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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 3, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm CEST

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the, the is the daily news coming to live from berlin. hundreds injured in a powerful earthquake, that rocks tie one big tremor hips near the eastern city of quality inn, bringing down buildings and knocking out power and trapping. people in the ruins also coming up on our show today world leaders condemn israel's air strikes on a humanitarian conroy disease. i'm comfortable, but it isn't the navy civil results of the way the water is being conducted. the attack kills at 784 purse is ro, admits a grave mistake and tomatoes for ministers meet in brussels aid for ukraine at the
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top of the agenda with further discussions on making support for cuba. less dependent on the united states. the inquiry. richardson, thank you. so much for joining us. a massive earthquake has hit tie one causing damage and knocking out power 2 tens of thousands of people. it is the strongest earthquake in 25 years and with center near the city of what leon on, ty, ones, eastern coast, at least 9 people have been killed in more than 700 confirmed injured. government officials say over 70, people are tracked after thousands of buildings and tunnels collapsed. the powerful, quick initially prompted tsunami warnings for japan and the philippines. but they were later withdrawn, as they're reading spring morning and type
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a interrupted by the biggest us quite to strength. taiwan in 25 years. once i once wrong at east coast, the city of quantity and was west hates. the folding rocks killed hika and violent shaking his damaged dozens of buildings. some were left on the verge of collapse, which shocked residents warning each other not to touch the straight electric wires . there's nothing we could do. everything fell down. everything collapsed. time once more, the trees assisting, ongoing search and rescue operation. but efforts to being made more challenging by frequent talk to show to you since the main quite could have been stronger than magnitude 6. and with more expected in the coming days time, once president search the public and emergency response teams to remain cautious watching, i'd like to ask you to continue to pay close attention to the situation in various places and initiate various contingency measures to protect the safety of the people and the power from trauma triggered so normally evacuation warnings in japan
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and the philippines. some waves hit japan, southwest and ok now prefecture, within an hour of the quake. big warnings, willis lifted in both countries with no major down at triple neighboring countries, including china and japan. have said they stand ready to provide disaster relief seems high one. the rescue is no rush to find those 2 terms under the rubber the the very latest. let's cross to our east asia bureau in taipei and our correspondence. they are james trader, james hall lee and appears to be the worst affected area of what is making rescue efforts. they're so challenging. yeah, well for context, this is a city on taiwan eastern coast. you story my report that some of the imagery of the geography within the coastline and what it looks like. this is an area where a lot of these cliff space is read your, my success space is kind of fall into the sea. and this is why we're hearing now
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reports later in today. um that some 50 people are missing, it amounts and us national parks. it just north of wiley and actually and the rest of the operations that to find those people are ongoing. this is the city that i'm one of the cities as most prior to us craigs in taiwan. and again, this is why the majority of emergency response resources are going to be really channels this evening. given that this is where the majority of people for, for example, us, so thompson's of the rubble are located. and it's also of course, um, where the majority of death have been reported. again, as i mentioned in that report, that reports off the shots and continue have continued during today. we've had adding some more than 50 or so in the 4 hours of media the off the quite authorities. i'm wondering, analogy and caution that time. more of the shots could come in the coming days complicating the rest of your efforts further. now, taiwan lies on the pacific ring of fire, a well known for being an earthquake hot spot. and as a result,
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it does have measures in place to protect against them how well did preparations hold off in dislike. yeah, what is a rightly points out of high one that has a very well the world's response mechanism to this type of natural disaster. it's one of the most seismically active regions in the world. so the very use for this type of activity will be it may be not on the scale that we seen today, but i really did spring into action today. we've had done so i was present saying that the ministry was going to be dispatched to these areas. and of course, i mean this is something that taiwan has had. so it's a really long from past experiences. restoring 1999. this is a really chris, combined with a tie, one with a really powerful last week about the same magnitude be so what today killed some, 2000 people then left tons and tons of thousands of buildings damaged. and it was really also that moment that we saw most stringent regulation come into force in taiwan for quite proof infrastructure. and you know, although we have seen
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a pretty significant degree of damage today, it's fat to say that, you know, without those experiences without bots in building knowledge, that's why one has to deal with this type of natural, dissolved. so the situation could have been much worse. and what kind of international response have we seen of the while a number of countries are really concerned that they were going to be in some, in some way implicated in the immediate off them off. all of this i was quite a bit soft credit was powerful enough, but it was folks in shanghai. and of course, as i mentioned that in that report. so you know me, evaluations of warnings were issued in japan and the philippines again later withdrawn. and it seems that no major damage has been reported in either of those countries, but of course, the attention already time. so those, those rescue efforts in taiwan a number of countries have said that they're willing to provide disaster relief to taiwan. if the government to says it's required. thank you so much for that. is
