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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  March 22, 2024 11:02pm-11:30pm CET

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is happening with or without us support. it's safe to say that answer the blankets talks with these really prime minister didn't produce the results you wanted. tonight, there's no ceasefire in gaza on the horizon and the hostages held by him off. they're not going home anytime soon. either i bring golf and berlin, this is the day the we have this, we have the single israel's law firm security. you can't beat him us without going into rebecca and eliminating the rest of the battalions. there is a major military ground operation process is not the way to do it. i told them, i hope we'll do it with the support of the usa at risk, further isolating israel around the world. but if we have to, we'll do it alone. we're looking forward to having this really officials in
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washington next week to talk about the different way also coming up in the race for the white house, money matters. lots of money, $71000000.00 in the jo bite and re election that counts so far. that is twice as much as donald trump campaign. but trump is facing an even bigger cache crunch. you only has till monday to come up with $454000000.00 scouts back against the wall . it's gonna take time. it's not gonna take till monday. he just doesn't have it. he doesn't have the money. the which of our view is watching on tv. as in the united states into all of you around the world, welcome, we begin the day at the u. n. where a us back to resolution calling for an immediate cease fire and gaza went nowhere. on friday, the un security council failed to pass the resolution, which also called for the release of all hostages, held by him off russia and china. these are the measure. this is the 4th time that the council has failed to pass a resolution calling for a ceasefire. in gosh,
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here's what the us ambassador to the un said after that, but let's be honest for all the fiery rhetoric we all know that russian china are not doing anything diplomatically to advance the lasting piece or to meaningfully contribute to the humanitarian response. separate colleagues, there's obviously another resolution that some of you would like to be considered, but in its current form that text feels to support sensitive diplomacy in the region. worsley, this is it is, it could actually give him us an excuse to walk away from the deal on the table or from new york to the middle east. us secretary of state anthony blinking has been in israel for talk with the israeli leadership. lincoln met israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu on friday, but you can submission to persuade is real not to attack the city of rockland gods, or did not succeed. and that in yahoo says that israel will go ahead with this
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attack and drop off with or without us support. israel is still pursuing from us militants responsible for the october 7th terror attacks. here's anthony blinking speaking after his talks with the is really prime minister. we also talked about rough and we share israel's goal of defeating a moss, which is responsible for the worst massacre of the jewish people since the holocaust. and we share the goal of ensuring israel's long term security. as we said though, a major military ground operation in rasa is not the way to do it at risk killing more civilians. it was a freaking grader having with the version of the manager and assistance, it was further isolating israel around the world and jeopardize is long term security and standing. are you going to be able to tell a v of,
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i'm going by my rise zones on to the international crisis group? she's a senior analysts focused on is really tell us many issues and regional conflicts. it's good to have you with us russia in china veto in this us sponsored resolution . what do you make of that did? did you expect this vote? well i think it's, it's pretty clear that the us is trying to at least appear to be doing something on the front of these are all kinds of war. but in the fact the us has not called for a cease fire permanency is fire, which i think everybody understands at this point, is necessary because of the humanitarian catastrophe. kaiser, russia and china and of course have their own interest in detailing or abstaining we're going against the us resolution politically. so either way, the resolution itself did not call for a ceasefire without condition, which is i believe what many of the members were looking for. and, and the fact that this us back resolutions failed to pass in the un security council can, is real now claim this as a sort of victory a well,
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israel claims plenty of victories when it can be, i see j, south africa here in the fact that it didn't actually re call for a ceasefire or a decided israel was actually committing genocide only the potential was claimed as the victory by it as well. you know, so he's real could certainly claim this is a victory. israel still has full us backing for this war, and it continues with its offensive and continues to make stress as about rough as well. i want you to take a listen to what we heard from the prime minister benjamin at yahoo. what he said to day after meeting with the us, secretary of state, take a listen. gusta on it looks good. i'm good. i think i told lincoln, i greatly appreciate that for over 5 months we've been standing together in the war against him, us. and we recognize the need to evacuate civilians from the war zones and meet humanitarian needs. a couple of i need to come up with the moment, but i also said we can't beat him us without going into rough uh and eliminating the rest of the battalions. there must be cut his little feel really concerned that
