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tv   To Tell a Tale  Deutsche Welle  April 9, 2024 3:15am-4:00am CEST

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column and of course can subscribe to us to social media or handle is at the w news on there until the overland. thank you very much for joining us. the do big ultima view companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for luxury casa, often comes from illegal capital funds in the m, as in yet the supply chains does matter to the ideal industry. the illegal of the stats may said on dw of the
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large portrait photographs of holocaust survivors taken by luigi toscano were exhibited in german train stations. in summer 2021. the small god. friedlander was among the
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it'd be a kind of we don't station main. she's been yeah, i gave it down. uh a my jesus, i don't. i'm nothing unhappy personally. i'm grateful really? yeah. i got to change. i've had 4 different lives as tight a wonderful childhood and a few beautiful years of i did that. but to show good other cool me several extremely difficult years was where i went through a lot feel and he was done and then marriage
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n e e s and then these 1011 is a totally different to see if the souls portray here the today. model the feeling that lives in berlin again. she was born here in 1921 into a jewish family. they were persecuted after the nazis came to power. in 1933, the her parents were divorced. her mother was not able to plead germany just
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before she was about to go into hiding with her children. more gods younger brother ross was arrested, hoping to help her son. her mother turned herself into the authorities. ma god went into hiding in berlin. after 13 months, she was caught and deported to the to the easy and she thought concentration camp the she survived. her mother, brother, father and her entire family were murdered in our streets. shortly after the liberation of today's installed. and before she left, she married out of the fleet, linda, a man she knew from berlin and whose family had also been murdered. and now she bits. they emigrated to america in 1946 the
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america ms. guns should. i should also, but i never really see gave america because when i had needed america, they didn't let me in its mission. i just assume v vi the time i came to america, i was free and a vice and could have states here anyway. wanted to be here, if it was my own free wells on my play up, and if i could just come to america with my mazda company, i might have been very happy beach placed. this dispute is the reason the in 2003, she returned to berlin for the 1st time in 57 years to participate in a documentary, the english
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sometime in the new best. some of it had to be shocked in berlin. my lead, that was what changed my life, the main for each the moment i arrived in the sixty's when my roots will bundle. so i realized what it meant to me get mess tougher. bus diesel. she that's a mission victoria. that was the essence of it. must be some dish and i knew i should be one year and they tempted to feed in 2005. so i don't q menchie was officially screened here at the jewish film festival. a did help each other. and then i began to write my book and ideas one year later to the publisher who voice heard about. it's got the whole book because out they said
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they wanted to publish it, but the tie should work with a couple seconds us dislike. that was as 2006 in december. i met model in stretch vega, that december and worked with have for one. yeah. up and you helped me to get the i was in america and she was in berlin who you by in bending her book, try to make your life was published in 2008. since then she has been doing regular readings from it. sometimes several a week is steve for do not malice because ice vintage might what this easiest image showing disappears. i stand in front of the neighbors building and in a moment i will see my mother. he dictates getting darker show the jewish couple is waiting up. the little window i can recognize the silhouette behind the curtains. i looked from my mother's familiar form. will you see that she's not that the lazy
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opens the door for me to be. where is she? i asked gas express. he's the woman waits until i'm inside. then she shuts the door . she left me see me. at 1st i didn't understand. did i get to too lazy? she out looking for me best to call me. she left a message for you. this is steve. i am. i am waiting for the woman to hand me something, but she just stands that i look for a slip of paper in her hand, something my mother would have written down for me. if i'm supposed to give you a message and done that, then she tells me what my mother can no longer tell me herself. if i have decided to go to the police, i speed, i am going with ralph. wherever that may be in try to make your life so badly. so the only things she still has from her mother are this amber nicholas at
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a small address book. the side tests and it's, it's so we're confused in 2008, 6. when i was still on the plane, on my way back to america, i asked myself in new york, so you really doing in new york? yeah, there's so much more you can do in germany, in berlin committee and cuts in 2009, she decided to leave new york and returned to berlin for good point to him. i definitely have 88 years old ma godfrey linda has been re petri a to and this backs a good today. she officially became it to him and citizen again, that's always the interior minister coating presented with the certificate thing. i'm gonna dig it.