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james at cheater for us and type pay return now to the war and gaza world leaders have a condemned is rarely strikes on a humanitarian convoy the killed at least, excuse me, killed 7 people working for the n g, a world central kitchen for a nationalist from australia, poland the u. k, and the us or among the victims us president joe biden said he was outraged and heart broken. well, australia slammed the attack as completely unacceptable as well has blamed the strikes on a mist identification and called them a grave mistake. un secretary general antonio guitars also contempt the attack and has called for an immediate cease fire. the devastating is rarely ever strikes. that's give world simple kitchen personnel. yes to they bring the number of a what good skill will be in this conflict? 196, including more than 175 members of all new
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n stuff. these is uncomfortable, but it is an inevitable result of the way the warranty is being conducted. to w, as tanya kramer has more on whether international criticism will put further pressure on israel's prime minister to change his gaza strategy to watson. this is still a to see because we've heard a lot of this international criticism, a lot of international pressure on the is rarely coming that to protect or to do more to protect civilians given to high deaf toll in gauze, on the civilian population. but that also, of course, includes humanitarian workers that doing essential work there to bring this much needed age to the civilian population. and we heard, you know, this is this, this pressure is not really always reflected on the ground and the military efforts . there seem most of the times a take a precedent,
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although israel says it's it does enough to protect civilians. now you end officials here in jerusalem have said after the incident that this is not an isolated incident, but it's of course, the most serious, the most tragic one. but that, that needs to be done more to have a working mechanism to make it possible to that these convoys can go into garza and deliver the aid that's needed. and also that you many turn 8 workers are protected on the international humanitarian little was due to his tanya kramer. let's bring you up to speed now with some other world, new stories. hundreds have gathered in the syrian capital damascus to more than those killed by an alleged is really stripe on the iranian consulate. monday's attack killed 13 people, including 2 iranian generals around supreme leader i a to a home in a has vouch for tally 8, raising the fears of
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a wide or regional conflict. lawmakers in norway have pushed ahead with a session in parliament despite receiving a bomb threats. security has been tightened around the building and also, and all members of the public asked to leave. police have blocked off the surrounding streets and setup additional controls. as you're gone, this constitutional court has rejected a bid to overturn one of the world's harshest anti homosexuality laws. the legislation passed in may last year. it criminalizes same sex acts with punishments, including life in prison, and the death penalty. the guns and government has accused western nations of trying to pressure africa into accepting what it calls imported values. for ministers from nato countries are meeting in brussels to discuss maintaining long term support for ukraine. nato chafee ends as bolton burg, is proposing the creation of a 100000000000 euro fund to bolster key of defenses over the next 5 years.
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something happens to the move as part of a push for the alliance to take over the us sled group that coordinates western shipments to ukraine. nato is seeking to reduce its dependence on the us, where a $60000000000.00 ukrainian a package has been installed in congress for months. sold and borrowed, also told members of the press that the security of the block depended on bolstering the rule of law throughout the world. ukraine will become a member of nato. it is the question when nope, if tomorrow we also need to we all were in the pacific partners, australia the seasons are pano southcourt out together with the european union. we know that our security is now regional. it is global. the war in the crane industry . it's this clearly russia's friends, the nation are vital for continuing its war of aggression signed laws popping up the rest of the war economy in return,
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most goal is mortgaging its future to bridging north korea. i'm it wrong or the living substantial supplies of weapons and ammunition in return from young. i'm fed on receiving russian technology and supplies that helped them advance. let me start a new fate capabilities to this as a result of global security consequences. so like minded nations around the world, needs to stand together to defend a global order rule by law not by force. ukraine's president has signed a new law of lowering the age for mobilization, for the military from 27 to 25. it will allow kia to call up a tens of thousands of additional soldiers. ukraine has suffered heavy losses on the battlefield after 2 years of war with russia. russia is also trying to replenish its forces, but it is increasingly looking abroad for its recruits. thousands of net police
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have been bored by russian recruiters to fight in ukraine. they're promised and attractive salary and a fast track to russian citizenship. often that police fighters are sent to the front line with little to no training their hopes for a better life. also often end in tragedy. dw corresponded deal bought. sense of this report from the pulse capital cutting and to someone is that this dam pool tank god for saving his life. it was a world that we he suffers from night because deeply traumatized by what he experienced on the front lines and you clean nobody on the right. nobody cares about the dead in russia. you know, the life of the injured depends upon the seriousness of the wound of treatment is possible, we rescue them. otherwise we are instructed to shoot the seriously injured soldiers where they lay out on someone managed to escape. most of those do not