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you have it. and i told them i hope will do it with the support of the usa. but if we have to, we'll do it alone. so that's quite a statement isn't it's, we've got the prime minister saying we are going into offer whether or not the us, our most important ally, likes it. what is this going to do to is really us relations as well. first of all, i think we need to take into account that is relevant to me. i was specifically are purposely using the threat of raw stuff, which we've been hearing about for weeks now as an imminent threat when, when people understand i understand that for various reasons, including military recruitment on these really side and the need to move the population out of 1400000 people who are, you know, internally displaced and wrap up these things would need to happen before they could go in. so that the threat of going in is really a way to distract from the humanitarian disaster. and the imminent famine that is
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happening in north guys and could also reach south causes us. i think this is a ploy minus him, yahoo, i think it's very clear that he, he is using this to, to take away his attention from the fact that he understands. but he can't do those things without us approval. israel is completely dependent on weapons shipments from the us. it's not something that is real can do without the diplomatic and military support of us. so you say this is a boy by that in yahoo. then what do you make of these is really officials. i understand it's the defense minister, the war cabin ministry that are traveling next week to washington. they're going to be talking about as i understand about a possible ground operation in ralph, is this where the real decision is going to be made of the you see the us convincing is real, not to move forward on this. as i think the us has leverage to try to, to make this uh, to, to create a ceasefire. and godaddy has chosen not to do so, whether or not real decisions will be made. i'm not sure
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a part of it to me seems to be performative on both sides that to me and tries to appear tough. he's tried to drag out the war for his own political survival and the u. s. gets to show that is doing everything it can to stop or to minimize a rough operation. so i see this is largely performative, obviously, i don't know what's going on behind closed doors. but i think this is just a way for israel to show that it's cooperating with. it's a ally with his largest benefactor when in reality, you know, neither side, if it really wanted to, was taking the action that it says it wants to take my role of is on the line to the international crisis group. joining us from tell the be appreciate your time and your analysis tonight. thank you. thank you very much. performer you as president donald trump is running out of time to make sure that he doesn't run out of money. trump has until monday to come up with $454000000.00 that is the find imposed in a civil fraud case against last month,
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the new york court ruled the donald trump, his sons, and the trump organization lied for years about the value of his assets to saving banks and insures failure to post the bond by monday, would allow new york prosecutors to begin seizing assets, including those iconic trump towers in new york city. when trump has repeatedly lashed out against prosecutors in this case, accusing them of being part of a white house inspired plot to damage his chances of winning this year's presidential election. a great company. what are the greatest companies anywhere the country, especially when it comes to real estate, have some of the greatest assets in the world, and is a rig trial. this was a rick trial by a cricket judge and a crooked attorney general. and we're fighting it out right, and we have a lot of cash. we have a great company, but they want to take it away, or at least take the cash elements away. billions of dollars of value, billions of dollars of properties. but i'd like to take the cash away so i can use
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it or the campaign. all right, i want to bring in now craig home and he's a campaign finance and ethics expert with the in g u, a public citizen in washington dc. craig is good to have you with this. maybe if you could explain to our viewers around the world we, we talk a lot about money and campaign politics and america. would donald trump be able to raise money as quickly as easily if he were not a presidential candidate? it is very likely. and by the way, we have yet to see if he can still raise that kind of money. you know, don't trump has long been boasting about how he had unlimited financial resources available. so and then suddenly he gets hit with this on of which now by the way is up to 464000000. he increases a $100000.00 every day. with interest and uh, he couldn't come up with the money even went to uh, you know, bon firms and banks trying to get low. and no one seemed to trust his
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ability to pay back those loans. you wanted 30 different firms and was rejected by all. so you know, it was starting to look like we're getting down, it is monday deadline and he may not be able to come up with the off. now the new york attorney general leticia james, is already a willing and an anxious to go after. and seizing trumps as yeah, including including bank accounts by total way. so truck is a bit of a pickle. let me ask you, create the if i'm thinking about this, if the average us citizen sins trump campaign $50.00 can here she be certain that the money will be spent on the campaign and not go to you know, find trump's legal fees to the campaign fund these have to be separate from legal fees that do not involve campaign legal problems.
