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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 13, 2024 7:00pm-7:16pm CEST

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the, the, this is the to the news. why? from berlin, a lifeline for ukraine from germany. berlin says it's sending a 3rd patriot air defense system to keep these forces are struggling to shield ukrainians from russian air strikes. also coming up to run, seizes a cargo ship linked to israel in the strait upon moods. us leader joe biden, warren's table on against attacking israel, following a deadly strike on a runs console it in syria and a man. step 6, people to death and sidney a police officer shoots dead. the suspect at a busy shopping mall. several people are injured, some serious with the
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a warm welcome to a viewers around the world. i'm michael ok. in germany's defense ministry says it's applying ukraine with an additional patriot air defense system. it said the system comes from the german military stocks and would be handed over immediately. russia has been stepping up its missile and drone or tax on ukrainian cities and infrastructure ukraine's president. thank berlin, saying the deliberate comes at a critical time for more or less, so speak to marina moran from the war studies department at kings college london moreno. why is germany sending another defense system right now to hello michael? well, chancellor fray supposedly had a call with presidents of lensky in order to agree on sending and as are patry at
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your defense system to ukraine. specifically, because of the intensified russian strikes on ukraine and critical infrastructure. we remember a couple of days ago, russian managed to destroy one of the biggest paul plants in ukraine to trip the power station. so i think that a for germany, this is in a way to get out of this diplomatic deadlock about the tourist missiles. so at least germany is doing something and sending a patry, a battery to print, you could use right now in order kind of to normalize relations with ukraine. specifically, because of this issue that trans flush holds doesn't want to provide a tortoise missiles to ukraine as you well know, this is now the 3rd patriot system. berlin is supplying. what difference does this system make and ukraine's defense? and so overall,
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it's better than nothing but the ukraine said that it needs some $25.00 pack treat systems in order to cover the entire area and to protect it from russian air strikes will have to understand that the coverage area of one packet system is estimated to be um 15 to 20 kilometers when it comes to ballistic missiles. so you can imagine that it's just a very, very small area, considering the fact that keeps still has a lot of critical infrastructure left. so the question is, where will system be placed on the as a question is the missiles impacts re um, or even back to missiles that the system uses. they are also costly and who's going to provide some of the long term to ukraine. so it's not just the system that you send, you also need to supply you. bring was enough missiles, again, ukraine's president says the delivery comes at a critical time. how critical well, the time is very critical,
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both in terms of production, air strikes on critical infrastructure, and they are being very successful, especially in the past months and on the front. we're seeing a lot of movement westwards and by as a russian forces because the ukranian on forces relaxed with technology lacks or until re shelves and black men power. so they are not able to hold the russian offensive or is the menu offensive. so i would call them, they are not able to do that. and so it is a critical juncture for ukraine, but whether one air defense system is able to change that dynamic is questionable. it bears repeating, this is a defensive system and one imagines more patriot systems won't help ukraine get back to an offensive position or so. absolutely not. well, you can certainly use the system close to the line of contact. the russians will
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certainly be hunting for the full path trip system safe and hunting for iris d and the $300.00 and have managed to destroy some and allegedly some patry of batteries according to reference sources. that being said, um there is a risk of having that system so close to the line of contact and obviously the line of contact. if we'll look at the front, it's over a 1000 kilometers one. petra, it system is not going to defend against russian glad booms, for instance, so it's not going to be a substantial difference. it's more often diplomatic gestures than anything else. that's so moving to moran from kings college london as always moving in a manufacture. thank you for having me. ukraine's parliament has passed a new law and making it easier to call up desperately needed recruits. it provides
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soldiers with incentives like cash, bonuses, or money towards the cost of a house or a car. however, there was bad news for serving troops, preliminary and dropped a clause that would have place time limits on their service. earlier versions allowed for the mobilization after 3 years. the back tracking is a bitter blow for battle weary troops, some of whom had been fighting since the war began to wear a training ground near keys in just a few weeks time. the soldiers will head back to the front lines where they've been since of all shooting they did 2 years ago. that was last year. i got 5 days off here. lots of guys in my units have families who have gone abroad. some have even become grandfathers and they've never met their grandkids hops. they never will. this is an alex on this 1st experience of will. he served in the army of to 2014 when ukraine was fighting russian backs that protest and don't boss he left in 2020
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to start to business. the family, his wife and his 3 year old daughter have barely seen him since he went back to his unit until after the full scale invasion. that the if you, it's hold to be serving until 2025. you know that if you survive, you be going home. if people come make plans, they get depressed and then they start making mistakes. alexandra tells us it's not a question of wanting to lead straight away. it's about feeling some kind of control being able to plan your life that he's convinced would piece morales, the mobilization of to 18 months on the front lines are a total of 36 months service with both discussed when this little made its way through parliament. it was central to the russian now for the new pulling up the soldiers to give veterans a chance to recover. in the end, any mention of the mobilization was dropped with little pri, wounding me, returning prisoners of we'll get an exception or see a good for the is preparing to mobilize at least 300000 man over the next 6 weeks.
