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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 12, 2023 8:00pm-8:16pm CET

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in their country and inspiring the world with their ideas. valley africa. watching a documentary ah ah, this is dw news live from berlin. the film industry is most glamorous nice of the year is around the corner and just a few hours. the 95th academy awards will be handed out at a started ceremony in los angeles, among the 10 content discipline best picture is a breakout from germany. we'll meet the team behind it and look ahead to the event
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. also coming up no bailout for silicon valley bank. the lenders, southern collab says lift companies, an invest stranded, we'll find out what it means for the global economy. plus, moldova says pro russian act as a trained to cost unrest during anti government protests in the capitol. ah, i'm all also welcome to the show. hollywood is gearing up for a glamorous night at the oscars this year. 10 films are in the running for best picture, including books, office hits such as top gun and avatar. and a surreal fan fiction film set in a multi verse. the biggest surprise of this awards season is a german anti war ethic that might just break a record. the final touches are being made at the dolby theater in
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los angeles. before the stars arrive on this year's champagne carpet in germany, all eyes and hopes are on the netflix blockbuster all quiet on the western front. the story follows an idealistic german soldier sent to the front lines in world war one. speaking in hollywood, german culture minister claudia wrote said parts of the film success is down to its anti wall sentiment. said eva n m yard than he and an acquired reason for the success of this film. for the fact that it has been watch so many times, afloat to sit in the us is that it is the loudest possible cry of protest against the war. this is i a kingdom quickest and i think the fitting for actor i'll break, shook towel. the film is not just about wall. it's about humanity. novel of remark
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was a human perspective. and not just just a german perspective um, because it is telling the conditions of the over of a human soul. so to say, the filmy sets in the infamous squalor of the trenches. director edward burger said shooting and conditions necessary to replicate, reality was incredibly demanding. or the biggest challenge i would say was the mud we filmed and mud a lot. the weather we filmed in, in the cold, in the freezing, cold eighty's expected to be a tight race. it's sunday night ceremony. after an unpredictable pre oscar season. but the cast and crew of the german language breakout hit will be hoping to walk away with at least one of the faint statuettes dw washington bureau chief in his
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pool as at the door with faith in los angeles, where the oscars will be taking place in as we've just heard from the team behind the german contender or quiet on the western front, you've had a chance to speak to people there. what more can you tell us about the atmosphere ahead of the big ceremony tonight. now in the atmosphere, we're so excited. i mean, people were so happy, so proud that this german production in german language made it so far as we just heard from the director berrago was really challenging. they filmed in the czech republic, it was called, it was muddy, but it was also challenging for the mines because this is a german production about the german world war. and that is a tricky, but they managed to find a way to really put the human catastrophe in the middle. this movie doesn't have any heroes. it's just really about the ugliness of war. how realistic are the
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chances of winning for the german team? while this move is nominated was 9 oscars. this is the 1st, this has never happened before for a german production, not only that, it's also nominated for best picture. it's also a 1st i so the biggest competitor is everything everywhere. all at once i had this is kind of a action comedy which is taking place in a 1000 or so. a reality is a very modern, a very interesting movie. over star michelle, you is the 1st actress nominated for an actor with asian rule. so there's also a lot of 1st and then the other movie, which is nominated as tides, about a conductor who is conducting the berlin fin harmony. so there is also a connection and through germany, and not only that, it's also with lena has these issues the best or the 2nd actor there. so there's also another german connected to that in the 3rd. so,
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huge competitor definitely is a top gun. might also make some prices tonight. now, what can we expect from the ceremony itself to night will remember, yas, last year's sla at that ceremony. right, so this, here is the jimmy kimmel. he is a personal leads us through the night. he actually has a special secure to crew around him that it doesn't happen again. what happened last year, or that will smith smashed chris rog, the moderator who made some jokes or remarks about his wife. oh, what is new to night? oh, it's a shirt. the red carpet is actually in the color of champagne. this is the 1st time since 1961 that the red carpet is not red. we will see many, many stars. we definitely will see a great show. and hopefully by the end, we will see many, many german winners here. me, washington bureau chief in his pool in
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a lay. enjoy your oscars nice over there. thank you. us treasury secretary, janet yellen has said the government is not looking at bailing out silicon valley bank after it was shut down by u. s. regulators. and friday. the bank is the 16th largest indian night at states. authorities said they were worried about the banks liquidity. alfred lost money, was selling assets that concerns prompted the banks. depositors mainly tech companies to rush to withdraw funds sparking fears over the wide of banking sector d. w. financial a correspondence he ins quarter explain to us how the collapse happened. well, i mean it's pretty simple. it's a classical run on the bank. come investors are the client turned off for silicon valley bank co wanted some of their deposits, said beck, and to, to actually be able to do that. so silicon valley bank was forced to sell bonds at
