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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  April 9, 2024 12:02am-12:31am CEST

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it is a german national interest. the reason of state she once told these rarely parliament, the contests it in germany. it walks the walk. here it is. the biggest supplier of weapons is real. second only to the united states. well, that commitment and those weapons sales are now on trial and the international court of justice in the head. the cromwell accusing germany of being an accomplice to what it calls israel's genocide against palestinians. and garza, germany rejects that claim, saying there is no case here at all. i broke off and berwin, this is the day i so the without support of states. thank you. in any history, i would not to like to have to leave to germany is permitted to get ahold of international law. and this is what we work for international pressing the case to
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get away. so. so requesting that port to order tech to me to cease providing support twister health has contained the destruction of the senior people. germany does not another date via the genocide convention nor international humanitarian role as that directly to no injury. because i was involved in that responsibility are too many and connection with the genocide committed by israel. rock last presentation was grossly biased. also it coming up ukrainians, using whatever weapons they can find to defend themselves from russian drones strikes. roy, you're probably good associate, this weapon was used even in the 1st world war ended in the 2nd go. the, it's quite reliable, but it's obviously not the best weapon for shooting down hard. take drones. we go to our viewers watching on cbs in the united states. and to all of you around the world, welcome, we begin the day with the weapons that could make germany and accomplish to
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genocide. nicaragua is accusing germany, particularly germany's weapon sales is real of facilitating the alleged genocide of palestinians and gone. so in other words, german guns are being used by is really forces to rid the gaza strip of palestinians of germany rejects the accusation, saying there is no case here whatsoever. and in the 6 months since the him off terror attacks, israel has repeatedly denied claims that it's a campaign to destroy him off is also an attempt to carry out genocide against palestinians. we have more now with this report to nicaragua, his case against germany has to main goals to holtz bowen's military exports, to israel, and to restart german funding for the u. n's palestinian refugee agency. the arguments that germany's actions are in breach of the genocide convention
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government is taking to on the result of the gauge and prevention. decide what we have to respect of international humanitarian law. gemini, supply of alms to israel, is a central pillar of nicaragua, as case germany is. israel 2nd largest supply of behind to the united states accounting for about 30 percent of all is rails with an important. nicaragua argues that by continuing to provide these weapons, germany is enabling israel to commit acts of genocide in gaza. the international court of justice is currently examining whether israel has committed genocide in a separate case launched by south africa or in bringing this case before the court . nicaragua says it is acting on behalf of the palestinian people. i mean, this is a very important case. obviously for out of the stadium brothers, but also for the people that make it, i will, as you may have heard of highway suppression indicates where we have a norms,
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sympathy with the palestinians, with the suffering device to new people are going to and that's why we felt think we had to do something. obviously the only thing that i look into issues to you, to record since it has been one of the few things. i think that i've had some experience with the international court of justice, close ties between nicaragua and palestinian organizations, dates back to 1979 when palestinian groups supported this end. and this the guerrilla forces that over through nicaragua, was dictated to germany. staunch support of israel goes back to just off to the 2nd world war. the german government sees supporting israel security as a historical responsibility for germany's actions in the holocaust stolen categorically rejects nicaragua has accusations does most and never did. while at the genocide convention nor international directory in
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germany will get its chance to make its case in court on tuesday. my 1st guess tonight brings a wealth of experience, an international criminal justice in 2001. he led the prosecution of the former president of serbia, so but on the looks of it she in front of the international criminal court. i'm happy to welcome to night mister jeffrey. nice. he joins me from london. mister knight, it's good to have you. with this, this case before the court now nicaragua, aiming at germany in connection with this real, the palestinians, and garza, the accusation of genocide to the outside observer. this may not seem intuitive at all. what is the reasoning behind this lawsuit in your opinion? um it is actually prod, intuitive. i think if for example, you know that your labels about 2000 to the neighbors pop net and you provide the neighbor with
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a gun. but the neighbor use in the closer or responsible for the crime, the impact for the crime, the neighbor commit search, quite easy to understand. most being said here, and it's going to trust in respect to your country, but also an extensive gain respect to the united kingdom as well as in america. is that, well, if the time has come and many people think it has, when israel is conducted, the will no longer be justified in well of your tubs. then if you provide weapons to saturate country will become angle pop, not in breaking the law whole. i have said that if there's any evidence of genocide by israel and you know that there may be genocide getting on then obviously you can't be complicit in genocide. but more than that, as the ambassador of nicaragua,