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this is send that to send it to cutting. that gives me, i should probably say a few words of to receiving this documents is for. and i think was of sikes are expected of up to one vote to just on this the condition i come do that. didn't the how? because you have simply returned what belonged to me in the 1st place. best one. me what was taken away from me. many decades ago, almost back then they left the roots of a young sapp claims to dry out to us. and if we knew, i haven't come back to germany, come, i've come to my friends or you. good. thank you. oh, okay. so the most and asked if i miss america, be sure to help me. i don't to,
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to have been people voiced a few jobs. i know i was in america so many years. if you just concerns me, it's huge, but i don't really feel like i live in the for 64 years of port to southern friends say to me is it feels like you were here the whole time of this for mission. i have that same strange feeling. i'm totally here. been to college here. one of her greatest objectives is to tell her story to young people in schools, church communities at adult education centers. my visa, the book i use for readings, since this is what it looks like now. here you can see the stuff you have in austin . gosh, dad, it's 12000. no,
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i received the ein hot prize for the book in 2009 for the best autobiography based out to be oak of p. so i was invited to berlin again to do readings. assign cannot these on deeper. i know just how silent these young people uh, you'll know, mentioned the school students is in doing and how as soon as i started to speak, they wanted to know is it what's next to us? what's next? what is this woman's life? and he does have, what did she lives through the end? it wasn't and i always said it to you so that we live through never happens again. that's who of us you that machine delve bus to be a leap top. but i don't blame many of you have a dish people if i knew shortly, then because we can't forget to sit in those use,
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the parents and grandparents with cheering is told on who was it? of course i knew that you be top spot me good. here i was speaking to the 3rd or 4th generation who had nothing to do with it too on the new stuff. me to tune that the readings have become too exhausting for her. so friedlander has started using a video recording decent. that's not good. it is we left the company honish tasa in a truck out of berlin. spending did tool wish for us and the doors closed behind us for days. from that moment on everything passed me by like a nightmare. you immediately forgot as soon as you wake up, but which still leaves an indelible tyra behind. on to taught steam, i'm going to us and i'm just gonna shrink it. that is, mine is the lead furnished in line them cool, but my so was not in my body in this truck on its way to,
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to crazy and stuff. cause easy instead was like a large scale study, an experiment. and i know it's one question rules. our lives, these, how much can a person take, pacey and stuff easy instead was an in between place. you can either life, no desk about the, to the desk, waited for us in the camps in the east to, in the get towed. there was hung up cells and cramped conditions and it was everyone set themselves a loan for some humana see some close to this new and it was difficult for me to to allow those things. and everyone existed in a kind of isolation hooked up to a hazy and stat was event q, 5. cool. a place devoid of and light or without time insight? honestly, 6 though. huh. after the readings,
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the young people are curious to know more. shop is to shop. i made it except i feel like i can do something for those who didn't make a team dismiss dish of time. i have a duty to speak for those who can no longer speak english mesh. question could you would like to tell you that we won't forget you and that we will pass everything we've learned onto the next generation desk. if your cost is keep bill that gives me strength. so strength to do this because you are listening to me because i believe that my was being heard. well, i was quote this flask of k. that's a see sure. what i'm telling you might not get through to all of you, but you can reach to full 3 or 4 of you. i've achieved something. then on the
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stress of ice, because it's for use. then what can i do after all? nothing. i don't have any children. i need to this. you will have children, families, emilia, be smotts. i make a good life. feel so thankful to none things. now the quote, because knowledge really is every single piece of this lilia within lovely name. oh the best time to binge and have you strangers have been good to me. i'm diminishing strangers. who had nothing to do with me in my life and lead me to not the death of mister pick. guess i'll never forget that year and 3 months, i know not. i spent getting to know people in berlin can, who had done something extraordinary, but he did the mode at 1st. a ton of i'll never forget that i always
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had cuz that's how i actually discovered a true human, assuming she was, i can get it out. i please good. and i'd like to give some of that back the . it's been you for life. maybe i don't really realize is also really i do see i've done a lot of it and all the dunc. so when i look in this folder, i see all the woods phenix and the email will be done on the side of the readings and hundreds and hundreds of the ones that they not for not single mission. for
