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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 13, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the deal with you use my from the land, a man, step 6, people to death and city police officers ship step. this aspect that a busy shopping mold. several people are injured some seriously. around the season as a condo ship linked to ways well, in the state of illinois, you asked me to jo bite and one's tehran against attacking is well following a deadly strike on a runs concert in syria and with migration, a hot topic ahead of the us selection a shelf in new york office, migrants pool closing and kind of the
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i pain physical and woke up a knife wielding attack. it has killed 6 people at a shopping center in sydney. paramedics have been treating patients of the seen. several others were hospitalized, including a 9 month old baby. shop is poured down to the building, many in shock of the survivors. he didn't stores or were evacuated by stuff. police patrol the abbey. as the injured rushed to hospital the 1st such a day of school holidays and a busy shopping the ended fare, panic and dec. i witnesses recount to see the outside the shop, the
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utility bill. i come up with this light is green, should lead shorts with a be like not getting the same. i just really calmly who was just walking off. he was having an ice cream and a bob light to the police. describe how the attacker dies. single unit officer inspector of police was the boy attended wait enter the soon and directed by a range of people she confronted defend who had moved by this stage to level 5 as she continued to roll quickly behind him to catch up with him. he turned size to rise to north. katy shouts to far um and that person is now deceased australia in 5 minutes. the anthony avenue easy trace police offices, bribery for all of us to not. they gave us setting things up on the junction
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beyond woods or understanding. today ponder junction was saying of shocking box, but it was also a witness to the humanity and the heroism of that fellow australians outbreak, police have 1st responders and of course a b di people who could never if imagined that that would face such a moment. the immediate danger is now over, put the shock from the certificates that still remains after returning from the same boy, his journalist, because they need them to be more about what witnesses have been. se. yeah, look, so is this has been out. it was to the junction a lot of very shocked shop is and locals. we spoke to a witness, a cafe with who was inside the move. he saw the man in a green jump or wielding a knock,
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chasing off the people. and just as it ran past who's cafe, just really close to him and he had 2 to 3 shots and he saw that a, a police officer had shot and stopped. he's not doing a tactic in the trance. the city turned round and he fell face down. but then he saw the police women try to assess the tags. and you guys pushing on the chase and, and trying to recess and take this a test on the cafe would cause, you know, quite visibly shopped and scared himself that he was sheltering only women in the cafe. he had to wait around several hours after police to, to interview and take the statement from him because he was one of the witnesses to this terrible incident today and see, think, and the police war. and now being hailed the national hero, i guess so many more people i could have been killed in this attack. so that's why and you know, so what the police said, very brave, actually, she's a high ranking police officer and inspector who happens to be the bossy interest
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that shelf move a line. she spoke to shelters from what we had had, and she made her way to level 5 to way the men with this very large knife was still chasing off the table on child lock behind team. and as he turned, that's when she discharge his firearm. and i was of said the, you know, they feel that was do anything that she could do like you've given the trial a flooding devastation that you know, this is, this is what pay so needed to happen to stop this. and then suddenly she's being price as, as a hero, and i know it an investigation is under way. police remaining tight lips the. what about the motive stipulation said the same thing that they, it's a 40 year old man. they're waiting formal identification. they said it uses i think these, they do not think this is terry related and that has been the, the throughout sydney. this is funny, is that now the name that these would be,
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you know, this was a terrorist attack this time that i don't think it is at this stage. this to a very shocking incident in australia with very strict gun control laws and not control was these kind of incident is very rare. but it's journalist casenita with the latest data from sidney. thanks for that. thank you. it runs revolution. re god commandos have seized the vessel connected to israel. the things that took place in the gulf industry to for the most, just days after a commander said a wrong code close. the global shipping card on the vessel is a container ship with $25.00 crew. its own has confirmed, it was bought it video released on social media from on board the ship, shows a helicopter hovering over the vessel, been sold as lowing themselves on to deck tensions in the region. keep mounting after a suspect. it is one of the, a tackle new uranium consulate in see we have this month, a non has volume to respond often and at a strike under this conflict in damascus, loan of the but then there and how it's built or dallied. is it still unclear
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alone that of how that edge out to him? god bless us president joe biden has volunteered on against attacking is right of expectation sooner than later. what is your, what is your message to a ron? what is your message to around right now? is it wrong in this moment? don't as the threat of food on potential retaliation is growing. several countries including india, france, and russia have bogged their citizens against travel to the region. germany has bogged on its citizens to leave it on and does ride, sees it is pretty bad to defend itself on the hello claim. we often had in defense, oscar on the ground on indiana. i'm not sure we are in close cooperation with
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neighbors and friends in order to prevent harm to israel club and we know how to respond to that. that gets out loud. do it on back. various proxy groups throughout the region, such as she militia has beloved, which has frequently attacked not done is ryan from lebanon since the start of the cause of our know, a possible confrontation between these right and you're on, been flooded. the increased the fear of so for the reason that it was in the middle east, a little look now at some of the other stories making news today. as well as military says, the body of a missing is why the teen who's being found in the west bank is disappear and spot the tax by his riley settlers on palestinian villages. it don't cause and homes have a standing and health officials say one person was killed in 25. i was wounded. or the last of both of 170 people stranded in a cable car in southern turkey had been rescued. one person died and 10 were
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injured when one of the cabins had a pole and boast open. nothing passengers out, prosecute as have launched an investigation and ordered that the 10 should have more than a 1000 people. germany's defense ministry says it's supplying ukraine with an extra patriot, a defense system. it said it comes from german military stocks and would be handed over immediately. russia has been stepping up. it's me solid and drone attacks on ukrainian cities and infrastructure gains commander in chief says the situation on the eastern front has significantly, was it? russia claims it's capped at the town of federal mice get in the don't yet screeching. arena barone from the both studies department at kings college london told me, want to develop a mates what it tells us. and we have to understand where current mice, k. yes, it's west of to you've goes to the russians have been pushing along the line west of, of do you for round dining get better, the cheap there. will mice getting out?
