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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 12, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm CEST

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the, the is the state of the news line from funding. israel opens a new aid crossing into gaza and says fast trucks carrying 5 of supplies arrived at his father's increasing international trash and growing reports of funding. also on the program, germany's probably makes it easier for people to change that name agenda on official documents is controversial. both means for transgendered people from the drugs to, to read, show and rights extreme back. it's parts of african sides of say, it's not just on the,
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i'm still getting a welcome to the program. israel says the 1st a trucks have entered garza through a newly opened crossing point in the north pictures provided bobby's right. the military affairs to show vehicles counting desperately needed supplies. crossing the border after being screened for the south is right. the government has come under increasing international pressure to allow more into the territory to ease the worst thing humanitarian crisis. israel control london seeking groups into gaza even before the war, which began on october. the 7th when i'm us attacked. israel dw corresponds, and i mean is if in jerusalem tells me more as well. the idea announced that they are opening a new crossing a northern crossing there, calling it remains on named along the northern border of gauze. they circulated
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this video which shows trucks during the night between thursday and friday, driving down what appears to be a dirt road. but they also said that these trucks were not inspected there at that check point. but rather in carol shalom, where most of the 8 is coming through anyway. but then were diverted around garza to come in through the north and better serve the population in the needs up on the northern side. what's interesting here is this comes about a week after a phone call between us present joe biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. which biden urged, nothing yahoo to do more to bring aid into gaza the day after that phone call. the israeli government announced that they were going to be opening. the air is crossing on the northern border of gauze, or that was the only crossing before october 7th. that was open. uh, well, the adf now is saying that that is not going to open,
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but instead they're going to use this on named crossing, which is actually closer to the see. okay, this all sounds good, quite confusing. somebody's an identified crossing is now open and functioning for a to pass through as well. the white house has comments out on it and so that they're pleased with the developments that what we're seeing now is, is real reacting to the pressure to bring in more age to gauze. but we don't know that much about a lot of questions remain about how much aid can be brought in through this road without any infrastructure, whether or not they're coordinating that aid with 8 organizations. and especially since the truck, the deliveries are being basically processed in cam shalom and south before being driven up to the northern check point. how efficient this is and why they're using this instead of the arrows crossing, which it previously was there. although the arrows crossing has been destroyed,
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it was destroyed and fighting on october 7th, but the idea has been tight lipped about all these questions. and why is it so important for our youth to come directly into jobs as no well, there is a severe shortage of food in gaza, as most 8 organizations are saying. and all of the aid right now is passing through southern points and in order to deliver it to northern goals, it has to go through a war zone. we've seen a tax on these convoys from mobs from militants, and also from the i'd guess itself, which has killed the aid workers who are driving 8 along that route. so in order to serve the population lives north, you are currently living on about 250 calories a day. this aid is better brought in through a crossing on the north. so that is what international pressure is urging israel to do. uh, israel appears to be making the 1st steps, but again,
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a lot of the details still haven't surfaced about how effective this is going to be . okay, thanks. i mean, i mean a safe, a junior so. so let's take a look at some more of the nicest developments in the cause of war. israel has intercepted dozens of mist files 5 across its folder from 11 on the around back to medicine group has the law says 8 counted out. the attacks in response to these really strikes and stuff and 11 on israel is also bracing for possible attacks by iran in retaliation for him. and strike on the iranian embassy in syria is right. the satellites of storage, the village and the occupied westbank assessing. find the house isn't kidding. at least one palestinian violence flag this thousands joined the search for missing his writing. teenager. separately, his main forces shot dead to 2 of the palestinians in rates in the west bank. driven down line aloof tenses extending about on flights to yvonne,
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the island pulled. it says services of this week because of safety concerns. a growing number of countries i'm wanting best citizens against traveling to the middle east. deputies pilots, past a new law, making it easier for transgender into sex, unknown binary people to use. i prefer gender identity in legal documents. the self determination act drops obligatory psychological, anything unless such as support aside the kind of the vice, the dignity of times people with a new bill has run into a physician from conservative and fall right low. make this one transgender has been telling d w. what these changes mean for him? oh, the father, the father of 21 year old jamie williams seen him on the left. i'm sharing pictures of his childhood with a friend. back then he was a young go put it on hand as i was, and i always did everything with my brothers when i was a child, we grew up together and there was never any difference. we bought the same clothes,
