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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 13, 2024 4:00pm-4:15pm CEST

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the, the, this is the don't you use live from bullying is probably the mad step, 6 people to death in the city. a police officer should step this aspect of the scene to think, attack categories and shopping bolts. several people are injured some seriously something politically a baby and close at around and seizes account associated like to be as well in the straight up of most. you asked me to do a bite and one's pay vonnegut attacking israel, following a deadly strike on a runs consulate in syria. the
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i've been fooling. welcome, a knife wielding attack a has killed 6 people out of shopping center in sydney. paramedics have been treating patients at the seen. several others were hospitalized, including a 9 month old baby shop is pulled out of the building, many in shock of a survivors. he didn't stores or were evacuated by stuff. it's police patrol the area as he injured and rushed to hospital on the 1st day of school holidays and a busy shopping law ended with fair panic and dec. i witnesses recount to see the
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go. i come up the history light is we should lead shorts with a be like not getting say i just really calmly who was just walking off. he was having an ice cream in the hot light to the police. describe how the type people who could never imagine that that would face such a moment. the immediate danger is now over, but the shock from the certificate that still remains needham custody. need a brother from royce has, has been reporting from the seeing what people being telling you. yeah. look. so it's just been out. it was to the junction a lot of very shocked shop is and locals. we spoke to a witness, a cafe was who was inside the move. he saw the man in the green john for welding and not chasing off the people. and just as it ran past
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who's cafe, just really close to him. he had 2 to 3 shots and he saw that a police officer had shot and stopped. he's not doing attack in the trance. the city turned round that he still face down. but then he saw the police woman tried to resuscitate. and you guys pushing on the chase and, and trying to recess and take this a test on the cafe work was you know what, physically shocked and scared himself that he was sheltering only women in the cafe . he had some white around several hours off the police to, to interview and take the statement from him because he was one of the witnesses to this terrible incident today and see, think, and the police war. and now being hailed the national hero, i guess so many more people i could have been killed in this attack, or that's right. and you know, so what the police said, very brave, actually, she's a high ranking police officer and inspector who happened to be bossy interest. that shopping move
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a line. she spoke to shelters from what we had had. and she made her way to level 5 with the man with this very large knife was to chasing off the table on child lock behind team. and as he turned, that's when she discharge his firearm. and are witnesses of said the, you know, they felt that was do anything that she could do like you've given the trial a flooding devastation that you know, this is, this is what pay so needed to happen to stop this. and then suddenly she's being price is as if you are and i know it an investigation is under way, police remaining tight lips the. what about the motive stipulation said the same thing that they it's a 40 year old man. they're waiting formal identification. they said it uses i think these they do not think this is terri, some related and that has been the, the throughout sydney. this is funny. is that now the name that these would be, you know, this was a terrorist attack. this time that i don't think it is at this stage, this to
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a very shocking incident in australia with very strict gun control laws and not control was these kind of incident is very rare. but it's general is causing aiden with the latest staff from sidney. thanks for that. thank you. revolution redone commandos. have seized the vessel related to israel. the seizure took place in the gulf state. the state of home was just a zones direct commander said t. ron could close the key global shipping cargo. the vessel is a container ship with 25 crew members. its owner has confirmed it was boarded video released on social media from on board the ship shows a helicopter hovering over the best when sold is lowering themselves on the deck. tensions in the region. keep mounting after our suspect it is by the attack on the rainy and concert and see how we got this month. a non has volume to respond off to then add a strike under the consulate in damascus. loan of the but then there and how it
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filter daddy. it is a still unclear along that of how that i drove him. god bless us president joe biden has volunteered on against attacking is right next petition sooner than later. what is your, what is your message to ron? what is your message to around right now? a wrong in this moment. don't as the threat of food on potential retaliation is going. several countries including india, france, and russia have bogged their citizens against travel to the region. germany has called on its citizens to leave it on and does ride, sees it is prepared to defend itself. on the floor will claim we are from head in defense also on the ground on indiana, on the ship. we are in close cooperation with neighbors and friends in order to
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prevent home to israel lab and we know how to respond to that. that gets out loud. do it on backs. various proxy groups throughout the region such as she militia has, will, which has frequently attacked not on his writing from lebanon since the start of the cause of our is now a possible confrontation between these, right and you're on, been flooded. the increased the fear of so for these node it was in the middle east . is a look at some of the other stories making use. now. more than 40 people remain stranded in a cable car in southern turkey a day off. the one person inside of 10 were injured in an accident. one of the cabins had a pole and boast open, causing passengers to plunge to the ground. with a 100 people have been rescued so fine. the city of antonio, germany's parliament has passed a little making it easier for transgender. it's a 6, a non binary people to change the name agenda in legal documents. the self determination
