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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  October 21, 2023 1:00am-1:15am CEST

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[000:00:00;00] the, this is dw, and use life somewhere. let's come off. that's to american hostages, free. the mother and daughter were among them more than 200 people could not during the terror attacks on israel or to the chances. nice for more releases. on us chief antonio gutierrez visits, egypt locks border with god. he's calling for the free flow of 8 to palestinians, saying it's the difference between life and
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the home. welcome to the program. from us says it has released to american hostages for what it calls humanitarian reasons. they've been named. as judith and natalie run on from chicago, the mother and daughter were among some 200 captives adopted by her mouse during its terror attacks. and israel on october 7th, how must also say is it's working with mediators from guitar and egypt to release civilian hostages. the us secretary of state on to the blank and welcome to release of the 2 hostages and calls on him off to free the others. during my own recent travel of the region, i have besides the urgency and importance of this to the united states and pressed our partners to do everything they can to help us secure the release. since that time,
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we continue to work relentlessly with partners to do just that. i can't speak publicly about the details of these efforts, and i know you understand that. but the urgent work to free every single american to free all other hostages continues. as our work to secure the safe passage out of gaza for the americans who were trapped there. in this particular instance, i want to thank the government have cut her for their very important assistance. earlier we spoke with dw is a abraham in washington. she told us more about how the news of their release is going done in the us capital. there really is a glimmer of hope in what has been very, very difficult, a 2 weeks or so for this administration. so far we've heard from a president fighting and a written statement and secretary of state anthony blake. and so let me just walk you through some of the main takeaways from both of these statements. president biden said that he was thrilled that the 2 women,
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the mother and daughter have been released and that they can count on the us government for any support they may need as they recover. the president also said that his administration has not seized its efforts to secure the release of those still being held by him us and that the release of american hostages is his top priority. so this tells us that there are indeed more hostages, more us how to just being held by him as a group designated as a tear group by the us. and the e. u, and notably, he thinks is real. but he also thinks a cutoff for its efforts in a, in the release of these hostages. this is not the 1st time that we're seeing cause her to take this role of a mediator between the united states and adversary just in september. because there was also the mediator in no very controversial preserver exchange agreement between
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the united states and iran. and so, as of this story continues to develop, i mean there over 200 hostages being held and we've heard from the us government and these really government of course, and they will try everything to get them released. we can expect the contact to continue playing an important role in mediating these offers. to that was dw special correspondent at abraham un secretary general antonio. the terrace has visited the roof of border crossing between egypt and gaza. he's calling for it to be opened to a low age to reach palestinians. israel has confirmed it will allow a limited number of trucks carrying humanitarian a to enter a gaza, which is facing acute shortages, a few food medicines. last thoughts of the gaza strip has been reduced to rubble by israel's retaliatory. air strikes. the
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need for humanitarian aid is becoming desperate. the strikes have taken a heavy toll on families like use of his sister was skilled in the bomb being. he and 2 other family members suffered serious injuries. you know, i don't you really sorry. i mean, it should. uh, why did this really is randomly bump my house is what i am eastern busy. we are civilians, and it is clear that there is no one here but us. my father is with us and just disability. so that's a little bit in the us. now. what is either on who i mean the cost by them. just over the border in egypt, trucks filled with 8 or waiting to cross into garza, the head of the united nation says the board must be opened as a matter of urgency. behind these walls, we have a 1000000 people that is suffering in our mosley that
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says, no water, us, no food, no magazine, no for israel has persisted in bomb, bring the territory, including this neighborhood in garza city, are many helping to escape before an anticipated ground offensive including use of father and his family could not secure safe passage near how why so we went to the crossing but they told us it would open but it didn't think, i don't know. we tried to find shelter in the south and couldn't. so we decided to return home when the mag, unfortunately a house was found while we were inside because that's plus, but these are all ready for 1. 8 is expected to arrive soon. many fear it wouldn't be too lucky and too late. now any is rarely grown defensive and got so i will have to deal with
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a sophisticated network of tunnels used by him. off on other is limits groups is the underground. labrons is hundreds of kilometers long is really troops call it the gaza metro. one of many is really air strikes on garza, this one targeting cause tunnel network according to the israel defense forces or i d, f, destroying the tunnels used by the militant islam is group come off, has long been a priority for israel's military. the network runs underneath gaza, connecting its cities running to the border with israel, and also connecting the strip with egypt. the tunnel slip militant store weapons launch attacks and are believed to contain hamas command centers. because those tunnels are also lifelines to the outside world. passage ways for importing essential goods, as well as weapons under a long standing is rarely blockade. this animated video released by israel shows what they suppose that they look like inside militant islam is tomas has been
