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tv   Reporter - On Location  Deutsche Welle  April 13, 2024 8:15pm-8:31pm CEST

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many thankful, and we will end it there up next, the stories of net police version or is risking their lives for russia and it's war against you a pre michael look back at the top of the next. yeah. the get ready for an exciting auburn toyota. look surprised. hi, i'm shopping and i'm ready to dive into the hands of human to you. have you have a window to talk to me before you go to this boss on the on expected side. so slide this is shadows. these pod costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. colonial har is infected by germany across up and he employed a score farms and destroy lives. what is the legacy of this wide spread races,
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depression, today? history. we need to talk about the stories, shadows of german colonialism. the of the south asian country is in the spotlight. thousands of net policemen fighting a distant war on behalf of russia and ukraine, driven by poverty and the promise of a better future. they risk their lives to support that simon is back home. hundreds of families have lost contact with their loved ones on the front lines. those who the escaped baptists. cons of a foreign maybe out of the stand ready to join that where
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the near a village outside cap on do this, family moans, the death of their loved. one corner by her daughter was killed 3 months ago. fighting on the front line in ukraine, a fellow natalie soldier confirmed by her to his death to his wife flew over the phone. every month, lou organizers these morning prize for his departed. so the life of the day. on the one i heard the news of my husband's death, i felt like jumping from a cliff and ending my line all up. besides and for weeks, i couldn't believe which one of the bizarre refused to accept that he was gone well
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and even now i sometimes feel like he might call me set, but that goal, she knows well now come put in the form of dr. joint the russian army to pay off his dance. he barely got 2 weeks of training before they sent him to the front line. his desk has left a deep voice in the family. his youngest daughter still believes that her father will return some day soon. when my daughter has no idea and we haven't told her for the light, she keeps seeing his photos and asks us to call him. and sometimes she one does why her father stopped calling us, but she cries a lot going on with the new also feels devastated. the family do not even know whether they will get his bond to you for a profit battery on the
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home reminds her about her door where she has decades worth of memories before he left russia. there is such loneliness without him. i feel his absence. that's it. i missed him terribly too. i never. now, she is buttoned with a data of 6000 euros, that by her door, paid to the agents who facilitated his journey to russia. across nicole, hundreds of net police families have similar stories. them and they're either trapped in the wall or consent dent others. i don't have contact with that families of many of the dead unaltered town home and the bodies that are brought back ok related like this among them. so mine is the lucky one who escaped the russian army. he paid 3000 euros to
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a russian agents who helped him leave the country. today to man is this temple to thank god for saving his life in a war, a well the way he suffers from night mass and his d. p. traumatized by warranty, experienced on the front lines in ukraine. nobody and nobody cares about the dead in russia. 90 the life of the injured depends upon the seriousness of the wound today of what that of treatment this possible we rescued them. they noticed otherwise we were instructed to shoot the seriously injured soldiers on sites. they need a suit that we don't say. such events made him change his mind about the war. after stepping 3 months in the russian army to mount did not receive the promise on the
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range of 2000 to us dollars a month. since his return, he has been jobless, desperate to find what he is ready to walk as a daily wage. they live this. what does he ask? bishop? keep up a walk that is told that is no work for him. disappointed to mind. go shop to shop. but it is not a lucky day for him. finding work is very hard the opponent is consistently ranked as one of the poorest countries in the world. the economic and employment situation is dia, of the at least $5000000.00 people walk outside the country, mostly as migrant labor, as many a willing to take risky options. like joining brushes on me as
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a foreign find to this police unit is tasked with stopping the constant flow of net police man. from joining the russian forces, police commission of blue pen country and his men all cracking down on recruitment agencies and brokers who profit from sending men off to the war to do. but even doing this agent, sir, persuading men to join the russian army by promising them better opportunities. recently they have arrested 20 nat police nationals on charges of fraud and human trafficking. they found this dash of cache passports and the legal documents to full commission of o, pend, these latest arrests have been an eye opener is concerned about the role of natalie as traffic is walking abroad from different layers like in india,
