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tv   DW News Asia  Deutsche Welle  March 27, 2023 7:15pm-7:31pm CEST

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john dunbar asks activists, journalists and politicians living in exile too much on my shoulders. but i have to hold this weight because i'm responsible for the future follow country for the people who are behind the bus. they live for their mission. people need to know what is happening in our series guardians of truth watch know on youtube, d. w documentary. with this is did up in years asia coming up to very a history making visit across the taiwan straits. my, you job becomes the 1st current or former taiwanese leader to visit china and 74 years. what's his motivation? and what does it say about his political party, the gorman tugs position on beijing.
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ah . irish remedy. welcome to did other news, asia, glad you could join us. it's a momentous day and ties across the taiwan straits for the 1st time in the modern political history of taiwan. a former leader is visiting china, former president maryan joe arrived in shanghai on monday, becoming the 1st former or current. ty, when he's president, to do so, since 1949, that's when members of the party he belongs to the gorman tongue, led by them leader chunky shake, fled china after losing to melted tombs, communists in the chinese civil war. since then, the government on has shaped ty wants political discourse and to a great extent the islands relations with china. on 111949, taiwan k. m. t soldiers prepared to defend the island. the threats of
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a communist invasion, ever present. governor for cam t leader. chiang kai shek taiwan is a temporary retreat and all a china will one day be reunited. under his rule. that dream alluded cheng. he would rule only taiwan until his death in the mid 19 seventy's. the bought a decade to win the k m. t suffered a series of diminishing diplomatic setbacks. taiwan lost its seat in the united nations to the communist lead peoples republic of china. u. s. president nixon visited beijing and the u. s. switched diplomatic relations away from taiwan to china. taiwan still followed in the footsteps of its democratic ally in 1996, the island held its 1st national election and the cam t put its platform to the people. despite its vehement anti communist origins,
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the key empty emerged as distinctly pro china. partly due to party die hard to back to a unification with the mainland. and partly for pragmatic reasons. china became the islands biggest trading partner. many in the cam t have seen close ties with paging as the best way to keep taiwan safe and prosperous, including my young jo, the former k m. t president presided over a thought in cross street relations. i culminated in a meeting with the chinese president. she's in penguin, in singapore honor, but that doll has again turned to a freeze. the ruling dp p party has picked the anger of a communist china. that's now a global superpower. it's beijing talking of forced re unification. and once again, tie one, the one time stronghold of the k, m t is on high alert for invasion. oh.
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all right, let's get more context on this from did under correspondent william young in taipei . william, would it be a stretch to say that for the longest time taiwan has been, the goldman thong and the golden pong, or one well parish. i think that's a very good way of summarizing the history of time one. when we look at the camps, he retreated from china to time one after the civil war and 949 for decades was really under its iron fist rule. and it's a one party authoritarianism until the late eighty's and the early ninety's. when finally time one took the decision and transition into a full fledged democracy, we have to remember that time one's 1st democratic presidential election was only held in 996 that wasn't even that long ago. so it is correct to say for all
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of the decades before 996, taiwan was basically under the control of this one party. and this one party definitely still has a lot of legacy and also baggage. but at the same time, influence over time. once politics and you would think that a part that for the communists in china would be avowedly against relations with paging. but that's not been the case. always has it. yeah, exactly. ever since the presidential election in 996 and then there was the 1st power transition in 2000. we started really seeing the cam t position themselves as this party still has a lot more connections and also the ways and the, i think means to just kind of communicate and help exchanges with the communist party. i think one of the reason is because the original goal of the kmc
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is to retake and reclaim china. and at the same time, the democratic progressive party, which is the current ruling party, has always feature and present themselves as this taiwan independence movement and time when independence parties. so that is why i think when we look at the cam t b position inside time, one's own context. they are the defender of the republic of china and the representation of the identity of china rather than the identity of this very new and young democracy of taiwan that the current ruling party dp represents. so when a former taiwanese leader, like my young, drew from the common tongue visits china, what is the signal it sends out to beaching? i think the sick know is twofold. the sick note of aging is basically the camp. he still has a good wealth and base still think and consider relationship and dialogue and
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exchange with the communist party as very, very important to very over all political agenda and their political survival here in taiwan. so that is basically in a way, if not, kowtowing is the cam t trying to hand out the olive branch and hoping the aging is going to respond with some sort of favor. and some of the experts have rudy worn big cam t m. i and joe could potentially be walking into the trap that was set up by beijing because the china now is very different from the china. a my angel had to deal with when he was stowing power between 282016. this is a much more ambitious and much more heavy handed and confident china. so in a way, a lot of the terms of the exchanges will have to be made by b jane and the cam t in mind. you could only follow those terms and then basically from there on have
