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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 25, 2024 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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the the, this is the, the news of life from the un security council approves the resolution team, i think immediate see spot in gaza. v to previous folks for you the united states of stains and everyone else. folks in fact, also in the program which is flooding in person. finally, economics is a very cool islamist counter that friday's attack on a mosque and concert hole that killed schools full suspects compared to the
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control guy will welcome to the program. the un security council has passed a resolution demanding immediate sci fi in gaza for the 1st time. the breakthrough comes off to the united states, abstained from the votes, have to veto in previous efforts over the last 5 months. resolution also demanded the immediate release of all hostages, still being handled by him ass the group, the commission, the october 7, 10 attacks against israel the drugs to hailed a milestone moment at the united nations security council. 14 nations voted in favor of the resolution, calling for c spy, and johnson, for the 1st time the united states refrain from detailing the agreement in steed, abstaining to insure as directly opposing
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a request from israel not to do so. this resolution rightly acknowledges that during the month of ramadan, we must re commit to peace. a mouse can do that by accepting the deal on the table . a cease fire can begin immediately with the release of the 1st hostage. and so we must put pressure on him us to do just that is rails planned invasion of rough is causing major concerns for the us. it's biggest ally and it's really delegation was due to travel to washington this week to discuss alternatives. but it's really prime minister benjamin nathan. yeah. who cooled off the trip after the security council's decision? and as well as defense minister, you, of garland, already in the us shows no signs of acknowledging the ceasefire. cool. hope will solve it. we have more right to adopt of war and gaza until the return all of the
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hostages home. based off, you do not reach it clear up the size of the decision and goes on. and they bring us closer to war. the know the color of middle hop on me, cellphone and guns, the security council vote for some hope to meaning the wireless marks the crucial step towards halting israel's actions on the us must leverage all of its resources and the assets both the primary and ultimate advocate for israel provided while the seas 5 vote vote hope and gaza without israel support, it may end up being a symbolic g ste. yeah. rather than a practical solution for pace rose or friedman is professor of low conflict and global development of the university of reading in the u. k. the research focuses on the you and especially questions related to human rights. and i asked if she was surprised that today 65 resolution passed. as i think most of us
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with supplies that the resolution was cabled in the 1st place. the united states and tape of the resolution on friday, which did not pass it was v site by russia and by china and verse swiftly, the 10 men visit the security council who don't hold a visa. so i'm not permanent members who are elected for 2 year tons table. this resolution one of the sources. resolutions is cute counselors history, which have 3 key messages. and the surprise was not a bit pause, but that it was table decided to switch things in the 1st place. and why did you think the us didn't vote it down this time? the 3 key messages are ones that have global recognition. there may be a few states to that degree with one or 2 of them. the globally, there is consensus that that needs to be a ceasefire and also cabinet one. but for a short period of time to cease 5 during the month, the who, the month of ramadan, there is global consensus at these hostages,
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who are being held in captivity for nearly a $170.00 days, should be released including the babies and do so beautifully in the sick and there's global consensus, the people in gauze and this humanitarian catastrophe, must receive aid specific pre food. a to start with famine, said this, this resolution have to pass because it wasn't a single country in the un security council. who could say that they didn't inquiry with those 3 key messages. okay, so now it has passed, and i understand that this is legally binding, but kind of israel simply ignore this decision, as well as legally binding. and this is what the un does is legally binding, but the security council has these, i did extra enforcement power so it can send sanctions in ball guys. next slide designs to implement it's, it's resolution. so decisions that it makes any country kind of caustic,
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know what the un says, but it would ignore that it's peril both it's apparent in terms of having those implementing enforcement powers against it. but also the diplomatic and the trade, the owner of the, of the bi lateral in between states. the will, that sort of, that will, across countries might turn around and breakouts a country that, that ignores the un security council resolution. we saw this in terms of a rock. we saw this in terms of yugoslavia, rwanda, i'm so it is a da signal this, this resolution. it will do say to his detriment. the problem is that it's rouse at a vest. raven, this is a terrorist square. it was her screw, well know anything, this type of the united nations because it's most a supper in state because the hook have what the global community says so long as it continues to be funded by iran or by other countries that support as age. so what the united states, so those to the vote was really crucial. it said the old countries at the security
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council must use that power to put pressure on from us to actually abide by the terms of this resolution and specific feet to hold to the c spot. specifically to release the hostages data or life of whatever age and the 4th type rehabilitate. okay. so israel has indicated that it will carry on regardless. but it's, it's, it's, as you say, it has cover in this, in as much as us as a states. we can say yes, you must do this, but there's real control, right in the say, well, what about that? and what about time us? all you got to punish them if you punish us well the see sort of hold for as long as both parties adhered to it. so the minute the one policy breaks and the other party will, will point and say, well, they broke it based far the rocket into is rattle. they count on incursions into rafa. and they will use us as an excuse. more importantly perhaps,
