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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 9, 2024 2:00am-2:03am CEST

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i thought so cities check on some great cultural memorials to boot w travel. we got the this is dw news, and these are our top stories, tens of millions of people in north america, and which is a rare total solar eclipse. it's pass code across the continent from mexico to the us in canada. during the solar eclipse, the moon blocks out the light of a sudden. it was the 1st total solar eclipse of visible in north america. since 2017 israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the country's military has had a date for a major incursion into rough off without specifying a time. the west has repeated its opposition to the plan seen it would have a devastating impact on civilians there. more than 1500000 palestinians have taken
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refuge or after fling finding in other parts of gauze, germany is facing chargers at the u. when's comp court in the hague, of quote, facilitating genocide in the gaza strip. nicaragua brought the case, it says germany is breeching international law by supplying weapons to israel for its military campaign against some us. germany denies the accusations you're watching due to the news in berlin. remember you get much more news on our website . that's d w dot com the a former german chancellor, angular miracle famously declared israel's security to be in the german national interest. the reason of state she wants told these really parliament,
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the contests it in germany. it walks the walk here it is, the biggest supplier of weapons is real, 2nd only to the united states. well, that commitment and those weapons sales are now on trial. at the international court of justice in the head. the cromwell accusing germany of being an accomplice to what it calls israel's genocide against palestinians, and gone to germany, rejects that claim, saying there is no case here at all. i broke off in berwin, this is the day the without support of states that you have many issue. i will not to you like to have to leave to germany is permitted to get ahold of international law. and this is what we work for international to present the case because i was also requesting the court ordered that you want me to cease by.


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