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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 12, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the the, this is dw news life from the land you as president joe biden promises sped, funds support for his pacific allies. united states defense contributes to japan and to the philippines, our iron clad, the leaders of the us, japan and the philippines hold. they 1st tried latrell summit as maritime disputes with china continued to see about. arranging, says the meeting only starts confrontation as more to levels continue to rise, while people in southern russia and cause us donald forced to leave the homes. it's the, the west funding in decades. and for me, you wasteful, full study, you what o. j simpson of quitted the motor and his wife and her friend in the ninety's times
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at the age of 76. we'll take a little bit of mind from one of america's most infamous pin, the i bank, visible, and welcome. united states presidents are by, is bound to defend the philippines and japan from the tax. i mean, the us commitment to a specific allies is i am glad you made the pledge during the 1st day of a trial. actual sound like between the 3 nations in washington with china is growing military assertiveness in the region. talk the agenda as out east asia of correspondence. james jacob reports to the prime minister of japan in washington, this week, a rupture as reception for the us. as in the pacific allies, japanese prime minister mucous you to became only his country. secondly, that's a form of the address,
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the us congress issuing stone warnings about the threats posed by bay. james china is current external stance and military actions present. i'm press the dentist and the greatest strategic challenge. keisha does remarks came and made a flurry of diplomatic activity claim did, galvanizing washington's asian allies shortly off to a historic 1st of a try last rule summit between the leaders of the us, japan and the philippines. but the focus of that me thing, growing concerns in manila and so po, about maritime disputes with aging. china in recent months has stepped up progression against the philippine vessels in the south trying to seek out the summits washington's message to it's to mutual defense tracy allies. we will stand by our promises. i want to declare the united states, united states defense commitments to japan and to the philippines,
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our iron clad or our clack, china has set the meeting stalls, block confrontation as saying it was being smooth and attacked, maybe by the us. japan relationship should not harm other countries, interest not undermine regional peace and stability. fucking washington beneath the diplomatic sunset. a sense of urgency? the question marks hon over the coming us selection. and what's the victory for former president trump would mean for his country's commitments overseas? depends leader ones of washington's waning supports, the ukraine, and its implications for asia. the leadership of the united states is in just a simple way to have the presence of the united states. how long before the, the in the pacific woods phase, even hash veritas, in his address case, you, the said the world was a historic turning. in the face of such challenges,
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these really to sort to cost a vision of unity. one that will ensure the in the pacific security for use to come let's go to al, correspond to james china in taiwan, which by june claims as part of its silver and territory. what does this iron clad commitment actually entail of the whole president? by then made it very clear that these mutual defense treaties that exist. for example, with the philippines does extend to the types of maritime vessels, which we've seen china targeting in the south china sea over recent months. now this is nothing new position for washington. this is a position that's been house for a long time now. but what we can tell from the reiteration, the very strong reiteration that we saw from president biden is the importance really that there attaching to this issue. it's important to point out that these mutual defend street is that exist with the us and the philippines in the us in
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japan. they operate on a bilateral level. this is nelson asian style. nice. so that we're seeing come into fruition here. but what washington really is trying to do, especially with this try lateral some, this is bring its highlights in the region even close to together. and we're seeing that, especially in, in the form of the relationship between folks here in manila currently negotiating well could be a reciprocal access agreement. the military's then ministry is to be stationed on each of this territory. ok, so close to ties. but what about bolstering defenses against a potential chinese occurs besides those bases? you mentioned, as well as upon them to send opinions, of course, and taking their own measures themselves upon as i'm taking a drastic over the whole of its defense spending freeze on pulling the case of taiwan issuing and deploying more military units to south western islands. much closer to the time when these main non just
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a few 100 kilometers away. we've also seen, for example, between the us and, and the philippines. and the us negotiating access to more military bases, especially again in not northern province of the philippines. very close to taiwan, but also with very important strategic implications for the philippines concerns in the south china sea. 2 other concerns that biden's promises could disappear under a trump presidency, for example. or when this is the question that's really hanging are the only to is in, in the pacific of this year. and i think what we saw in the summit here really wasn't assets on the hoffman. all these need is to institutionalize to deepen these connections in these partnerships, to a level that that makes it difficult, should president's former president trump come into the office again to undo some of the progress we sold this really future heavily into should
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a speech to the congress, appealing to both sides of the aisle in the us establishment, for example, saying that the us was critical to global security. whether that's in europe, whether that's in the middle east or whether that's in the in the pacific. but crucial, he also said, quote that the us should not be expected to do it tool, unaided and on your own. of course, this is something that former president trump has spoken about frequently. that the us is i life haven't been doing enough to guarantee that own security. and so what we saw here from tissue there really wasn't efforts to appeal to both sides of the aisle and to ensure that goodwill that currently exists between what 3 of these countries will last be on november's election and security alliances. and the u. s . and china, james, thanks for the analysis. tens of thousands of people in southern russia and conflicts done have been flooded down they homes and over
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a 100000 faults to evacuate. melting snow close to your river to bust its banks throughout the region, including around the city of oregon, bulk square foot defendants will flood defense is raw. the failed rescue operation . there has been underway, but local say, nor enough was done to prevent the flooding in the 1st place. in conflicts, donald thought he's of declared a state of emergency and 10 out of 17 regions as a wall of icy water rushing towards homes. here in kazakhstan, tens of thousands of people has already evacuated and still more a packing up what they can to flee ahead of the record, high floods stuff the time of the range. and the question was simple with that. so i hope it'll and then will be, say 0 to use the book, but the, in my 57 years, but it's the 1st time i've seen water coming to my home. so it's seamless.