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we had the same hobbies, and there was no role model for me that i had to feed in somehow. and then at some point the moment came when society made a distinction between us. for some years, jeremy dressed like a go and went along with society's expectations and then come at the moment and then time the moment when i realized that i didn't feel comfortable in this role, the tool that i was being pushed into it on august head and then i tried hard to push myself into it and somehow fulfilled his role. but at some point, i really realized that this wasn't possible. it wasn't me. it's been, this is age 15, he confided in his mother and told her that he wanted to identify as a male. under the existing rule which has passed in 1980, the procedure for changing a person's legal gender was lengthy, expensive, and at times invasive. until 2011 trends, people have to be stabilized to officially change the agenda. on the top off on the,
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at the moment, you need 2 independent medical experts and a court order on this. i think you have to pay money for these. if you don't get legal aid on it, simply a very, very long process. so jamie says the new little and makes the process for trends. people much easier that the flow from some a self determination means that i know best to i and then can determine that myself . while the passing of the little remains controversial, especially among german conservatives. it's a landmark moment for gem and these trends into 6 and binary community. i will take a look at civil stories making news around the world as ours is in the state of texas. i. several people have been injured after i drive around to stolen truck, into a public building. inside across was intentional and 3 people in critical condition . the drive is being arrested. prosecutors in germany say 3 teenagers have been arrested on suspicion of planning is the mrs. tenant attacks mean reports, i have
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a 15 and 16 year olds intended to kind of got 5 bump, a knife of tax in the name of the circles, economic state. so do you want me to come across the health spelled out in palm fronds, on a beach, broad rescue as to a remote pacific island, an air patrols, boston, the message, and us coast cost location 3, silas stranded by that boat became damaged, then it all set to be in good health support, is it demanding the release of the former ecuadorian or vice president jorge glass? he was detained when ecuadorian security forces. still, mexico was embassy in quito. but he'd been granted political assignments. and classics wanted in ecuador, on corruption challenges. mexico who has lots to complaints with an international court the floods of and go cities and towns across the russia and catholic stats. after melting snow close to you, a little bit of a to bust expands. tens of thousands of people in catholics down have been
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evacuated from that host, and the state of emergency declared that as we'll start using russia urge people to leave affected areas. just by reaching historic levels flooded was a still not pete the residents and the suburbs of orange book survey, the damage to the homes trying to save their belongings from the waist high floodwaters for each or you can see the situation for yourselves. this is how high the world, the rows of the last 3 days, which we never expected it to rise so high, which i'll call the furniture upstairs. but it's all floating now. others, the heating official cools to leave. the area will store cheese one for the flooding
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is expected to representative. yesterday they cut off electricity, we heard the sirens, boom, we had to evacuate, so it's impossible to stay on the emergency cruise and neighboring cause. ex, done a pumping the water away from populated areas while residents and neighborhoods where the water has already subsided, begin cleaning up and assessing the damage. to me was the house, the bomb and everything was on the wall. so you can just, you can see the broken refrigerator, the washing machine as heater lying, the height, the water levels are expected to rise. the going into the weekend, the slots of the west and the region for nearly a century and extreme. the weather is also sweeping over parts of africa last week. molly, so time participate. 48 and
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a half degrees celsius. the highest april temperature ever recorded on the african continent. the heat wave has killed more than a 100 people. meanwhile, the horn of africa has seen heavy rain and one incidents in northern kenya and bus carrying more than 50 passengers was swept away in flood waters. everyone on board managed to escape the south, zambia malawi, and bob boy of old declared states of disaster. as it rains fail, droughts have destroyed harvest, and agencies report 24000000 people in the region facing hung and mountain nutrition. besides a savings event, so influenced by a human may climate change. but also by natural web patterns like el nino drought is a factor of life for many people in southern and eastern africa. but el nino events like the current one can make the problem much worse. here's why. as also it occurs
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in the pacific el nino effects the weather right across our planet. usually see winds push warm water from the west coast of south america across the ocean towards asia. but in el nino years, the waters off the coast of south america and california heat up more than usual that causes many rain clouds to form over this part of the ocean. normally the strong winds along the equator would push the warm surface water to the west, feeding rainfall in asia and africa. but in the fall and winter of el nino years, these winds are weaker than usual and often blow in the wrong direction towards the east. that pushes the clouds inland, where they dump their rain in north, central and south america. this has knock on effect and the rest of the world, including africa, causing droughts and floods because of the changing rain patterns. within said,
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bob, we 80 percent of the crops have not been destroyed during the seat wife, present the m, as in man on god was says the country needs around $2000000000.00 to keep people from getting hungry. dw corresponding privilege most by handing the thoughts 9 to one year old page. now is that key. i'm a come by me from bob was global show and we're all community is inspecting what lead to is left of these crops visa, hard times for the not doing that in is he contemplates the months ahead. in good years, he often harvested more than 2 tons of grain from this field, but this time he will barely get a 50 kilograms sick or vision is from now on to the next task list. in february, what do you think we are going to suffer? we are going to stuff a, a 0. i see
