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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  October 2, 2023 1:00pm-1:30pm CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the business dw news lied from berlin. a surprise diplomatic mission of solidarity to keys, european union and foreign ministers hold a historic meeting and the premium capital. it is the 1st time that the blocks foreign affairs council has met outside the borders of the can. you also coming up
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refusing to serve improvements, war dw speaks with russian soldiers who deserted, to avoid fighting in the war of aggression against ukraine. plus the swedish academy awards this year's nobel prize for medicine to, to scientists, to enabled the effective development of m. r n. a vaccine against coded 19 and of course it is all smiles in darmstadt. after 6 long weeks became their 1st wave of the season in a go fast the sarah kelly. welcome to the program. and you foreign ministers are on an unannounced trip to the capital. keith, it is the 1st time that the use top diplomats have met outside of the blocks borders. the show of solidarity comes as you praying faces,
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a sluggish counter offensive and waning support from its allies. that includes the united states where congress has paused new funding to ukraine. and slovakia, whose election winter has vowed to ended support for keith to ukraine's foreign minister underscore the significance of the visit by his counter parts. this is a historic event because for the 1st time there's also going to sit down outside of that score in borders of the board. but we've in future borders. and this is the message and the message of support. and the german foreign minister idling a bare bach reiterated the use support for cave down the future to a few frames lives in the you know, what a community of freedom it will soon stretch from lisa born to hands with
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every village and meter that ukraine liberates and the people in the states, it is full. so paving its way to the u. s. u p. and partners and friends we, we continue to support ukraine every day. and our correspondents and key from and gone to ranko, told us more about why hosting this meeting is so important to you frame all those words by on the bare block about europe stretching from elizabeth on to a lu. hahn's clear out of course music to ukraine, and this is what ukrainians uh, hoping fault. this is what they've been fighting for here on my don and keith during the evolution in 2014 and ukrainian. it's on its way to the european union and it's now a candidate and helps to start negotiating by the end of the. so this is definitely one of the top issues here in keep doing this informal i have to say meeting because your credit is notes and e u member, no documents will be signed,
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but it will be a very important an exchange of ideas. how you can support your credit, and so your client is hoping that the support will continue to it will be flowing. i. i'm speaking about the military simple with all those 1000000 shells you, you has promised to do leave it to ukraine by the end of the and all the promises, but also economic financial support to be able to do credit. you is already helping you create a lot and here and key if people are hoping that this whole, this, this, this financial support will continue despite some problems with some of you members states. but unexpectedly, that is also the nature of, of america, the united states. pausing with a financial help for ukraine elections in slovakia that you've mentioned that we are seeing cracks in the west and support for ukraine. so this meeting will probably be even more important to show that those corrects on the big and there's ukraine still to to can still count on the you talk with us a little bit more about that timing because i mean the ukranian foreign ministry
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here really took a one step further in this framing of this meeting, calling it's historic, and it is so important, especially right now for ukraine isn't it? is it is an absolutely important and timely show. demonstration of solidarity with ukraine as the counter offensive is grinding on. it is very slow, are you currently suffering half of the heavy losses as it is, is trying to recapture the occupied territories. it is actually very, very issue started. so those that haven't been any meetings like this before, outside the u. s. we have to consider it's, it's the biggest war in europe after the 2nd world war and still nearly 27 ministers fort administers from european countries have come here to show up here and see if they sample what you create, that they have countries support your crime this is very,
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very important. i'm going to rank of good to see you joining us from keith. we appreciate spell, says vladimir food and order the full invasion of ukraine and february of last year . hundreds of russian troops, unwilling to fight in the war, have deserted, facing up to 15 years in prison for refusing to serve many have fled, russia, dw, a reporter, natalia smo. then savannah spoke with one former soldier who has been granted residency in germany. a unique gemini, by city finally feel safe here. he doesn't want to give his real name or show his face in order to protect his family. back in russia. he does, they were just from the russian army to wait taking part in have let him know fortune's war against the queen who have been worse than what's the been here for you. i realized that there was no way i will. i got a call from my units and was told you must either go to war or we will initiate
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criminal proceedings against you. you and you will go to prison. and from that you will then go to war eventually anyway. but celia was street in artillery. he started at the military academy and served several years as a constructive officer to go to the solutions with the military and tried to quit. but without success, when russia invaded to green good orders to the part to the front. despite his refusal to go to war, but sealy was not fired. then on the 21st of september 2022, the to put him in those mobilization and the amended russia screaming no cold. now it became nearly impossible to leave the army and desert just to face 15 years behind bars. bussey li decided to sleep because that time and he was not the only one according to human rights activists. at least 500 ma'am. have deserved it from the russian army since then. we spoke with another one of them. he also asked to remain anonymous. i'm like, leslie, he has actually been to the phone line. we'll see what that will be interesting.