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and you know what trump is phase it by the way, i want to point out we've never seen anything like this. he's got 91 criminal, and civic is civil penalties that east that are still pending against him in courts in new york in georgia, in florida here in washington, dc. and you know, he's got a way of, of criminal liabilities that are, that are hovering over his head. you can only use campaign funds to defend himself and legal fees that are campaign relate. yeah, i'm most of these are not you there either fraud or sexual abuse and you can't use campaign campaign funds for those services. you know, you say he's got all of these charges against him and yet he's still able to host on dinners almost every night. right? now at the moment, edmore logo in florida with very wealthy business people attend the he's not explicitly asking for donations, we understand,
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but everyone knows what's going on. if truck is re elected president, these donors, these friends, they will be expecting to be rewarded in the form of, of tax cuts. for example, am i reading that correctly? you are very correct. people donate a lot of money are and when they do so they expect something in return. it's not like the average donor like it was 20 or $30.00 because they actually believe in what the candidate stands for. yeah, 3rd shipping in a 100000 or more. uh they, they really want something in return and uh, you know, this is they can ship it and that kind of money for his surface legal fees. uh, but not, not for the campaign. that campaign has to be financed separately, how these types of legal for you could help us understand this 12 and now this week, a new joint fundraising agreement with the republican national committee. so the g
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o. p is now paying trump's legal bills. the party itself is, is this legally, is this ethical, have you ever seen this before in us politics? a l. l. we, we've never had this kind of problem before where it's gone this expense. but the money that we are in see in the campaign are paying for our legal expenses associated with the election that cannot, that he cannot be used to pay for the legal expenses when it comes to sexual abuse . or is fraught at new york. he's got to come up with an entirely separate non campaign related source of funds to pay for that. okay. by the way, he thinks he has at this point, he's been able to engineer a merger between his truth, social and a are basically a empty outside group. calling the digital world digital world is
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a public company. and so now history and social can go public and sell shares at any price they want. and if you've got a lot of very wealthy people who want to help out trump and probably get something in return in the end, you know that kind of, they can put out a lot of money there. trump is expected to get about $3000000000.00 out of out merger. and you can use that to pay for these legal fees, incorrect before we run out of time. the message here seems to be only those people with lucrative connections. should really go into politics on the outside. this looks and sounds like a very broken democracy. is that an accurate assessment? this is an accurate assessment in the sense that we use private lead finance campaigns to lex, most of our lawmakers and in the president. we really need to come up with
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a public financing system. so we don't have this type of, you know, big money, private money that has its own interest in mind financing, who's going to become president. we do need, we do need a better system of campaign finance, and that would be public financing. coleman with public significant, craig, we appreciate your analysis, helping us to understand better what's going on with money and trump, and campaign politics. thank you. pleasure. ukraine's president says it was the biggest attack on his country's energy infrastructure. since the invasion began. 2 years ago, ukraine's military says it intercepted 90 of about a $150.00 russian missiles and drones, in the night from thursday to friday, the attack left thousands without power
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sniffing out survivors. a familiar site for so many ukrainians, and one scene across numerous cities on friday in the aftermath of fresh overnight attacks from russia. many people across the ukraine are still missing, including here is that felicia, one of the hardest hit times to do is if we don't do a lot more explosions after the 1st one, there was so much debris flying around us had only one goal to ensure that my child was alive, i rescued him from the rubble. so many residential areas were affected. the primary target of rushes. miss island roland attacks was ukraine's energy facilities. president reload of music lensky college at the largest strike on their energy infrastructure of the entire war. ukraine's largest hydro electric
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down was hit in the early hours of friday morning, causing blackheads that have left more than a 1000000 ukrainians with power because there is no, no boss signal. and we need to get in touch with the elderly people to find out if there are k and what they need. the escalation of russian strikes has forced many elderly residents of this border time to evacuate and move deeper into ukraine for safety. they leave their homes with little hope for peace anytime soon. as keith calls on europe for additional air defense systems. in my wake of this latest barge of russian strikes, as the courtney of government has rejected calls by the us to stop attacks on
