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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 18, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CET

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the, the, this is a w use lie from the, the a you condemns of russia's presidential election as thought of it proved to an extensive quarter century, a rule effects no meaningful opposition of the use among those describing the post has not a freedom effect and held in a climates of intimidation, also on the program in your foreign ministers approved sanctions against violence is riley settlers in the west bank. it's the 1st time the e. u has made such a move and the israel says it has killed bahama. come on that and a raised on one of costs as largest hospitals. now let's use as an operation against the militant group of the i'll she for hospitalization going on. us run
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help of hard to say that happened multiple casualties. the, i'm feel welcome to the program. neither freight no fair, that is the verdict wes and capitals of issued over russia's presidential election . the country's election commission sidebottom approaching was re elected as president with 87 percent of the vote. vote was held after a current found on political opposition across the country in various approach and facing no meaningful opposition. it was a try and send flooding the pollutant who took to the stage a day of to being re elected russian presidents in the line slide. when the victory coincided with celebration, smoking the 10 year anniversary of the annexation of crimea natural, you know, flying or by the other election candidates who'd been allowed to stand against him
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. he sang his supporters for when most had predicted earlier, he claimed his victory was rooted in democratic principles and you most, it's for them when the, the source of authority in the nation is the which is the russian people that i knew you lead. so i see, you know, while most most divides willing to tool express the support for peace and there was some public discontent. there is my hope that the other candidates would have better results. or i don't expect any particular changes in their bulletin about that. there were no candidates, i liked and more so i voted against them all. i would like you trained to be free and the troops to be withdrawn from their germany called the vote. a pseudo election with voting, taking place and occupied. you cried, violating international law. the violent the election in russia was an election
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without the choice. the election process not only shows hooton's nefarious behavior towards his own people, but also violates the charter of the united nations katia, fine, not sealing. washington also pointed out the lack of democratic choice state to it would not congratulate food to this was an incredibly on democratic process, and certainly him being president of russia. it does not excuse him, of is of his talk or see the outlines including china, north korea and venice zabeda did congratulate the russian president with the victory grunting putin and not the 6 year to his net quarter century in deva, towards the top proceed themes and stuff and we'll we'll process okay, if i've changed code teaches the henry i chose and just center for global affairs at the johns hopkins school of advanced international studies. as to why not, they may approach and felt even needed any election slow. dictators like to do that
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decatur like to stress that they have to mention to the people that their rules, their power does not necessarily come from god. although of course, claims that connection as well. so the russian orthodox church, but from the public mandate, i mean even style and have elections for this matter in the ussr. so it's not whole, not surprising to that people like who would want to be the electives in quotation marks again on the human rights. i'm just entering by who he needs to impress, give them that he's. he's grateful. empower appears to be absolute. well, you know, who did the style of the warranty press when he had to the elections when you will see or a number of, of sylvie general secretaries. so they, they like go the legitimacy that comes from public to vote and vote of public confidence in them even though the balls may be red. um, it's just not all that unusual in run command of stanford. in the 1990s they have
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the same thing with the leaders getting 99 percent of the vote as a so they're about 10. so the rest of the election, lou launch in brussels where you are being union. foreign ministers have been holding towards the blocks foreign policy chief, joseph barrels at the polo had been based on what he called depression and intimidation. ministers also endorsed fresh sanctions against russia in response to the task of opposition lead alike. citing the valley of brussels correspondent christine min and walk and task more. welcome christine. so that all ready, lots of sites are stuck. sets of sanctions against a russia who are you? ministers targeting the best time. so that's why so, so the european union had made it to you that it was going to be a targeting, specifically individuals who they deem to be involved in, in the persecution as they would coordinate. and beginning of alex
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a in the pony. we know that this individuals and entities are in this group of targets. they will likely be targeted with, with a set of freezes, as well as travel bands. we know that the foreign ministers here unanimously agreed upon taking this decisive step. it was pretty clear that the european union felt that it had to respond to this. so we will get more details in the coming days. but we know that these individuals are in and sees, particularly in the judicial system. so in the court system of the prison systems, the people who would have been involved in, in, like i say, the persecution as being by the european union, off the rest of the lights, a russian opposition vida. and explained the problem. there was also a agreement on sanctions against extremely fabulous and in the occupied. the westbank tell us more about that. that's right. this has been
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a long time coming in a way in that the european union has been trying to to sanction extreme. is settlers in the west bank for, for attacking palestinians for a while, but they've been facing opposition from hungry. and of course, this decision needs unanimous approval and hungry has really been opposing that in the past. and diplomats tell us and all that hungry has changed. it's dawn, so we now know that the european union has now got that unanimous agreements to targets as some sick lives within the waste bank. they will also be targeted with asset freezes, as well as trouble bands. it will also be full vision for you. you citizens, to do any business with these particular individuals. um, once the legal present process, in terms of ratifying that decision has, has gone through those, the names of these individuals will be published and made known to everybody. but again, it's just one of those steps that, that you farm policy chief was pleased to announce in the sense that the, your opinion has been trying to do that. but facing stiff opposition from behind. gary is who are very close l i o israel just again. it's along the lines of each
