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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 12, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm CET

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the, the, this is the, the news live from a bullet. hope of the horizon full gauze us displays population, a shape bringing hundreds of tons of foods to the strip. finally, leaves of paws in cyprus is the 1st to use a new maritime arabs also coming off. his prime minister agrees to resign as gun violence. sweeps the capital. the announcements comes that is regional lead, as discussed, a possible intervention across the african refugees across latin, america's mountains and jungles to reach the us now, stocks and facing and uncertain future law. small turbulence for us ally
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manufacture across manufacturer. a boeing officer, a string of aviation incidents, the newer reports, but us regulators funds thousands of issues with while no fits play the gap. it says welcome to the program and we stop with a war and goes on concept has said that israel and tomas are still not close to a green, a deal for a temporary truce. although tulsa continuing between the 2 parties, news comes as a ship carrying $200.00 tons of food heads towards gaza. the left is simply a port area of to being delayed for days. the open arms vessel is the 1st ship to use a new maritime car. don't set up to bring human to terry and supplies to guns. and
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i also w correspondent, rosie budget in cyprus, how long it is going to take for the open arms to arrive the yes, that much needed to maiden voyage is no under way. and we're here at a coordination help in the port city of learning call for us to create officials can monitor the crossing. so over here for example, you can see they can monitor the port and they can monitor the see route, which is some 400 kilometers from here in cyprus. this is a lot quick shows. the zone in which cypress is responsible for search and rescue should be shipped, come into distress. so you can see there's a lot of pains take, you weren't going on. it was not easy to get here. it took months of political negotiations to agree this plan under which is really officials oversee checks by secrete officials here in cyprus. so the cargo can go straight to gaza. and after that, there were a couple of days of delays to the timeline notes by a, by the secret government. we understand due to technical details, because as you can see, this is a very complex operation,
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but the 1st ship hospitalized. now the people, i've been saying that for delivering aid into gaza, trucking is the best option. uh how much a kind of this new maritime roads provide. or what we know on these 1st ships. there are $200.00 tons of aid and that includes things like flower, rice, and use that are operating the boat, told me that also includes canned vegetables and kind of protein like to know. but of course, that $200.00 tons is just the drop in the ocean when it comes to the enormous need which is at the ship's final destination in gaza. and certainly there has been criticism, but this is just not nearly the simplest or easiest way to get 88. it's a complex crossing, it's a complex operation. of course, there are traditional, simpler ways, and that a spite land crossing snow. israel has welcome thanks, maritime colored, or it says it's committed to getting age to golf and civilians,
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but it's also faced heavy criticism for just how difficult it's been to get food aid to the besieged territory. and also its face docking station is that it has blocks key entry to is it is crucial a to civilians across those one borders. now there's a aid on the ship. well go to northern, gaza with simon is actually looming. how will it be delivered and distributed safely or well, that is the really the most complex, the most difficult part of this operation. so one of the 8 organizations that has been involved in the, in this a 1st shipment has actually been building a temporary floating jackie off because of the coast in order to receive that age and then go and distribute. they say it's north because of where the piece is most needed to know. separately the united states is building a more, a bigger temporary p or in order to be able to receive further food deliveries moving forward. and we don't have any figures yet on how many ships are going to be
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able to use these chords, or the idea is to run pop deliveries in the coming weeks. that, of course, we've only seen one so far. the certainly will be hearing from the united nations, they thought qual based will bring some relief. it certainly cannot be any replacement for more traditional land routes, and there's therefore the pressure on israel to increasing monetary and accessible continue was about 2014 from cyprus. thank you very much, rosie. as muslims around the world. well, come to stop though from a don on a monday. the guidance phase continuing is really bombardment on the spiraling humanitarian crisis. agencies say the territory is on the brink of funding. as so fond deliveries into goals up have been held up by red tape and insecurity says the staff of the was this year's ramadan celebrations and gaza has been stolen by fighting the traditional sunset and you know, called if dar it's hard to arrange with the little food available, but many are trying to keep tradition alive. some remember the ramadan of the past?
