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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 14, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news line from berlin tonight, the top democrat in the us senate, calling for a political change in israel. this critical juncture, i believe a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision making process about the future of israel. chuck schumer taking aim it is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu calling him an obstacle to piece, also coming up. tonight's workers begin building a floating peer off the coast of gaza to allow 8 ships to dock as is real faces, more criticism for allegedly blocking deliveries by land. plus, we impose the red lines through our south and east south and both red lines,
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but clinton does not have a new red lines. a warning from lithuania as prime minister to germany do not take any options off the table when it comes to helping ukraine fight against russia. the onboard golf is going to help you with this. we begin in the united states with tough talk and controversial comments on israel from the top democrat in the us senate majority leader chuck schumer today called for new elections and is real and criticized is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu calling him an obstacle to beats taken listen, 5 months into this conflict, it is clear that is riley's need to take stock of the situation and ask, must we change course? at this critical juncture, i believe
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a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy, an open decision making process about the future of israel. at a time when so many israelis have lost their confidence in the vision and direction of their government. all right, i want to go to washington. our correspond to benjamin alvarez gruber. he's following this story force benjamin. we know that the chuck schumer is the highest ranking officially and he was sending. he's also the highest ranking, jewish politician in the united states. i mean, these comments, they're controversial and how important is it the that he dared to make the it's very important and that's what many have been saying here. it increases the pressure on president biden to have real red lines when it comes to dealing with israel. many have been asking him a to put the re aligns, looking at weapons exports, but the words that we've heard there, what came after it was also really interesting. he said that it's important to have
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to support it to is real aligned with our broader goal of peace and stability. so he says that americans support to as well need to be condition something that is expected from the, from other allies to that military support. but as you set the highest jewish official in the united states, that will probably also increase pressure on dividing it ok ministration off to hearing these words, saying that new elections are needed and making this difference because a chuck schumer is a strong supporter of israel making the difference between the government open antonio and the people up as well. and what about the white house? and we got reaction from the white house to want to schumer's it. what we got is a reaction from the republic and from the other side. it's quite interesting, we've heard minority leader mitch mcconnell, who said that it's protest, hypocritical for americans to hyper ventilate, about 4 in interference in our own democracy, to call it for the removal of a democratically elected leader of israel. we can be sure that they will be more
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reactions and we will hear reactions and from the wants of old from other officials . some of them criticizing the front of us. we can expect that to sometimes off the record without being named also saying that it's the right path and for the bi, done ministration to have a tougher sense on the natania who government in israel and benjamin. there's been reaction coming out. that is real there. i mean, some of the comments that we've been hearing from from lawmakers is that we are not a banana republic. you can't tell us what to do in washington. here it is real. i mean, what is this going to do to the, the already you know, not so perfect relations between the us and israel. this then it bade, we'll just continue. this is something else is coming on a day with a us also announced additional sanctions. the announce essentially going to a legal outpost in the west bank and also some settling is of the 1st time that the us is doing it. they also did it in february sanctioning full settlers,
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accused of committing acts of violence against the palestinians. that if this was something that was announced earlier today, then we had also this reminds of the chuck schumer and but we see this criticism from washington to once. he's really government not only coming here from the u. s . also, all the allies were approved from germany. a few days ago in vice a chancellor will bet havoc who said that they need to change course. that's also what sex you must said to to day. but we can expect that they will be more comments, that they will also be more a criticism on the bottom, not ministration, but the way that it has been dealing also with sending h to gone so many calling ameliorating for the us to be needing these air drops instead of putting more pressure on this really government to let this trucks with 8 into gaza. so we can expect that there will be more reactions, not just from the republican side, but also from the white house of to these comments. and after they set that,
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they will put it more sanctions on disney out. posting on these. okay. and is riley is set lives in the west back w watching the correspond to benjamin alvarez group and with the latest from washington, benjamin. thank i was staying in the middle east, the hamas run health ministry and guns and says at least 6 palestinians were killed and dozens more wounded. after is really troops. i've been fire on crowns, waiting for humanitarian aid trucks, in gauze and city. israel's military has not commented on the alleged incident. meanwhile, israel is coming under increasing international pressure to allow more aid into gaza. the construction of a small offloading tier is now underway as a ship. carrying $200.00 tons of food slowly makes its way from cyprus towards the besieged territory agencies or warning. the air drops in the maritime core door are no alternatives to land. delivery today was speaking to dw news is
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really army spokesman a lot. gordon said humanitarian aid agencies where the calls of problems with a deliveries to got often there is a 100 as of trucks worth of aid waiting on the guys inside to be picked up. that is the biggest obstacle to a reaching guys, a need. the international organization do not have the capacity and have yet to take real steps to improve that capacity to distribute the money there in a through the goes us rape, including the not the issue is not we dar inspection, but with the distribution capabilities of the international organizations or not everyone agrees with that assessment. earlier i spoke with jamie, the goal direct keys, the you with aide coordinator for the occupied palestinian territory. you joined us from jerusalem and i asked him to describe the situation in the territory right now . i just came back about 2 hours ago from g as a,
