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tv   Sports Life  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2024 4:02am-4:15am CEST

4:02 am
support for israel secretary general antonio good tash, criticized a serious escalation by iran. the un security council has called an emergency meeting. germany's foreign minister and the bad luck also condemned the attack, saying it could plunge the entire region into chaos. the british prime minister wishes to not cool the assault reckless and 5 to stand up for is riley secured. while these randy army has lifted its advice to people to go to air raid shelters, it says there's been little damage so far. if the shock along iran loans dozens of surface to surface missiles towards the state of israel, maybe not before the vast majority intercepting the outside, the boat is of the state of israel fluid. while uh, defense system for a number of missiles fairly not territory. talk to them, but with no one gal who was injured, if this is right because a base and the cell is done without any minus damage to the infrastructure. so,
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but the home, the music, good. let's go to jerusalem. now, where do you want me to correspond atanya kramer standing by 1st time you're good to see you again. so can you give us an update on the attack and the situation in israel, it was such as surgery, got some more details. some of the is really military here saying that about 200 students and miss hos were mostly intercepted as they put it outside of israel with the strategic partners as they put it. and also of through the ad defense a system. but there was some hits uh, identified, they only told us about one on a military base in the south of israel. so some made it through the defense. there's also a one, a injured child, critically injured. we don't know probably from a shop. no. what happened there? now we can still hear a fighter jets in the air because the army had also said,
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despite telling people that don't have to be near showed us. but this is an on going event, so to speak. and we can still hinduism to fight to jets. we've heard a shortly before to a m a, you know, those explosions of potentially d d and deceptions that were really close by jerusalem. but they were all over the country. and uh, also uh, so that was being heard and now we also had in the past half an hour. so again, in the north, some errands i rinse going off and is this going from here? and there's already a war between is run her mouse and garza. we have the tensions and cross border techs in the north of israel with a southern was his bullet in southern lebanon. also attacks from the who season from, from yemen and post week. so where is this going?
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can this be contained and is what had already said? if there's a direct attack from israel from yvonne on is ro, then they would retaliate. thanks tonya, tonya kramer in new jersey. so well the w correspond muhammad, straight to is in the lebanese capital they read. he told us more about the reaction and that happened onto iran, launching an attack against israel. well, i just received a report on what appears to be the drums and the size of the independence coast. and the city is this, the needs for the verification, but live in on the actually announced that it has closed its uh, spaced and supposedly due to the escalation in the region on the front, on the 1000 front, at, with the as well. and this one has been active since october 8th at nothing. an unusual way over the past 2 days, i would say, but we just received reports at the cross border showing between has blah and these
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were 80 or me as intensified. and the last a couple of hours, do you run the induct militant groups announced that it targeted the error of defense basses into golan heights. meaning that this taught to some of the tennessee with the attack that you're on launched against israel this night is, is the right. and also is using extensive a fire force to strive positions inside the cells independent. alright, is that then a further escalation of the situation and there in that region? i mean, as the law has already been enforced in, in this conflict since a told the 8, it's been trading fire with as well the the since how much lunch to the inputs, the dentist attack on this well as on october 7th, the party is
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a key member, as, as you may know of the so called resistance axis along the whole c as in the amount of the popular mobilization in the rock and how mazda and gus are they all receive fund and, and logistics support from. uh you don't know how's bullet need to repeat and reset that. it does not want for the escalation uh with this right. and that the, the to come. but that it's engaging with is right on this front is only in support to with us as, as he says. but the party is engaging in combat with these way the army on the, on a daily basis. so far, now, are they willing to escalate the situation further? this question is the remain that remains unanswered, but we would have to wait and see how is why i'm a response to the unprecedented attack by your on tonight's also mohammed briefly. if you could, how are the general population there in lab and on dealing with what,
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what's happening at tonight? the weather definitely disrupted the life of, of the been he's a big definitely there's a sense of fee and things i see all over the country bates nights are usually wide and busy. it hasn't been the case last night and tonight it's significantly calmer since yesterday as everyone was anticipating this attack. a couple of hours ago people have been rushing to petrol stations to fill their car tanks. i've, i've, i've seen the, they, the key was on patrol the station and this is out of fear of a possible escalation to coming a few days. everyone is watching the situation very close to the end up in a tanks mohammed mohammed straight to and they read spin on band tab. lou is a senior fellow at the foundation for the defense of democracies in washington, dc. he tells me the attack by iran is unprecedented. yes,