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a people die. if we don't use you prove someone cuz he's u. s a v a dry spell is ricky hobbled across between baldwin and other southern african countries. the port range mean about 2700000 people will not have enough to eat on their table as the see, it may is, is this tip of food in zimbabwe, but when copes say you like this? it is tough for many families. people. i'm now trying to figure out how they will survive in the coming months when the situation is expected to get west is in by was president is appealed for you money, terry, and assistance to feed. the hungry top on our pilot priority is securing food for o is and by millions knows and bubbling must succumb to or die from
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honda. but cold feet is like these are likely to get with scientists predict increasingly frequent droughts in coming years in the u. n. food and agriculture organization saves countries must be invest in drought proofing the agriculture. but in most countries, investment in the product as again, is locked in. so national, international resources partners need to invest in thought resilience because it is the most important has at 1st sight enough for got it out for some of the lakers, i can come by lease the old tennessee. what that associates like these essential live saving improvements, what was in bob was traditional reign, fed agriculture. the 6th, all this, we have a bad guy who's a climate scientist at the african academy of sciences environment be welcome to the w. i'm just, i last example that was from same bob with which once upon
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a time was a notice the bread basket of africa. what's going wrong? i think is the impact of what we call in the climate credit is today. well, lots of environmental changes and can get pointed to the droughts under extreme where they've runs. we've help solutions we have, the intensity is changing, you know, tom, sort of house of the other drought side of the frequency. the distribution of these droughts is also becoming very unpredictable. so what actually is on, for example, the field specter drains in these tougher tough for example, the planting season or the rain season shall begin, let's say for much to me. so instead of having their income on time, they come late and so document is both a plant that groups are tricycle fading, but also the few groups that survived. you end up with more and for the no more and they end up being slipped out. so we're in the middle of a time in the crisis and that's where we get to see the kind of, uh,
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scenarios that you see of course, of potentially. right. and so because it's unpredictable, and especially as we have this el nino web a fact that means you come prepared for is as you can do very little. so what happens when they have a climate changing is, is because now we're having conditions that are above or below normal it's, it's something that you can your country too much about unless you're now in terms if i went to court clement options, you know, you put together the shows that are going to have the fall mazda community is adopting impact adjustments to ensure that they are really equal to the inputs that are coming because the almost inevitable. and where do you see those climate actions? where do you see good practices being done? on the african continent as well, we have also just as our own, i mean what i mean that the solution is really try med smart doctorate color so so you have a few for months that i'm pressing for example clements,
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my doctorate cancer technology that funding but he is responsive to, to that part of the market conditions aware that they are going to be disruptions at the moment, functioning, want to know more with the buttons. and so for example, doing things like a planting, drought tolerant groups or diversified. and so for example, instead of being con, which is susceptible to the changes you would, you look for. ready appropriate cassava that they're not able to at this time, that much of conditions that come with it. so you can only get examples, but you know, spread far and wide, but in specific countries are kind of structured. you get to see those that are for example, mechanize to the finding some of the sub system. so i mean you get some commercial farms. the time dressing is the climates month of your code, so they need additional substrate. so there are no such as of examples. the problem is that this time the patient needs a capital intensive, and more often than not us mon hold up from us. i know it in terms of got up to the
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capacity, whether you're looking at the capital or the know how to actually effectively adopt and this is where they top is in terms of planet auction. okay, that's very interesting. thank you so much control can show that a bed, a giga from the african academy of sciences in my room. thank you for having well, not to buckets all which would normally be experiencing heavy rains at this time of year. but an extended h wife has left the columbia and capitol dangerously short of water. osaka is of now introduced at war to saving measures, including dividing the city into deserves. west supplies are regularly turned off. people are also being asked to cut that consumption to washing the dishes with the bath minimum of the water. this is the new normal for many and full time a specific has begun rationing the precious resource. the one of the others family lives in one of the district. that is the 1st to experience a 24 hour water cut off. they try to use as little board as possible and have pills
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buckets before the outage mazda adjust season. yeah, there is the fear that this could become a regular colorado from sun. thank ever i meant the water in the rest of was really drops from it and there really will be no water left for us for i'm with water that are wallace. this is just one, look at one of the what has main reservoir shows that saving every drop of water has power around the sun roof as a reservoir is at a critical low. this whole area here should be covered in water. but as you can see, i can easily walk through the middle of the reservoir here, outside bow tie. and it's actually that this water here supplies 70 percent of the population of over time surroundings. but currently, it only helps 16 percent of the water capacity. and if it doesn't drain and people don't reduce that water consumption, what is left could vanish in between more than a month? there are several reasons for the critically low levels. the usually strong
