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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  October 31, 2023 11:00am-11:31am CET

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it starts november 20 d w the . this is dw news live from berlin. israel's prime minister rejects calls for a cease fire and gaza is, will not agree to association of affiliate with from us after the risk attacks of october 7 costs for a seas, for a cost of israel to surrender, to come up and back home with her family israel rescues a soldier adopted by hamas, but more than 200 other people remained in captivity engagement plus the
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head of us that says the number of children being killed in gaza every day is so high that it should quote, shake us to our core. also coming up a deadline is about to expire in pakistan for more than 1700000. ask on refugees order to leave the country. so i'm have lived there for decades. so what's behind the pablo phone in the us? welcome to the program. israel has ruled out a cease fire and it's war with thomas prime minister benjamin netanyahu said it would represent a surrender to the militant group. he said the grand defensive was the best way to secure the release of more hostages. one is right, the soldier was freed during an overnight emission in gaza. the 1st such a rescue since the war began as another is rarely hostage safely home.
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israel's military release, this picture of soldier omega. this to announce her release. a crowd gathered outside her home to celebrate the news. she's the 1st captive to be freed amid israel's growing ground, defensive prime minister, benjamin netanyahu price the rescue, and rejected calls for a cease fire. israel will not agree to a succession of west village. we've come us after the risk attacks of october, 7th, cause for us use for our cause for israel to surrender to home us to surrender to tear was just a vendor to barbara's that will not happen as a stroll ram shop. it's fighting the pressure to bring hostages home is also growing. honda to fetch have been laid out in jerusalem to be present the missing families gathered at the vigil. what's the latest video released by home?
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us military showing 3 female captives. it's brought some hope to their families because it's easier when i saw the photo of danielle on tv, my heart almost stopped. my wife and i were on the one hand shocked. but on the other hand, we felt relief because that a relief that she's alive and that we can see her we didn't know anything about her until today. i'm not a middle man. so, but other families have received devastating news. a sorry to say german is rarely shiny luke, who was believed to be kidnapped, is that the news has given her mother a sense of closure. and i know that i'm a bit relieved that the matter is close to. the news is not good,
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but at least we know she didn't suffer more than 200 people are believed to still be held hostage by how much in gaza? well, as is riley tanks and troops advance on guys, a city there have been reports of fierce clashes in the northern part of the strip . israel is made a tree says it struck more than $600.00 militant targets in recent days. in gaza. the wind is warning that is really shelling and there strikes are getting closer to hospitals for thousands of palestinians or sheltering the hamas. wrong guys, a health ministry says more than 8300 people have been killed so far. mean long time us as also launched rockets into southern israel, closing fires. well for more i'm not joined by dw correspondence band for susan who's in jerusalem bend. great to see you. so these ready military has just had a briefing saying that it's forces killed militants in recent land and air attacks
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. they also added that they struck a time us leader responsible for the october 7th attacks. and what more can you tell us been as well the information? why getting here the media from thomas is that they've targeted tanks in the knowles that they've been clashes with these by the troops in the south. and the indications from is really forces is that they're also attacking from both sides. most interestingly is that they say they've penetrated some of these tunnels. this bond tunnel network of hom, us at managed to destroy rocket launch pads in shops also control set as within those tunnels and have a tech come us forces and troops within those tunnels, sealing off access points as well. remembering the, the, the hostages said to be in these tunnels poplar then is writing the prime minister
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. benjamin netanyahu has rejected calls for a cease fire. so what's the reaction, bein to this along is right, is a fall his the announcement came in a briefing to the international media and his rhetoric was torn down in comparison to other price conferences is being held, holding here over the past weeks and he stopped short again, of quoting this and invasion is a global outcry at the moment as you know, but he's not going to send in old troops of once. that would be a death trap. considering this intricate tunnel system that how much could use to ambush the troops. the families of the hostages don't foresee any ground or air offensive, but if they do receive results, that means just one by one or the one hostage having being rescued sofa according to the information we have, then that would be a positive thing. of course,
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there are over $200.00 hostages and a whole being held by almost no. some experts say that israel is grand operation is, is advancing slower than they expected. what's behind this, as well, they're saying inch by inch. that's what military strategists a saying. first of all, to ensure there is no ambush, no surprise attacks by home. us also to keep open the possibility of negotiations for the release of these hostages. those negotiations are said to still be underway with the mediator kata. and we'll see as far as whether or not their results and then yahoo says this is going to be a long war. he said that time and again, and he's refusing a ceasefire. he says a ceasefire. as you also pointed out, would only be giving off of the b,