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this, they are all expressions of gratitude to you. junk. so go so yes i have to be of was who someone writes the ship. we didn't know how bad it was back then the doors you've made me see so much more clearly, hollis few best. they're forced day. people have written lessons like that is in, in believe some stuff i'm title. but same to the interesting thing is how they suddenly really learn what was going on my spot. the other cost you believe in the model, the cost survivor margot friedlander is $1.00 of 10 berliners. the tool guide is now offering a ma god friedlander to keep that one's gone. all 666 years. berlin was little more
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than a memory for ma, godfrey, bland. the plays denazi's once took her prisoner up to we'd have to walk through hollow cost, it's only close to $5.00 a month, but friedlander was awarded to the stand indication in germany. awarded only the very citizenship, the highest escalated to the state of berlin. both were persecuted by the nazi regime and hidden by the linens for years and both as still active holidays. they remind us of the atrocities and criticize anti semitism and racism on process. hitler. good, the good thing and bubbles were also honorary citizens hoyde to they ton in the graves. now, if they had graves to do then, and you do choose who they didn't consider a human, just mention other times who they wanted to kill and almost managed to own just in
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tuscany today, a jewish woman who to even the tests become honorary citizens. so that's fine. with her honorary citizenship. friedlander is now among the great names in berlin's history. her portrait will now hang in the gallery of eminent figures in berlin's house of representatives. the presidents of the berlin house of representatives house these on shows her how different and varied the portraits are the very different style here and that one of the twist denture is almost realistic. element schmidt with his ever present cigarettes and the snuff tobacco. he always use g and look at that style.
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the uh, the astronauts. lots of deals the so yes, there's a list of honorary citizens from east gemini. this is of sigma and yeah. and, and valerie because sky all that, to look for an artist stephanie found out of it's is working on a number of sketches for the official portrait here. it's just ok showing it 1st, but you the i is a bit more complete than the fresh. the sketched, uh i a push, i'm going to, oh god. so this is that to just be on the coat. it's my god's image hoc. when michael asked me if i would paint a portrait for the house of representatives of the house line,
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so to win this from the trinity. so 1st i was overwhelmed just and surprised by because margaret put so much trust in me and for how long cushion kept you can't say no to that woman snyder come it is it here being mama mission here being pop up when it's b as in period gabriel g, a minus the phone trans hosting probably needs to go on 5 via high t t. it just needs to be at the end of your time. mrs. friedland. thank you for deciding to live among us again. with your work for democratic values,
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your contribution towards keeping memories, the live, and your work with children and young people. you have done a lot of good for our city, monterey, we citizenship is the highest accolade we can award here in bowen. and that's why i'm very happy about something you said recently in conversation with school students. when you visited us in the house, i'm a troop atlanta, and i love my city. you can even mine, instead of all in the big, loose fallen off by the community that does it's to visit no media here being d as in v here. no. being the big d as in tv and the 2019 cleveland became patron of article one of the german constitution, the glen because that everyone has the right to express
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their opinion, whether it's gender, nation, or background of faith, no one should be deprived or favorite human dignity is involved in a level and dignity is one environmental, the recall done. they've done so i'm very happy that use market friedlander. someone who reminds us why the constitution came to be are accepting this. tell us man, today in the spirit of diversity and difference. he does the teeth and keep unimpressed. dr. ceremony was held by the german integration foundation to mark the 70th anniversary of the constitution. even pulling this alongside. chancellor america was holocaust survivor mar godfrey lender. she received an award for outstanding integration work. miracle thing's been 97 year old who has been telling
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the story of her life under the nazi regime in schools for years. and she also became patriot of article one of the constitution. human dignity is inviolable. dimension is on tough, but spend that to a leash and know i'm very touched. of course. i don't really know what to say. bessie sent and so chipped from my notes and i did write to speech to see that 1st of all, i just like to say move sign keys this to dish them as a me it's incredible just to experience this desk to enable the she wrote the book of interviews each to s voice i do it for you. together with the
