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tv   Global Us  Deutsche Welle  April 10, 2024 1:30am-2:01am CEST

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and a phenomena. oh i know but, but yeah, we're not a man. as long as people are gray. so next time that would always be somebody willing to risk everything to get a share of the big money. the big promises china is new mega ports on the coast of the sewing sales. but does globalization really benefit to everyone? the mountains of trash going there is drowning and cheap loads from over the world. the china recently welcomes to badging countries in partners involved and it's felton
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wrote initiative, a vast infrastructure projects going just by president she, a decades of guys today, more than a 150 countries are involves that over the years. criticism has grad china is being accused of saddling poor relations with sustainable debt as a result of loans linked to the project staging and said to have invested at least one truly in us dollars in the initiative worldwide. the so called a new silk roads comprises a road and transport network that aims to connect to china with its most important trading and commodity markets. a key emphasis is on developing ports and associated infrastructure, particularly across asia, africa, and europe. now south america to head to the ports of chiang kai in paris. you tell me, i know i am fighting against them on the low. i know what they can do to us. what
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does that sound? right? yeah, well i live next to the chime guy, mega pork chop, did that because of all the huge impact stemming from this project. so i became an environmental and social and just send. so what i'm the and then to defend. so it has to see as chunk. hi, ford has one of the latest projects of china is andrew is just belt and wrote initiative that global program names to expand china is reached to different markets and to control supply chains and portability chunk. i shrunk, i port will be a doorway between the agent and south america, that part of that you can get a so the last yeah, to call will be able to take in the biggest chips in the well, i see i board with you. little will be margaret on this, or you need for you in the, on the technology we're bringing in to manage the board. and it will be unique in south america. you know,
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saving the more about this one. but many residents are concerned about the projects environmental impact. local fishermen in particular are worried about losing their only source of income. medium us is father roberto has been fishing here since he was 7 the we're traditional fish in the thing and we're in a state of uncertainty and security mentally ill. i have no social security here. so i don't what i don't a to know and there are many like me i, most of the, all the chunk guy fishermen are struggling to make ends need. originally, the court project was conceived to be on a far smaller scale. but in 2019 chinese involvement led to a significant expansion greatly increasing its environmental repercussions. concerns residents asked for help. i and this was a home and several hop on,
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but never we have seen following the case of china drive because many residents have source of support over the phone. the very good because they see them making projections and one of them will change their lives completely and say they have not any protection from the peruvian states. we will never pick soon for the front of the 1st thing we did was to ask an expert to look carefully at the changes vista and the environmental impact report, which we owe a lot more difficult to them. and it's really fun. and does that expire? do stuff on our still new to. he's a german biologist who's been working in peru for the last 25 years in the same of we've made more than 50 observations of incidents and i'm following the use of the false methodology for me in order to hide negative environmental impacts. number one, the number one is the erosion of the nose and a beatrice due to the change of title for it. i'm going to have a quote in the 2nd, the same page to somebody is because the company is deepening. it did. i'm putting all of this material somewhere else in the ocean. it will see that the with them
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with the author or the impact number 3 is on the white loans near the hall, but it's more which contain protected, unimportant bit more as it can be affected by joshua noise. and the thing on the presence of human activity, we tend to keep whether there's traffic though for boy, on finally of course we have the impact on the lives of the residents. yeah. if you know of you meant that the name was that he talked to sort of policy own. ready medium us regularly visits this west land with other environmental activists to document changes and flora and fauna. yeah, come to think on that almost. and who made out of town several, now we're in the wetlands center very so just next to the quote, just put me through the sentence. she shares the information in an online group called we defend chung chi bay, the irregularities at the $3000000000.00 project to go beyond environmental and public health issues. apart from the reports of violence to workers and social
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leaders, there have been serious allegations of corruption within the peruvian navy implicating top ranking officials. some former commanders are under investigation and then prison and then so they can leave and he has tried to intimidate me. many times, oh so basis they, i sued me twice just to say your thing. okay, that's why they have to spend my money on lawyers and investor. lots of time in the somebody has to buy the modem, so it takes me, they've pushed me, they chased me and then they took myself. i don't, i didn't navigate myself. same by woke up a little bit on the similar dw journalists were filmed by company employees. as soon as they approached the construction side. the company denies the obligations of intimidation and corruption, and says big complies with all regulations set by the peruvian government.
