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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 21, 2024 12:00am-12:15am CET

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the, the, you're watching data we can use live from the lien. thousands of children are evacuated from roches border as ukrainian shilling intensifies. authorities released images all the latest attack on bill garad, a region now being swept off in russia's war with you cried. also coming off america's top diplomat holds tools in saudi arabia as part of washington's latest efforts to secure a ceasefire in gaza. bodies riley and ceased. it is moving ahead with its preparations for an invasion of rafa and confusion that the us and mexico i bought a as a code and block. so lou allowing takes this title,
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sorry to use to arrest. suspected illegal migrants just out was off, the judges give it. the green lights will be live at the board up. the i am jared raid. welcome to the show. off to days have been pounded by ukrainian shilling and drawings authorities in russia's bill go. rod a boarder regence a thousands of thousands of children being moved to safety as as they expand. a major evacuation plan. the regents capital city states jobs to 40 kilometers from the ukranian buddha within easy reach of keeps long range strikes. it's come under increasing attack we the russian president vladimir pollution failing to protect civilians. this kindergarten in belgrade is one of many buildings damaged and showing the kindergarten principal witnessed the blast firsthand.
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it was loud. the glass was ringing. all the doors were shaking after the last and the loudest bang. we understood that it was somewhere nearby. we didn't even suspect that it wasn't our place. we thought it was close, but not at our place. then when everything come down, we saw the aftermath. no children were injured. but in another part of belgrade, a man was killed when shrapnel from the showing hit. his car rushes military says the attack is aimed at the stabilizing the country after its recent election. can use the cause, we kind of respond to the same way you can play for guarding civilian infrastructure and or the other objects you are the enemy attacks are we have our own views on this matter and our own plans we will fall like once we have outlined so far, rushes plans include restricting entry to nearby cities in the belgrade region and evacuating around $1200.00 children. but with the war and ukraine now on russia's
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doorstep, the border region is feeling the effect and the source of enemy fire is getting harder to detect. russia shot down dw is mostly bureau 2 years ago, but since then now team has been based in the licensee and capital rica. now, correspondent upon around the must see they had told us about the situation in belgrade. this is so bad is feeding the impact of the water 1st and the situation seems to be very dense that this is a region which as you mentioned, is near the o creating and border and it is facing new or daily attacks. moscow thought it is, are blaming these on q. basically. the baltic particularly does are about like 20 miles from the border with the green. it is b or regular direct or for cleaning fire, which has reported to be increase in the past weeks. you know, i'll be, i've heard from the governor of belgrade that i don't 9000 children to be evacuated from the city. he said these children will be moved from belgrade, father, east,
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away from the beginning, florida. now we don't know any information about or that is what's been happening to the items, but for now childrens will be back later on. the 1st group of them can be back away to as early as on friday, which is march 22nd. so, so far, 16 people have been killed, a 98 injury or just in the past week. this comes in on his announcement for recreation comes j's after a strikes for sclerosis students. i told him not to attend the school from monday from this monday and even shopping centers in concert or places have been closed. gosh, as defense ministry said it's ad defense systems drawn down, thought the missing so far. upon a run, the matthew, the speaking to us earlier, will here in europe. mislead is, continue to stress, stay a long term commitment to supporting ukraine, but increasingly their re, if sort of adjust how far that support should go in some countries have been calling for higher defense spending. the divisions have been especially public
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since francis presidency manual. my crohn went out on a limb with an idea that he floated earlier this month, only got his phones on him to stay on the face of things, the french president and the german town. so that are aligned to both committed pro europeans who also both explicitly support to ukraine. but it's starting to become clear, they might not be getting on. related to how your credit background started talking about sending european grind treatment to ukraine's kind. the top schoultz said no, my crumbs suggested gemini, should be sending long range taurus besides jokes was forced to say no, i think my home is specialists in a very difficult position. and in some ways, schultz shouldn't have shuts off, but he should have stuck to a message and it should have been true and consistent. and because he have full but wiggling around the place and changing things, it doesn't look very effective once he's responding to my com. dw, his head speculation by some senior you did the math that shows his refusal to send
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the tourist missiles to ukraine, is personal on his part. that having being pressured into sending to that the tangs, he mounted ones to be seen, to stand firm on something. the president of the town, so the met him last week tomorrow, smiles and friendship, but no public expression of change in political positions. the reality is the germany has actually become ukraine's 2nd biggest supplier of military aid, off to the u. s. a mine seemed to 17700000000. yours is significantly moved and not to fronds, which has committed 635000000 years of military age according to the ukraine support track. uh so do you do craniums with the austin? well, uh, you know, they call talks a big game. but is he willing to back that up by a significant increase in military assistance to ukraine.