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joyce occasion dealt with flowers and family. now thousands, dine and mid rubble. oh, well, hold on, hold on and have the 1st day of ramadan. thank god we have this. if char, here on the ruins, as we have no homes, no furniture left for us, nothing is left for us. one of them, uh, we couldn't even get anything from our homes. what? uh, we came to rosco from con eunice on foot. you know, 101 is the most of guys this population has been displaced by the war. many will spin ramadan, hiding from bonds and cabinets like these the you and secretary general is calling for a stop to the fighting during the holy month. the highs of the world are watching . the highs of the city are watching. we cannot look away. we must provide more preventable death. international humanitarian law lives in texas
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and the set up and these rarely assaults on the rasa. woods plummet the people of gaza into an even deeper circle of hell. as ramadan piers begin, there's little hope for a truce between the mos which launch the worst terror attack and israel's history on october 7th, and israel, which is laid waste to much of gaza in response with negotiation stalled ordinary guys, and can only continue to pray for a little more food and a chance to survive. so hey, do you know that a prime minister via the all the has agreed to resign and after weeks of increase in gun robins, the announcement follows crisis talks between caribbean leaders and us secretary of state and the blinking aimed at halting, searching unrest and hating the country has been described as being at a tipping point. as criminal guides overwhelmed,
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the capital gains have been demanding all these resignation. for a week, for weeks while unleashing was some of called a low scale civil war inside hygiene, which is left, the school is dead and thousands homeless. haiti is rapidly descending into anarchy. the violence in the capital of pulse it prints continues to escalate. and um, the gangs not control large slights of the city, the alliance of gainesville, and the civil war in 5 minutes, that we had only did not step down and with the international airport close to all flights. he's being stranded in puerto rico, unable to a ton at emergency summit to the group of caribbean nations, known as catacomb concluded, that the troubled nation needed new leadership. a multinational secuity for some had some time to money. the prime minister apparently got the message and made this
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statement might not be yeah. last night with the council of ministers. agreed to put the transitional presidential council in place in the members of the account. so will be selected in agreement with different sectors of the national life update on the the government. i am running with the move itself immediately after the establishment of said council, i'm up the yeah, it came shortly after us secretary of state anthony blinking said washington to double aid to haiti, including another 100000000 dollars for an international security force to restore order we support the plan to create a broad base, inclusive, independent presidential college. second, enabled the swift deployment of the multi national security support mission. and 3rd, prove that deployment through a reinforce patient, national police,
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create the security conditions that are necessary to whole free and fair elections . to haitians stuck in the middle of gang violence. so weeks these kind of come back promises meeting very little label is a solution driven by haitians are going to you guys kind of come, cannot do anything for us. it's like when you run for the rain and ends up folding in the much. the only thing i can say is that abby, along we is out forever. they can't do anything for his anymore. hates. he has not held in election since 2016. as far as the lead to scramble to find a solution, the question loons, who could be up to the task of governing haiti? let's have a look now. some of the other stories making headlines today. a russian military, cargo plane with 15 people on the board as crashed while taking off northeast of
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moscow. the defense ministry says an engine 5. you want to take off, most likely cause it didn't say whether there were any survivors. ukraine has lost more than 2 dozen drones and rush them over. nice. must go, says intercepted a total of $25.00, thrones across its territory. your tax triggered a 5 other major refinery. no casualties were reported. india tax schools in the southern city, of course, near the border which will remain closed until the end of the week. police have the rest of grades at sunbrook and all the climate activists off to they blocked the entrance to the swedish parliament area to the back was dragged away from the building entrance. you had been obstructing it. is the campaign the 2nd day of protest against the effects of climate change and what they say is political in action. this is a run up to this us us presidential election. the match is being made about the
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thousands of migrants crossing the country's southern border. many trying to enter the us come from half way across the world, including places like i've gone to stop ferrying for their lives on the tiny bon route. they make the treacherous journey through south america and onto the us. mexican crossing w has spoken to one family, faced people, traffic has mountains and jungles in the hope of starting a new life. in the united states, we have these guys that faces to protect their identity in you, in cells in california. here more than 12000 kilometers away from the home country of guidance, then they can go for a walk in and pod without feeling for the safety mohammed and his father in law be simila are out of harm's way now. but the har us, they went through before fleeing afghanistan, a so present for more than 30 years, basically that work for international organizations, making him
