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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 3, 2024 5:00pm-5:16pm CEST

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the, the, you're watching the w need was coming to live from berlin. hundreds are injured in a powerful earthquake that rocks, taiwan, the tremor hit near the eastern city of quality inn, bringing down buildings, knocking out power and traffic. people in the berlin. also coming up on our show, nato is a foreign ministers, nation, brussels aid for ukraine at the top of the agenda with further discussions on making support for k of less dependence on the us. the clay richardson, welcome and massive earthquake has hit tie one causing damage and knocking all
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power to tens of thousands of people. it is the strongest earthquake in 25 years and was centered near the city of wiley and tie one's eastern coast. at least 9 people has been killed and more than 900 confirmed injured government officials say over 70, people are trapped after dozens of buildings and tunnels collapsed. the powerful quake initially had prompted su nami warnings for japan and the philippines. but those were later withdrawn. as a reading spring morning and type a interrupted by the biggest us quite to strength, taiwan in 25 years. this once i once brung it east coast, the city of quantity and was west, hates. the folding, rocks killed hika and violent shaking his damaged dozens of buildings. some were left on the verge of collapse, which shocked residents warning each other not to touch the straight electric wires . there's nothing we could do. everything fell down every pink last
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time when some of the trees assisting ongoing search and rescue operation. but if it's a being made more challenging by frequent talk to show to you, since the main quaker have been stronger than magnitude 600, more expected in the coming days. time once president search the public and emergency response teams to remain cautious watching, i'd like to ask you to continue to pay close attention to the situation in various places and initiate various contingency measures to protect the safety of the people and the power from from not sure gets to know me. evacuation warnings in japan and the philippines. some waves hit japan, south west and ok now. prefecture, within an hour of the quake, good morning's release. lifted in both countries with no major damage reported to the use of james a traitor in taipei explained for us the challenges facing rescue workers or yeah, well for chrome sites, this is a city on taiwan eastern coast. you story my report,
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that some of the imagery of the geography reading the coastline and what it looks like. this is an area where a lot of these clear space is read your, my success space is kind of fall into the sea. and this is why we're hearing reports later in today. um that some 50 people are missing. it amounts in the us national park, it just north of wiley and actually and the rest of your operations. so to find those people who are ongoing, this is the city that i'm one of the cities as most prior to us craigs in taiwan. and again, this is why the majority of emergency response results as they're going to be we're any channels this evening given that this is where the majority of people for, for example, are still trumps under the rubble all located. and it's also, of course, um, where the majority of the tests have been reported. again, as i mentioned in that report that reports often shots continue have continued during today. we've had some more than 50 or so in the 4 hours, immediately off, the quade and authority. so i wondering analogy and caution that more of the source
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code come in the coming days complicating the rest of your efforts further. now, taiwan lies on the pacific ring. of fire, a well known for being an earthquake hot spot. and as a result, it does have measures in place to protect against them how well did preparations hold off and dislike. yeah. what is a rightly points out why one that has a very why the world's response mechanism to this type of natural disaster? it's one of the most seismically active regions in the well to the very use of this type of activity. it will be, it may be known on the scale that we seen today that really did spring into action today. we've had um tie one's presence saying that the ministry was going to be dispatched to these areas. and of course, i mean, this is something that i want to talk to to really learn from past experiences resort in 1999. this is a really press columbus to tie one where i really passed last week about the same magnitude to be. so what today killed some, 2000 people and left tons of, uh,
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tens of thousands of buildings damaged and it was ready also that moment that we so most stringent regulation come into force in taiwan for quite proof infrastructure . and you know, although we have seen a pretty significant degree of damage today, it's fat to say the, you know, without those experiences with outbox in built knowledge, that's why one has to deal with this type of natural disaster. the situation could have been much worse. and what kind of international response have we seen while a number of countries are really concerned that they were going to be in some, in some way implicated in the immediate off them off. all of this i was quite besides, craig was powerful enough, but it was folks in shanghai. and of course, as i mentioned that in that reports you know, me. evacuations, warnings were issued in japan and the philippines again later withdrawn. and it seems that no major damage has been reported in either of those countries, but of course, the attention already time. so those,
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those rescue efforts in taiwan a number of countries have said that they're willing to provide disaster relief to taiwan. if the government to says it's required. thank you so much for that. that is james at cheater for us and type pay for ministers from nato countries or debating a 100000000000 euro fund for ukraine at a meeting in brussels nato. she's young's, as fulton, berg's as the alliance needs to change its dynamic of support. the proposed funds would help bolster keeps defenses over the next 5 years. it is part of a push for the alliance to take over the us led group that coordinates weapon shipments to ukraine. nato is seeking to reduce its dependence on washington, where a $60000000.00 ukraine aid package has been installed in the us congress for months . let's hear now from nato secretary general against oldenburg. the credit is unlocked, running out of curbs. they're running out of
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a nation. we need to step up now unsure of support is built to last. today. allies have agreed to move forward with planning for the great today to roll in coordinating security systems. training. the details will take shape and the weeks to call but make no mistake, you crank and rely on the to support now on for a long hold. let's get across to nato headquarters and are brussels bureau chief alexandra phenomena for more exams, right. we just heard there from young's assault in burg. can you tell us what you made of his comments there? a yes, i think that's what we heard today from us talking back and his press conference is a small victory from for him. because as we understand to foreign ministers today have agreed that they want him to continue working on his proposal. how to make sure that you claim can rely on the support of nato allies. and