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developing the tunnel network since they came to power in 2007. recently him us claim the tunnel network is 500 kilometers long. come us another to how does scripts use tunnel exits, basically holes in the ground to launch rocket attacks on israel. the launchers are then brought back underground. that makes them nearly impossible for israel to see or target. israel has tried bombarding the tunnels in 2014, in 201720212 destroy the network without success, but with significant civilian casualties. the terminal network is reportedly woven underneath the marketplace as apartment blocks and hospitals. frank led, which is a former u. k. military intelligence officer, he believes the tunnels will be a big challenge for is really troops if they do enter casa, so is ready, so it just won't have to just look to the sides and up. also, by the way to, i lost his drug systems,
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which are also heavily involved will be in this. but they will figuratively and literally be looking onto the ground as well. and that's the implication of boxes that they will need to look behind to. even if they secure an area like another be so that they secured all the tunnel entrances and exits. but that building aware of that. there is also the more high tech elements and that's on both sides as well to be deployed. probably be deployed drones systems that may be driven or directed by i. there's some evidence that already done not be handheld recognizance drones flying through buildings looking for human beings, the signatures. so the planners can select targets as he's ready. so just look up. yeah, they'll be looking for drugs 1st time israel is planning to evacuate the safety of care yet sure more not near the border with 11 on following days of classes with
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hezbollah fighters. the city is home to 20000 people and is just 2 kilometers from the border. is really, authorities have been steadily evacuating communities along the northern frontier. the needle goldstein have driven up to k yet simona to pick up the father level to take him to south and out of range of rockets fires across the border by his beloved. so my father is revealing that that's one of which i can fix on may take it to, to my home and try survive. this is why the leaving sirens wail is a power outage of rocket streets towards israel from 11 on. busy to yet simona has already been hit by those munitions. you hear me say it's time to go. because this kind of about to ation allows
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b i d f to expand this operation of freedom to act against the hezbollah, terrorist and civil people. many residents have in fact already left before the enforced evacuation for the confident no return or action with the situation. he's here right now, is there a difficult, like my brother say, what you know, what we're going to in? no one is can be tough. that's it. no one is can be done. this is not all over the world need to understand. we're going to fight and fight on residents splitting the law. so now joining tens of thousands of israelis who have left the homes in the south and the gaza. the conflict has prompted pro palestinian protest around the walls here in berlin. they've been banned, imaged for years for public safety. but some riley's in support of palestinians have gone ahead with police arresting. hundreds of people has raised questions
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about free speech and the right to demonstrate for the seems like desktop, played out your tongue. bell lane streets, large groups of angry men throwing rocks, fall tools, and even fireworks out. police who responded with walter counting hundreds have been arrested. parts of the city have been on a knife edge since police fund pro palestinian protests with the official saying, such gatherings have been used to incite hatred calls for the killing of jews or the destruction of israel. their small skinned barrel in worship, or se bonding protest is the wrong approach that started to diminish should be the possibility. this is also included in german law for demonstrations as long as they are not violent is provide to this end up on this. so you have the feeling about the german state use of freedom of speech when it wants that mean freedom of speech for the is really citizens,
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but not for the palestinian citizens to defend us. and then just look at the spanish speaking at the jury school in the capital, the head of the center, right, cd your party said he box, the bond is good to go. so that will have to be a band on activities against certain people on this. we have not turn this off, and of course it will also have to be a band on demonstrations machine. so if what happens is, what we have seen often enough or too often in the last 10 days, is namely that, that has been violent demonstrations here to that. an echo of the political mainstream for gemini, the focus know very much on 0 called ruins of anti semitism. let's take a look at some other stories making headlines. next month's mtv or at music awards, awards and parents have been canceled. organizers cited the volatility of world defense and much the ongoing conflict in israel and gaza. as spokesman said,
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it does not feel like the right moment global celebration. the words will take place again in november 2020 for us. republicans have dropped tim jordan as their nominee for how speaker that's after the hard line. trump. i lie failed in his 3rd bid for the job with a growing number of members refusing to back him. the house has been paralyzed since kevin mccarthy was as to the speaker more than 2 weeks ago. 3 people have been killed in breton, a storm by batch bachelor of scotland and northern england. 2 were swept into rivers and a 3rd person was hit by a falling tree. emergency services in scotland are struggling to rescue families trapped by flood walters strong. but that has also disrupted flights on ferry services. in scandinavia. you're watching dw news live from berlin. here's a quick reminder of our top story. from us says it has released to american
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hostages for what it calls humanitarian reasons. safety, named as judith unnaturally run on the mother and daughter were among around $200.00 captives of doctors by him off during its terror attacks on israel. that's all for now, but stay with us. k, ferguson is up next with your business updates. you can get your news 247 on our website, best dw dot com and her mom's. thanks so much. i take care the sometimes it's hard to find what you're looking for. but we've got something for you. one of mankind's oldest ambitions could be within re what do you see?


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