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russian oil and gas infrastructure. ukraine has dramatically stepped up to tax on russian energy facilities this month. it's watch numerous long range, drones destroy rushes biggest refineries that has resulted in the temporary suspension of production. at some of these facilities, he insist question. energy facilities are legitimate targets or more. i'd like to go to keep our bringing ukrainian ambassador at large. alexander, sherpa and bastards get to see you again. the president of your country, he said that russian missile attacks last night were the biggest attacks on ukraine's energy infrastructure. since this more began, how does that impact the call from the us not to target russian energy infrastructure? so these, the deck was just the barracks, right,
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the depth cost to more lice like a cream. it's another page of this barbaric war. we all know that the, uh for some reason people say it's a reservation for this direct that ukraine has been conducting on the rest of the refinery. there is no um tool for that. first of all, on seconds of all, everybody knows that in this war you cream has to answer a few minutes ago we in the semester go for our chances of winning a lower, but we should. so let's try come to try some words. what is the most, and this is what we intend to do for them all. is that so why do you think we're seeing these attacks by ukraine on russian energy infrastructure? are we seeing it because the military is now able to do that. it would be the abilities of our military girl. we uh expand its uh
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was the uh, selection of this global uh, drones and the number. so we can reassure uh the objects. uh so the more in the price up until we will do that. as of course we strive for it, so it's the most to wherever restroom makes it so. bloody money of where it's the producers. so guess away. um, so this is, this is the logic of it. um to of course the russians are hysterical about it. uh, but uh uh, to say, uh the, the subjects, uh, uh, yesterday on key of today on the uh, m, as in, for french in the country are it so we originally approval the 1st of all, i'm 2nd of all, i mean, we have plenty to originally age sports. yeah. and so we should start with that pro . okay. and you don't see any reason why ukraine should stop these attacks on
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russian energy infrastructure. i see that you're going for to conduct to this war with ways and means uh it has a task. first of all, of the, to the logical conclusion from these around. so you don't, you said these are the liaison for what we did is very simple. and so the decent solution would be to give you credit and not so for uh, the transit systems. but the town for 50 and so that not only of this guy with a key of his color, but also was a producer of a product you. that's what the additional solution, the monthly payments and stuff monitors. there are some reports in baset or that suggest that a rise in oil prices caused by these ukranian attacks, and russia are bad news for you as president joe biden, who is hoping to be re elected this november or of your reaction to that. do you
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see your connection here are some of the refund, confusing here because i read the reports that because russ, uh no uh, produces less uh, gasoline. it has to explore its more royal to cover for the losses in our currency income in the country. so, um, this is, this is my information with my disposal. i don't think that there is any evidence of this price on russia. that's the 1st of all the domestic consumption of guess the wind rush i have played in your role on international markets. aside from maybe the rest of these very good tips you know, causing a manufacturing all kinds of crisis on global markets. that's to invest and, you know, even though we've, we've spoken to numerous times since this war began and we're in a situation now we're more us military aid for ukraine is stuck in the us congress
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on capital hill in washington at the time when you create is under continued attack also on its own energy infrastructure. what is your message tonight to. busy the us leadership in washington have 2 options here, and by you, i mean the united states and the wisdom general. either you live up to what you kept saying in the beginning of this war, that the stands with you, that you will and stroll your. you under the boss that we as my, your resilience and we absolutely are utilized for we were lying to you and the whole that was just white and white. i'm death would be probably demonstrating for the spirit of this nation. but people on us the say, what is happening to create a new baset or large alexander chair,
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but the best that we appreciate your time and your honesty with this. thank you. thank you for the day continues online and remember whatever happens between now within tomorrow is another day have a good weekend. everybody. the, the,
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