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tv   This Stolen Country of Mine  Deutsche Welle  March 11, 2024 4:15pm-5:01pm CET

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and that's it from me and didn't seem to so now i have enough that at the top of the i don't go way up next. the dw documentary profile of a resistance group battling against the both taishan of natural resources in it. but to got off the gas station innovation, green, the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed if the carriers, by the time it's all subscribe to those channels to subscribe to plan, it's a the,
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the use this as easy said, i use this with you very, less this view that leaves us. but because of the system that i get to the inputs, sort of, they look you up us at the same mess of minutes and see where they need to be able to send me another some some while you're going to let go see this young i mean me, nothing physical fitness in this intentionally the somebody a little bit. okay, that's going to look at what is your view. so it's not sweep done and we'll see what the mistaken goal here. no, it was ready to think of it. and he said that the that, and i said would be that it is what that, that come submitted singles to them. i thought that was no mistake. let me say when that was done was in was estimated for the people being of them didn't work there.
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sort of thing isn't the norman you some was mickey, this kid and we took out his computer. is this a, are you better than a courtesy? the middle of the see us or your rate of status for the end of the key will not be selling. the said one key, think what keep up with in place of stairs? nope. i that empty is a sort of in disclosure, the review on the leasing that is the digital ment. okay, in this sort of exclusive southern theme of say this is keith is one of the exclusive victor a we'll be able to locate a tool. okay. let's do the
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so if you see the physical, you know this isn't meant they would think commissions, if there's anything he sees any see him, is he that much older than i don't think it would be good. see, today, android is the spittle, has android is c global limited? i already see there's in gustavo and gus 3. so unless those numbers, if you think we should only find equal in these equals and he's supposed to do this, i don't use that either because it gets to the the, it, i think the z as it can. you look in the see, but i say b says good rest always. what's the full video? give those get a letters. we'll nickel by one. the so we more so we've got
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a use the plaza. is that the way that it goes to the seller? so what i mean, the minimum is that you listed in the city is the right fit for what what is
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the metal is the most the soon soon as he gets them as a favor that they just send you the invoices and that is just showing that the members in the summer school is gonna leave us a meeting let it usually is. sally
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ok, so yeah, me, me over the said i'll use that. i'm with beloved. he's young. he's still have too much, lee, but it's almost almost all coming down to those that i thought to be more or less the federal level specifically for the seattle because i said that bill was that a? yes. yes. they view the
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this guy says he minus you. ok, so this is bruce alley, washington. then you end up with sweet. i say that though, then you're going to say, well, the, the other one, i see the political, that'd be a row, can continue to put them into the stove. close, you know, orders see, so see, so then they've got so we'll just go to is there that it just might, it was, it was 1000, use any, any device 100 production that we put them on? we so many that you use any of those sound good to me can use those when you this see in those has been sitting in in the few minutes thing. just combine your just get that on a quote. he gave us set up his house going up. so with this, what do you impose as you overlay going these both sides only for media. it is.
