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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 8, 2024 4:00am-4:16am CET

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sidney refreshing that act as a 2 trillion dollar tax cuts overwhelmingly benefit the top one percent the very wealthy, the biggest corporation and exploded the federal deficit. they added more to the national debt and any presidential term in american history. checks the numbers. folks at home, does anybody really think the tax code is fair? they're really thinking, well, the big corporations need another 2 trillion dollar tax break. i sure don't. i'm going to keep fighting like hell to make it fair under my plan. nobody. on the less than $400000.00, we will pay additional petty and federal taxes. nobody have one. i haven't yet done it, cut taxes and millions of working families and cut child poverty and half their
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like big corporations are very well to begin to pay their fair share. remember in $22055.00 of the biggest companies in america may $40000000000.00 and paid 0 in federal income tax 0. not anymore. thanks to the law i wrote, we signed big companies have to pay a minimum 50 percent. but that still less than working people pay federal taxes. this is time to raise corporate minimum tax to at least 21 percent the corporate office wanted tax breaks for big farm. a big or a private checked mass of executive pay was only supposed to be $1000000.00 about
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a $1000000.00. it can be deducted. they can pay 20000000, they want to deduct a 1000000. and now, you know, there are 1000 building areas in america. you know what, the average federal taxes for those billionaires now they're making great sacrifices. 8.2 percent. that's far less than the vast majority of americans pay. no good or should pay a lower federal tax rates in a teacher, sanitation, whether or not the minimum is a 25 percent just 25 percent. you know what that would raise that would raise $500000000000.00 over the next 10 years. and imagine what i could do for america.
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imagine a future with affordable child care. now does your family can get, they need to go to work out. so the economy. i'm not here to to do it. because no, i should have to choose between working with the system people living with disabilities, so they can stay home with family caregivers can finally get the pay they deserve to night. that's all agree. once again, to stand up for seniors reading my friends on the other side of i want to put social security on the chopping block to anyone here tries to cut social security medicare raise the retirement age. i will stop you. the
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pay more and the social security, the monitors in 1000000000. ours do is not fair. we have 2 ways to go. republicans can cut social security and get more tax breaks to the wealthy. i will . that's the wrong. oh no. you guys don't want another 2 trillion dollar tax good. i kind of thought that's what your plan was. c well, that's good to hear. you're not going to cut another 2 trillion dollars because you broke. that's good to hear. all protected strength and social security make the wealthy pay their fair share, the raise prices to pride, the profits charging more more for the less and less that starts cracking down. and corporations engage in price gouging and receptive pricing from food to health care
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to house. in fact, the snack companies think, you won't notice that they change the size of the bag and put a lot fewer st. same size back. but fewer chips, you know, i'm not joe, it's called spring pricing. pass bobby case he's bill and stopped the oil so that commercial one snickers bars you get, you get to charge the same amount you got about. i don't know, 10 percent fewer snickers in it. look, i'm also getting rid of junk fees. those hidden fees at the end of your bill over there without your knowledge. why ministration laws were cutting credit card late fees from $32.00 to
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$8.00, wow. to charge what it costs them to instigate through the collection. and that's more hell of a lot like $8.30 some dollars. they don't like credit card companies don't like it . but i'm saving american families. $20000000000.00 a year with all the junk fees, and that's where the banks are so mad as $20000000000.00 in profits, or i'm not stopping their mind. it says the pros, rules to make cable travel utilities online. ticket sellers tell you the target price upfront, so there are no surprises matter. this
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november, my team began to serious negotiations the by part of the group of senators. the result was a by products and bill with the top a set of border security forms. we've ever since i don't think so. oh, you know like you have to record server it is got together and said it was a good bill. bobby john, that's amazing. but by partners who bought, hire 1500 or more security agents and officers, 100 or more migration judges help track of a back load of to minute cases. $4003.00 and a more asylum offices a new policy. so that can resolve cases in 6 months, instead of 6 years now, the machine to significantly increase the ability to screen and stop vehicles,
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smoking fentenol in america as well. so give me a new president. a new emergency is already temporarily shut down the border when the number of migrants at the border is overwhelming. the border patrol unit is endorses bell. the federal chamber commerce has it. yeah, yeah. you know, look at the facts. i know the way they've given the opportunity for the majority in the house and senate were the doors to bill as well. but majority right now, but unfortunately, politics is darrel this bill so far. i'm to my predecessor called members of congress and the senate demand,
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they blocked the bill. he feels political when he views of political information and political lose it for him. it's not about him, it's not about me. i be a winner. not really high leak and why we need is a young woman who was killed. why of a legal that's right. but how many of thousands of people being killed by legal to her parents? i say my heart goes out to having lost children myself. i understand. but look, if we change that dynamic at the border, people pay people, people pay the small doors a 1000 bucks to get across the border because i know that they get by if they get by and let into the country, it's 6 to 8 years before they have a hearing and it's worth the taking the chance with
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a 1000. but if it's only 6 months, 6 weeks, the idea is it's highly unlikely that people pay that money and gum all that way. knowing that they'll be able to be kicked out quickly. with respect to me said, is it just my refreshing my republican friends over to the american people? get this bill done. we need to at the watching instead of paying politics. pressured numbers of congress to block the bill. join me telling the congress to pass it. we can do it together, but that's why the apparently, here's what it will not do. i will not demonize immigrants say they are portion of
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the blood of our country. when like my predecessor on my 1st day and all design, just a comprehensive bill to fix rubber graces and take a look at it. as all visa more secure the board provide a path. right. it says if for dreamers and show much more on like hartford, yes, i know we're the only nation in the world with a heart and soul that draws from old a new home to native americans. an access has a better for thousands of years. how to people of every platform, every place on earth. they came freely. some came in change, some came on fam and struck like my ancestral family and ireland some of the fleet persecution to chase trees that are possible anywhere. but here in america,
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that's america. we're also from somewhere on the simple tours we can find about fixing the border or we can fix it. the mation moment in history happened 5859 years ago today in selma, alabama. hundreds of foot soldiers were just as marched across the admin, pettus bridge. named after the grand dragon of glucose clan, the crime, their fundamental right to vote. they were being there bloody and left for dead.
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as our like friend, a former colleague john lewis was on that march. the warranty going on the floor, including betty may finds known as the voice of selma, the daughter of gospel singers and preachers. she sang songs of prayer and protest on that bloody sunday. tough shake, the nation's conscience. 5 months later, the voting rights act passed the most sign in the law. the
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59 years later are forces taking us back in time, the motor suppression, election subversion, unlimited dark money. extreme jerry man. john lewis has a great friend to many of us here. but you truly want to honor him and all the errors of march with him, that it's time to do more than talk slash afraid of nevada. the to know i know the core value of america. our diversity across american life
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banning books is wrong. instead of the students may just following up with one another rides, plastic quality, uh the last 7 was let me see by confronting the kind of crisis. not the 9. i don't think it if you think there's no long recliner crisis, at least, i hope you don't take the most significant action ever on climate in the history of the world. i'm cutting our carbon emissions in half by 2030, creating tens of thousands of.


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