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the one thing is to declare your opposition. another thing is to go down the different nation route. and so you, people have gotten used to picking up the phone and finding someone basically coming against the owner of companies. and people can put it aside and sort of ment, consent based on that, it showed that it's a democratic why when people to know what the impact of the project is gonna be for you. and they shouldn't have the information they need to make the right decision. and soon as i was getting better feel it's not because people don't want to invest to them. it's not because people don't want development. i said that because no 2 communities have long experienced with severe impact generation by such project or if the project both of the same same so see, and they told me to start using know, interested in talking to me. and that clearly says,
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i'm aware of this easily. so how do i mean this i, i stopped by to knock on big seal because if it's a matter you could have dignity go score like the display repeated downtimes global trade seen rapid growth the last 40 years. and it's 2022 it's. it's a record breaking, so a teacher in the, in years is not really a cause for celebration. it is a dispute, an idea. globalization has lifted millions out of poverty. no, it's a weapon. the rich used to exploit the poll globalization builds bridges across nations and promote peace. no is people's populism accelerates global warming and
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causes pandemic. so what tease because of, of the session. ringback how can these conflicting realities quite exist and visited through the in between them? let's break it down of the disease and implicates lots of different values. economic efficiency, environmental sustainability, the value that'd be attached to good jobs. and depending on how people make the trade off between these different values, they will come to different stories again, about 2 months, they just in the middle and then to find different villains and zeros. and you called us them is the co author of the book, 6 phases of globalization together, be content roberts, he analyzed 6 competing narratives about the virtues and vices of the position. and they divided the negatives into different sub groups. first, we have the establishment and to reach argues that does a win win process for all developed. then we have the negatives that are due globalization as readers and losers. and finally,
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we have the people who i knew that globalization is that most suited for the entire world. and then everyone is losing that. let's start with the most accepted version of globalization. the establishments narrative. according to this view, globalization isn't on step below and over, whelming be beneficial for us and does evidence support the site, the declining power to rates all about the world? the god, the ends of to turn into a nation on economic order have been promoting this narrative for decades. but especially since for exit and trump selection as president, it has been questioned more than ever. because 19 fund that makes direction invasion of ukraine and the recent us trying to rivalry have also so to challenge dispute the end of the solution of the soviet union started in 1988. the world was headed for a higher per globalization process. and brand company don't know which coal
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altered one of the most referenced charts showing how they couldn't make gains of this process were distributed. this is families that different graph the on the left we see the lowest income groups of the world wide on the right. the richest one percent. let me see here is that since the call that's of the soviet union until the fiscal crass of 2008 that had been to clear winners. first one is the middle class of developing countries, especially in asia, china, in the vietnam, but also in countries like brazil entered by 2008. they sold their household income's increase between 50 to 80 percent compared to 1988. despite many regional economic crisis and the 2nd screen or is the richest bumper send of the world, mainly from invest in countries. but here the middle class is of the best, haven't seen much changing their income,
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and are increasingly angry about it. i think that's a good question. we get this in the west because globalization does not deliver to the middle class. well, the middle classes of the west expected or actually what they were last to expect. and i think this is the, the bottom line of the us just then change when it's a globalization has to do with this brings us to the wind losing narratives, dileskimo narratives of composition, spotlight on the cool distribution of royalty can societies in around the world. it paid off the rich prosperity and while the every day fall, expand the burden left being pulled to this point, fingers and domestic c. u. as in billionaires, the local one percent, while the corporate power net contends that multinational corporations explain cheap labor of able to available to maximize profits and manipulate tools to pay as little taxes as possible. both narratives, a greek globalization for this as many of those are the cursed community citizens
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color minutes the environments. but the only one we know corporations on the other side, the right being purple isn't there to do. also these threat states, but different from the left green populace in who's to blame the right people for this criticize then it's not for sale. it's in richmond, but for not protecting them from extending threats such as of showing of chips or inflow of migrants that compete for those jobs and threats and they are nationwide . then the g economy committed to on the other hand, focuses on a different kind of fixed and looked at the growing dr. whether it be seen through us in china. although both countries have gained from economic globalization in relative terms, china has closed the gap on the us. this negative emphasizes the threats posed by economic impact dependents be best authentic, right?