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a target for the tally button with a totally been take over the situation. got even worse. all the moms and things started. one of my 11 year old daughter is witnessing. then they threaten my sons in law. they said they would targeting kill someone they loved the most. i told them to take care of that was i'm sorry, when it's paid in your hot day, as of the onset or the whole family flat of scanned is sending go too many, terry and visas for brazil. but when they were approached by human traffic has to sell one of the boys, they panicked and decided to leave. so they involved in a dangerous journey through central america in that area and got to reach the us. bottom line is very difficult when you walk in, get maybe the or can be the deficiency of, uh, like a food to water. lots more rain. and we helped me to not do with each other
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because we were 24 people. now they live in a shelter in cells in california, awaiting a decision on whether they can stay in the united states and then search and t shed by many of the raf guns they as in like the organizers or can be volunteers. marcel was for an end, joe called atkins for a better tomorrow. they provide help when you come, as like a mom jointed today to protest sandwiches for newly arrived migrants. she says the political debate over board the conditions ignores the root problem. the us policy helped create the conditions many of the migrant, so no running from. don't think about the 20 years of a war. you know, they just think about people that they perceive that shouldn't be allowed to come to united states. and these are folks who, again stood by the side of american values and principles and all that is and then gets offended. and so you're worried about this type of issue as you're creating
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a domestic policy issue. but i think it's a foreign policy issue for the family. one thing is clear going back to a dentist and is not an option. and i've done this time, there is no stability of governments. so that's difficult for the future. um the, the, they use for an odd the, for example, for my children as well. they do not have any bright future dear. after this with more difficulties, a bright future, the children in afghanistan are currently denied. right now that's good morning. this with w's a benjamin of ours. gucho jones is from washington dc. i've been, you filed that report. what more can you tell us about the stages of the family feature that it's a very big family and therefore they will move from the boy to town where they were when they crossed into the united states to another one in the northern, more northern part of california and they said they are still afraid, and that's something that's sort of remarkable when we spoke to those 2 men that
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you just saw in the report that even though the safe now they are afraid indeed affects it from the taliban and also from other family members and also to other friends. and when we spoke also to the older man, he told us that he has not been happy in the last 30 years. so it's really a terrible story. and as we heard from an other of the, of the active as of those helping if lead and g o, this is a very unreported topic, not just because they're not enough translators. and they come into the u. s. people who speak dari, whose big push to, but also for them to get legal advice once they make it into the us. and that's a remarkable change to something that we saw before the bees asked and refugee so taking the road, getting this humanitarian be just getting to brazil and been taking this very dangerous. and darwin, god path, it's will panama to finally make it to the united states. now when they make it to the us, how are they being received that usually as we also saw with other
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migraines, as volunteers who have the 1st contact to give them the information to help them who say ok, you have to apply to assign them. there are a lot of homepages and web pages for them to see how you can do it, but it's really difficult as this welcome allies program from the us. but for them to actually get that information to know where to apply. and for us also doing the research for this piece, it was even hard to find the information, how many encounters with african refugees, us and border patrol actually had over the past couple of years because you could not search for. i've gotten a center for ask and is a nationality on their home page. do you have to find that information with them that directly. so it shows that even though there is information for them, it's quite difficult to come here. it, they and that's exactly also why the community, the asking community in a san diego and other cities on both sides of the board to play such an important role for them to get into the united states and to help them also to file their legal documents. now authorities in the you and the us and also the u. k. has made
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promises to protect after. and so i've worked for the governments in afghanistan of those promises been kept. the best not being kept for some of them was still waiting, was still in other countries time to apply for asylum. and the problem of, of the local workers who work for international organizational just for the on forces. it's not just a problem that we see here in the us. it's something that i also covered in berlin a few years ago as a political correspondence for those who work for the bonus, for the german forces for other international organizations that, that were promised that they would a, gets the possibility to come. and also to come with the family because also as we saw as a report is not just those who work with the organization who work with the emphasis warren, danger, who get death threats from the tyler bond. but also it's the family members and for them where i've been saying and has been pushing that move, it needs to be done in full, several organizations that have them to work with them. and what do we saw in the
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fall of, of cobble of, of gone as somebody, the top of a many of them were left behind when embassy, when embassies closed and also took their stuff out of the there's nash who work there at the embassy of the consulate it international organization, out of the countries. benjamin of ours group event reporting from washington d. c. thanks. you've been a former employee of the us plane, make a boeing who turned whistle blow and has been found. that car and a sage on bonnets died from a self inflicted gunshot wounds. he has previously raised concerns about problems with boeing. 787 dream line is including quality control issues and failed test bond that was involved in a long running legal battle with boeing and adding to boeing's current was a ongoing safety concerns of the dozens of people on the fly from australia to new zealand were injured on a dream line, the plain operated by the chilean ally and left him suddenly plunged mid air on
