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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 20, 2024 1:00pm-1:15pm CET

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the, the, this is the w news live from the land. russia begins evacuations from a region bordering ukraine. will star sees, have released images that show the often loss of conflict in belgrade. pro ukrainian or russian forces have carried out several rates in the region. the russian president vladimir foods and says he's stepping up. defense is that also coming off on the pride program, find out which country is all smiles up to being named the happiest on the planet. for the 7 straight here, the
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i'm on youtube is mckinnon. welcome to the program. russia says it is tightening security measures in areas border and ukraine off to what local officials called a shelling attack by keeps forces. footage released by the governor of belgrade through social media shows destroyed vehicles. rational authorities say they will evacuate families, especially children from the area. they also said of buffalo and would be created to protect civilians again strikes the cross border rates in the area of this map shows build a road close to the border with ukraine, which has hosted an c kremlin russian fights as who have launched cross border rights the president, russian president vladimir putin said russia must ensure the safety of its residence in the regions affected by the war. the reason is that they should just
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be, should. the primary task is to ensure security. there are different ways they are not easy, but we will do it. you can use no more than what we did. of course, we can respond the price of the same with the exact same thing. you my 0 striking civilian infrastructure and all of the similar targets that the enemy is starting us used and they don't use eastern europe as a roman. it going to unco is with me in this to hear some more on the story. hi, roman, now it's very difficult to obtain independent and verified information from this border region. so tell us, what are you hearing about the situation that? well, mostly we are hearing from russian states media, russian officials, as of right, is that the situation is not quite clear. but on the other hand, there is a lot of footage. and i'm 1st let me and let me give you some details about why i were talking about this. um,
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the attacks from the pine inside on the russian origin of belgrade started the few days before the presidential election in russia and present pushing charlton types to downplayed a saying that they are trying to disrupt elections. but they are continuing. and there is no end in sight at the moment and it looks like it's the biggest wave of such a tex. seems the russian invasion in february 22. what is actually happening? we're seeing that no, just drawing a tax we've seen in the past months. some years um uh, but also reports about artillery attacks multiple being a rocket launchers which is not very precise targeting um, the plans of some of some of critical infrastructure like power stations and the russian and to aircraft systems are trying to shut down those muscles. and of course, the debrief falling on cars on people's homes. so the pictures that we are now seeing from the origin of belgrade,
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very much in line to pictures that ukraine is saying every day for over 2 years. and this is the 1st time, and this is probably, i think, which is, which is very, very important. the 1st time that russian regions of russia profile, not the occupied territories, but russia proper is leaving wants as ukraine has it has been leading through for over 22 years, once again, 2 years with much more casualties. okay. so it does the fact that russian authorities on now evacuating people from belgrade mean that they, you know, consider these, these attacks to be more dangerous. most serious then before. yes, of course, it looks like it is, um, the president boynton is irritated. and he, he showed that he actually didn't, didn't want to speak about it on an occasion when he was meeting his supporters in the kremlin, thanking them for the simple, what do you are? so it was supposed to be an official ceremony, or they were supposed to be celebrating the most was supposed to be a very jolly,
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but he had to talk about bell guard because of that, the reports we are having from the we're hearing from their a very dramatic people killed nearly every day russians, and this is something that he had to address. so he looks like he's kind of helpless. he's waging this war for over 2 years, but he's not able to protect his own citizens. and we also have to keep in mind that at the same time, the russian army is continuing its advance on the okay and forces in the east on the occupied territories. the direction us a trying have, have accumulated a very large force in that targeting for region just over the border, trying to retake territories or russia has lost in the over to him of 22. okay. and the person is saying that he will respond to these attacks on on belgrade. how is he likely to respond? well, he has a few options if equal to try and hate the ukranian civilian targets or intensified
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because he's doing that every day. we have to remember that it would try and intensify attacks on civilian infrastructure in all the regions of ukraine teakwood intensify attacks on the ukrainian safety of hockey and the 2nd largest cd, which is just across the board about 40 kilometers from the boulder. but it is already on the right tech every day, so there's not much you can do there. in the a medium to him, he could assemble a larger force station it in the builder region and maybe go in. this is what you hate it at. when he said that you would be probably trying to establish kind of a cold on sunday to in ukraine, so going in, nobody knows for how deep into ukrainian territory. just a quick last question. roman is this fighting around belgrade, impacting other parts of the war? this is actually the hope of ukraine and the forces that are fighting on the okay inside the russian citizens who joined the opinion on the head, who are now fighting in the bell guard region. so the hope is that they, ukraine,
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and them, they could force russia to, um, to pull back some of its resources that don't know, attacking eastern ukraine. so this will probably, this is probably the idea behind those attacks on the key of side just to, to, we can the russian army that is trying to gain momentum and to continue moving westwards and endanger pregnancy just along the border. first of all, the city of hockey, dw raymond, on try and k. thank you so much for that. now, finland has been named the wells happiest nation for 7th straight. yeah, the un box world, happiness report, looks at life satisfaction in 143 countries and territories across the globe. then they'll denmark, sweden and iceland, also continue to talk. the leaderboard coming,