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regional rein full has been almost absent since last year to to the new phenomenon and climate change. but these haven't been the only factors leading to the current crises. in recent years, the consumption of walton bull time has risen as the city continues to grow. and the government needs to get to plan and regulate its resources as well as taking care of the local ecosystems. so it's kind of those movies you edit out of the w, w, f can't in the most those most that we need to understand our dependence on nature looking at that is what this crisis is basically showing on. when i put pics without management protection and conservation of the and the and for us and the wetlands we depend on the shortages will get worse just because it likes cuz it's discoveries by state of mind you wanted little tasks may have got lots of that and then look at lenses. individuals will also have to do what they can to avert and impending catastrophe. so, you know, get almost the receipt of if we don't succeed in reducing consumption and then we will not only have to uphold restrictions in store credit. so we will need to type
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it up in order to keep patches and showers short see mobile a maximum of 5 minute news. you can really do it in less time and poses, are going to say that if you just do it to come in to this is 58 percent of our water consumption to move unit days. it's all in outlook that makes the prints, if about his son's future any the scandal. it is one of the things that i asked myself when i looked at him. and why did i bring him into this? well, however, colombia is still one of these privilege place a to so i know that we need to do something to them so that our children can still enjoy the part of the paradise we have here. whose son is learning to be mindful about his motive consumption? but the whole task, sports or crisis will likely last a while until much needed rain comes again on the hate tree, which now has a translational governing council following the resignation of the prime minister. a month ago, i will only step down as the captain's run paged across the island,
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incoming administration's most pressing task is to restore law and order the sound of every day life in haiti's capital, porto plans. despite some police presence, gang fighting continues. meanwhile, ordinary haitians go about their business and their daily struggle just to get by this gun fire all around. but i still have to look after myself. if you make it home from work a live, it's thanks to god. the insecurity is increasingly forcing 8 organizations and hospitals to suspend their vital work. adding to the difficulties the country's main airport remains closed. haiti is the most populous nation in the caribbean. it has been plagued by violence for years. kings are still thought to control some 80 percent of the capital of bordeaux price. one of the roof problems grinding poverty
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. haiti is one of the western hemisphere, is pores, nations with 60 percent of the population earning less than $2.00 a day. many hope whoever eventually comes to power in haiti will tackle the economic hardship, fuel and crime. well, that's not my message. i give them who said they need to see this for what it is. the government has to see the gang since the aggressive i said my way, but also as a result of people's misery. you may, i ask you for the message, but to get social injustice that is caused all of this. give me this. even if i gotta just, you know, but it was, this was the people in the government need to understand that we young people need jobs to keep us from turning the other thing off the remote while he is political future hangs in the balance. lawlessness remains a fact of every day life restoring some degree of stability will be the 1st order
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of business for the next government and a precondition for economic development. so tightly and fashion designer roberto corvalle has died 1883. no trace bold and colorful animal prints found in his own label in 1970 was popular among the international jet set. is closed being woven by stars, including the stuff in the red jelly from the past. i, as a building, sue, is celebrating the 67th beth day of us thought to be the oldest of the in the want 5 to mount the occasion by talking into a fruity treats she came to berlin when she was just 2 years old. these day she lives in her own enclosure and keeps the distance from business. oh my goodness. is that say she's the oldest given in captivity and life expectancy in the wild issue . as a reminder about top stories at this, the 1st aid trucks of answer gaza through
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a newly opened knolls and for the crossing 8 agencies. it protects the want of looming permits in the thompson office territory. the german province, as fact, a controversial load makes it easier for transgender into sex, a non binary people, to change that name and gender on the go, the doctor just a moment. i'll be back soon. the big stories of the day in the day to day looking at what a russia has been bribing, a members of the european parliament to go soft on its support for you. the
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old friends, new front is made so still prepared to defend itself, in case of an emergency the well, the largest, the military alliance has been maintaining stability for 75 years. but now some weaknesses. ca, beginning to show this from this new threat, nate in 45 minutes on the w, the, the
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enjoying disease. and come to take a look at this out to the highlights. every week in your inbox, subscribe now. has caused about why does that mean? because now i'm leave them on the new host. join us for an exciting exploration of everything in between moses video and audio production, 5 d w. i hope that you will tune in conflict. chrisy around every single connection mapped out shows the do you
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see the on the board is what makes things the way they are. all the solutions mapped out, navigating a changing world now on youtube, the or has russia been bribing members of the european parliament to try and we can support for ukraine or the belgian prime minister? certainly think so he's announced i'm investigation into a much payments to any piece accusing moscow if trying to influence the outcome of juvenile elections in the 2nd largest democratic electorate in the world. now this follows the discovery of a russian influencing operation in the czech republic. so what else should we be looking for? russians hiding in the shadows. i'm feel go invalid and this is the day the
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