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anti semitism representative of the state of north fine west failure, sabina lloyd toys ashen off in baccha. it's also meant as a warning to people to learn the lessons of history. and to see me, she's most you should, you should desk i it's on to some of the other 5 because i have my cost around me every day in some food. yeah. and i'm dealing with so closely. nothing does i feel like i'm always with her and does this or an intake, but you have been slight united on the smokeless. it wasn't possible for her to come here to the studio because of this, the change struck back on and, and will i have to add to this building design and stress? the number 17. it's a very poignant place and go bizarre lot out is by because this was her
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last hiding place to feel before she was taken to to raise the inch dense and stuff come on. this is in the frugal dish and that's which was the site to clean ways springs me to use it when i climb these full flows overnight into the stairwell here. i think of mock on each step kind of a history thing cuz i lot of the younger sister eh, what she experienced to was the wonderful complaint family. i deb hung up on for me and your company. you went and she couldn't remember which floor she lived on and
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they took it houses in a couple and tucked away. so you had thought she has a postcard, she sent to the come please from theresa instead. complex of to face interested to shake touch cuz i saw it. well, she showed it to me when it's said vent. come play a family focused on straw. so 72nd floor by to talk i to see. so she was on the 2nd floor, 2 floors below me. i slashed back a point in time. yeah. as so finish activate that. that's what i looked like for a long time. quotes yeah, there i am with my cross. that's. that was when i was in hiding. when tell
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coincides, look how beautiful my have was. you ever done a heel. he is still beautiful. it's hot today i asked you where you got this cross. and you said someone gave it to you. you broke you into hiding demons, one tech one when tech across to when it was so i was so astonished that it wasn't silver. so then i guns. she was a very simple code. hodges, as the call to cool is her. i didn't have any money for a chain, so if it was crochet, the heat codes this so it's so beautiful and of course in this photo and on the original, it looks like silver. so that is, this is when i saw you in the settings, a new tab, i could sense exactly how you felt the tools, the stuff,
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or do you recognize yourself? oh yes. the kind of the shift is it so, but i don't have that time visit macs once or twice every summer. that window showing his house. he has a beautiful house right on the roof, tessa, and moved towards agnes, and a little no to boat on that. but i usually bring something with me, mid profit chickens, or a whole one, depending on how many people of that comfortable mazda come. and he brings coffee
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and cake to the garden. and then we get into the boat for an hour or so of boat. that though, if i'm even allowed to drive it to sport fun, i love doing that to michigan most of the restaurant and i'm, i'm to have we go as far as popes them onto the bridges. i don't to lake funds a while. we look at the sailing booths and other boats of buttons the on who's to say good board to and on the board in spring 2020. when the corona virus pandemic brought public life in germany to a standstill. friedlander had to slow down too. but at $99.00, she was online to present the ma got to friedlander award, which is bestowed on school projects that cheap a life the memory of the nazi era terrors as it is a as in depth. so we're all sitting in very different constellations in front of our screens in so many places. and some of you are together. some of you are alone
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. i'm just happy, it's working out. my name is peter land. my name is ron, with the support of survivors in volunteers, the association presents readings, stories, and contemporary witness statements to the public. now, why did you have to get on the train as charging gal? this? michelle felt like i'd like to assign to you again in just what i think it's great that you're doing this most f as it's very close to my heart as it says, my name is, has become my mission is so hard to fully show it today at 99, i'm very eager for you to continue the walk. said that whole the guy that started this, it wouldn't be forgotten. i did want to make just finished, i guess under the listing we can take off. i'm a one year later,
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she can start working again. this time outgoing chancellor. ongoing america will give this speech in honor of the prize winners. he told us by the websites and you do this because you believe that is to stream the important to most of the young people to turn the box on exclusion violation racism, anti semitism, and all forms of hostility to the group talking. but so now i mention 5, this type, so then you have on goes mom. i've seen this works, give special significance to the world named often monkwood friedlander. and i'm delighted to see the interest this award is attracting among young people all over germany, which front of the
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stink of my describe i should cause god, i sometimes think about what i might have done in life is gone, is that i can't imagine it. you put a plus b s. stay at the house. shy in there is probably a dressmaker. space. i don't know if i had a frenzy. i was very young when hitler came to power. com. so it just wasn't an option anymore. just got to kind of swear we had to grow up too quickly calling to see if you have box don't put steam still until 19 associates to occur until the cust on the we tried to more or less have a life. i mean, i use customize the so if,