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to the hey explained in his address to camera the genocide convention, which meant to come to the punch is state policies such as our end country and your country. article was as soon as genocide happens, you have to do something about it depends on the circumstances. if genocides happening in the neighboring country and it is something like the horrors of the holocaust. and maybe you have to take very strong physical action. but would it make sense in distress? would it make more sense for them to her or what it to, to aim at the united states? since you're talking about your neighbor, we know that that's not possible in this case, right? the as well, that's a matter of the nature of do it, but they've chosen to go against germany on the basis that germany is a very substantial supply. robbins and that's open to them as a political decision icon. help was why they didn't make the, the,
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the decision as long as they made. i think it's very important for people to understand that it's the last 70 years. since the genocide convention came to being in 1952. that those who exceed or rush to or rash at 5, the convention knows this absolutely. ellen gucci the minute genocide, maybe committed and you can understand why it's all pop in the front. the people who drafted the genocide convention knew exactly what they spoke about. they've been in one will probably into and they've seen the harder as of the concentration comes in within the last 12 months. so they knew exactly what was going on. but it's all based if you, if you think about it on the concept that humanity is single and issue out of his single. then the mental stake required to prove genocide which is the to intend to destroy another bit of humanity simply because of who they are and the rich jewish
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people, whether it's people in orlando, armenians, and so on me, if you intend to do doing something actually dreadful because you're destroying ourselves, but but distress, not all of humanity is, is a member of the international criminal court. the united states doesn't recognize this court, for example. and i'm wondering, since germany does, is germany being targeted by nicaragua, simply because it's the next best thing that can be targeted could easily be i'm afraid you'll have to ask you a political expense about that because it's outside my sphere of expertise. but the being 10 key 10 cubic tonsils, the recent years. tragic examples of how possible country this has stood in the way of justice. all attempts to deliver just so that i think if you would have gotten us the citizen on the streets of germany or britain or anywhere else at the moment, most of them would say, for goodness sake,
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let's stop the fighting. and for goodness sake, let's have this master promptly adjudicated by an independent try, beautiful. and if it happens to be her mouth only to a comfortable, so be it, cuz obviously a mass all comfortable that of age. it is without doubt. criminal pretty quickly. if there's evidence, israel may be criminal and that has to be tested. and what you're not hearing from the political leaders of the big countries is that they agree that there should be a trial criminal law. in the i, c j, which is not a criminal court, you know, it's a different kind of the, the protection in survival of the state of israel. it is part of germany's reason of state part of the dna, if you will, of the german body politic. has this commitment, has it made berlin especially vulnerable to legal challenges like what we're seeing right now, or i'm not sure who it is. my germany, especially if i remember the creation of the state of israel,
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which the beginning of the 19th century, with the bountiful declaration made by an english minister um. and then as being supported by many countries, naturally the united states of america. but out of the country sense is there is a response to the terrible things that happened to the jewish people, not just in world war 2, but for centuries are indeed millennial because of ralph and anti semitism which has existed around the globe that's from develop as soon as it was happening, all those involved who weren't guy, that palestinians or jewish around your state, people themselves charged you to recognize that this was an inevitable problem that was coming and design is found. is israel so that and i think it's more important perhaps, but again, i'm straining outside my expertise is more important, in fact, to look at what the big composite countries in the united nations and so have not stopped over the last several decades to a full size or
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a 2 state solution or one state solution that resolve this problem. and so you got 2 problems in power. know how we must on that. what we've always tried to on the, in respect to the jewish people in the jewish state. but how does this, how no problem, not with their own initial creation, but the palestinian people, which citizens around the world feel very strongly. i want to ask you before we've been out of time, you have chaired to try bugles at the cord. the we are in the, the trying to try beautiful in the week or try a funeral. the conclusion was that china had committed genocide under article 2 of the 1949 genet such as i convention. you've been quoted as saying at the time that there was no other way of bringing the leadership of the chinese communist party collectively or individually to judgment. does that also apply to data? is real and or its allies in the claim of genocide against palestinians and gone ser a no, it's not a different uh the what i was saying that was that china is probably the most
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vulnerable to the international court of justice. and that's why i wanted the 5 we already saw it may be made of finding one of 5 possible forms of genocide, but we just basically made with absolute to fire, she beyond reasonable doubt. so that's different from the position that and so far as this where it is concerned is rep how as always, remember, both sides are always remember that how much there's no defense to what they did on the 7th of october, the international criminal quote, a wells quote from sore job except of a large part of the world has not signed up to it, but it does have jurisdiction of israel. and therefore, it is in a position and they have said as much, well, the america and great britain, i dare say germany doesn't want it the same as it has jurisdiction. i think invo reversed was considered a thomas and the,