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member states that all most of pro israel versus those that are more pro palestinian. but we can expect that the discussion around that will continue. i also have to point out that in the discussion, what additional sanctions full have mass uh, we expect that those would also be announced in the coming days and we will go hand in hand with the announcement of exactly who of those is raining, such as have been targeted in the west back. okay. and is that christine christine mcguire in brussels as israel has named the high mass commander, it says it killed you are in the right of that the cause of cities. i'll shoot for hospital fake out. and bob, who was head of the minutes into some risk groups, internal security department, as well as intelligent services team is responsible for cold. and i think tara attacks on had been hiding in a building on the hospital complex. israel released these images of the right of the army claims, thomas medicines, 5 of them from the hospital because of how much run health ministries reporting
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multiple casualties. people have been seeking shelter at health schaffer since the start of the war. the began in response to the hamas to attacks of october. second, we'll do a list of some of the circle in jerusalem told me more about about rate on l shape for hospital. yeah. first of all, this is the she saw hospital that these really military rated already 4 months ago, took over those hosp, but the way she can pay the gains to hamas fighters and then we drove from this place. so now it seems that even though is really losing control, so it says of the safety of the northern part of the gaza strip. how much has managed to come back to this a complex and enables me to see 2 30 in the morning. he's really forces entering the house,
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but the complex i did that was the exchange of fire. and the is really, is up talking about more than a political mazda in a fight or kias a rodney is really soldier to. and i can tell you that also a journalist from a judge 0 who was covering these events was arrested and taken by these really forces together with many others who are in this a complex. and they've been taken to the question a by these are in the military. as this journalist saw me soco injurious, i'm talking to me earlier will cease finally go stations in katasha have reviewed with israel indicating that told scholastic over 2 weeks. the country is prime minister anyway, nothing yahoo is facing growing criticism over his handling of the war against hamas. a criticism coming from abroad. and domestically on sunday, the families of hostages, who are being held in gaza and protested in tel aviv, hey, accused the governors of,
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i'm not doing enough to bring that relatives home with my wife alpha a as a former kentucky defense intelligence director. he joins us from doha, welcome to the a w. now we know israel has rejected harmlessly sci fi proposal, so it has sent a delegation to cuts out to continue at 12 savings. benjamin netanyahu talks about launching a ground operation in rafa. so how far are the 2 sides away from each other? well, thank you for having me. so to be honest right now, things are very lucky on the situation in gaza because we've got this new incursion into the shift, the hospital and the threat of and reading a land warfare. uh, on and off. uh, now obviously the category and american negotiators,
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the sponsors of these negotiations play this very close to the rest. so they're not, not thought of the details. but if we seen what happened in the past, the categories remain optimistic, remain hopeful that before the each celebrations which will be in 3 weeks. that they may be a resolution to the situation right now. and hopefully i cease fire. i'm. so what do you think the israel wants to get it as hostages back through diplomatic means robinson ministry state i've, i've seen speculation that the prime minister would prefer to get the hostages back militarily, rather than by negotiation. because a military victory would defeat him. us where indigo stacy hosted with tongue would allow her mouth to rail well, that is confusing uh, to be honest, because on that uh, the attempts by the idea to rescue is rarely hostages. have yielded
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more of hostages to been rescued. yes, there were some attempts that i had succeeded, but on that again, both can then rescued. on the other hand, the negotiations have released health is over a 100 of the hostages. so it is confusing to see that uh, continuing to endanger the civilians um the hostages in garza seems to be the order of the day with the i guess. they probably may be uh, driven by internal politics rather than global washing um to end the war. and save the hostages and rescue all his themes and the, the civilians who right now and the numbers in front of me over 51000 killed and over 70 or 3000 wounded. this is really a dire situation and it was confusing. now how massive cost is looking for the withdrawal of is ready troops from casa, the release of prisoners, from israel. how likely by to get what they want as
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well. what i can say is, what has been already mentioned by a soldier, since the consolidate negotiators to todd is pushing both sides. both these really is i'm from us urging them to be after negotiation, negotiating table and to read and to reach out a solution. not for any political going for you the policy, but for the safety of the hostages, the civilian population of casa, now, they're all calculations on both sides. all of that, i think the ultimate goal must be something that all parties interested should push for, and that's what the controllers have been doing and the amount of times for sponsoring again, these negotiations. okay, good talking to your thank you so much for joining us for macintosh defense intelligence director. now of our thanks talk me. thank you. i'm gonna set you up today a lot more world news at the top of the our next on dw, how these 3 women striving to change the economic insecurity faced by women across
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the globe. the secret slide discovered new adventures in 360 degrees and explore fascinating. both heritage spelling, dw world heritage 360. now what do you see? it really is possible to reverse the researchers and scientists all over the world for in a race against time. they are peers and.


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