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funds in germany guessing along with each other is fundamental for the european union. not much happens, invest the 2 can agree, and ukraine is just one of the issues you lead is a discussing during that process and the summit, or what he's riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu sees preparations are still on the way for the invasion of rough insides in gaza, but that it will take time. his comments. com as diplomatic, if it's intensified to stop that from happening. us stay kentoria, stay down to the blink and has been meeting with his counterpart in saudi arabia for more tools and securing sci fi between how much time use route us. officials say he'll travel on to israel on friday. speaking earlier this week, blinking said garza's entire population is in need of humanitarian assistance with your, his demand is the middle east and north africa expert and program director at the
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international crisis group. earlier we asked him what exactly needs to change for a cease fire and hostage release deal to happen in order for the fire to happen, unique's book has been lucky all along, which is us pressure as well to add to except one of course, there are differences between his role and how i'm asked about what's the ceasefire should be a but regardless of those differences, the fact that we're facing the imminent threat of feminine in gaza and we're close to 2000000 people who may this may suggest that a ceasefire is urgently needed and so united states is still only power that can help bring that about if it's were to use the leverage that have passed as you're still to monday. let's take
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a look at some other stories making headlines today. indonesia is electro commission has confirmed that proposed to be on to is the winner of the presidential election. he's expected to take power in october. following a transitional period is to rival size l file, a legal compliance or alleged irregularities during last months of dollars. the prime minister of ireland leo, veronica has announced his resignation, saying he was leaving for both personal and political reasons for radco said he'll also no longer be potty laid on his departure follows the failure of a jewel constitutional referendums earlier in march. then veronica and he's documented champions, a brazil court has ruled that full most focused on hope in your mazda. so if he's 9 year prison sentence for right, he was convicted initially in 2017 for his pod and a group sexual assault. when he played for ac milan for sale doesn't extradite nationals which laid easily to seek his imprisonment in his harm. nation to
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the us now where a bass hole in the courts over a new migration law is closing confusion at the us mexico border. the lo give sustained authorities in texas, the power to arrest and to pull people. the u. s. supreme court cleared the way for the lord to take effect on choose day bought, just out as like to appeals, court judges decided to block it as they can see. the way they're reading to fee is with the federal government team. aggression pals will mix the car has already said it will not accept anyone or to, to leave texas onto the so called s b for the here's what mexico is. foreign affairs secretary had to say as i'm sure it isn't empty. my grand center phobic discriminatory law that says, but any migrant or any person moving anywhere in texas can be detained by the authorities and put in jail or deported. all. i'll report to the fed and
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scholar is an eagle pos in texas on the us mexico border veterans high. the way hearing that this back and forth on this, laurie's closing confusion, both of them on board authorities and demanding migrants. what are you saying? yes. as you said, we're here in the small us board. a city of ego passed right behind us. on the other side is the mexican board. a town of pedro is near growth. and in between right behind this big border front, which is being guarded by the texas national guard is what has been now turned into the base for this national guard. what up until recently used to be a public park where people used to go to play sports. and this has not been turned into a base for it. well, the republican governors efforts also to secure the border here and, and it really shows the resources he's willing to throw it there is because he is determined to take the lead on on securing the border here in texas. and this is, of course, also what has sparked this whole debate into legal battle,
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which we're now witnessing unfolding as much as we're speaking in the courts. yes, sir. and so let's talk about this little because it would give state authorities and takes us the power to arrest and report people how prepared of texas of tardies for these kind of power. that is an interesting question. and even today in the court hearing regarding this matter, there seemed to be some lack of clarity, even on the texas side, how exactly things would be implemented, which of course, in the end it comes down to how will this law actually be put into practice and there is a lot of doubt, for example, whether or not there will be enough judges who have the specific qualifications in immigration law to implement into it, to be hearing cases on, on immigration law, or how exactly local and state authorities will be carrying out a rest interpretations and whether they even you know, in a position to carry out their protections. so there is definitely
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a lot of uncertainty also around the practicalities of this law, which are still even to be seen if they, if it would come to this. because even though the guilty of the law has not been determined yet. yeah, and of course is going to be, i guess, a, you mentioned like a kind of a stand off mexico is not going to accept anyone repack created from texas either. how is this affecting relations between the 2 countries? exactly as we have heard before, this is definitely something that could put a strain on the relation between these 2 countries. and it is no small issue because of course, in mexico is one of the largest trading partners of the united states. and what is interesting, and if this law will come into effect into force, and it will be declared as constitutional, hypothetically, we don't know this, of course, at this point. and then in combination with a possible trump presidency that might be some tension because mexican president, under myrna lopez over
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a door has been in the past very close with all the time it has, it has had a very positive relationship with him. but that might, of course, be put to a test if this law would actually become to become a being enforced here in texas. and if actually take so far, it is what to start and try to deport people back to mexico, which of course, mexico is very flatly, refused already. now tell me your port a certain style on the us mexico border. thanks so much for that parents as well. finally, archeologists in turkey have on earth evidence that people were wearing body piercings as long as 11000 years ago. the dig in the country's se found that beads found beads via skeletons, that experts now believe it once worn by those buried there. it's the 1st time that such objects have been found close to the lips and ease of the bodies, leading archaeologist to conclude that they were in fact body piercings.
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you're up to date here on dw up next. we're looking at the power play between saudi arabia and the united arab emirates on charged rate and bubbling. thank you for watching the there's no, i'm just can have a site just to make the right decision, dw news, i'm a product can follow. conflict crises, every single connection mapped out shows the geophysical reality. the on the board is what makes things the way they are mapped out. navigating a changing world now on youtube.


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