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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 19, 2024 8:00pm-8:16pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news life invalid. the united states delivers another warning about causes stopping civilians. a 100 percent of the population in gaza is that severe levels of acute food insecurity is ready for this time to try to transcend a new offensive washington d. u. n. psych golf? already facing under the catastrophe. also in the program that announces more aid for ukraine as a conference of caves military. back as in john in us defense secretary lloyd allstate forms that ukraine survival is in danger. the
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i'm so okay, welcome to the program united states as well. and that all of gaza is not facing starvation, secretary of state and to be playing, couldn't made the remarks as a prepared to head back to the middle east, east hughes and meet officials in saudi arabia and egypt to try and broker si fi. and to increase a deliverance to gaza. that's been growing on ease among israel health allies about the human cost of its war against thomas waste was provoked by the radicalism, his groups of october 7th air attack. these children are waiting to receive a portion of food being prepared by volunteers in rafa the. this could be the only mean for some dozens in days. we have no option but to come here with some guys, especially we have no money and we're living in tents. the charities providing us
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with food because food show digital becoming more acute every day. the world health organization has accused israel of provoking an imminent fireman. this is completely man made and it's, it's affordable. we need more for to come simply on one hand because of the facilities. there is no a way of reducing fluid inside gaza. secondly, there is a restricted access simply what is getting game is, is not, you know, a game of getting things wrong. guys that is complicated because of the level of destruction, of, of infrastructure. along with the accusations that is real is blocking humanitarian relief into gaza. is really nice the claim, blaming agencies for the distribution, only a trickle was allowed to enter gaza city on monday night to summon is particularly looming in the northern parts of the strip people. there are surviving and mixture
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fence with barely any food. a new un reports saves the acute nutrition is accelerating here. best secretary of state, anthony, blinking expressed concern about the food shortages 100 percent of the population in gaza. is that severe levels of acute food insecurity? that's the 1st time an entire population has been so classified. we also see again, according to this case, the united nations, a 100 percent. the totality of the population is in need of humanitarian assistance . in the midst of mounting calls for an increase in aid, fears of widespread malnutrition, across the strip rising as israel say, is that the still preparing to launch a ground assault and rough uh, in the south? well, the white house has describe those is right. the plans for a ground to solve rough as
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a mistake. but despite those reservations from these countries biggest back up prime minister benjamin netanyahu appears to be under to recent of income. and we have cost to share this desire to allow an older, the exit of the population and the provision of humanitarian aid to civilians. we have been doing this since the beginning of the war because i made it very clear to prizes and joe biden, in our conversation, that we all determined to complete the illumination of these. how must battalions in rafa. and there's no way to do it except by going in on the ground. so because it is a lot to consort, goes great journalist up i'll explain in tel aviv told me about the split views of his writing public to the prime minister's approach to this war. well definitely there are mixed uh, reactions about the same whole issue of dealing with the war by the drive and it still is reputation and that's and the all is a, you know, be we list on the right. the people on the right would say that the whole is
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actually doing the right thing by saying no to the americans, even if they are israel, level one l. why? because it's really a security concerns. israel is only of the, the is because really should be the only ones who called the shots here and not even their number one on the left would say that it of course there should be a consideration of the, the advice from the, the us about the corporation in rockland, also about the aid it getting in and also today lease from the friends and security committee that the was at present and is telling just more information about this disagreement between is rather the binding of administration was specifically, you know, send the all government at the bottom of the administration, nothing else saying that there is no disagreement between israel and us about
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eliminating how much because he is a rough up rather. but the way to do that, the operation, it'd be highly been city or rough up the just moments ago. uh, that's any old thing that'd be missed as profess strategic affairs. uh dreamt or is it going to to leave of travel to the u. s. as early as next week in order to inform the americans about do peroration, how is going to be held up the exactly way sion of the civilian population. rough uh, before the groups going to be a best. i assume this step by like splitting a ton of a will take a look at some all of the stores making that headlines around the world. now. i mean, is prime minister nicole shooting and says he's country wants to close of ties with nights of us meeting with nights are secretary general and you're providing mr. fish in the and also said he's open to receiving help from the west administrator lines to try and normalize relations between armenia and as a by john. the 2 countries have a long history of territorial disputes. french president emanuel macro has told the
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residents of the southern city of mos say that he remains committed to cleaning up the cities. drugs problem, eva speaking, after reviewing the progress made by and an ongoing police operation, which is trying to tackle drug trafficking and criminal networks in the city. and media reports in the countries issued an entry band that can sale stream far right extremist monitoring, selling a lot of the sound like a key note speech of the meeting last year to fall. right? groups in the gym which laid out plans for the mass deportation of foreigners. it's bob to large scale demonstrations against and right when extremes on ukraine's prime minister says he hopes his country's forces will have enough ammunition by next month to resume pushing back against the russian aggression. jet republic has been spearheading efforts to the source artillery shells from other countries that assess fresh aid from ukraine's biggest back of the united states remained stolen congress,