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upstream in russia, the ural river has best its banks flooding pots of r and bug home to mold and half a 1000000 people lose the issue. as of the most, the morning the watermark and the router was more than 10 enough off me does high. and if that does the highest level of a major issue we stood liberally daniels, her annual spring floods have been made worse by torrential rain and wrinkled high temperatures that have melted ice and snow. the disaster has treated public anger is effected. residents ask for better compensation and will help from russia's leaders. some residents of our in bug say local officials could have done more to prepare the cc. the storage ease, say the flooding. c a will pick soon. but in other regions in russia, they're wanting that rivers will continue to rise for the coming days or weeks. or
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let's take a look at some of the other stories making news. a day of the suspending old political activity, molly's willing when to as bad. the media from reporting on activities of political parties and associations. it's not clear how the band will be enforced, but it's already being rejected by the group that represents journalist, symbolic, and september, the 1 to cancel the election scheduled for february this year, indefinitely. and then you, cranium, parliament has passed a controversial board to boost army conscripts. the new measures require men to update, they draft on to boost payments to volunteers and allow some complex to so ahead of the vote. a general total makers, the russian forces, number joints troops up to 10 times on the eastern front. the american football sought to and celebrity mode of defendant o j. simpson is dead. at the age of 76. his family says it was cancer. he died
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without having paid most of the money he owed the families of his dead ex wife and my old friend. the public is now likely to get a closer look into the so called 1000000 as finances. he's a look at his rise to stardom and doubtful. o j. simpson gained fame and fortune as a football player and actor but it was a double murder case that made him infamous. simpson was charged with killing his ex wife, nicole brown simpson. mother of his 2 children and her friend ron goldman, in 1994, he tried to flee the car chase with police and california was broadcast, live across the us. as were the court proceedings,
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it was called the trial of the century. millions tuned and around the world, public opinion was divided. the police were accused of racism and botching the investigation of not comfortable. simpson was found not guilty that somebody is not over on fall, jane simpson, not guilty of the crime of murder and violation of penal code section one that he was found liable for their depths in a civil suit in order to pay more than $33000000.00 to the victims families, date of october 9th. more than a decade later, she was convicted of armed robbery and spent 9 years in prison. news of simpson's death brought mixed reactions. at the time he was a symbol for the american court system and the due process. so a lot of african american people wanted him to be the case. they want it to believe
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that he didn't do it simply because he was almost like a matter of size price, but now living as an adult. i do think that unfortunately, he may have gotten away with it. sorry past, but too bad. he didn't. um, you know, at some point confess, cuz i think he did it personally. i hope he asked for forgiveness at the end. i really do, since family says he died surrounded by his children and grandchildren at a time in general is cajun matthews has more on hello, jason, simple. please remember. i would say that o j is one of the most complicated figures to ever live in this world. his legacy is really one of before and after the double murder acquittal of his ex wife and her friend. you had old jay who was
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a football star. he had 11 seasons in it. bill. he had an excellent acting career and a lot of popular films like naked gun. he was a sports person for a car rental company. he was really beloved. he was at all american hero until he was accused charge and then later acquitted of killing his is 2nd uh, ex wife and her friend. and that's when everything went down hill. and unfortunately, or fortunately, any way you want to look at it. uh, you will not have oh jay's name mentioned, i believe ever without the word murder and without the word acquittal in the same sentence. unfortunately, or fortunately, finally the full, the interpreter for japanese baseball load show, hey, or tiny is facing federal charges for bank fraud in the us. it pay me so right. seeing here on the right is accused of stealing move and $16000000.00 from the la dodgers stock to pay for his gambling debts. also to say he took advantage
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of his close ties with autonomy and impersonated him to get bank approval of lodge why transfers autonomy himself has not been accused of any wrong doing. as up next, the business i've been visual and stay with the stage innovation green the green revolution global. so listen for a whole lot of crime. it's probably up to speed if the carriers subscribe to the subscribe to plan, it's a one of over $200.00 lucky it's across poland meant to shield the country from ukrainian products. farmers here on a collision course with the expansion of the europe.


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