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one of the phone i would need is that for, for the decades of hybridization, starting in the 1990s, the, the phone was critics up to the location of developing countries. the institutional framework law has been designed by developed countries primarily to so down ends. so you've, how long have this critique that the nation is essentially a neo colonial project? it's, it's like imperialism without the without form and donation. but now china has become the defender of freights, right? and economic globalization, wilder us is creating policies to contain beijing. and finally, the last to be with the alters identified is big global threats, narrative. proponents of the dispute argue that we need to read to find the goals of our economies, enabling dd's using societies, concern arrive and thrive within the limits of our planet. they see globalization as a source and mix of the rates of global threats, such as the climate and by diversity crisis,
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and condemning the one that's kind of records in carbon emissions associated with the globalization of the rest and pensions of protein, which then consumption are and then trans, depending on which of these narrative is that true, that's true in each of the, but none of the notice has the full truth. and that is simply because it ignores aspects that the other titles what these certain is that this stablish been the to has to be in the throne, but be no fear noon hour to come, donovan, except maybe in some photos, for example, in united states. if you kind of like narrative sees china as well as the main main issue is, has to come dominant, but it has to also attend to concerns about sound like the kind of crisis concerns about a corporate power. the global and the economic system is based on growth rather dependent size or not. but the planet needs our economies that enabled to try
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whether or not they grow old, especially as the client when the crisis here knocking on our doors, the mountains of tech styles washed up on the beach in governor, near the capital, across the closing. why some euro, north america and asia much of the global no, no longer ones ends up here. in the midst of the garbage, local fishermen are at work, repairing the nets and reading the accounts for sale. we're here with fish to go. the gym and the fisherman's cooperative waste piles up hand by the day. he says there's no escaping it. even went on the water or is it all of this year? yeah. what does it mean on
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top of the ocean? our way by we are happy. we've got a lot of there's often more rubbish than fish. so what can be done about these mountains of old clothes and how can the lives of the fisherman and tech start work as an across the improved this richardson her team are trying to find solutions? the us point designer has set up a charge and i cried. she used to work in the fashion industry for the visit to the cities, cut them on to closing market, prove the turning point that you go to come from month and you just the piles and piles of people walking on top of tiles was fine plus across your face and you realize that this thing, you know, that i had studied, i had worked in this industry,
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there's lots of money put into the advertising and everything. but it's just weight . ricketts, charity strives to give all tech styles a new purpose and it's testing department, industrial design apology for his trying out recycling ideas. the garbage usually ends up in the material that the retailers are not able to sell the you could do that in the largest scale currently actually developing the largest scale and the see this was kind of an initial prototype machine to test the viability of the process in order to create a mixer which binds together to form which can be used for fabrication application furniture application, it's a lot of f for a product made from discarded,
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cheap clothing generated by the fast fashion industry, which pushes quick throwaway purchases. jim and he's capital in a she and pop shop is opening opposite the scale caught in the department store. she and is a chinese company that in just a few years since becoming wells. number one, fast passion retailer, it's winning recipe. cheap clothes, usually only available online. 22 to some. a policy isn't so important because it's very cheap and you can buy a lot for your money. look at causing problems. i am focus on verse a basic cutting shot for 599. find yourself in the meantime. you wait a little on the internet, but yeah, in the moment i don't really think about it. it seems like you smoke. critics of fast fashion in a minority. here. you have to create beautiful online photos part of she ins, glittering fashion. well, by launching,
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there's no feeling permission for us in store and management. don't want to be interviewed yet. she and is trying to present itself as a champion of sustainability. it's the 1st fast fashion company to donate money to try to alleviate a problem. it's creative. it's giving lives ricketts, charity, $50000000.00 over the next 3 years. a modest sum for a corporation with an estimated worth of $100000000000.00. green basic uses. she and of green washing, but richard sees things if it differently. we challenge all companies. i mean the companies we find most often in the way stream are and they does h and them and building marks and spencer and next. so actually she end doesn't even register on the top like 100 companies that we find in the waste stream. and the companies that we find most are not answering our messages are not responding. a never ending stream of plastic and synthetic 5 is that decompose along the way