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even though they did not endorse his proposal, but they want him to continue working on it. and this proposal is to full t is proposing a new fund to about 100000000000 euros to make sure that you clean can have enough money to get weapons. and i mean, issued to cook. i mean ition to continue fighting the russian troops. and we heard from some foreign ministers here that they were quite skeptical to belgium, foreign minister, for instance, as ones that nato allies should not make promises they cannot keep. and the german for him is so sad that she is against a jack going in the or the numbers. but in the end, at least, they told stalking back apparently that they want him to continue working on this proposal. part of it is also of one a to take to take over a more coordinating for. busy in supplying ukraine with weapons. and that would be
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a big shift in nato's policy. because so far the alliance itself is only providing non legal aid to ukraine. indeed it would. what else has stood out to you during stalls? i'm very express. are there regarding what he said? well i think that what was really interesting to hear how he described the situation on the battle field a distressing that the ukrainians on running out of coverage. but of, i'm a nation and you can understand that allies and also officials that we've been speaking with. i'm very concerned about the situation on the battlefields. there are rumors stepped a rush. i could try to start a new sense of this summer that they could be a russian breakthrough. so speaking about the best and predictable aids and support for ukraine is a sort of showing you how nato allies are really concerned about what is going on
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on the battlefield. a new claim. and are there other issues on the table at this meeting, a foreign ministers that we should know about? well, one issue that is not officially on the agenda. so of course, the question who is going to be the new nato secretary general young stopped him back, has been at the helm of the alliance for 10 years. but his 10 year will be over in october and the alliance is searching for a new candidate. there are actually 2 candidates my crew to is the one with the most support, but are still some members that are not so happy with him. so the question is, when elyse will be able to agree about a potential new success. so friends still come back. so thank you so much for bringing us up to speed there. that is dw brussels bureau chief alexandra phenomena
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and we're trying to bring up to speed with some other world news. this is justin state media say the bodies of 6 or an 8 workers killed in his rarely error stripes have been brought across the border from gaza. the victims include citizens of australia, poland, the u. k. and us who are working for the n g a world central kitchen. it tell us to be a staff member was also kills. israel has blamed the strikes on a mis identification and called them a grave mistake. center goal is new. presidents of bestardo, joe, my fi has appointed his former mentor, us months on co is prime minister sancho who was a fierce rival of former president mackey. saul was barred from standing and the reason presidential election because of a defamation conviction. he denied any wrong doing, but chose the little known fight as his replacement. the veteran m, as in bob boy, has declared it's ongoing ground, a national disaster authorities, a $2000000000.00 and $8.00 as needed to prevent millions of people from starving
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neighboring zambia and malawi made similar announcements last month. scientists, eva drought is induced by the own nino, whether phenomenon and die hard fans of a las vegas landmark has been bidding farewells, one of send cities most fabled hans, the tropicana hotel and casino made famous and movies and tv shows has checked out . it's last overnight guests. later this year, the tropicana will succumb to the wrecking ball to the end of an era for an american icon. loyal customers joined staff in saying good bye. as las vegas as landmark, tropicana casino and hotels closed its doors for good. when it opened in 1957, it was the place to stay in vegas. even james bond checked in the 1971 film diamonds are forever the truck that cannot posted all the latest amenities we have . a lot of people come here. they love chop can have talking about the swimming are
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amazing. we had one of the best thing is when i started working here everybody there were trying to work here with like you work at the top of the general. how do you get in there? as newer and bigger megan resort. spring up in vegas. the tropicana retained an error mist elgin. but even his biggest fans acknowledge the times have changed. it's a whole different city. it's vegas reincarnate self every 12 years, which is re makes itself and we mixed. i've been coming here personally since the eighty's and i've seen all the changes. the tropicana complex is set to be demolished later this year to make way for a new sport studio. part of las vegas as latest efforts to re brand itself as a sports venue. and let's get across to japan where people in tokyo have been rushing to see the famous cherry blossoms that before potential rains that could cause all the flowers to fall residents and the tourist. the light came out to see
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the blooming cherry trees before the rains were forecast to arrive. of the blossoms in tokyo arrived later than usual this year due to low temperatures since late february. for we go, let's get a reminder of our top story. at this hour, a strong earthquake has struck a tie. one or the eastern city of quantity and 9 people have been killed. hundreds injured and buildings have collapsed. there are reports of people trapped in the wreckage to quake triggered, initials, tsunami warnings for japan, and the philippines, which have now been lifted. and a quick reminder that you can get the w news on the go as well. just download our app from google player from the app store. so i'll give you access to all the latest from around the world as well as push notifications. whenever we have breaking in. and that's your news updates. stay with us coming up for a short break. our documentary looking at line disease and if it's more news
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analysis or after you can find that online too at www dot com. i'm clear richardson in berlin spending thanks for watching the 1000000 people in what it's in just a 100 days. my parents because of my family, what killed, how was this age? and i'm on a journey to find out about the result of 19 are to put you on the side produce for to see through under my name is some way to shimmer. i'm afraid it makes sleep shaming history out documentary stops april 6th on dw the.


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