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a huge and a loss. and when that that became public and even more clients pulled their money. and that actually let that to pretty much the government for now is taking over a silicon valley bank. it's clearly a big blow to the technology to the biotech or world. so in general, and as they say, and companies usually have some time to go bankrupt, but banks, they die, they die over night. and if there is a run on the bank, as we've seen it with silicon valley bank, how serious is this collapse? are we looking at the start of the next financial crisis? well, i mean, that remains to be seen a most experts i talked to are saying that specially the big bangs in the united states, for instance, are as safe for now. but actually what caused them all this turmoil in the beginning was also that, for instance,
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the federal reserve for increased interest rates very aggressively in the past year . on the other side, that meant that the price is for treasury's, for bonds to got under a lot of pressure. we're talking about unrealized losses, sir. u. s. banks at unrealized losses of about $8000000000.00 by the end of $21.00 . then we started this cycle off, increasing interest rates are now u. s. banks are sitting on and realized losses in the amount of $620000000000.00. that is no problem as long as clients are not pulling their money. so now we have to see if we see more, a bank runs in the days and weeks to come. so janet jaelyn has ruled out a bailout. what does that mean for the people or the companies that still have their money in the bank? no. well, in general, i mean at least a few talk here about the united states, but that is similar in other countries too. so you have for insurance for about
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$250000.00 per account of i of the if the i see. so if you have more money than those $250000.00, and that actually seems to be true for a vast majority of the clients of silicon valley bank, you're looking as a potential loss. but i mean, the whole story is still unfolding. i've seen reports that maybe there might be an auction auction of some of the i city of silicon valley bank, maybe someone might even jump in and try and buy the bank. so the whole story is still unfolding, but we are looking at potential losses. so actually in the billions for companies and also the private lines, the and thanks for great analysis, that's the financial correspondence. yes, a quarter in new york. let's take a quick look now at some other news making headlines around the world. ukraine in russia have both claimed that hundreds of their troops have been killed in the fight for battle. in the last 24 hours, russian forces and units from the kremlin control paramilitary,
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wagner group have continued to launch ground attacks. and top ukrainian commander says defending by what is necessary to quote by time for an upcoming counter offensive. hundreds of thousands of people rallied across israel on saturday. they were protesting against the ripen government proposed radical. over hold of the judiciary. the plans would allow israel's parliament to override supreme court rulings and give politicians more influence in the appointment of judges. at least 3 people, including an army officer, have been killed in israeli as strikes on central syria. that's according to the war monitor syrian observatory for human rights. it says the attack targeted and arms depot, manned by iranian back to malicious, and an outpost of the syrian edifices authorities in the state of california. i have confirmed that 8 people have died of the 2 suspected smuggling boats capsized of san diego. or the 20 people was split between 2 small open vessels. the cities
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chief lifeguard, described it as one of california worst maritime smuggling, tried to police in moldova, say, they have foil the plot by groups of russian back actors who especially trained to cause mass on rest during a protest around $5000.00 demonstrators gathered in the capitol casey, now, on sunday, they demand the government covered their energy bills off for cold winter and prevent over to from being dragged into a war with russia. ah, protest is took to the streets of the mill, dove in capital kitchen. now on sunday, chanting down with my son, do the country's precedent the demonstrations of becoming a regular occurrence. they started last summer in the face of rising fuel prices and concerns about pensions. but there is strong support for russia.
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protest is demanding that the pro european government stepped down. i've come because electricity and all the bells have become too expensive. my pension is too small. our dorothy said they would raise them to at least $3000.00 li. are they mocking us? the president is a sheep the protests are organized by the minority pray russian shore party, which takes its name from elan, shall amal dove and oligarch who lives in exile and israel. after fleeing convictions for fraud. they hold 6 out of a 101 seats in the countries parliament or the mil devens think the protesters, the victims of propaganda with warmth. i think they are being misled at the employer and as time passes, they will re correct directions. if there was some fortunate for them here been
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left in the shadow of poverty, watson were manipulated by dirty politics against our country. plus what while moldova is seeking modernization gavera within his area modernization and an alignment with the european union or among the goals of the new government. a government that these protestors want rid of. anyway, spoke to journalists, diana papa, and their mother capital kiss now, and also to tell us more about the protest. even though everybody expected, the sunday product is to be quite violent, especially we have to, the chief of the national police said that russian special forces would be willing to provoke vast disorders that brought us was over and pretty much, nothing extraordinary happened. there were many individuals with aggressive behaviors he denies were found, and so, or even drunk with police, stop them from creating cows in the center of the cd will been fused if people were
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detained. but if you were to still concerning, especially the out to the claims of authority said to rush actors especially tweet to cause mass on written during protest against the countries and new pro western government. i was diana papa reporting from moldova, and us is your news for now up next here on d. w. how demands for electric cars is damaging the environment that's in doc film dirty copa off for a quick break. and we'll all soco and from in the team here in bowling. thanks the company and see at the top with interest the global economy, our portfolio d w business beyond. here's a closer look at the project. our mission.


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