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keep it around. 2000 utilized the russian agent who helped him to the and get back home. now he's burdened with heavy debt a specific time he has been job less desperate to find work he's they need to be a daily region. they. they said don't say brother, do you have any work? i'm saying. so i know we don't have any work for you. it's not a lucky day for him. nipples economic situation is. unemployment is high, inflation is soaring. dunphy depends on remy tenses, sent home by millions, look abroad. some are ready to take risk your options off on you would like falls from us as a broker and recruitment agents and nip off hundreds of families. what are you about? the fate of the allowed ones with joining the russian army. they had been out of
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contact with them for months. now. those come from did the families struggling to get dead bodies? the country is gradually turning into a site, definitely loss and disappear. nipples. former foreign minister, who was in office until recently, phoned dw. she had tried to persuade rushing offers shelves to stop recruiting nappies nationals intervene, listed for you again. i would like to express my concern about the enlistment of our citizens in the armed forces of a nation with which we lack in official packed or treated in the recruitment of our citizens implies that it happens with the knowledge of the russian government to some of us in a village outside called on to this family bones. the loss of his son and husband were not a 100, was killed 2 months ago in a bottle on the clean and fresh lines. she had received barely 2 weeks of training before being sent off to fight a fellow. naturally soldier called his wife,
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the new kind of a shocking message. unintelligible when i heard the news of my husband's death, i felt like jumping off a cliff and ending my life. he says it, it took me weeks after hearing the news to actually believe it was when i couldn't believe it. he is no more. and i still feel like i may receive his call, but that's all she knows. now come the family don't even know whether they will get his party. proper video. little put on no daddy's more than 100 creeks. she also has her d for the deck of 6000 euros. that her husband beat at each end, to take him to russia in the 1st place. back in the bundle someone's view as an uncertain future. scarred from his experience in
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a foreign war. many of those have still stuck in that war on sure. david, when get home duck line for further insights on this, i'm very pleased to welcome a task for reco back a senior research fellow at the international center for counterterrorism in the hague. and in the last few years, his focus has been on foreign fighters in russia's war on ukraine. a 1st of all, is it possible to say, how many not police fighters there are in the russian military? there are some fantastic of numbers you mentioned by the russian officials and those online, you know, we hear about 50000 people. that's way too many b. s. i think, to be in the division in the wrong. some of the russian army, somebody consisting of the police, that is not the case. so i wasn't, i wouldn't guess about that number. know and how typical are examples? i like the one we saw in our report,
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the fates of these 4 and fighters from the pol who are fighting for russia and ukraine to we've seen enough time for constructors. you're looking for companies. you know, it seems that a change is changing since the beginning of this whole is getting variation in 2022 by russians. they've been looking at different companies and that's city, a counting of cuba. us potential places in this. now it seems to be in a ball is changing, but this truck does use the same. it's essentially, you can call and join us. you will have a truck stored citizenship, you will learn some money, but 1st you have to pay to join us. and this is the quote good, my goodness, visit the atrocity from these people. like you mentioned, nearly all the, you know that some of them, but they're also in depth. so that was a little bit about the mechanics of how this works. how does russia actually go about recruiting these fighters in the fall? i think it's a, it's a, it's a tricky one in the sense that you cause many companies that are, for example, shipping workers from the global cells. also some places to go to work. i don't know and construction projects and things like that and actually uses the same. my
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goodness. so essentially you are promising work in a european country class, older benefits. and this is the way that housing how the bitches. but they work for the picture. so, you know, they work for local agencies who open the door for them in the sense because otherwise, russia will be able to actually go into the ones on his own. but one more important thing, there's fishing for these records in countries that are at least notionally ok with russia. so the countries, the goal sections of the roster company, the designs, russia companies. ready don't send tilting crane, so the companies are to boost options. the conference in which the colonial song that trust your things sometimes resonates. so there is an ideological element to this as well. then it is not simply people looking for economic opportunity to go fight for russia. i think there is hope. yes, definitely useful for this and you and your connection. yes, we've never calling anybody which is of course i'm drawing
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a couple blocks. yeah. you will be called on line by the westerners, therefore we go in and we can actually go and see is definitely there is, but then goes to the economic, the more american type element. did you like? i'm curious, if you could tell us little bit more about these companies that are recruiting for and workers to go to russia. are these the same agencies that would be se sending people as construction laborers, or have they been set up in newly in order to, to fill this gap for russia? i would say is always is also the case of the studio is also the case of pressure patients being present. and so i would say that works. you always use some kind of a russian community or, you know, let's say they ask for even in many diaspora and a place like that to actually go out into somebody's a new version. so i'm not trying to say that it's the same uh, same terms that are sending people to construction problems and stuff is not the case. but essentially this is more how positive and world improvisational. and that's also, you know, the byproduct of, you know, design situation. sometimes like productive stuff in proposition because they don't,