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priscilla done so on her team all here taking more to samples for ricketts charity . so when we get the samples that will take them to the lab, that is when we do the solution on the glass, the microscope and then comp tires. and then we do the accounts and then be able to estimate the number of microsoft click on michael, 5 by the one polluted water and a garbage done rapids and counts feed. there's no free waste disposal here. often rein washes more coding scraps into the water. the money from sheehan is meant to help improve living conditions here. sorry, facilities and running water could soon become available in a place where at taylor's home, but more than 10 hours a day. a blank clock whom men say he and his employee lydia re purpose the 2nd and close that are still usable for the west african market. that's right. it's on that,
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but i think it's a lot more like a big line. but i think there's like a condition and then like be and then i see someone he makes up to a 100 gun a and see these profit a day, less than 6 zeros, 10 hours of work, improved working conditions, sustainable production, industry commitments. the flushing industry needs a fast circular economy, so there's less, ricketts. i hope that you can come back in 3 years from now that can be like this. the thing to see here. i wanted to be over as soon as possible. you know, i hope that i can do something else with my life and i wish that there was less talk about things and more risk risk taking in more action. it's the only way to
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bring change, not just in gone the this week of the label team comes from mexico. the denominator. my name is amelia yano kat, heavy hassle. a betty edu and i live in quinn, a background mexico. macon. single. and i have been younger sister, she's 14 years old, and she's in high school. the me for 5 is. my dad is a lighting designer, and my mom is a professor of filmmaking. the next you on the scene this week we're going into
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the on the 2nd i'm the and i will study a so when i grow up, i would like to be a director of actor or a movie producer. i thought people thought of a senior the today you have the opportunity this to yet the didn't have the opportunity to study. their education ended after high school. instead, they had to start working at an early age for me just to make money to be able to handle your studying or something. i now have the privilege of doing that something i appreciate and i'm grateful to them for that. how about all the issue? i just figured i started looking at a 2nd level and for you open there, that's been putting me like, you know, going on this probably most of the wireless, but i'm sex. buggerminski told her it was, well, you could say that the big global problems that we currently of cause are in
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security, lack of education, food and access to water. and the gender based environment says one of the words you'll probably sell. ok, but let's put it this way. one of the worst things with the greatest effect in general is this information. can you hear me? ok. must affect the infinity. then as long as before watching the mazda no. well, in my free time, i really like to play basketball impulse. you could say that it's one of my favorite pastimes, absolutely. loving or was thoughtful or less in other appointments. i also like to do anything related to film seems like watch movies will work on productions. i enjoy doing anything that's connected to that other one that's important. mean contact to contact the,
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the are the block trade routes. networks. factories on height is critical. infrastructure is becoming a target for people who want to change the rules of the game. there's a real powerfully going on for the global economy. are the shields going on and at what cost? made in germany. in 30 minutes on the w.
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indoctrination. propaganda and fake news rules. russia with an iron fist. since the attack on ukraine suppression of defense has intensified. the last members of the opposition in the country are being harassed or driven into exxon indoctrination of a nation to russia. in 75 minutes on d, w, the big companies play a role in the destruction of the rain forest. the letter for luxury casa, often comes from illegal capital funds in the m, as in yet the supply chains does matter to the automobile industry. the illegal leather stats may said on
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d. w. well called a free speech, free press, and open access to free information for every star training. next to take action. hello, dw global media for them 2024 in bunch of any practiced in now. lots dissipates from all over the world to share their solutions and to shape tomorrow, and join us and register now for the d. w. global media for in 2020, for the frankfurt international gateway to the best connections, solstio, road and radio. located in the heart of europe, you are connected to the world experience outstanding shopping and dining offers
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and drawing our services be our guest at frankfurt and bought cd managed by from board the . this is dw news, and these are our top stories. but european court of human rights has ruled in favor of swiss pensioners who claim their governments failure to act on climate change, lie away to their human rights. it's the 1st time that the court has accepted this argument. lawyer say the ruling will effect climate litigation across europe. germany has presented its defense to a charge of facilitating a legend, genocide and gaza. me for a long number on the case of the ones top court in the hague, over german weapons exports is real. jeremy says it only supplies arms in line with


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