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surrendering to homeless and would take the pressure of hum us at to release the hostages. it would mean how much would only hold on to those hostages in those tunnels that they have to expand, dw, correspond to bank position and reporting from through so well, journalist has them, felicia is in guys, and earlier we ask them how humanitarian aid is being distributed as, as the distribution because it is not clear and everybody and on the announced that they are not there. and i can be some, some lead to the speak read for to make thread. so mesa at mesa by hall and at the bakery. so people are, are getting the bread with, with a half of coffee price, but it's still the cues all very long and i'm busy body. anybody wasn't when i, when i get a back of read need to wait like between 2 to 3 hours please to get one back
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and on distribution in the, on the schools which is people are actually altering their thought. and what are the other people in the area who are displayed some of the are saying that the industry pull in their call. i did the 3. yeah. not with evening. say that the make and is it is not clear. people are not a weird thing because it's very limited. it's not the type of that. the, the 8 their accounts to down the. yeah. so if you do that and then it becomes supplies, food and water that's to the lake. and there is a huge showcase or from the ocean water or 3 to water that was during list hasn't been shot in gaza. while the dire situation facing the people of guys. and particularly children has been laid bare at an emergency meeting of the un security council, the head of the united nations children's fund. unicef, catherine russell said,
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more than $400.00 children are being killed or injured in gaza each day, claiming that number should quote shaker each of us to our court. while the meeting was also told that more than 3400 children has been killed in 3 weeks of fight. the right, well, toby flicker is a spokes person for the united nations children's funds uni seth. and he told us more about the reliability of the huge figures being reported for the number of children being killed and injured in guns. yeah, you're right. the numbers of children killed, the numbers of children injured inside the gaza strip are, are extraordinary. now these numbers come from the palestinian ministry of health and do you suppose that it has ours? the guys souls is on the ground? we have stuff on the ground. the hottest on the ground. uh to, to look into the numbers as we always do. and not just say that in pos, like in 2014, for example, when there was an escalation. uh the un then verifies numbers here. we can't do
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that in real time of close for obvious reasons, but we verify numbers. and when we've done that before in similar situations, so not at this scale, the numbers have been very, very similar. let's like looking at what some of the other stories making use around the world. us present, and joe biden has signed an executive order and regulating artificial intelligence, described as a landmark order. it would require companies to report to the federal government about the risk their systems compose. it's the 1st step and erase to regulate the global technology that offers great promise with carries significant dangerous to us car maker and general motors has reached a tentative deal with the united auto workers union to and a 6 week strikes. the agreement includes pay increases. gm follows carmakers, ford and salons in reaching a deal with the new protests are continuing in panama over
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a mining deal to fill out a canadian firm to continue operations in central america's largest open pit copper mines. the government says it will hold a referendum on whether to scrap the contract critic save the concession is a threat to the environment and an attack on the country sovereignty at the state of hundreds of thousands of, of guns living in pakistan is hanging in the balance the pakistani government to set a deadline for tomorrow, november 1st, for all undocumented migrants to leave the country or face deportation. 1.7000000 of gun migrants currently live in neighboring pakistan without legal status. but with i've got to stand wired in conflict and it's economy in tatters. going home entailed grave risks and uncertainty who moved to his children combo and how to use worries may appear far away. but like many of the ask on refugees and
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pockets done the city on his mind. the 33 year old has lived here for 2 decades. but the government's cracked down on and documented migrants is turning his life upside down. today he's taking pausing a protest and is now queueing off, but the u. n's medical office the refugee registration, hoping for a document that will enable him to stay here and not be sent back to us kind of stone. but it will, the past several years, we were given assurances that we would not encounter any problems and practiced on that. but they've now started the process of expelling africa and the so, you know, but that it says that i can, that's why we have protesting, hold on honey. the owner of the house where i live has also wanted us to lee and get it started kind of get out of the end. if we don't, they will contact the local police and then the police will take legal action against this side. they normally tell us what i've gotten to the what is a go to the other set, a goal here, and it's not a bad time,
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a unique sound to living as attend or he says the pay is hardly enough to feed his family not to learn funded jenny, back to afghanistan, but along with being evicted from his home, he's also using this job. another consequence of the authorities, new policy. millions of ass scans have made focused on that home in the past decades of instability. and if dentist on the country that was once a refuge has now become deeply inhospitable, police in this neighborhood to checking documents. interesting, anyone without paperwork, the government claims it's policy shift is due to high ask on crime rates. the perception that the legal up were on that mostly, but some of them who are legally staying here. they have a role in certain crimes. and these crimes are mostly smuggling of the different products and in 2020, around 235. and it shows that in oregon. c described which would have