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is that the united states and others of interest allies hold the key to the and i, the i am dying prevents rockets reforming down and killing many if not most of his raise. and there's work is on any coming from college. so that was a coming from 11 on from his spa, which is another terrorist organization which is funded by a wrong. it is a 1000 a bind to the terms of this resolution. and if it's allies and don't continue to from the i'm, but i'm, then this could be a very significant moment for the continuation of the state of israel. i can walk us through that. so clearly professor professor rosa freedman from the university of reading in the. okay, thank you. well, take a look now at some of the doors making a news around the world. israel says it will stop working with an un agency for palestinian refugees in the gaza strip. of government spokes, person accused underway perpetuating the complex problem, trying to believe it's,
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i mean it was criticized that the israel, the q some stuff have been involved in how myself to be sent to instead of goals that governing co there's and candidates. i'm gonna do that as congratulations. it'd be opposition. can do it fast through your mike. fine. on with it. the 1st round of presidential elections is according to preliminary results. that car feels. court said full official results. i expect it to be announced on friday. so russian president vladimir putin has acknowledged for the 1st time that radical islam is carried on fridays attack on a concert hole near moscow image, at least 159 people were killed. a statement comes after he initially pointed the finger a few crime and after days of repeated claims of responsibility, but isis k. isaac k, is a branch of the so called is nomic state based in afghanistan. the claims have been borne out by french and us intelligence sources. despite this mr. pumpkin insisted
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that ukraine could still have played a role in the attack. me his name still is probably in yet so that we know the crime was committed by radical islamists who follow an audiology. the as on the quote itself has been fighting for centuries, maybe human services. we're also seeing that the united states has been using various channels to convince the satellites and other countries that according to their intelligence, there is no trace of keys in the terror attack in moscow. the bloody attack was committed by islamists from the islamic state organization, which is banned. and russia was we know who committed this crime against rusher and its people. is olivia and you know, we want to know who wrote it. it's nothing to do so with those that gosh, well i asked dw, is it russia i've list colson, teen aggregate, what he made a positive 15 speech. well,
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the interesting thing is that just basically if you meant, if you went over there, so that was another report by any of the russian state media, it was that's head of russia's investigative committee. i think the public and investigative committees, while the kind of, i think, willing to lead to have the ard for, for the sake of simplicity, we pulled it directly to put him in, said that all the time or rest is rather now by the rest of the sort, i just have confessed to the crime as he said in the review, those who are contracted all commission this crime. so this try understand them as well. but put us a fairly that also the crime was committed. the act was committed by i seized by these promise he wants to know who was behind and the kid in such speeches. uh barbara, generally and putting them particularly as that of course, it made us is executors of the terrace, the process. but in fact,
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there are others behind, and coaches repeatedly hinted that it was the key in the united states that support, but definitely behind so mind saying that the re pulled by the head over represent the i just means that the russian government, all the nationally saying of course, it's no problem. we have been, we continued to push the idea that it was in fact and you, great in the tech, all russian citizens. and i suppose we'll see more of this. this was very interesting. okay, this seems like a but that the i, this is like a weird way of, of us operating. i'm saying that it was isis sensing when it was, you try it. i'm the us but not 3 siding, so i'm not producing any evidence that you can do with this because you'll, you'll a russian president academy when nobody says none of this makes sense. absolutely,
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that's very good was the vision you can say because your name is about to report and you are in total control of everything. and right. the total cost of the total police, the total they do my everything is on the up control. high doesn't matter what method is the propaganda line that you want to spend to mostly the russians, but also to the, you know, to those friendly people that believe that put in this fight thing they told whatever they did, leaving quite a few of the countries and i think that this is the essence of its uh, the uh, in normal demoss. uh, they have thought this would have been on this cause by parliament, by the media, by the end you, regarding the faith is evidence. it is all the security services to prevent this atrocity while the united states process. otherwise, the nation seemingly reported over the way the criminal. they say that is about the
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bus. did you have sex in their budget? right? so no one is responsible. do anyone really know tutors in total control? so she has to basically it's kind of a slide because there are courses already being off on the independent drugs medium, the successfully those of accessible actually also at least for me in different method wait interrupted. so why did this happen to give an explanation, you know, well, we couldn't do anything about them because it's not some kind of bunch of islam is that is that it is the united states, essentially it's ukrainian l. the thought behind that makes it so much more on this and then on show will lead to rhetoric gosh, was domestically aware, and you the re utah for quote unquote. and then use of the people who will receive funds for that konstantin database of russia. unless konstantin i got it's on
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