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as in ross. and it was also in guys a city. and i saw the p a that you mentioned and you a piece. i mean, clearly the situation is very desperate. we are struggling to get enough supplies into gaza strip for the north on the side of the moment. we have around 200 trucks and the goods coming in and we need 500. and that's because we're constrained by a band e 11 crossing point, which can handle 2 under 250 a day. and that's most the humanitarian. we need a good mix of private sector goods as well as our humanity in goods. and then all the hard to push back and this possibility and real food and security in places in the north. for example, in guys a state as a city i saw massive destruction of infrastructure, most buildings in the city of being destroyed. you know, the 250000 people there who receive very little and the we have food supplies. and the last as the one month and more other than you, you saw the air drops and these type of things. but these are insufficient. the
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only way to get aids and they call it the quantitative a need, is by ruins. the 3 drawers that go from north to south and some entry points and then all for us to deliver properly. otherwise people will really struggle. jimmy, as real as you're, i'm sure you're aware of says that the issue of aid is not with his really inspections, but rather with the distribution capabilities of humanitarian agencies. is that true? you know, essentially, i mean, we have at $200.00 trucks commended the we get them from israel side and it's not enough before the prices and the war south of them the 7th of october, it was 500 or 600 trucks coming in a day. and since that time, people has a mazda of catastrophic humanitarian disaster, the upon them. and we just don't have the, the numbers of trucks that come in, regardless of what israel in terms of process is the maximum, which is 250, or at any given d. so we go all of that and every, the so, so much of
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a gap in terms of what we really need to for the population. so we need more entry points one in the north, and many other places. preferred to come into bravo than just the one crossing point of the moment. and until we change that, we're always going to be unable to address the full complement of needs of people, their foods, medical health, as well as it was on a patient and shelter. these are the legs saving issues out on the real estate enrollment because of lack of supplies. that was day me goals like the u. n. a coordinator for the occupied palestinian territory. speaking with me earlier, here's looking out some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. the star ship rocking of you on most companies space x has woken up. while re entering the earth atmosphere and crude craft had almost completed a one hour test fly, let's face it says that it made improvements to star ship after its 1st to test flights. last year, they lasted just minutes before the rocket blew up. european parliament has decided to take the european commission to court over a decision to give millions of bureaus to hungary the commission. effectively the
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government at unblocked funds for hungary in december, despite opposition from parliament. the dispute between 2 of the highest you've institutions will be heard before the european court of justice are here in germany, almost 600 flights have been cancelled after security staff had several airports, went on strength to demand better pay. 90000 passengers have been effective staff at 8 further. 5 driven airports are set destroyed on friday. well, there will be no german cruise missiles going to ukraine today. german lawmakers stood with their chancellor and voted against sending towards cruise missiles to key. but the debate here in berlin over the long range missiles is intensifying divisions with in germany's government and of some inside the government as well as the opposition are demanding that germany deliver the tourist missiles. jasper shoulds and his social democrats are against that idea. citing the risk of germany
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being dragged into the war with today in parliament, a senior opposition lawmaker accused the chancellor or playing into vladimir putin . hans, either from mind to the shipment here, suppose it proved and has only few missed approaching the aggression against you crate. that is the result. stuff. this stuff is on the top is a sneak ended site, isn't it time? we not only talked about how to wage war, but also about how to freeze this conflict and stop it once. it's all all but and he kind of well, the lithuanian prime minister in greta is you might need to was in berlin today for talks with the german chancellor. the 2 leaders discussed the security and defense issues with the whiny. it has been one of the strongest supporters of new credit and ever since russia started its full scale invasion of ukraine. 2 years ago, the baltic country says that it supports the debate about sending western troops to ukraine. germany has agreed to station
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a tank brigade of some 5000 troops permanently in the 20, as part of nato defense measures. or earlier in the program, the prime minister lifted when you joined us and we asked her, did she urge the german chancellor today to send those tours missiles to ukraine as well? um i think uh, this is a very focused debate on one particular sort of weapons and we've seen as it was mentioned quite similar debates about of the sorts of, of weapons in the past. so uh, i do not think i wasn't really very much to comment on that. i do hear what translator think. but my point is that i think i'll problem is that we are very predictable to progression put in because we constantly station what we are not going to do and the, and we impose a red lines to our south and east south. and both the red lines but putting does
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not have and you the red lines. and when we speak about not doing something because a fear of escalation. so let's look at the other side because the other side constantly blah, blah, buying about, for example, nuclear weapons and, and, and similar things is absolutely reckless and absolutely not in a position to sort of the value of this uh, salesforce treatment of, um, or if you bring in supporters to your office country supporting your claim. so of course this is for the german government to decide but um, but, but i think this is the biggest problem of, of uh, also less than a life. so if you praying that we constantly sort of uh, put house house in um, in a situation where we deny that we will do something just to support your brand. rather than saying that we must do whatever it takes for you praying to win this war was with when he was prime minister ingredients you might need to speaking with
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us earlier today, you're watching the news. i'll be back at the top of the hour and with more world news, i hope you're enjoying is that the, the, the, the and he said to the special hot spots in germany 0 dw, extremely worth a bit to meet home is the longest river in southeast asia.


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