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any sort of a dialogue that's being set and dictated by aging. that's really been a lot of interest behind this visit. stay with us on the line, william, as we hear what tie we need themselves have been saying about it. my or his party is relatively pro china, so i'm not surprised. he's going to leave at china. japan, when the combing tank party was empower the people on both sides of the taiwan strait, interacted very often. but in the past 8 years, when the democratic progressive party was empower, you can see that everything has been frozen. also because of the pandemic taiwan economy and suffering hockey, i don't know if most, triple e 's relations, but at least the people on both sides of the street can interact more. and that's good. obviously tensions between taiwan and china are rising now. so i don't think it's a bad thing that my travel to china, we think is the highest we don't, i think the question on everyone's mind is why is my young jo traveling to china right now? i mean, on the surface, of course,
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he's trying to present this as a way for he him to pay tribute to his ancestors because he is his family is coming from china. but i think deep down this is in fact a very calculated political game. we know that one is only 10 months away until the next presidential election and the cam t is desperately trying to separate itself and find a very unique footing on the issue of cross tre relations. and so this is a chance for the campaign to present themselves as a part party that's still capable of interacting and have dialogue with the gene. and they can present themselves as this asian of peace rather than in the while at the same time, present the frame, the ruling party, d b, as the party, that's only going to be bring war or conflict, a timeline, or you have a majority of bold in taiwan, and they have continuously indicated that people have a not to favorable view of beijing,
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especially when it comes to the last few years. so when it comes to china, what exactly is the came des pitch? i think the kansas pitch right now is basically they are the party that can still maintain status quo. ensure the time, one way of life is not going to be affected by a more emboldened and also a more ambitious bay jane because of the last few years, especially over the last year we see a lot of the military provocation and also military exercises around time. one by the people's liberation army and they are basically going to use this troop as a way to tell or try to convince the tony's public that they are. the party is not going to continue to create this kind of tension with aging. and, but at the same time ryder, there might be more economic benefits and at the same time, more prosper, prosperity and just, you know, basically bring back the status quo that they consider as been missing since 2016.
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when the current president sign one came to power, does the came to truly believe that this visit will have an impact on time between beijing and type a i think honestly, they are more aiming for the purpose and the result of this trips for the domestic audience i think deep down they understand how now paging is the one that's really going to be picking and choosing the partners that they want to work with in tie pay. and so far basically in beijing my were in she didn't pick line. none of the political party fully, i think, take all the boxes of the ideal partner over there, over here in ty pay. so what they can only do is to try to present this as at least they get some a meetings with communist party officials and uses to amplify the message and try to friend themselves as the party that is going to continue to bring time going forward in the international community without creating all the chaos and war,
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and at the same time, accusing the ruling party, the p. p as this party that's having to close a connection and relationship with washington. and then that's going to only trigger and anger beijing further. as we know that the current current presented one is due to be traveling to central america, making a stop in the l a. and meeting the current us house or speaker kevin mccarthy. and that meeting and trip is likely going to also be a source for the framing over here for my enjoy. and also the kmc trips to china for domestic consumption in taiwan. and thanks very much for bringing us the context for your meeting in type a. thank you so much. thank you. and a quick look now at some of the stories making news around asia. taiwan has the audits flag from his embassy and han do is off to the central american country. open diplomatic relations with china. taiwan accuse china of using coercion and intimidation to your away is few remaining allies. the switch by honduras leaves
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taiwan with the diplomatic recognition of only 13 states man mas home delita has told troops they need to take decisive action against those fighting army rule may not young was speaking during annual armed forces, day ceremonies, men, bows, military seas, par, and imprisoned, elected officials following a cool in 2021 year. and south korea says it's begun naval maneuvers would be about a 5th shortly off, the north korea to sheltering ballistic missiles, north korea 7th, launch the swamp, came into putting protests against the ongoing drills. that's it for today. been sued moral, but i mean, this is where the rainbow shines, the brightest home to queen people from around the world. one path with trauma history was written more than 100 years ago.
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