seeking medical help to deal with their in diety, psychiatrist yonce homes. i says his patient have increased by nearly 30 percent
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clinical powers and calls on one of my patients has experienced war. although yes, and he feels stressed when he sees reports about the drills or the war in ukraine, fade, hong kong, v hypatia, he has nightmares and can't eat properly or more a home which none, some without but others of course the alien however, have taken the tensions in the astray young faced that many here, unarmed to chinese crates. but a father escalation he sees, could quickly upset that balance. mister sher, still with us of the taiwanese representative to germany. you saw that report by michael, exactly. the researcher, all this began after nancy pelosi visit to taiwan. did that visit, make taiwan safer? that rico's me a new friend. i met the other days on the street. he introduced himself to me by
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said hello among freight of germany. and i say afraid of china. yes, the straight wind a text of china is for its noon some of us. but it's worth the is worth you that closely make this visitor and we were coming in from the part of a hard because it was as sign of 7 bowl a signed off. so did they're ready, but you had those are similar signs before me. my question to you is what just i wanna know now after nancy pelosi visit about us commitment to taiwan that it didn't know earlier. the accretion of china has had already already been there before the visit, the pelosi, maybe people hear these and know that much, but we experience that. that's the reason why parents said i came here is visit because i want to support our friends in a democracy who ass it under this rating of china. so is that the question is not so correctly? i would say, yes,
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we have known that equation of china and china has showed their real face. but you just admitted earlier that the intensity of chinese military drilled and the intensity of chinese belligerents has increased off of this visit. i'm just trying to understand how that helps. i want that mix us that keeps us and bring us into the awareness of the real fear of china. and i think is kit that we knew that they are tempted to us. they are going to attack us. i have known that most people like how many have known the us is the 10 m m a socket. 1989 on the 4th of july june. we know that will kill the people that we are attacked. i want if they think is necessary. that because they are straightly with us, with military and west, registering the with our democracy. so just to be clear, you think that chinese invasion of taiwan it is not a question of if but when, when yet so clearly in the less than 10 years the chinese,
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the chinese government has shown their real fairs not only to what i want, but also towards japan and also especially in the south china sea. that's the reason why there is these concept indoor pacific is strategic. allen's no more asia pacific. right. so a chinese attempt to invade taiwan to re unify with the mainland will succeed or will not succeed. no, no, and will not succeed because you have the indoor pacific around. do we have we hipped our own military? we are working very close. who is the friend? never? it was never countries or shots of the us hasn't committed that it will commit us troops to fight or on the side of taiwan. they don't have to, that's the policy of ambiguity and what they can, what is gonna come through. and if taiwan is left alone to face china, we have to face that the rent,
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rather i will. if louis out out guns you out, man 0 account, they're going to pay a big price so big that they will do think it again. it, it is, it's worth it to a tech type one. and then in case the warranty unify as a re universe, whatever you say that you try to attract us, not a tech us, but the john is not listening to these demands it. you're right, but let's see, i think is the is, is it kicking games? we want any way because we had met, we had met the developer in front from the texas dictator situ, a democracy. so of the feeder we have freedom, speech, freedom of religion. and so on democracy we want to keep it up last year did a question if you could answer that briefly. if the u. s. does not deploy us troops in assistance for taiwan in the event of a chinese attack and taiwan hope to beat china back. wait list, guess i'm not sure. and to be realistic, to be honest, we have to see. but anyway,
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we want to keep it up. we won't get by just like below a pillows the she was threatened, she was wraith and so badly, and she didn't get up. and what happens? she visit fitness you lips tie was the 17th and china launched it a racket and they come back to normal life and i think we did a good decision. we leave it there. thank you so much for coming in mr. sheet. your where i wonder, present it to germany, and that's all we have time for. thank you so much for joining us today on the doug . the news issue. ah julie right. fascinating worlds into uncharted deb our guides and know their way around in
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a strictly scientific trip to some pretty wacky places. curiosity is required tomorrow today on d. w. but she's got any issues with all say will grade. he will be with a new inflation reading in the us. sparks a bit of cautious optimism. but what about europe? will the continent soon see any relief from the rising energy costs that are driving everyday prices? hey, also on our show, india prepares it's roll out of 5 g internet. following years of delay,
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we'll look at who stance the benefit and think of it as a large thermos bottle. new warm water tower near berlin could serve as a model for storing renewable energy. hello, mark of the show. i'm from beardsley in berlin is inflation in the world's largest economy peaking. that's the glass half full outlook after wednesday's reading of u. s. price growth, annual inflation in july, falling slightly and remaining unchanged from the for decade. high, reached in june, markets and u. s. and asia responded enthusiastically to the new reading. investors hoping the u. s. federal reserve will now hold back from a higher interest rate hike. that would cut deeper into business profits. carson just he is chief economist for i n g germany. he joins me for more carson or we celebrating too early is peak inflation in the us. now, what can we really say and what can we not.


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