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february 2022. we was sent to the military exercises in crimea, and on the 24th, the invasion began and i took part in it. and that time it was simply impossible to refuse to say, well, i laid down my arms, then don't take pos and if you run forward you'll be shut the ukrainians. when you run back, you'll be cold by running low by my sweet victor said he faltering you queen until summer 2022. when he go to vacation, leave you the guinea was also sent to take part in so called exercises on the border with you. queen in assembly of 2022 to get out even any shots himself in the leg. but neither he nor victor good with the military. so they to fled to cause that's them, but it is not safe for them to stay here. they are free that because i've done that will x to date them to russia. yes. on google and ready to face of course and tests . and i'm not afraid of it. i can even go through a lie detector, test. my conscience is clear. yes. like for the war to go,
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i shot because i want to survive. you will be true. but the rest because nothing. welcome to russian detectors. silly is one of the 1st dessert, just who managed to lease cars i've done for you, or even without the passport. he found to jump into a company in gemini, the german embassy gave him so cold, grief, passport, and the work visa is for $4.00 to $4.00 days from when we cost border control. i was so happy that all this is now behind me. and catholics don police were looking for maybe in russia, they came to my relatives, but now it sold behind me. and i just need to bolt this plane and leave this country to realize that this is not a dream study here, but i'm pretty much the super so now in gemini machine is getting used to normal life. again, he's grateful to jim and you for letting him in and to cause us down full lifting some out. he shared his story. so other service men in russia knew there was a way out of the bloody work in ukraine. and for more on this, we are joined by dw report ins, highest moments ago,
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who filed that report. she's with me here in the studio. and i mean, you've been speaking with these individuals, many fear the russian states, even in exile, to what extent are they not safe in foreign countries? well, short answer, they are no safe, but they're safer places. one place are safer than others. the important thing to know is that these people usually don't have passports. so when they leave russia, they, they are very limited places where they can go. and because of the time is one of them are medias another. and these places, these countries are very close to russia, more visual graphically, but also politically. so they're white to fear that it can be potentially expedited to russia. and this has already happened when we talk about cause of the time in winter last year. uh, one man who was also hiding there from blue station, the soldier was actually send back to russian is not in prison. so these men are know this particular citation where they really want to get out of there. but without documents, it's really hard to help out trying to see the other countries. for example,
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like germany, it'd be one man, he actually made it to you. but he's, he's like one of very few because, you know, germany actually has sad open need of that. those man are, can gets asylum, can get protection here. but in order to apply for this protection, you actually have to be in the country and with all the passports, without a visa, there is no way you can cross all the sports and come here. so that's why this man, but also be and, and yours and human right defenders who worked with them. i actually urging your pin officials to crohn's community or in pieces or some kind of trouble documents for them to keep those countries and their families back in russia. i mean, there must be a lot of fear for them as well. that's true. and that's why those men who spoke with us did this anonymously and hide the faces and the names because they actually fear for the whole state. because you can't take away your family with you if you can take like a wife and a child like these mended, you know, his parents are back there and he's really fearful for what? you know, he didn't what he's things here that they can caesar percussionists that you
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mentioned a little bit, the complications of like, you know, physically getting to a country where you can indeed claim asylum. what is germany's official policy toward russian asylum seekers? and are they planning on taking in more russian folders, making it easier? the so called did you call him out of terry and visas? so when put in and i was mobile ization on the 21st of 2022 and german published and said, you know, who doesn't want to fight for russia. you know, come here will help you. but it actually was a lot of, you know, political talk 1st and really complicated and then turned out to come and actually apply for those, these us for those and for, for the right to stay. sure. i know when who actually would be able to come see you, but be because how could improve their case to for us? highland and those wish to have a soul with case like the man i've spoken to, they don't have an easy way to come here. so this is like for interesting legal situation for me now, there is there,
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why don't we solve and obligations for asylum from, you know, man who are eligible for the notary in russia. but very few of them actually resulted in protection. and you know, this people horror urging german and european officials to grant those men to inheriting these on these as an asylum. they argument is that, you know, if germany will you even open the doors and borders more man will actually refused to fight and flee russia. and this was what we kind rushed armies. well, really interesting. thank you so much. data be reporter, natalia, smile, and say that be appreciated. thank you. and here are some other stories that are making headlines around the world. at least 13 people are dead in south eastern spain after a night club. fire in the city of marcia. if the country is worst fire, in that case, the cause is being investigated. 3 days of warning have been declared. at least 10