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throw mice can, has phone and if used to be a stronghold for ukrainian, um, forces there and it seems like so you is, the russian forces managed to push the 59th. most rice, a mechanized brigade out off for my skin, meaning that the ukrainian forces have not been able to gain a foothold on the defensive line. so i assume that the slow push will be continued west words. and the same time we're seeing advances on the opposite direction, such as were bought in a in. so patricia, such as again trusting the r, o salis, of boss mode. so it seems like the russians are trying to complete the capture of the net. so they're working very hard on the net sk region, but this is not a country offensive by russia. it is yet to come and it seems like they are preparing the ground for that. and it is, of course, very costly for the ukraine in the armed forces because in for my escape,
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you praying for sources admit that it was very costly in terms of man power. immigration is a key election issue with the united states that's felt keenly in new york city, which is a migrant, boston from the southern border by consecutive states as a political tool. one non profit is welcoming the new commas and providing them with closing. we checked in on the middle shop of kindness to find out how it works . all this for free. this is the special for the leaky shop of kindness, mixed the new immigrants here in new york city. but i am phlebotamy, for example, for my daughter. i have the shirts, it's almost summer season. god willing, i'd be done to use giddy loose came to the us from columbia with her husband and 2 children. it's how fast the time of the shop. how does she feel about it? i them, we're going to very, very grateful really because you come here as an immigrant and you don't have any
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say any. i'm very grateful for the way they take care of you for the help that they give you him the villages of garden. this was founded by the looks of the money 2022, besides providing much needed material help to amy crumbs. these exact, to this kind of positive experience. but she wanted to give those who come here that i was really determined to create a space where they could work or guess could have some agency over what they chose to, to, to have the dignity of trying things on and, and being treated as valued customers rather than a problem feels us started the shop in response to a subject amy good arrivals to new york in 2022. many of them busted the city from south end states, about 175000 of them. how about arrived since then? under being accommodated, midship says that's across the seat. started getting a bus load. so my consent here by the governor of texas. and we just rally the
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troops and got, you know, lots and lots of volunteers. we started with about 10 volunteers in august, and by december we have 500 people. and we have only grown over $1000.00 volunteers of registered online by now and keep the shop run. they handle the donations from individuals and companies and provide had to guess many of whom don't speak english, dotius, diesel originally from columbia and came here to study english in how free time she had felt up the shock sampling and comes out of where certainly i've always loved to be able to help her as he was in my country. i did it too, and here i had the opportunity to do it. so here i am giving this beautiful service to so many people have to be done by these boss on the board. and the will coming up most via help them with the shop popular months, new immigrants, so much so, but it started causing problems. we, um, we have online shopping in front of our pop ups. and people are
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so desperate that oftentimes would sleep outside the right before outside of the shop. like in the 1st line. or, you know, people can simply sign up and book an appointment to an up most of the shops guests from let eating america. but no more and more come from african countries from china as well. he also sees with immigration being front and center of the seals election campaign. she says she's worried about increasing the extreme rhetoric used against amy grounds just the election itself. and the campaign is it's, it's going to intensify around immigration. and i'm hoping that if you know that people recognize that immigrants are a, an asset to this country and don't believe the lies are being told about them, the content just immigration debate will continue to ship us politics beyond the election. but local initiatives like the of the shop we've continued to make a difference with the 2 types of games and up next on dw of
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world class to land rollerblade has shared. so a success story and the hope of changing lives. i've been puzzling back tomorrow. michael opal have you'll use next down by the will of free speech, free press, open access to free information for every stop trainings and next take action detail use global media for 2020 for a bunch of any practice.


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