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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  October 18, 2023 11:00pm-11:16pm CEST

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with loss matters, the business data we knew is long from berlin. the palestinian health authority says an explosion at a hospital in gaza as kills nearly 500 people from us. blamed and is really air strikes, israel and the us say the evidence points to a rocket misfired by palestinian militants also coming up. joe biden wraps up a visit to tel aviv with agreement from israel, that it will allow limited humanitarian aid into gaza. fire egypt.
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the nicole for at least the time you with us, because that's how most run health ministry says $471.00. people were killed in an explosion at a hospital, and the territory of mazda is blaming and is really air strike israel. on the other hand, in the us presidential by and both say a rocket misfired 5 posting and militants was responsible. for now, there's been no independent verification of either claim. this is where the sick all supposed to be healed. instead of the arab hospital in gauze, the city has become the latest casualty. in a conflict, it's costing so many lives. hundreds died in this attack.
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here we were just sitting here and suddenly there was an explosion. our last shot dead on us. many people who look is many of those cool chopping up last, what palestinians who'd been seeking refuge haven't mccadney ledger section on the display, as well as a safe haven for women and children who fled is really selling near the hospital bubble on the market. they saw this place as a refuge for them to feel safe and secure. not a young brother most, there was no advance warning before targeting and the hoss project. however, you sent us a lot. they were more than 3000 people you can have in my room. displeased was a safe haven, the terrorist group. hum us which rules garza lamed israel for the attack. and she is route protests have been held to cross the palestinian territories,
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including in the city of ramallah in the westbank, you know, craters these are that could be as really all me says it has proved the attacker was carried out by another palestinian militant group is law make jihad and that israel is being on sadly blamed air to ground meeting. it was at the time that 6 59 pm when the reports opened the explosion is the honey in my dining, possibly the gods of seats. and according to our intelligence from us, check the report on this to this wasn't his stomach just rocket that's headed, misfired and decided to launch a global media campaign to hide what really happened. dawson, meanwhile, on left to pick up the pieces from the night before knowing this conflict is fall from over just in a crump is
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a security analyst at the risk advisory company, civil line, and london. and i asked him what he made of the situation see otherwise you say, i mean, this is tragic situation. there is a sudden amount of confusion as ever, on the battlefield and on this sort of environment, in terms of allocation blame. and in previous instance that happened in gauze or something. the 2nd yes in golf course is a consensus now for investigators finally to work out what's happened then of course there's no investigators on the ground. now the key of this, i'm the is ready story. those certainly does have a lot of evidence, a lot of merit to back itself. it's uh, there was nothing here. okay, it was ms for the reserve at the hospital at the time. um and the boss, everything else, every expert i've spoken to fails be does support the sort of size of rocket that was talked about from policy is not my job. but the real point, i think,
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is an in some, this tragic a course in the way in which has been viewed and seen the scenes we've seen offer it in parts of the middle east, the evidence, and in many parts of the world. i don't think that's gonna change whatever the assessment subsequently is based will be impossible to know. probably. yeah. there was presidential by may, the high stakes visit to israel to show support, but also to de escalate to using. he succeeded in doing that. as the real blow, i think for by his visit was the fact that he can visit the passing lives as the arb agency refused to see and enjoy. um, so we didn't see the full benefit of the diplomatic effort. there was long to take it is amazing to see the president united states blowing into an active. it was a um to lead on diplomacy. and i think that was a very bold move and very important i'm the clear for us has been we support as well, but the very strong message, the israel cannot forget the suffering, the palestinian people in this. and it's new, good fighting
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a war against time. us and forgetting about the policy of using selves on actually delivering. so how much will they sort to achieve, which is the victimization of people of gaza and increase 9 go against israel. so, i mean, i message very strong. the foot towards humanitarian. so cool, very clear. we're waiting now to see does it good for a problem? because on the ground in ghost at the 5 and called on the israel government to not route repeat the mistakes the us made in the wake of 911. and you hinted at their what would be the biggest mistake israel could make? is it really the sustained civilian suffering in the gaza strip? yeah, this is what we call the central gravity for his rails or a foot ready. and i think there was a fight is recognize this exactly the same way it off 911. will be failed to recognize what i will call it a head. so to achieve the attack in the united states, which was to suck the us into a winnable complex that created more enemies than the us could deal with. and this
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is obviously pretty much exactly what i'm asked to sort to achieve so that the voice is very opposite and it comes from a nation that's been the, it's a nation that has gone through this and is recognize that you can't just tackle a problem like this was an issue for us, however, buttons for the wall and however angry upset and just to pull at the tone record your population is. you need to box clever. you need to think more widely and not do what you're after 3 wants you to do it. i think night is the very strong message being delivered and hopefully that, that land side. yeah. israel's, as it plans to destroy us, given everything that you just laid out, is that an attainable goal? not just purely militarily. i was a very small cold in a very large machine and the school was a good word to her the time. and it was very clear, the amenities solution, learn when look to feed terrorism. you need a comprehensive approach. the, the war is one part of it. but the other tools around is the diplomacy,