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people have been killed and 25 others. introductory truck caring migrants crashed and southern mexico. officials said that the victims were from cuba. the driver of the truck reportedly lost control of the vehicle while speeding causing it to overturn indonesia is launching southeast asia is 1st high speed railway. the chinese may bullet train will travel between the capitol jakarta and the job in the city of band, on the train, named which can reach speeds of up to 350 kilometers per hour and cost more than $7000000000.00 to build a united nations delegation has arrived in the corner car box to monitor the situation there. it comes just over a week since, as it by john sees control of the break away region from armenians separate test. but the un delegation has arrived after a mass. exodus of the ethnic are medium population early, all of whom have
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a band in their homes to head across the armenian border. after days of traffic jams, the rush of refugees leaving the corner of colorado. it's nearly romero's. theory is repulsively, deserves to after more than $100000.00 ethnic medium slid in just a few days fearful of a future. and the other by john's room may be able to go to you, but a tens of thousands have arrived in the armenian border town of gorgeous meaning, having enjoyed harrowing genies diagnosis, some of it stuff solve it. it was very difficult to make them and we were on the road for around 29 hours. i it and put some little there was
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a lot of traffic stuff this month and because the number it was hard to get here. my mother is sick and is my brother has children and grandchildren. it was very difficult on a mania, a country of 2800000 now faced has major challenges and accommodating the sudden influx of arrivals. the you in this refugee agency is cooling for agent international assistance. people arrive exhausted, having left all of their belongings and their homes behind people are an urgent need. a united nations mission has now been able to access nicole know kind of us the 1st visit from the group in 30 years. as the by john maintains it is respecting the rights of those living there. it continues to confiscate, sees from nick on a car box the protests, and has detain,
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senior figures from the form of government and military command. now a week of nobel prize announcements has kicked off with the award and physiology for medicine. details of the winter have been announced in sweden with this year's prize going to hum gary and board research or cuts of the in car eco. and us scientists drew weisman for their work that enabled the development of the effective m r. n. a vaccines against cope at 19 the award has previously celebrated ground breaking work, including the discoveries of dna, insulin, and penicillin professor university. so let's bring it at a carriage house from dw science has been following all of this. so you know, this seem to be a very close race for this award in particular, is this a surprise? well, as always, with the nobel prize, so security doesn't know, you know, never know who's going to win the prize this year. and the m r in a technology, it definitely fulfills the criteria for of all for the bell. so it's contributing
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the greatest benefit for mankind, but at the same time, everyone or a lot of people thought they would be worth the price already. 2 years ago when we were on the peak of the corona virus pandemic, and the m r n a technology ready read the benefits? many people at the time. so yes, it's coming as a surprise today. and for me personally, also, it comes as it comes as a surprise because i had the chance to talk to drew weisman just a couple of months ago. and i'm really happy for him and credit inquiry go to win the price right now. tell us little bit more about their work in particular and how it contributed to them or renee vaccines. yeah, so for a long time we use that a weekend. viruses when we got of explanation or we used large scale skilled cell cultures. but these technologies were not really flexible, not adaptable and not, yeah, they could not be adapted to, for example, a pandemic and are in a vaccines where read it a paradigm shift in this regard. but they had
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a couple of problems and one of the problems was that they elicited great immune response in the human body and cut an inquiry co. what's really frustrated, she said, when she saw this. yeah. her research of 10 years coming to an end because it didn't seem to be translatable into the human body. and this is where meetings were . weisman and immunology. just came really as a, as a benefit for her because this team together was really passionate, had a vision that their technology or the technologies they were working on could be expandable to humanity. and as we saw the last, yes it really was something we all benefit from. have we heard from them yet yet? so we didn't hear from them directly, but thomas pearlman, so the noble prize committee member spoke to them just before he announced the prize. and he said, that's true, weisman was enormously thankful and kindly inquiry co even said she was over
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whelmed and refer to her troubled career. she as the women and the us kind of reached the glass ceiling a couple of years ago, she had to leave university of pennsylvania because she didn't get enough financial funding, which is crucial to do your research in the us. so everywhere basically. and she had to join biotech, a company as a fight vice president where she still could work on the vaccines and on the technology. and we also the benefits in the last years. but yeah, they're both very happy to that they receive the, the work now at the courthouse from dw science. thank you so much. so now we had to the world of golf team. europe sealed the victory over the united states to regain the ryder cup on a nerve wracking final day in rome. it fell to british golf or tommy fleetwood to confirm the wind for europe. after this, putting his opponent american ricky fell or conceded the last part and that put
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europe out of reach celebrations began as europe on beaten street on home soil extended to 30 years. and here's who a very proud player for the year upside vari, mcelroy reflected on that event. i don't get emotional about any other event apart from this is truly the best event in golf barn on. and and you know, i said this last time, but any little boy or girl that's, that's fine to play professional golf. this is a pinnacle. this is what you want to get to. this is pure competition. this is the best. and i hope anyone that is a great to offer gets the experience what we're experiencing right? noise still elsewhere in the bundle like a windless darmstadt, needed to turn around and fortunes when they hosted. brandon on sunday and home comforts were just what they got to help them kick start their season with a victory. having only won a single point all season dumpster knew they needed to perform against the brakeman