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the is there any defense tools and these ready political leadership, but also quite possibly, if any of the countries getting both on the ground because the, the basis for jurisdiction of the international criminal quote in godsa is the submission to jurisdiction by the palestinian. those are archie in 90 in 2015. they need to be off though, shortly after the end of the last major war, opperation protect ridge right and it submitted during the ice. you see for both the west bank characters and for garza, besides the fortunately we're out of time, but we certainly appreciate you taking the time to help on this critical analysis of what's going on. thank you. it looks great and present a bottom is zalinski says, without more military support from the us. it will be difficult for ukraine to win the war against russia or even survive. so lensky has been pleading with western countries, not just the u. s. to provide more aid and defense systems. since the started this
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year, ukraine has faced attacks by russian missiles and drones, the severity increasing week by week. our next report looks as a group of volunteers defending the ukrainian capital from jolla tags using anything and everything. they have including ward was one weapons, w, corresponded young phillip schultz reports tonight from sheets. have among rushes, most said weapons shall have james. they asked me cheap and available in huge quantities. judge you have getting resent said has taken up his own personal bottle against the drones during the day. is that same works? it keeps administer to quote, adopted what he swaps his coat dress, coming frogs and stuffs, hunting drones. and he and the other judges take up position on a high rise building on the outskirts of the city,
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the most important weapon museum and a machine gun. roy would go to solar shape. this weapon was used even in the 1st world war we ended in the 2nd the it's quite reliable was obviously not the best weapon for shooting down hard. take drones. we will, we really need more modern and more effective weapons to fight because it's obvious that russia will not stop this war to this stopped part for a 2nd for that i to never put in and see the me 40 judges of joining the volunteer driving hunters they call themselves team justice, as judges, they are considered indispensable in the capital. so they are not allowed to join the army on the front lines. not that not leave on to what has also become crucial, leaving the cities regular defense force. and despite that, update to the equipment that's managed to dow new most y'all had drawings. they say the biggest challenge is staying
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a lot and ready to jump into action. no matter what. it's happened to me many times . i'm quite relaxed, but then suddenly the air right to let start seem like, but we get ready. we climb to a firing positions and we start shooting. that's what prevents, are you able to, the, what? the judges can remain in that posts up to 24 hours at a time in the capital and elsewhere. nevada is declining. ukraine is struggling to sign up for new recruits the most. so most people still know that everyone in this world is going to be a warrior, and that will be this. not everyone is going to be responsible citizen, and i'm for a credit union. i don't want to condemn people who don't take on a more active part to defend a country for mission aggression, even though just the everyone makes their own choices in life. ers here, one, are you familiar with someone for q 3 b, but russia is intensifying? it's that campaign and this means that these judges terms, jo, hunters may be spending more of that time monitoring the night sky. eva keys
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the well, if you're watching us on p b. s, then you are going to know what i'm talking about. parts of north america has experienced a total solar eclipse, the new crossed paths with the sun, causing of what is known as a path of to towel. the shadow which has been traveling from the west coast of mexico up through the central and eastern united states, north west pass newfoundland, 10 millions of people all across north america. have been following this speak check dealer natural phenomena including keith cowan, who is editor at nasa. watch, he joins me now from washington. he's been making the media rails today on this day of the total solar eclipse. so it keeps telling me of what did you experience or
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that you're in washington dc. you were not in the past to to tell the right you know, but we got about 90 percent. we had our glasses, we went outside and it was a, you know, we, we got, we didn't get the full show, but we got a good, you know, 3rd row seat or what was going not vote for people who have never experienced a solar eclipse or even partial tell us what was it like, what did you experience in the moments of the actual eclipse? when does it, if you're actually in what's called the pathogen county where it is? yeah, there's a picture of the moon completely covers the sun as you approach that it starts to get weirdly dark like the the shadows or the angles are not used to during the day . and then it gets quiet, and that's mostly cause a everybody around you is just like freaking out. this is really cool. but also it's not lot of the, you know? yeah, i was thinking was nighttime and some of you go to sleep. the bird stuff chirping.
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and then it starts to get cool because the sun ones are planted. and so at one point when the sun is completely out, it's nighttime, almost, uh, and middle of the day. and just as you're getting used to that, it reverses itself in suddenly there's the sun again, such as a very unusual way to just, you know, take a break from the day. and of course, usually surrounded by thousands of other people who are having exactly the same impression. i just wish more people to put their phones down and just look at the sky to their special glasses. and yeah, leave it to nassau, the difficult pictures that you can send to people. i was gonna ask you if you noticed that because we were showing wide pictures as the eclipse was moving across north america and, and what you know, it's stuck out to me. and people in the news room was that the people on the ground were looking up. and if they weren't there are you solve, were there their phones recording it?