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yeah. as you see it tomorrow, let's assume that it is that you, you may know that by use this plan you're going to see in washington easy. meta is the regular send that me, but he's going to presume you may request as no come up way. that's it. is really what we need. i used the local database, but we got my nana and by easiest buying the gate better the stuff there. so you can load it into place. you on this article. see who made those people as it was nice when i know them, we get into the contin yet to get him both the that but he's just been missing. but in order to quit the
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typical, i mean you does, you mean them almost have to do whatever because of what to think of, but one does get into the symbols and stuff then probably going to pretty much got this done with us, but it won't us what we meant and nothing was then going to handle all of us on that doesn't double got what's in 1000 customers on this list. then the with the internet. like, you know, sometimes i get that info just because i'm going to put it in. but this agents from united all of this in, or do you not that as a, but it has all the z in to be those me as soon as the volume is
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in doses. so you get to pick us seem to think of what you moment, what do you because it was about northern the percent of the building and unit there by the list. do you have to go back to the views i wanna dig on the so get the way and they got the door to the is this is the looking at it to put up. i got a great game wasn't going to i don't know, mantles on what people's getting us, but to me, thought is how do you move on to the most of the most view on face by you? what else have the data come for me? so get, who's got most either to in the, how much the only people that the persona, i think those who would be the kind of picking it up, houston don't the motor. when eunice, we dance, have the ability to go into the team to either unit picks
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with the focus of young people to your, to solve your policies here is just going to saw, but it wouldn't tell us. but if i use what they said, notice, do you know if i'm been, if these yellow see this, you can access them instead of going brother type in a be showing all the others don't want him to go, not just see the, the input. most of you see fit to compliment that. this is a good what the press you. we got the yellows or you north of you yourself. when was that? if you say most it wasn't the same thing. the rest of you said the humans you
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just don't i you want either to a for mom was on by you. so what a, so with a demo or either the shingles on those and those and the other 2, you know, the, the, the better team that you need big. so notice these bubbles off my last group because of the most you have to do because i need a bus that doesn't make it ok, so doesn't look like it age. i'm going to be more than one other. one human is going with people going based on these doesn't one of the place. okay. can police have to get a little bit on the the coming of the metal. bugging is was going to, it's live apple. yeah. which was into this house in the god was what became, what is the number one dias? glad okey dokey keep one to tina with that. go on the thought. uh, so with america,
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fake that i mean what goes into this unless you have to live in the top and um, if you go into the print shop, uh, see the locals and come down to the most competitive one. told us, let's double zillow's the when you and ask him on 3 most cool knows who knows. i got a lot of us. what's your name again? uh so this will be on the the uh, the end of the presidents here. uh this you get unlimited proceed and it didn't take into the company to go to the, the, the, the only thing is with that, i mean, i see possible. they said they don't say so. that's one of the most
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most when they come with us on us being you know, to be a mask used to live on up at a loss with less than that news . the notice to do equitable with preston, the lending moreno has switched to kind of stage of emergency optim massive. nationwide, protests broke out against the illumination of full decades. owed feels subsidies the
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. 6 the
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the dental, the political romika, a little good, reasonable moreno. she loved these matters. he performed visa and more than just a piece in a couple of bits. all in a go in the early set, the feed, micros contracts goodness, go to the board. as soon as it, but the political border is going to choose. but i've already said a start assume use both as human. and i'm assuming what the english just knew your audience put the keys in front of me now. i was going well, just ready, gunny that was probably it goes to the north end for you to meet at all
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and approve each other in a slight banging. but who is this you just on the lead me just because we see it will be seeking, committed leverage, but for them victims discuss this unit them into this 3. this should equals, i'm going to be those who ninos would be in the book that i would assume up to send me into waste use. can you mean that he says you in his buddies. mm hm. okay. is to known as you put it on a it was good was isn't the task. so there might be a bit of added security. now the scene is literally just put,
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kick off by the way the company is and with the the it is minus the test, you know, the link that using the equipment that okay, do you think it is getting for here that it is? and that's all and how much will it put in what people pay in 10 years have been there? there was other there and we'll see what you said, ma'am, and i'll get everything is up to you. he'll
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cut it off of you says, of course, as she says have been doing on the menu menu, then either the model corners corners mean it is gonna have your sanchez, this is minus the bidding of these because there's one message because this is a license managed which is the thing, what is 03 to get any of this episode. one way and model is the ok data in my name. yeah. us. yeah. and i looked at him and the manual. i thought i was looking him on his village. none of the content that night you and this exciting was getting us. yeah. so yeah, it looks beautiful. it's, you know, came almost before my contact anything but i'm, i thought it was, would you put them either see them, you see them in stock. i found them the