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case foreign minister sent today. ukraine was shocked by the delay here on the front line in till next ukrainian soldiers don't have enough ammunition to defend themselves against the russian, a tux. for many on the front line. it has be months since they received any new supplies, is mostly the few shells, but not enough beautiful. still not as many as in the beginning when we can shoot properly and stop the enemy, no more, no, no support to open. your ukraine relies on its own production of drones, but it cannot compensate for the luck of munition. the country currently needs small foreign support. that is sort of say, i've had seen the abilities kids, we need plains and artillery, 10150, as well as the mining equipment and armor community school. when they for months, assure the do you, what are the photos for also reliable intelligence and things like are on radio
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reconnaissance solutions and electronic warfare systems to combat enemy drones. unless you've either on this almost every day. russian drones hate to ukrainian homes. zillow, independent, we took the child and ran into the hallway and exploded. the windows rattles ukraine saves russia. has a talk to, with thousands of combat. drones seems the thoughts of the wall people are finding new ways to defend themselves with the lack of anti aircraft. i munition mean russian sold to the red bouncing me to buy me to well, germany is to provide a further 500000000 euros administrator for your trade defense minister. but as victoria as may be announcements on the side line of talks between that ukraine's military back as the us ad based ramstein in germany. and he said the us remains of reliable palm at this 5. the refusal of congress to pass for the ukraine, spending us defense secretary lloyd austin,
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promised whose country is continued backing. the frame won't break down and neither will united states. so our message today is clear. united states will not let you praying for you. and this coalition will not let you brain fail in the free world will not let new grain for you as, as paul, this is rachel. this actually is a non resident senior fellow at the atlantic council. so you are up center to joins us from washington. welcome to d w. how much can you crane? i mean, any your rely on lloyd often. so when i was given the shenanigans in congress and the potential trump presidency, well, i think it's become increasingly difficult for us leaders to go to europe to go to major out uh, organizations like nato or convening like the munich security conference,
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or the ukraine defense contact groups with the message that the us is still committed to supporting ukraine for as long as it takes. because i think that that sort of flies in the face of the reality of what's happening on capitol hill, which is that this $60000000000.00 package, this ukraine, supplemental funding has been stalled for months. and it's true that this is sort of a, a small cautery, a very loud and boisterous right wing republicans that are holding this up. but it still is holding it up. and meanwhile, ukraine is continuing to fight. and it's really hard for the europeans to come to the level of support that the u. s. is able to, uh, to provide. so it sounds like you, you, regardless blockage in congress as more than just business being done. this is, this is more serious than just the usual. um, washington policy can a i think so,
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and i think the problem that has happened is that ukraine has become very highly politicized in us political circles. you know, there's a lot of people on the right wing of the republican party that say, wait a minute, we can't secure our southern border. this is an overstatement, obviously, but they say the us can't secure it southern border. so why are we spending money sending military equipment to support ukraine instead of focusing on what we need to do at home? so the hope is that the more center, right portion of the republican party will be able to eventually pull this more right wing faction along. but again, it has been months at this point. it's been since december of that ukraine has gotten military equipment from the us. we were able to find you was 300000000 dollars in procurement savings last this past week to send to them. but it's,
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it's on, on defense and this isn't a sustainable solution. this a bill does need to get passed and the hope is that it will sometimes soon, right to good. that was going to be my next question. you know, thing that this will get resolved all as we approach and the election is if it and get them. i ended up just being tied up in this year's election campaigning to well, this is the difficult part of this whole thing is that the longer this goes on, the closer that we get to november and the harder it becomes to push this pro ukraine message. speaker of the house, michael johnson has said he'll find a way to get this through. but of course he's sort of stymied sort of held hostage a little bit by this. a group of right wing republicans in, in the house in congress. other republican leaders in congress on the senate and
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the house said that we need to get this past. so the hope is, but it will indeed get done. but we've been saying for months it will eventually get done. and right now it's sort of difficult to tell when exactly that will happen. so we're listening to leaders and they're saying that it should come at some point. the question is when and what happens in between now and then on the battlefield and ukraine, that's the most important thing to keep in mind. ok, thank you so much for joining us, rachel visit from the atlantic house. thanks. just want to remind you about top stores at base our of us, excuse me, us secretary of state and to the plane concise, the entire population of gaza is facing severe hunger as israel steps. efforts to attack states under pressure from washington and other allies to allow it more a to prevent starvation. germany has to type some additional 500000000 euros
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imagery. aid for you, cried announcement that comes as ukraine's back us match in germany. us secretary of state lloyd austin, us and us defense secretary lloyd austin, pool that your crime, survival isn't a search, you know, today the innovation green the green revolution global. so listen to a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed if the carrier is subscribe to the videos every friday. subscribe to plan, it's a they see everything is everything right. but that doesn't mean you just sit in one place and everything just happens. you need to put in a.


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