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a 100 d was processed regarding to the law abdul heavy cause lift. impact is gone for 16 years. that is now one of tens of thousands of and documented f guns who have taken a difficult decision to return to. i found this done to him, the pressure to leave became too much. his family borrowed money to high a trucks for the news, needing them substantially in debt. the, within the family is high, this truck for 250000 rupees. it will take us to cobble, well, we're remedy. we have left, the rest of the winter is ahead. we do not have room clothes, shoes, or a roof over all hedge. we're helpless and we'll face whatever i live will do for us . so this family heading back to afghanistan, the road ahead is full of uncertainty just as it is for those trying to remain in focused on let's cross to is i'm about and bring in during this notion of us machine, great to see you. so can you tell us more bag pakistan's justification for doing
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this? well, you know, there, there is a link in the minds of focus on the citizens between smuggling and the drug trade with outcomes. but whether this link has a grain of truth or as broadly true as impossible to assess, i'm surely trans national crimes committed by all times if any would require support from focused on the citizen as well in order to commit those crimes. i'm the other link or perception in the minds of box any citizens is that of the nines and terrorism. so the government of box some fuels at the box on the bond or operating out of a minus sign with infinity. and perhaps even with the sort of the $100.00 bond now in power to that end, undocumented refugees are viewed as the security risk which may harbor and to stay . in other words, how many of guns are in pakistan right now and tell us a little bit more about the reasons that they moved to pakistan or so there are
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approximately 4000000 refugees in bucks on from a lot of sun and out of those 1700000 are on documented, they move to box on in waves since the 1980s, since there have been successive civil wars and international conflicts in the sun with the soviet in meeting and 1979, and then the americans in 2002. right. so now, assuming not o f guns, heat the cold to leave, no shame what might happen to them. so who did not heed the call to leave maybe found forcefully adapted least according to the fostering by the state. as of today, whether doing this on such a large scale is feasible, we will have to see, since this is one of the largest refugee populations in the world. but i've, they spoken about what exactly would happen and it will happen to them in the sense, would they be arrested or what, what would happen?
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well, many have actually faced harassment from the police, from authorities. um there's a lot of the their assets have also been forcefully taken. so there is this fostering from the state that if they do not comply, then they would probably be a face arrest meant or forceful expulsion or what think human rights groups. and i'm the united nations have to say it by the handling of these expulsions, or this plan to against the guns who are in pakistan to so according to human rights watch, they want to focus on to drop the november 1st to protection deadline and work with you and hcr to resume registrations of of fun asylum seekers. and they are hoping that box on would work with them for the resettlement of the funds. but besides that human rights groups have also talked about the huge emotional and mental tool
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that has taken on the community, especially for those where really never lived in the minus sign box, a son who's the only country that they've ever known. so there is a sense of loss is also sense of losing one's identity and livelihood. not to mention the fear of returning to around this time and what that would mean for their families, machine police, and getting within pakistan. is there consensus that this is what it should be done or how are the different political parties that approaching this well, at the moment there is a general consensus that those were undocumented must return to a bonus on i think at the moment there is more outcry from human rights organizations, especially in also of the ones who have been living here for generations who have no nothing but spock is done. so really at the moment it is really the human rights groups and the uplands themselves who are really trying to talk about this and trying to get my attention from the box on the government to let them find
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a way to resettle and find their way out. of pocket sign to safer havens if possible. thanks machine turn this machine i boss in the pakistani capital is i'm about to thank you. the german chancellor or life sholtes has been holding tolts and nigeria among the issues on the agenda was migration with shells. repeating his cool for a closer partnership between the 2 countries. a german, nigerian project in law goes nigerians. returning from germany, receive support to make a new start in their home country. german chancellor off schultz visit the center for labor migration and reintegration. an office that helps return these fine jobs . it is good for them to, for the future with the being able to to of income, to have fudge off, but also the chance for funding business incense. and before that event, at the german run center, the chancellor met with german, nigerian entrepreneur sholtes addressed the migration issue and his speech more
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than ever before we are offering legal costs space to come to germany, to work that at the same time. those who can stay under these new roots should be able to return a day earlier. sholtes met with president bullet to nubile the number of nigerians who have to leave germany is relatively high. many no longer have passports and nigeria doesn't accept the substitute documents provided by germany to new who promised to improve the situation. ready to engage, to bypass you, to improve migration situation. people kind of go through the process as long as they have a good view and good connection. in return, germany's entering talks with nigeria aimed at establishing unacceptable quoted for legal immigrants. but this requires a joint agreement which is likely to take time. let's take a look at some of the other stories making use around the world. a german politician has been arrested for allegedly displaying nazi symbols. police said