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that's in addition to 150000 during that movie service. that could be another wave of mobilization. and the alternative was more to do in this situation. d, mobilizing experience soldiers would be suicidal if you put the solution before based on the way the soldiers wives and mothers protesting the parliament. don't expect the husbands to come home right away. what they want is clarity, much enjoy recount husbands of being punished for the patriotism, volunteering to fight when the war stones with my husband told me, i can't just sit around. i have to say someone needs to defend this country. so if i don't go who will my husbands exhausted? he's only 29 and he's already gone gray. slavery's for now. no one to new cranes, minute trio politics wants to make promises to these families that they know
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they'll most likely have to break. what they can do is make sure it's not just those who volunteered in the id days as the will. there's a left defending ukraine's front lines. some more stories now making use around the world that this our authorities in the russian city of orange already have evacuated. thousands of people as flood waters continue to rise. melting snow has cause major rivers to burst their banks. more than $3000.00 homes in the city or under water, as the river rises more than 2 meters above its critical flood level. the last of more than a 170 people stranded in a cable car in southern turkey had been rescued. one person died and 10 were injured when one of the cabins had a pole and burst open knocking passengers out. prosecutors have launched an investigation and ordered the detention of more than a dozen people as well as military says, the body of a missing is really teen has been found in the west bank is disappear in spart. a
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tax buying is really settlers on palestinian villages. they burn cars in homes, palestinian health officials say one person was killed in 25, others wounded. it runs revolutionary guard commandos have seized a vessel connected to israel. the seizure took place in the gulf, knew the strait of home most just days after a commander said t. ron could close the global shipping quarter. the vessel is a container ship with 1025 crew. its owner has confirmed it was bordered video released on social media from onboard the ship, shows a helicopter hovering over the vessel and soldiers lowering themselves onto deck tensions in the region. keep mounting after you suspect it is rarely attacked on the around in consulate in syria. this month he's on has vaal to respond off to them at
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a strike under the conflict in demoss goes alone the but then there. and how with builder daddy, it is a still unclear alone that of found that i go to him. god bless us president joe biden has volunteered on against attacking is right of expectation sooner than later. what is your, what is your message to ron? what is your message to around right now? iran in this moment don't as the threat of food on potential retaliation is growing. several countries including india, france, and russia have bogged their citizens against travel to the region. germany has called on its citizens to leave it on and does ride, sees it is prepared to defend itself on the hello claim. we often had in defend those go on the ground and indiana,
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especially because we are in close cooperation with neighbors and friends in order to prevent harm to israel club. and we know how to respond to that. that gets out loud. do it on backs. various proxy groups throughout the region such as she militia has, will, which has frequently attacked not on his right from lebanon since the start of the cause of our know, a possible confrontation between these, right and you're on, been flooded. the increased the fear of so for these node it was in the middle east to australia. now we're a knife wielding attacker has killed 6 people at a shopping center in sidney paramedics, have been treating patients at the scene. several others were hospitalized including a 9 month old baby. shoppers poured out of the building, many in shock, other ship libraries, he'd in stores or were evacuated by stuff. homage,
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police to travel the abbey. as the injured rushed to hospital the 1st such a day of school holidays and a busy shopping, the ended fare, panic and day to hi, witnesses recount to see the go. i come up with his latest 3. should lead shots with the big black not getting say, i just really calmly who was just pull him up. he was heavier last spring and the boss later, the police describe how the attack died. i single unit officer inspector of police was the boy attended. wait in to this in a directed by
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a range of people she confronted defend who had moved by the stage to level 5 as she continued to will quickly be holland him to catch up with him. he turned size to rice and north cheney shots the far um and that person is there to safe australia in 5 minutes. the anthony of an easy crazed police officers bribery for all of us to not say devastating things of fungi junction, beyond woods or understanding today bundle junction was saying, a shocking balance. but it was also a witness to the humanity and the heroism of that fellow australians outbreak, police have 1st responders and of course, avery died people who could never if imagined that that would face such a moment. the immediate danger is now over, but the shock from the service tech still remains and will end it there. our tech
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shows shift is up next, looking at how artificial intelligence is being used to make classical music. a microlab who will have more updates next hour. thanks for watching. and by the code names project, cassandra, re determined through our investigation that has below was operating like a global drug or not somebody normally theaters, organization, the object to financially drain has gone up and bring them down to the team. agents from the american drug enforcement agency, i mean that as well as another whole left they wanted to go after their money. they had from lies themselves. we needed to reveal that so.


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