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i guess they're trying to preserve this moment, which is a good. yeah, i mean, but what's your take on that here we are as 20 or, or yeah, quarter way to the 21st century. everybody's got, you know, the phones and everything. i mean it's just, it's a part of life and that type of document things. and i don't know if i can probably delete the for the photos and 2 years anyways, but the point is they thought it was important enough to record to be there to stop what they were doing. and you know, if i can go carl sagan on you for a moment and um, your you are on a planet and in the mood. another world is moving in front of our local son. and well, many people say all you feel very small when this happens, if you can sort of sit back and imagine yourself as the fund gives you a rather large i guess get. and then just a real appreciation of what's going on here. and i, you know, you're covering the news like i do and watching is like i do. and every now and
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then having something that totally distracts people. were at least a couple of 100000000 people to look up at the wonders and sky, not at their newspapers. yeah, good that. yeah, i mean, west today a moment that you think people would have had a surprise since then when, especially if they were there, you know, just seeing a total eclipse. so you know this, this thing is be what really, i think triggers the responses when it starts to get dark, you're going to, you'll see it's not completely dark, but where we were, i get, i was just looking at the window and the shadows were unusual. it was sort of like we're thunderstorm coming from the wrong direction. and that sort of gets you go in and if you go out and you put the glasses and look at the sun and there's a big jet in there. that's where, yeah, and you know, all your neighbors, it's just, it's a good thing and i think part of it is different by just how everybody else is reacting with each other. as you owe you, people are just sort of like, well let's just look at this. this is cool. there's years in everybody's just
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started digging it. and as you were saying, you know, the temperature drops dramatically when, when you have that moment of to tower the, perhaps a lot of people will have a renewed appreciation for the sun. and what it gives us every day was, was the it was the solar eclipse. a moment sir, to inspire maybe some future astronomers asked or not some future, keith cowan is out there. perhaps? absolutely. i needed to be back in 1970. it was a little kit and i, i had a little box and projected for my tell the scope and that certainly i'd never seen it before that just got my attention. and uh, yeah, i think this is something you really don't have to do much for other day and get these glasses and the curator states. they were given about everywhere you to buy them overnight. everyone. everybody had them. there are 2 guys out doing god work and i offered up some glasses and they held there's up. so and then there were the
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clippers and the blower. so, i mean, we, everybody, you, this was coming and you didn't have to spend money or do anything special other than pay attention. and that i think is important because so many things that happens in a, took the logical society these days. you see these pictures and telescopes and stuff and you like last friday, but this is something that everybody can appreciate, understand. and one of the things you can also do is take a spaghetti springer. and if you hold that just right is little cold or lack like pinhole cameras. and you can see all these little suns. so go to your kitchen, you got a kitchen, you got something you do with eclipse, or who just thought it about 30 seconds. let me ask you, did nasa learn anything new today about the sun or the moon? oh yeah. they actually had several jet planes flying in the past as the sun was moving it, you know, like 2400 kilometers. uh, an hour. you know, these planes were following it,
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pointing to very precise instruments there and when the mall goes and focus on like this, you get a very, very precise image and things come out that you normally would never see. to retrieve it a little bit with the task of but nothing beats having a lunar move with right. and part of the sun perfectly blocking the sun out. so you can see the corona and the other things that are normally never seen by your eyes or by jones, which is what we saw today. that's for sure, keith cowan, keith, we appreciate you walking is through the day of the solar eclipse in north america . thank you. my pleasure for the day is almost done. the conversation continues online. you'll find this on youtube, x and facebook either the w news. you can follow me, brent dot tv, and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day. i'll see you then if the
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buried found unreturned. the german graves commission helps with a search for missing, sold from scott to trace history. and then they ship together and folding soldiers backs and names and identities. next on d, w. it's time for new ideas. it's time to ask to save big giant,
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big clean the air or the habitat of the many space. these are important climate protectors. but these forest joins are under the trend around the world. ready it's time to recognize that there are close in 60 minutes on d, w, the, the, the, the, the, it is some of the coverage, the more people than in such a passion, life crisis within pod for somebody that's sort of the nation. press
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the one to find out about baby story info, migraines, reliable news for migrant. wherever they may be. the the city goose. numerous times you see news so we didn't have to sneak it because there's 2 has been missed with this new router. i was diana and so on the back over and just comes home and money order in about senior ties is dennis as one student is active and buddhist, they present.


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