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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 13, 2024 10:00pm-10:14pm CEST

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the, the, this is the w news. why, from berlin? israel's on forces go on full alert. the military spokesman says, all units are in a state of readiness, anticipating a wrong carrying out its threat to retaliate for the strike on it's embassy in syria, the i michael local, welcome. israel says it has put all of its forces on alert in response to the threat of an attack from iran. both israel and the united states have been preparing for table and to attack since an air strike on its embassy annex in syria
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. earlier this month. israel's chief military spokesperson announced the new measures. and so then yeah, yes, is fully prepared and all of it's a res, defense and all sense air forces defense in attack, arrays are on the alert and dozens of aircraft or. and this guy will see me ready and prepared. we are conducting a situation assessment with our strategic partnerships with us to merrily the united states and coordinating closely with them. now while the fear attack has yet to occur, runs revolutionary guard commandos have seized a vessel connected to israel. the seizure took place in the gulf, knew the strait of a moose just days after commander said t. ron could close to global shipping quarter. the vessel is a container ship with a crew of $25.00. it's owner has confirmed it was in fact boarded video released on social media from on board the ship, shows that helicopter hovering over the vessel and soldiers lowering themselves
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onto the deck. the w, as in each have told us more about the measures being taken by israel. while the government has banned all gatherings over a 1000 people, at least until monday night. they've also a band gatherings of, of educational activities that includes the schools. now it's not as drastic as it sounds, given that schools are out as of tomorrow for the passover holiday public schools anyway. but that includes any kind of school camps or school trips or any school related activities. and any are area of israel that's closer to gaza. or the northern border with 11 on those instructions are even tougher. so bands on gatherings of people over 2 to 300 people. now the israeli government is also announced that its military is on the high alerts. they've even sent planes up into the sky to control dozens of planes. they said, so this is a uh, by far the highest alert they've been on since this reason escalation with the
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wrong. i mean, give us a sense of what's going on on the ground there do is really is feel they're about to be attacked. there is the feeling that the attack is imminent. now it's not an apocalyptic feeling here and is real the media and is real as reporting that it's intelligence services have, does not want to escalate any further and chooses to attack a target that doesn't bring the situation to the cusp of war. and again, as we just reported around, has seized a ship in the gulf. how has the is really government responded, the foreign minister called this an active piracy, and it calls for governments around the world to list iran as a terrorist state. but that's as far as is real, has gone, of course they have the largest threat of a retaliatory strike on their mind. this does seem to be related to that escalation, but most analyst of the assess that this is not your runs retaliation. we also
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don't know if anybody was injured or if these, the people on the ship were taken captive, or if the boat is going to be released in the coming days. so that is a little bit of a side story to the imminent attack, at least for as rarely as we're worried that something serious could be coming in the next hours or days. i mean, it uses in jerusalem again, think so. i mean meanwhile, in the occupied westbank and is really teenager who's disappear in, sparked a rampage by is really sadler's, has been found dead. israel's military sense the teenager was murdered after the discovery. israel's defense minister warned the public not to take the law into their own hands. palestinian authorities say the is really settlers killed one palestinian man an injured several others in an armed attack in the west bank.
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holmes greeted gars boned and residents on the fire, the ballast damian, some disappointed in the west. fancy they were attacked by his dryly settlers. these images appear to show the settlers storming almo. how are you near the palestinian parted the sea. they've certainly set the skilled one, palestinian man an injured, separate other for the settler storm, the town. they went into the houses and burned them. my son weren't with others to defend our land at honor. and this is what happened. he is one of the murders we thank god for everything. although the palestine great christian society sees eat of the injured were hit by life, fire from the set. this is strikes, minute receive. it's looking into the reports, the attack game doing a search for the 14 year tours. it started, the settlers who went missing on friday. according to they started utilities,
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the teenagers board, the was found on saturday, that started defense for the screen. the boy was murdered instead of just attack more glass ships have adopted since the news of his debt. that is tried the military seas. dozens of people are left to me and is there i these were injured on saturday. in the occupied westbank, roughly 500000 is really such. there's live along side about 2700000 palestinians. that if there are, the settlements are considered illegal under international law. the latest class has gone with the entrance under the hi. you to the it started from us warning casa, according to the un, more than $400.00 palestinians, and 15 is strong. these have been killed in the occupied westbank since the homos that are attacks on october 7th to, to australia. now we're a knife wielding attacker has killed 6 people at a shopping center in sidney. paramedics have been treating patients at the scene.