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acts drops obligatory psychological then legal assessments. dolores phased opposition from conservatives and religious groups and some payment as a united states judge has rejected 100 biden's bid to dismiss the federal firearm case against him. by them is accused of lying about his drug use on a form in 2018 to buy a gun. the son of the us president says the charges against him politically. most of the bank it and germany's defense ministry says it's supplying ukraine with an additional patriot air defense system. it said the system comes from german military stocks and would be handed over immediately. russia has been stepping up, it's me so and drawing the tax on ukrainian cities, any press structure about russia, it claims its capture. the ukrainian town of powerful mice get in the don't yet screeching. you claims commander in chief says the situation on the eastern front, a significantly was sent just days ago,
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parliament passed legislation making it easier to call up new troops with desperately needed. a general told lawmakers that ukrainian soldiers around number 10 to one in places the new vocalization. little replies, old man, between 18 and 60, to have been military registration documents on them. it drops a close placing time limits on service where we never run both studies, department, kings, colleagues, london, totally. what rushes capture of this life is town. me good. they well what it tells us and we have to understand work or mice k. yes, it's west of to you. of course, those, the russians have been pushing along the line west of, of the around don't even get better the cheaper with mice getting out throwing mice can, has phone and if used to be a stronghold for ukrainian, um, forces there and it seems like so you is the russian forces managed to push the 59th motorized, a mechanized brigade out off for my escape,
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meaning that the ukrainian forces have not been able to gain a foothold on the defensive line. so i assume that the slow push will be continuing west words, and at the same time, we're seeing advances on the opposite direction, such as were bought in a in. so patricia, such as again trusting the r, o solace of baltimore. so it seems like the russians are trying to complete the capture of the net, so they're working very hard on the net sc region. but this is not a country offensive by russia. it is yet to come and it seems like they are preparing the ground for that. and it is of course, very costly for the ukraine in the armed forces. because in for my escape, you praying for sources admit that it, it was very costly in terms of meant power and none of that sounds good for you crime. what are its prospects of the passing this new mobilization. lo
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well the, these ation law still has to be signed by president polanski. you possibly mid may as expected. and the problem was the law is not accurate, but you will have to care. every man will have to carry their military registration documents with them and will have to update their details. so they will have 60 days from when the law is signed to a basis details and that include souls living abroad. so there is a possibility that more people will be cold up. and of course there are some penalties expecting. those who do not comply with the lower they could lose, for instance, their driver's license and in some cases and not be able to travel abroad, they will be denied, passed eastern passports. and again, the question is, how would you crate and it's going to pay and is it able to outsets and was kept
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and trained them on time in order to send them to the front in order to stop the russian advance. and an important part is what is not included as a law, and that is the mobilization of souls will have been fighting out the front until now is some of them have been searching for 3 years in the prospect. certainly don't look good either. do they? no, absolutely, no, not then the general sir scanned the status very well that and the brain on full says those fighting out the front need a rotation. there are huge losses for ukraine. we don't know the exact numbers, but again, from the reports and from the vicious fights that we have seen for of the of go, for instance, now tri city are and even with examples like such as cross natania and keep her with my escape. we're seeing that the ukrainian armed forces are lacking troops and blocking troops with experience. so what it means that even, even if the ukrainian um forces get the western technologies, they're still having that many power gaps that needs to be
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a result. and this mobilization more will most likely have a negative impact on the ukranian society that seems not to have the same amount of will if used to have in march 2022 to 2 stops of russian. so that's could also make the internal political situation much more complicated and create the crisis and that you create in command for the latest there on ross's war in ukraine from marine over on. thank you. thank you for having me. finally, the fashion world is remember one of its icons of to the dance of italian design it roberto commodity. he was 83 known for his bold and colorful animal prints. go out . he found that he is on the table in 1917. he was popular among the international jet said is close one by size including sophie's around. and jennifer lopez and a reminder about top story this out. illustrator,
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a man has stab 6 people to death and injured several others at a busy shopping centering sydney, a police woman shot the suspected attack of dead at the c. i fix the net police person race risk and deadlines of russia and its floor against ukraine. i been for the sake of the code names project, cassandra re determined through our investigations that has below was operating like a global drug carts. not somebody normally seizures organizations, the objective to financially drain and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency. i mean bass was not a whole lot. they wanted the rest of their money. they had from lies themselves. we needed them to reveal that so world and their own people wanted the us government
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suddenly shut down from.


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