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in the, in the unity and those of others. i mean, gwen is got the e c o thinking with bustles. yeah. is the, is you going with most of them with the most i said from e builder, because i've had a, i've gone to consult them that the company is going to show you that or to and then what's good if in that i've seen them in
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the titles of what sales company it will be the best ava house in the costa when you do it. oh, that was mean that's a possibility. that is, you know, come up with a component of because a lot of the, let's, it looked as almost yeah, it just felt about it, but this was different. there was noise coming our way for the most of the 6 us though. it yes, thomas, this was the other, but it's a seller cousin. all i'm with is this, the company isn't with united the case. it is almost the gun was. he said he was the local english almost because they said it is you will because of
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the guy in that you see in god. so that of those is the more, like i said, i would have labeled means as is or not you of, if with the
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of the, the
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the the,
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that it is a working with them on the we c, e o. d as they will not be in today, but they didn't see other providers and he said they don't forget what but he made amazing. they studied his device instead of his them any kind of tina shave on thing with you. one other thing i want us to do, the cable being loaded into my vicar, et cetera, they own delete the. so what goes to the question is if you have an external soon of as good on, this goes to do it as part of the initial was courses. but as you know, so you have less come thing is pretty because you anything that they could have a name is do you guys you on your minnesota, oklahoma nichols hmo kayla combined. you were seen by the hills
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speaking. you said were via email, the oldest and most of them this, the intelligence a single winters, the results for the scene and see how this scene plus the heroes seen. this thing is the participants. anybody since he's got his estimate that up is going to be available to see a student has been out. is busing. a meeting for much. okay . now you see it is one of those, it seems to me, you know, does he still
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has the it's a foot medium duty to the single i use it by the ad pool that the muscle does include a support adult is proceed with this. we that are body can well you a use this them braces a use this to me pro for was a you're just going to hear. this is yours. believe it most of it. oh, so hold on please. oh,
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so when the good i'm but the the let's get your you missed the own up at the is pending pace you you're throws me now that base your the the, the the the, the. ready the the, the name of the the,
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the. ready the
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a man, the
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gentleman in vic in your type of lucy who knows what to say to schedule. and then we've, you got your central fits with your fluid, so you don't have all my days to complement the municipal court thing unless you, it was a story or 2 coming to the, the federal government in the model. isn't that those d e as it gets, get able to give us vivian though, but nobody knows. but i'm not going to ask this game of to file, but i'm not going to get a good game of the other while ago when the game or just interesting. they don't forget because we made the slight doses for you to the fed as a whole lot of us, but i'm assisting with god has given the stomach the kids into this is implement this to look at this is douglas, i'm the move he does. i'm out of the future out as we're just getting advice again, this other part of it is literally you've luckily poodle, civil government poodle about i said, but it's a turn this united cheese,
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the, the, the
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news the
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john mr. franklin, turn the handle. unless you're the wing club, you she does, i mean mother, you went to the custodian yesterday. i could do with those young mothers loan or the companion of the center. then we have to look, you know, to think of a new level rather to play a mr. coast, so then with the windows flint, this just does involve decent in this case. cavities didn't the yep. i said this, what am i know? when to see you see the most expensive so you can use the new check up as soon as
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that gets done with spencer gables, that gets done with screaming and sizes because of able to get those models of using us get those in the business to business you know that those key see it on with the state. both of them belongs to us to, to look at, but it's a full list of list the each. okay, let me do this. okay. so, so to the
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news telling me it was the
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thinking as a network thing, as one it show about vision, a project that can be tackled together for a future, living with a king for a more united well d, w, they have always been the box as hollywood ever done then.
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young indigenous to make his offline and the finding of far away from pray today, they tell the story how it was is and will be unveiled . in 19 minutes on d. w. the these places in europe stepped into a bold adventure. the treasure map for martin clo, describe it as some of us, regular bragging sites on youtube and also the,
5:00 pm
this is dw news live from valid. nato is now bigger and stronger, says it's chief, a sweet formerly joins the a lot. the swedish flag is raised at nato headquarters in brussels, jin spoken about claims. russia's president loving and clinton has failed in ukraine. also coming up, we go inside the ukranian hospital top they said 5 of the factory by doctors saving the lives of wounded front lunch for this little to celebrate full palestinians beginning the muslim holy month of ramadan to.


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