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even in the u. a. and defend, and is that working there at the time to provide them the presentations? i am be any need any assistance they need it. like sometimes the, the flight from gas on new to the way or any other kinds of good. and there was a get to be that from there that kind of, you know, the interesting part we found during the investigation does find police rates and mounting risks. many young man still want to go. sonya is ready to join the russian army. every day he spends hours thing, take talk videos, the drum arrives, natalie soldiers in russia for him joining the russian army is a ticket to a better life. but all that he needs is to convince his reluctant mother. she is warrant that he may become another casualty in russia's wall
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above the coal was also an employee to you and then left for russia. he is in big trouble now. and now you also want to join the russian army. please don't go. i know we can't support you financially. i know we are entirely vulnerable. but soon as she does not mind taking this risk of the others, he too is attracted to the russian governments promise of a good salary and citizenship in return for military service. where i don't have any money for money. why do i thought the best option would be to go to russian? i was unable to sometimes you need to take risks to get ahead of the life of the field without money. we can't do anything in this world. i didn't, even though if this is why i want to leave and join the russian forces, you buy satellite and then they bought the saw networks as a pump time pick up ride and cut mine to earning 15 euros
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a day with his money. he struggles to support his aging parents today, he's visiting base recruitment agency that sends migrant workers abroad for jobs. so in issues hoping they might be able to help. it might be the same. they can help him to join the russian army. but he is told, the agency does not send people to russia for spanish. it was a disappointing outcome of a pop out. the russian army pays a lot more than being a migrant worker and guitar to buy. but this is why people choose the russian army and why to want to go for it. because of the danger out there. the recruitment agency now denies sending youth russia. government has also bands going there in
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the afternoon. bob soonish does not want to work on a construction site and content who's hunts for recruitment agencies and bro, cuz continues nipple, as opposed to russia's invasion of ukraine in the un. the government is urging its citizens to not take part in the wall. not the least boma foreign minister, knotty on percussion, sold, who was in office until march told dw, he has been negotiating with his russian count about on this issue. let's just see again that's i would like to express my concern about the enlistment of our citizens, the armed forces of a nation with which we like an official packed or treaty to do so. nobody can leila . later improvements over citizens implies that it happens with the knowledge of the russian government to ask you one key acknowledgement could be not your system level. despite the efforts taken by the net police government, nothing has changed. in cut mondo social campaign,
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a key to upon doughty has taken the bottle to the streets. today she is joined by a grieved families who demand justice for their loved ones possible. here she is helping them prepare legal documents for the return of them and the do you have documents with your husband joining the russian army? if you have get them printed, we need to submit them. today the new is also joining this much. she has travelled from a village to the capital to them on the remains of her husband to put her not the dispatches heading towards the russian embassy, and they all stopped by the police. no one is willing to engage with them all except that documents in the tip of these families of from remote areas of nicole,
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boston, they've been struggling to appeal to the government to return that family members are joining the russian when they hear to demand the russian government begin rescue operations. gwinnett police like lou hundreds of nationalities, women audit time in to fight to the end. they say that lives have been reduced to one go by to securing the remains of their loved ones or demanding the safe return of those still fighting. russia as well in ukraine, the, the new will tell you who we are happy that we are boxing
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the story. we have a getting a visa is more difficult than finding gold hosted to use the force and for the future in the stories and issues that are being discussed across the country. news african next on d, w. old friends, new front is made so still prepared to defend itself in case of an emergency. the world's largest military alliance has been maintaining stability for 75 years. but now some weaknesses call beginning to show. this is laurie thomas. news may turn in 45 minutes on d, w i. she's got any issues with a lot say what the
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business needs to be in use for government coming up on the program. how kind of west africa 5 back against the drug that's destroying its young people. there's only like a fact, of course the drug causing so much have or can, sir, in the own, that the president has declared that a public enemy will look at how best has become such a huge threat library as also fighting crush p. w gains access to a drug house in monrovia with some of cushions, victims go to get that high. a drought sweeping across southern africa has wiped out most of them. bob waste planted crops, the government says a desperate.


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