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monday evening, causing passengers to be thrown around the cabin ground in oakland. you zealand the plain that experience what the air line is calling a technical failure. seeing here wearing headphones, brian was one of the passengers on board. the boeing 787 dreamliner, a massive jolt happened and i, i, i was awake and then i looked up to see the gentleman that was sitting next to. ready on the roof of the plane, there was, since, you know, i was like, i thought i was dreaming. the southern movement drew many without seat belts from their seats. the plane just dropped really suddenly out of the blue, everyone started screaming, crying. people got launched out of the sea so you can think of, well no,
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i saw people flying, they weren't wearing the seat belt, sign in the people that were in the toilet, hit the ceiling. the same thing happened to the cabin crew show. emergency crews were quick to respond to the incident, more than a dozen ambulances headed to oakland airport to meet the incoming flight 50 people were injured. now experts are examining the black boxes to find out what caused the incident. the airlines says it's working with the officials to support the prob, it's only the latest in a string of safety incidents troubling the us plain maker. boeing primary care has been on the intent struck me for another model in its sweet us regulators have just completed an audits of the 737 max, just 2 months after the adult panel blue off one of the planes, mid flights. the incident was the latest in a string of safety issues plaguing bullying. in recent years. it was supposed to be
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a short, uneventful trip. a 2 hour flight from portland, oregon to ontario, california. but minutes after take off a fuselage panel note as a door plug, blew off terrifying passengers and crew and calling into question. once again, the safety and reliability of boeing aircraft a 6 month investigation into the incident on an alaska airlines flight founded 4 key bolts were missing from the door plug after it left the boeing production facility. the investigation also found dozens of problems with manufacturing and quality control processes that boeing, regulator, say, the company passed 56 audits, but failed. 33 of them. some experts say the root of boeing's issues stem from a shift in corporate structure and outsourcing production. boeing says it will implement immediate changes including rewarding its employees for improving the
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safety and quality of its aircraft. now we can talk to emily last night from the w business who filed that report. emily boeing says it will implement immediate changes, will it? and both of these changes be, i mean, it really doesn't have much choice. you know, the company is really reliant. the success of a company is reliant on whether it's seen as safe and dependable in the eyes of customers and investors, and also aviation authorities. you know, the really needs to listen to fact federal regulators back in march of 2019, after it's 737 max jet, which was being operated by if you've been airlines crash minutes after take off and killed everyone on board. the f a decided to ground, explains as to the chinese aviation authorities and you know, it, it, so it really needs to listen to that because grounded planes do not make for
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a good sales patch. and this is perhaps one of the reasons why it's currently behind it's competitor air bus. at the moment, was been a very unfortunate period for, for boeing that has been going on as you've described over several years. and just today we heard that a permanent boeing whistle blower actually was found dead. but no, can you tell us about that? yes, it is. it is very sad. it is. name is john barnett. he was a boeing employee for 32 years, retired in 2017 and then his last role he was the quality control manager at the 787 dreamliner facility and in south carolina. and during his time there, he says he witnessed a number of issues with safety issues, with boeing's production process. he tried to tell a managers about it and they, they didn't listen to him. so after he retired, he really kind of waged a legal battle against boeing to try to get some of them addressed. and just last
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week, he was in the depth of vision answering questions from boeing's lawyers and, and trying to talk about some of the safety issues he witnessed which had to do with the deployment of oxygen masks. and we, you know, he says that employees were kind of forced to cut corners, doing things like using sub par scrap metal for the plains just in order to meet the production quote at the boeing headset. now, listening to all that, should i be worried if i'm flying on a boat and fine? i understand that it can be unsettling to, to see boeing of the news under this, you know, circumstances. but the reality is, is that flying today, commercial air travel is safer than it ever has been. and cases and incidents is like these have actually been dropping. and so, you know, plans are outfitted with back up security systems so that in the case of an
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emergency, you know, something can kind of come in and, and, and catch it. or where that, that gap is. and i know that it's very easy to see the flight crew as these kind of people that service during. so maybe get you an extra pillow. but they are trained primarily to step in, in the case of an emergency and their, their focus is primarily on that. so flying is very, very safe. some would even say and some have said that the, the, the biggest risk to air travel is actually the drive to the airport. and that's not, i am not worried about it flying. thank you very much. i. so you're watching dw news, excuse me, as a reminder of our top story. ship carrying $200.00 tons of food to gaza has left a port in cyprus after being delayed the days. it's the 1st vessel to use a new maritime. corey will set up to bring humanitarian supplies to gums,
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and that's it from me on the news team for now. don't go way up to the break. global upset, the human economic and environmental costs of new ones got office in berlin. thanks for the
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