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they found the bonds material at the fraternity house of daniel helen by a member of the far right. alternative for germany, party member has denied the allegations for things king charles has arrived in kenya for his 1st visit to a commonwealth nation. since becoming monarch is 4 day trip that comes and made widespread coals for an apology over colonial era abuses, booking and palaces the king plans to address quote, painful aspects of british colonial rule during his visit. a company has been found guilty of safety preachers after 22 people were killed. when a volcano erupted in new zealand in 2019 arrives. 50 people were on white island when a deadly column of burning ash and steam blasted from a phone conic event. court found the firm that managed the island failed to assess the risk to visitors. now to the war in ukraine, we're cold,
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weather is setting in russia's air strikes are destroying homes, and as well as infrastructure for power generation just when people need warrants and shelter. authorities have located tens of millions to rebuild homes, but progress has been slow. and so families are facing their 2nd winter without a warm place to stay. the w i n s. if reports from cock, if the northern heart keeps suburb of salt doesn't look much different than it did after the 1st few months of war when it was pummeled by russian artillery. those who have stayed are now facing their 2nd winter without central heating or even windows ana. her mother and a friend had been living in the basement of their apartment block for 20 months now . or they move their lives underground because it's warmer, they're taking heat with this old wood stove. they said, but hopefully we can hold them up here if we make a fire, if not, it's
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a little colder, but you wouldn't freeze. it's much better hidden in my apartment. on this building is in fact blow in the cities priority list because it's too badly damaged to repair quickly. several of the buildings and the salt you can neighborhood or in this predicament. and many of the residents are growing and patient with the city authorities. as the 2nd winter of the war sets in this group of residents meets us outside of role with heavy damage buildings. many of them are living, doubled up with other families nearby. they're desperate for anyone to hear the grievances as to what would be important for me because the building is on the list of projects for 2024. and we're on a list just for the project to start. so where are people supposed to go? so it will be when to see the house will be standing in the cold and everything will deteriorate except for the destruction. here is staggering. the building suffered multiple direct hits from russian, artillery, and residents say even missiles from war plants. it's difficult to fathom. the cost
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of rebuilding this, especially while the government is still focused on a full scale war. in an adjacent suburb, the city is already wrapping up repairs. the buildings had little structural damage and workers are putting in the last new windows. some families are even moving back in the hard keeps deputy head of housing says he understands where the residents and heavy head areas like salt teeth are frustrated, not problem. uh, the main shopping in that as is it the lowest, the becky like the procedure for restoration, but it's a doodle as still being developed. lots devoted to ease of us to move. that's why we need to show up with the hockey of citizens about the most consumer cycle, different categories of damage, a key code that they didn't know and different approaches able to reach one. will they post according to more easily put for the on a plans to move back upstairs once the central heating is fixed, which the government has promised to do? she just doesn't know when they got to this. it sometimes we feel like giving up
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a kind of the way to do that. first we didn't feel like that. but now more and more, we do just good sake. what we've been expecting the end of the world. but well, me, i just the winter might be easier to bear if she had something to look forward to. once it's over, you're watching data and use life from birth. and here's a reminder of our top stories of the israel's prime minister. benjamin netanyahu has rejected calls for a cease fire and gaza. he says such a move would represent a surrender thomas. he's right, the army says a female soldier captured by hamas during the october 7th terror attacks has been rescued during a grand operation in gaza. she's being identified as orient like you to the soldiers have to be doing well after a medical checkup and as being reunited with her from the state of the
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news life from britain of next tomorrow today looks and have locusts communicates on whether it resembles a spoken language that you for that is coming up after a short break. don't forget, you can get plenty more news on the information on our website, the w dot com, and you can follow us on social media. our handle is dw use on public phone area. so i'll see you again, the top 10 extra take here, the,
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the, the clear is view of the outer space. huge status goes in the to land as accommodated, unveiled spectacular images of volume, and soon degraded lucy, even the extremely zones telescope, e l t begins a neutral in the starting tomorrow. today,
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next on d, w, a pulse, the beginning of a story that takes us along for the ride. it's about the perspectives culture information. this is the, the news w mines the, the, the, the, the, it is some of the coverage, the more people than in search of a pass in life. but
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a crisis within pod for somebody that sort of the nation press the one to find out about the baby story info, migraines, reliable news for migrant wherever they may be. or the what do you think he's trying to tell us? being able to talk to our fellow creatures is an old dream on one that still seems a long way off, even with the closest evolution re cousins. but the chimpanzees have something like that language. and if they do, could we decide to where it would help us to better understand them that.


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