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side who a bit shaky away from home by and just pull them in. it's in the house to delete. let's see a spot for the one. the head. the bit of in mainland crossed with a perfectly control bully and 20 minutes later dunst that took advantage of braiden's tiny defensive line to dump mailings. plastic stuff for the home funds. the tim scott, kind of showing pace employees to kind of lead to nail a comp time and up to the break. things kept getting pensive for dunston the mainland made it 3 no fooling. easy path length with a clement dummy finishing calmly. and then a handful in the brain and books allowed to be as campus and make it for now from this book, with an hour flight it looked like it was getting mobile already thought raymond finally worked for miss linda in the 72nd minutes. olivia demand powered home,
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my head, restored little pride to the visitor's hold of a come back. still seemed to fix that until milos brokovich converted from close range 7 minutes later with a debt to sit down to 2 and brandon on the charge. suddenly dunst that was switching the hosts, hilda to finally secure this the weight of the season. and even if they had to what caught it and they were expecting and the closing stages that just made the pool to the final score line, even sweeter and sundays other game fiber breathe life back into their season with a when it outskirts a penalty in the 5th minute brought in 10, so brief hold to this thought. italian sensible cheaper the wrong way to store his 50th splendid secret soul for fryeburg. they added another in the 2nd half to earn a to nail when it brings them into the top half of the table. and here's a look at the window seat. a table after matched a 6 labor cruise in stand alone at the top with surprising stood guard in 2nd place,
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fire and munich drops down after a draw with live se dormant is forth and live. see is 5th. looking into the 2nd half and the very bottom, minds, cologne, and both of them make up the relegation zone dumpster. that's 1st. when moves them all the way up to 15th and here's a look at some other stories from the world of sports. american gymnast simone vials became the 1st woman to perform what is known as the your chain co double type at the world artistic gymnastics championship on sunday is the most difficult jump in the woman scoring code and will now be named after her. this is files. first, international event in 2 years after taking time off for her mental health spanish tennis star carlos all could as rolled into the quarter finals of the china open
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after feeding it till these. the renzo him was settee in straight sets. i'll cut, as is the highest ranked player at the tournament, and will face 7th, the seed, casper. rude in the next room, and the motive g. p. spanish, ducati rider, jorge martine claims, the japanese grand prix, in rough weather conditions. martine is now just 3 points behind rival, francesco bosnia. in the writers championship. the sport pickable has skyrocketed in popularity this past few years. even the likes of m. b, a started the brand, james and nfl legend, tom brady, have invested millions in the racket sport to see it grow. well, here's the look at the game that has taken the us by storm. the pick of all the fastest growing support in the united states. so i'm come for the fun others to stay active or simply to network. but for many, it's already a game changer. so may say you become addicted, but it's a healthy addiction. you know, we need to,
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we need to move as we age. we don't want to, we should not be couch potatoes. there's no reason for us. we need to be asked and we need to change the culture of a, a growing old and become active older adults. we can do stuff. pico ball was invented in 1965 in washington state and it's a combination of tennis, badminton, and ping pong. it's relatively easy to do and inexpensive, but that alone doesn't explain the explosion in its popularity. could it be pickled box social factor? the way the court is set up 2544 just to sort so you get to meet people. and the equipment have made is gender and age neutral. so you can play with all ages, grandchildren, grandparents or play, mix it up, whatever the reason for these keen k us, it looks like the pico ball craze is just getting started. now one thing that
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sports competition teaches, young and old alike, never celebrate a victory before you cross the finish line. that should foreshadow what happens in inline skating relay at the age and games. today, south korea and blue and white had enough of the lead to win, but an early celebration led to a silver metal. not a gold. at the taiwan skater, as the taiwan skater stretched his boot just enough to cross 1st and tie 11. you're up to date on the w 2. thank you so much for joining us. take care. the
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the, the, the rocks use is struggling with the diction. many young people i using crystal meth to escape the leak out, looks a bit every day. life is an addict. faced severe penalties,
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the prisons are already over crowded and assistance is faction the nonexistent. iraq drugs cry c d w. it's majesty is breathtaking the mika lifeline for south east asia. on its banks, fertile rice, passes, feeding millions and splendid buddhist temples, mesmerizing tourists. witness a fascinating journey of discovery on the me con, through loss in 45 minutes on d w. the oh, the tricks jesus stevio types still shapes the west. the use of africa. how do we change this
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adult film? it can leads, which comes with these creations. together they explode the contradictory nature of the narrow centric acid teenage girl. and how these police can be changed. the start filming us. plea for new perspectives. sauce october 20. first. i'm d. w. the, the audience. up to the drugs that more dangerous than the terrorist, you can see and fight i as well. but the drugs come out of no way. they're completely invisible. any rock more and more people are using drugs with often


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