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2nd, 3rd, and 4th place. but this year there's been a significant slide down the rankings for germany and the united states, mainly due to the gloomy outlook of young people to if you're looking for a good cheer, you'll likely find it here. in finland, the world's happiest nation for the 7th year. you'd be forgiven for thinking there must be something in the water. but researchers bridget dine, defends, own life satisfaction. as well as social support, health, life expectancy, freedom, generosity, and g d, p. finished people, most probably are happier because they can rely on a good institution. so meaning wealth, function, governments,
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low level of corruptions and robust, but fear factors that fins have a great depreciation for. well, i think i have, i have had the opportunity is to do what i want. i have a good education and i can rise my child in here quite safely. i think so that that is, may be the most important thing for me. right now. we all are for now i will 1st states that we have quite strong equality here. but these of course something that, for example, occur in the government, they started to run down. so i think this is something that we would really need to fight to still keep. such appreciation may be in short or supply and the united states and germany, which aren't among the happiest nations ranking, 23rd and 24th,
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respectively. germany is also one of the countries in which older people are no happier than those under 30. afghanistan is at the bottom of the table, a major humanitarian crisis after the taliban regain control model, the goodwill remains universe. so the report find that in our post cobit world, acts of kindness are on the rise across the generations. giving us all something to smile about a spec to frank montela earlier. he's a happiness and wellbeing research at alto university in finland. denial asked him how happy he is now that his country has been crowned the happiest in the world for the 7th consecutive year. i guess like that through the, i guess the fitness people 1st time that's seen on the bus. the problem is that best nation fitness people are not happy actually never quite much saying that there must be something wrong with the survey because i guess like if it is, people don't think of themselves as particularly happy bunch of people we have like
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this more melancholy why itself image and being happy, a student faith with that. okay. but we heard in that report didn't way people say, you know, i couldn't do everything that i want to do. we live in a well 1st stage. i can bring up my child here without worrying. so obviously there's a lot of faxes in finland that seem to that seem to work and make people feel good . yes, exactly, and i'm going like saying that it's not that the government would make the citizens happy, but it's more that the well functioning government is able to remove many sources of unhappiness. so it means that, you know, there's like less then there's not like more, extremely happy people and being lot, but there's less extremely unhappy people in the family. and that's quite much do today. well, function that needs to do with this and that, and the government taking care of the citizens. okay. how can we be sure that the old findings in this report a valid business goals? many of those faxes, the influence of happiness can, can very,
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can change from day to day. currently. i mean, you know, maybe you've slept well or your in love or whether you've missed the boss. i mean, how accurate is all of this? so i guess like of course, on the individual level, there's like the daily variation, but that's the point, the because of that they like survey more than 1000 people in every country. so all of these individual variations balance each other out until that's what you get like this national average, which of course there's always going to be, it's not going to be perfect as article that's going to be some margin of error. but still, it gives a pretty accurate picture of how well the people are doing in a certain conference. ok, now one point the report does make is that young people in the us and in western europe are increasingly unhappy. whereas in other parts of the world, the opposite is true. so how would you explain those regional differences or yeah, that's, that's an interesting finding i'm, it might be, but the case i've been some, many countries like the future looks better than it used to be that you feel like,
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you know, the young people feel that they're going to have a better life than their parents. but i guess in the us and in many western european countries, that's not the case for the young people. they actually feel that they might not have like as good outlook as their parents used to have. and that might let them bring down their level of life satisfaction. mm hm. do you think the people's happiness should be taken into account more in, in politics, in the same way as economic fuel costs, for example, unemployment. if that goes yes, i think so, because like what is the ultimate point of having governments or having like societies? i think one key point is that they try to make their lives up the citizens better. and if you want to know whether to or succeed successful in that database would be measuring how well the city tests are doing in a concrete. so in that sense, i think that wellbeing indexes and happiness reports might be like even more important than the academic indicators. because economics or is all based just an instrument for something else. but kinda a cabinet is kind of the goal. but the economics is trying to bring forward. okay,
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and i'd like to ask you, i mean, is the one particular point made in this new happened this report that gives you particular hope for the future? i like the fact that that is helping other people. it seems to be quite robust thing on sunday that's is taking place over over the world because that reminds us that despite the all the difference is the human beings are in day and life helpful . and probably physical and caring people who like like to help other people. so let's hope that that's something that we take away from the 3 part. sounds good to me. frank montela, philosopher from the alto university in finland. thank you so much for your uh, finding us today and on that happy note you will up to date don't film is next with a look at how work is around the world of suffering from the increasing impacts of climate change. and remember, you can always get more international headlines on the www dot com. and of course on all social media channels, the handle you need that is at the w e. i my new component can and thanks for
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