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if i see it was to shoot the, those young is 18. 24 is when you meet someone and start dating that your mind can support those years. we're missing continued. he's not real frivolous. seeing fluid is guy or them. how should i persists? it don't to have time regret not having that is 5 dolphin. i was away some fishing this me because i do not make us. let's have a look in here though. the 1st of this household, that house folk type plots where the monument is here. that's it is with philip play being used to do, his dress may can be signing her questionnaire. so i
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left school. i didn't do my final. yeah. oh, school leaving exams. not been hiking or did citation. truly. i went to the fashion designed school. that's where i met to philip living. so he was very nice and i was very much in love scales latasha. and i think that was the 1st and only time, at least it was the 1st time i got drunk, can pull some hop on the sleeping one of the day closing because the stressor itself. yeah, yeah, they, you, she said the p f. i, i agree is the change. there was a huge table whether pumpkins were caught p as a guess. is that to dish? that would be my well i don't see that one. that's the like, yeah,
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the photographer, i'm a ts siegler to portrait. so friedlander for a photo book for her 100 birthday at locations that played an important role in her life. like here at house, folk type lots where her parents shop what's the, the presents or as a modern woman who has grown from her difficult fast. the
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thing to emma diesel brought to my know, i always think my mother's words to take to me. but i am the pro system in late 2 years. when i was here, this please backdate as you could try to make your life. now i'm making a life of the, i'm doing something in my life. i believe. awareness of what friedlander does is not confined to germany. when us secretary of state anthony blinking and his german counterpart, tyco, moss arranged a joint conference to commemorate the holocaust. once again, it was presented who was there to remind people of the equality of all human beings . i tell them that there is no christian
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jewish or muslim blocked, that is only human black and t. i have had to go to this now who own was on the t. s. to talk to people it just for you. thank you. second nice thing to me, i always say i hope i can keep going for a while longer yet. that's the key knife. gave me the chance to do this. this mission is in this show on that. i don't just if my own life, but this i speak for those who comp speak for themselves the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the type, the type, the witnesses of that era, a go know you have the new ways of remembering the show must be found. especially when racism and anti semitism are emerging once again in society. here in germany, there to appear in duration of the politicians as society. we can and we should own work to look back to reflect us to
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remember. and to think about the future. we have a huge responsibility to do our best here when we follow this call to your memory, and i very much hope, mrs. friedlander, that we will be worthy of your legacy. just feeling information due to the last time you kind of flushed daniel, i don't imagine much will be left after i passed away up leave life. great people have done things. but what i do is very, very little about my tool and this is dos. well, see, i see how does a as to nice may be the current generation listening to me in schools will talk about it to the children. yeah. and kid done at the side of the how far it will go. i have no idea what is tied because so many people keep saying they
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don't want to talk about this anymore. still indefinitely, but it is best question the new ideas of self confidence in terms of sustainability and recycling electric comment. in fact, emily plus when it comes down to process the competitive some china and the us all the way ahead, we move the green transport, the profitable companies in the c minutes on
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d w. it's time for new ideas. it's time to act. to save big giant, big clean the air or the habitat of the many speeds. these are important climate protectors. but these forest joins are under the trend around the world. ready it's time to recognize that there are no styles in 90 minutes on d w. the names to cassandra re determined that has below was operating like a global drug course. the objective to financially drain has come and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency
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they had criminalized themselves. we needed to review, that's the world. why did the us government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016? 03 pod documentary series on ma skiing has paula stats may 4th on d. w. the, this is data view news, and these are our top stories. tens of millions of people in north america, and which is a rare total solar eclipse. it's pass code across the continent from mexico to the us and canada. during the solar eclipse, the moon blocks out the light of the sun. it was the 1st total solar eclipse of visible in north america since 2017 israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the country's military. i set a date for a major incursion into rough off without specifying


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