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the thinking that you might interrogate the approach. the problem is what makes it somebody even altima the manage and it's been like a warm crime or anything else. you never get rid of it. you have to actually control it, manage it, and when support. so it's inherently of warring at the moment just to destroy. i'm asked us a simple statement that's going to be difficult to do. i think with any pollution, i always rather approaches it. i need pollution about more a which may or may not affect how operation on the ground. a conductive, i think, certainly affects how the palestinians on looks off in the degree of international support that comes into the pool population and goes to the tracking list just in chrome from civil line. always great speaking to you. thank you so much. i a u. s. presidential biden has wrapped up his visit to tel aviv with an agreement from israel that it will allow limited humanitarian aid to enter gaza by at egypt. these rarely governments as supplies can get to civilians in the south of gaza, provided they do not reach home us by the offered unconditional backend for israel
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and said he would be asking congress for what he called unprecedented support for israel and the civilians and gaza even before landing in tel aviv j biden's visit was up ended by events in gaza. he was there to show his unwavering support for israel and to persuade lead is to minimize the humanitarian catastrophe box. he emphasized that he had israel's back are deeply sad and outraged by the explosion as hospital and cause yesterday. and based on what i've seen, it appears as though it was done by the other team. not, not you prime minister benjamin netanyahu, things to buy didn't for the support. there's only one thing better than having a true friend, like you standing with her as well. and that is having a standing in israel. your visit here is the 1st visit of an american president and
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as well at a time of war bite and also appeared to have secured a deal to finally bring much needed humanitarian support to the people of gaza. to dash, these really cabinet i met with for some time smarty to agree to the delivery of life saving you mandatory assistance to civilians. and gosh, a patient of the understanding that there will be inspections at the age and go to civilians not to him us. the president also announced $100000000.00 and assistance for the palestinians in gauze on the west bank. a fight in strip was meant to calm the region about the blame game of a who bass responsibility for hundreds of debts in a garza hospital has done the opposite off of the explosion. jordan, cold of the plan summit with the us presidents in the mon leaving biden's diplomatic toll cut short. i asked
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w correspondence stuff on simon's in washington earlier of buying the strip to israel had been a success. well, if you asked me yes, eh, and you know what? there was no other opportunity or chance for by that if you wouldn't have gone to israel, that would have been really, really bad for him here domestically in the united states and going there despite what happened in gauze, in the hospital incident on this explosion there. and despite arab leaders and partners as a c, c, and in egypt or, or the king of jordan, canceling on a month or mountain with the boss of the palestinian authority. also cancel it with him. it was at least the administration thoughts all the best way forward. and $100000000.00 for humanitarian h $24.00, pulse students in gauze, off and west german and in the westbank is not a bad stop. now i want to emphasize nothing of there's none of this have to be
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negotiated by the president himself at the day of the visit that was done before. that's why mister blink and secretary of state was there before. but it seemed to be, at least in the eyes of the administration necessary to go there and to throw staunch support behind israel. and from in this very narrow point of view, in this narrow perspective, this was in the eyes of the biden administration. certainly success district by the n. yeah. who are known to have a fairly rocky relationship. are there any strings attached to us support for israel? i don't think so. and i don't think that any president puts a big basically afford any strings attached. of course, this administration makes or tries to make sure and to assure the public that they will do everything a to deliver who monitor in a to b,
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but influence these right and is on and in, in a sense of, you know, exercising caution. military targets. do what you have to do in gaza to or as you these railways claim route out how my spot protect civilian and civilian life. that is, i think what the u. s. will do, but all the, any strings attached really to support really big support, militarily, support ammunitions are in don't the rockets or all the things know there are no strings attached. some analysts say the us and the ones in the region was diminished significantly by the war on terror in the wake of 911. how much can the, by minute ministration realistically hope to achieve when it comes to its efforts to avoid this conflict from growing even even beyond the borders of cause? and israel, a short answer. yes, you're right. the u. s. has been in compared to how it was in the ninety's or in
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the beginning of the 2 thousands before 911. i'm pretty much upset. absent with an active middle east policy or diplomacy. this scheme in the middle east of the us was occupied with 911 and the response of this warranty rock war. and if can to stand and so on that isis. remember isis, us, uh, put a lot of money and personnel on hunting down and fighting our supporting groups who forced part were for were fighting isis far. now the us has, even if they never disbanded the idea of a 2 state solution for as related posting is they have to kind of get back to this . now also pointing out the us has sent to strike babies. the aircraft carriers tried grooves to the region, and that is for the sole purpose to warn iran slash this ball on lab and on to do anything anything to escalate this conflict because it is not in the us and do us things in anybody's interest to make this even bigger, this conflict,
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it's bad enough making a regional conflict or war that's really bad. the us doesn't want that sometimes reporting from washington. thanks for that. and that's all from us for now, but stay with us because up next china has growth is awesome, but the real estate crisis is tracking it down k. ferguson has all the details on data with your business. that's up after a short break from all of us. here on the listing, thank you so much for your company. the books people have to say the that's why we listen to this story. the ritual every weekend on d w. the assist.


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