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several others were hospitalized including a 9 month old baby. shoppers poured out of the building many and shock, other survivors he'd in store, so were evacuated by stuff. police patrol the abbey. as the injured rushed to hospital the 1st such a day of school holidays and a busy shopping law ended with a panic and dec. i witnesses recount to see the outside, the shop, the utility bill i come up late is we should lead shots with the be like not the same. i just really calmly who was just walking up. he was having an ice cream in
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the box. late to the police, describe how the attacker dies. single unit officer inspector of police was the boy attended. wait enter the sand and directed by a range of people she confronted. defend who had moved by this stage to level 5 as she continued to roll quickly behind him to catch up with him. he turned size to rice and north katy shots the far um and that person is now deceased australia in 5 minutes. the anthony avenue, easy, crazy police officers, bribery for all of us to not the devastating things upon the junction beyond woods or understanding. today, fund junction was saying of shopping balance that it was also a witness to the humanity and the heroism of that fellow australians outbreak.
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police have 1st responders and of course if we die, people who could never if imagined that that would fight suck to moment. the immediate danger is now over, but the shocks on this, so basic attack still has the names. we should point to mass casualty attacks like this or where in australia dw reported, you'll do, boy provided some perspective. the last one that i could think of was a mass incident. even 19 ninety's, which was a mass shooting and has made yes. and that was so shocking that have come to the whole country, a government to bring a gun buyback scheme, and a gun, a band on 70 automatic width is which has been very successful that has prevented any kind of mass shooting since then. now that's not to say that there are, these are this of crime in australia just a day earlier. there was another savvy insignia idol staffing of a teenager that appear to be in sometimes 5 situation. so these lots of incentives,
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they really don't care and it could have been a lot worse, had a start of the not an act of those gun laws that we have. this could have been a mass gun shooting, had the attacker had access to guns, but that also makes it so more research going away because this man was able to go on a rampage to 6 people in such a gruesome way. and just, just with a nice, it really is something that is certainly a, it's a no asking why is this happening and what to read on. a sobering news from the down from the land and under that. so joel, joel roy, in sydney, many things stroll. the last of a 174 people stranded in cable cars, high above a mountain in southern turkey, have been brought to safety. the rescue came nearly a day after one of the cabins who to pull and burst open, killing one person in injuring 7 when they plummeted to the rocks below. the accident occurred during the delphi to a holiday marking the end of the muslim holy month, ramadan. the collapse of
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a support pylon sent a cable car pod, crashing into a pole. passengers were knocked from their shattered cabin. one did not survive the fall. the journey was meant to take 9 minutes. instead, it became a terrifying ordeal for dozens of passengers who spent the night without power, their cars swinging above the void. the one passenger called the experience torture saying shaking was so strong, her pod flipped over the cables multiple times, causing her children to pass out from fear. a massive rescue effort was mobilized more than 600 search and rescue personnel. and 10 helicopters worked around the clock to rescue passengers. mountain rescue crews use ropes to lower people to the ground. with harness passengers stepping out into the
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darkness. for the long ride down the you for those and pods highest off the ground. the way to safety was up a dangling from the wench of the coast guard helicopter. the lower down the mountain firefighters use ladders to free tourist. the initial really high up while we were defending, we smells like something was burning up to the cabin show. then we stopped, we were really scared. i should i feel this is my calmest right now. we screamed and shy, says, but it's over now. because of the accident is under investigation, but preliminary reports, blame, corroded fastenings on the cable car support towers. as well as the poor condition
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of police systems, prosecutors have lots of probes and ordered the detention of more than a dozen people thought to be responsible. and here's a reminder of our top story. the is really military says that iran has launch dozens of drones headed for targets in israel, but could take hours to arrive in is really general appearing on israel's channel. 12 said the drones were equipped with 20 kilos of explosives each and the israel's air defenses were ready to shoot them down. don't forget, you can always get the w news on the go. just download our app from google play or from the apple app store. that will give you access to all the latest news from around the world, as well as push notifications for any breaking news. we're going to ended there up next. the stories of net police mercenaries risking their
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lives for russia, and it's war against ukraine that's on reporter. after a short break, i'm michael of who i'll be back as always, at the top of the next step with more than the the, the project cassandra re determined through our investigation that has below was operating like a global drug car. not somebody normally theaters, organization, the object to financially drain has gone up and bring them down to the team. agents from the american drug enforcement agency means as well as another whole level. they wanted to go after their money. they had from lies themselves. we needed to reveal that so.


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