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they're not getting so many people. they're saying they're getting, you know, this is a 30 day old of the russians was being obviously tools to convince audiences around the world. okay. we can also try people, you know, just going to just like user side to us. we think well thank you so much for joining us. plenty of the news of their insights. but as caspar reco back from the international center for counter terrorism, the hague, slaton, america is experiencing its worst ever recorded outbreak of den day fever. the virus causing the fever has infected more than 1400000 people in the region. this year. the infection is spread by mosquitoes and affects almost every country in central and south america. about $1.00 and $4.00 people infected will develop an illness, and then a small proportion of those the illness will become severe. the number of recorded cases this year is almost 3 times as many as last year. it experts say climate change is partly to blame. with rising temperatures, allowing mosquitoes to survive winter in larger numbers. in rio de janeiro and
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brazil, health workers are fighting an uphill battle to eliminate the mosquitoes. breeding grounds you put in my beach in rio de janeiro, late summer heat wave, and over 90 percent humidity, ideal conditions for the egyptian tiger mosquito, which transmits one of the country's biggest health problems. thank you. fever authorities estimate they're almost 2000000 cases. that's led them to set up emergency centers across the country. this woman has come with her 6 on of the same with our, with that of the where i live there, many dinky hot spots. don't worry. we have the water tanks in the area and lots of miscast hers. so i think my son got infected. brazil is acutely vulnerable to the virus. there is a vaccine, but the state has to buy it from japan at great cost. so far, only children and young people have been vaccinated, rusty, now the we have an effect seems for 25000000 people in the next 5 years. that's
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just 13 percent of our population. we cannot contain the virus in our country like this of being a by the health department has sent workers to this for villa. i do need conditions . there are often difficult volunteers must explain that garbage that lies out to rod as an excel or and for daphne, the mosquitoes must not have access to standing water because that is where they lead their ags, a female can lead up to 90 ags at a time that would, that water, the eggs cannot develop into larvae, the, by the way, we don't want to get sick, we must take care of ourselves. because if there are mosquitoes here, the disease spreads to my neighbors and everywhere. that's why everything here has to be clean. one point is to because i wanted to ontario manage, but some things are beyond the residents control like garbage and mosquito breeding spots can show up in unexpected places pull. okay, well i think there's
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a puddle of water in this car. i didn't find any larvae, but they could be mosquito x in there. you can't see them with the naked eye. i put poison in it. now, what obviously the volume the mean, the dang b. as in just a problem in poor neighborhoods, mosquitoes are attracted to wealthier areas with gardens and pools as well, and neglected swimming pool left over water implant pots, breeding grounds for the tiger. mosquito pesticides would help but can be used everywhere. and that's what makes fighting the tiger mosquito. so difficult or in the united states die hard fans of a las vegas landmark have been bidding farewells. one of since city's most fabled haunts. the tropicana hotel and casino makes famous and movies and tv shows was checked out if last overnight, guests. later this year the tropicana will succumb to the wrecking ball. the end of an era for an american icon,
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loyal customers joined staff and saying good bye. as las vegas as landmark, tropicana casino and hotels closed its doors for good. when it opened in 1957, it was the place to stay in vegas. even james bond checked in the 1971 film diamonds are forever. the tropicana boasted. all the latest amenities we had, a lot of people come here. they love chop, can have us talking about the swimming on our sleeves. amazing. we had one of the best tools and last thing is when i started working here everybody and we're trying to work here with like, working just trying to jana, how do you get in there? as newer and bigger? megan resort. spring up in vegas. the tropicana retained an error mist elgin, but even his biggest fans acknowledge the times have changed. it's a whole different city. it's, it's biggest read coordinates itself every 12 years, which is re, makes itself and we mix. i've been coming here personally since the eighty's. and
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i've seen all the changes, the tropicana complex is set to be demolished later this year to make way for a new sport studio, part of las vegas, his latest efforts to re brand itself as a sports venue. and just before we go, we can bring you a reminder of our top stories at this hour. a strong earthquake has struck, tie one, and you're the eastern city of columbia, and 9 people have been killed. hundreds injured and buildings have collapsed. there are reports of people trapped in the wreckage. the earthquake triggered initials, tsunami warnings for japan and facilities that those have now been listed. and israel's prime minister has admitted that 7 world central kitchen aid workers and central garza were killed. and what he called unintentional is really air strikes. the charity has suspended its operations and turned back its folks carrying desperately needed food for the region as well. says on investigation is underway.
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