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pleasure to be with you. unprecedented in historic, you know, for almost, for decades these veronica, public of iran had been fighting a shadow war with the jewish states. you know, they have been changing for over 4 decades. that israel, they put their money where their mouth is, but now it really is indeed coming out of the shadows. too quick reasons why it's unprecedented. number one, these 1 o'clock look, has never fired projectiles like a ballistic missiles, for example, from its territory publicly against is really territory number 2 in the public ballistic missile operations that the regime has been gauging in at least 11 or 12 since 2017 for example, it has never struck a defended target. for example, all the places the ron did strike with ballistic missiles, iraq, syria, pakistan's, or undefended targets against air and missile defenses. so israel, in fact, is one of the countries with the most advanced, layered air and missile defenses. i'm making an exceptionally hard target for these
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missiles, which begs the question of what were the russians hoping to achieve? was this more of a test run? was this an attempts to layer drones and ballistic missiles, lots of operational questions here. and the biggest one is indeed, how will these role respond? correct, i will israel respond, but tell me this. what did you make of the type of attack? it's given israel. plenty of time to prepare, right. or in some way, you know, the runnings for a little over a week and a half had been publicly telegraphing that there would be an operation. and the 1st phase of the military operation that commenced was with lower and lower flying drones. some had read this as an attempt to give these release time to repair. but i actually think that would not be the case, the firing of drones 1st and marrying it with ballistic missiles later is because the flight time or some of those ballistic missiles can be as short as 8 to 12 minutes to traverse over about 1600 kilometers for the drones to avoid existing
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here in missile defenses. and how does the terrain they fly over it indeed might take several hours. so the pre firing and the publication of the drones striking, i don't think was an attempt to prepare israel to make this rag less successful. i think it was an attempt to pair it together with a higher and classifying missile. alright, what's being said in around very interesting. well you've had lots of pro really media, semi official media and media related to the i r d c caring essence. the full copy paste of these lot of the probably sharing guard cor press statement. essentially saying that yes indeed, this was a public operation. they are claiming success. they are claiming military targets was struck. so there was a fair amount of braggadocio in the run. you impress leading one to believe that this read this operation as risky and bold and, you know, game changing as it was. i also was intended to signal, resolved to
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a domestic audience as much as it was looking to single, dissolve to a for an audience. are we seeing a change in iran's approach to the decades long still it needs with israel are slowly we are seeing an approach to how these law michel, public of run educates that hostility with israel. so my think today have been looking at the missile strikes and the kind of embracing of the over the past year with israel as the ron moving full force out of the shadow is i don't think it's full force out of the shadows. it is marrying the existing, a symmetric threat that the regime poses and slowly layering on elements of this conventional thread architecture. the regime is trying to have the best of both worlds here. and that's why i think even though these realize were very successful at intercepting the vast majority of these project house, the regime is not done with, you know, marrying these threats up together and trying to dangle the capability to respond to israel as a sort of damocles now we're running out of time, but at briefly,
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if you could, what do you expect from around proxies in the region already there allegations that the she had malicious iraq had attempted to fire late attack cruise missiles that is real. that's reported, but not confirmed that has the head slowly begin to also earlier in the day fire some rockets over the border. i expect them in case there isn't, is really over its military response to begin to feel feel like. yeah. and the question is, if america does get more involved directly, i think though she and malicious were moved to be in targeting american assets phenom, benton, i blew a senior fellow from the foundation for defense of democracy in democracies in washington, dc. thank you for being on the don't use or not. so we have time for, we'll be back at the top of the hour or so in a little over 45 minutes with all the latest on it runs aerial assault against israel, and there's plenty more news and information, of course,
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on our website, the www dot com and you can follow us as well on social media. we have updates there to find out for the leaves for me and the team here and for length. thanks for watching. take care. the role of us contacting orchestras, author of being performed in virtual reality and generative a i helping create an entire about a how high tech innovation can revolutionize the stage. our topic today on ship the world robots really started replacing us in the us world with the rise of a i and cutting us robotics. the debate is definitely heating up. the roll bought all 3, made a name for itself in 2020,
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