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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2024 8:00am-8:16am CEST

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the, the, you're watching the daily news coming to live from berlin. iran launch is an unprecedented wave of attacks against israel, the israel's, as it has oil, the attack intercepting and shooting down more than $300.00 drones as myself as day breaks over. tell us, leave the world, wait to see how israel will respond. us again. sledges. it's iron clad supports and united nations security council. paul's on emergency meetings the
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clare richardson, welcome to the show, an aerial assault launched by iran against israel overnights. the is rarely army says more than $300.00 missiles and phones were fired. almost all the missiles were intercepted by israel and the united states. the u. k and jordan also shot down drones for air raid sirens sounded across israel and explosions were heard in jerusalem. the iranian revolutionary guards, as the assault is in retaliation for an attack on its conflict and serial. on april 1st, which killed 16 people, including several iranian generals, is the 1st time around has launched a direct to military attack on israel despite decades of hostilities. now, there has been widespread international condemnation of the iranian attack. president joe biden repeated the united states, iron clubs support for israel secretary general,
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antonio guitar has criticized what he called a serious escalation by iran. the un security council has called an emergency meeting. germany's for administer, angelina bare bach also condemned to be a taxi. it could plunge the entire region into chaos. and british prime minister wishes to not called the assault reckless and vowed to stand up for is rarely security is rarely, authorities have now given the all clear meaning people no longer need to stay close to air raid shelters. but our correspondent amy an east of says it was a tense and noisy night in jerusalem. the air defense
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was at the very latest from our correspondent, tonya cramer, joining us now live from jerusalem. tanya, welcome. tell us of the latest about the situation in israel. this morning while it is quiet for no, but the army says the remaining on high alert. however, the space has a reopened roofing told is so. but this comes, of course, for many for is very nice and palestinians, you know, waking up after such a night. this is somewhat a different reality of to these direct an unprecedented attacks from iran to a on is true now via hearing a more detailed snow. also coming in this morning from the is really military. they said that over 300 trainings and miss us where launched from iran, but also from other countries such as from living on the verbal kids from yemen, but also some from iraq. and they're saying that most went into set that up
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before they reached is where the territory by the defense force of by coalition of a strategic partner is as they, uh, as the is really military has said. and they also said that 9 to 9 percent where into septic, so with some ballistic missiles, however, reaching and hitting a somewhere in israel, of one of them was hitting in. they said the never team at base in the south. or we don't have a full assessment there, but they're saying it was only mine of damage, but also a child had been, has been injured, critically injured, potentially. uh, buy a shopping to know, of course, after all this happened, the question is no, you know what was israel do a but how was they retired? how would they response to this? that is indeed the big question here, tanya, what do you think israel's next move will be?
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are there signs that we might see a swift protell liaison? well this is of course the question a right now that has been also a phone call between us president a to bide and 5 minutes to opinion mean nathan, yahoo in the course of the night. and that is an indication that the united states, they don't want to see a wider region. the escalation coming out is that they have also said that uh, the us health actually is about to take down any, all of the incoming drones and misses. and that if i should see this as a success in a way that they could reboot all those most, at least of those and misses coming in. now, it will be in the hands. now if the work having the to the side of the next steps, prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, and defense minister and your guidelines, and you just have to wait and see whether you know how they will decide whether
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there will be retardation. and you know, this could affect, of course, most of the region here, and a many don't want to see of course of why the escalation, tanya, thank you so much for your reporting. that is tanya kramer for us in jerusalem. and you, as president joe biden says, he will convince the g 7 countries to plan a diplomatic response to it runs attack by and announced the meeting after speaking to is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu by phone now white and told. and that's in yahoo. israel demonstrated a remarkable ability to defend against unprecedented attacks, sending a clear message that israel security cannot be threatened. by the also said, the u. s. has not seen any attacks on its own fruit in the region, but confirmed us forces helped as well take down nearly all of drones of the drones and missiles launched from iran. let's get a perspective from washington d. c. d. c and speak to our reporter stuff in simon's chef and abiding,
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has cut short, his weekend trip to delaware to hold crisis talks with his national security team. we know his defense secretary with austin earlier spoke to his is rarely counterpart. what has the us side of publicly about this attack of the well, of course the us president as well as the entire administration, was very, very quickly to stand by israel officially and with statements this island clad, standing by israel, quote comes from national security council statement which was given on saturday. now the president has reiterated that this will be a u. s. position that when israel is attacked and has to defend itself, the us will do everything it can to support is relevant. so it did during this attack from our drone and missile attack by iran, of us saying that it's shut down itself. 70 miss ald slash drones doing this attack
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and helped israel by doing so defend itself. but as i said by my colleague time ya does use, lemme the by the administration is very, very, very keen on really putting a lift on this. now, iran apparently has concluded or has said the un mission, the, the wrong admission permanent mission at the u. n. has early on relatively early on saturdays, still a said okay, that concludes the matter for us. we retaliate retaliated, and the by the ministration is now, as we also reported in telephone calls and communication with these really kind of products saying now return to measured responses is necessary, not a retaliation by israel to not escalate this into a wider, full scale regional conflict so let's taking a little bit more into, into washington support of course, support for israel, a main stay of us foreign affairs over decades. what do you think?
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iron clad support promised here is going to mean in concrete terms to confront approach. that is militarily speaking, the united states has many, many assets, navy assets, and defense, s as in the region, red sea, or the straight of 4 moves eastern mediterranean. this is a sophisticated weaponry fighter jets and whatsoever. and there will be defensive support for israel. that doesn't mean boots on the ground, us military engagement with us soldiers anywhere near or close, or anywhere in the region there on behalf of israel, or anybody else, but support with military assets, specifically intelligence to a special rate of information and intelligence, etc, etc. this will come from the united states and will be continuously provided to israel. and that's what that means. on the other hand,
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it's of course diplomatic support. that is, and we see already the results of this and it is reaching out to all partners. and as of the united states, not just nato partners and friends, and in the, in, in, in europe. it's also partners and allies in the middle east and meeting by this airpods carter, saudi arabia, jordan, and egypt. those countries us is trying to make sure that all of them are on the same page in trying to de escalate here. now meaning to really prevent a full scale regional conflict from happening. thank you so much. that is dw chef and simon's in washington dc. as well as defense minister, you'll have the launch has praise. these really forces for blocking the attack and he paid tribute to israel's allies for their support. the not the so i am the ally
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law, the state of israel has faced and attacked me. hundreds of me 1000 joins the israel . defense forces have done an impressive job of blocking the offensive sales as the off of the muscle theme set together with the united states and other partners. luckily we managed to defend the territory of the state of israel is maybe not the so i am a said the whole world. so tonight who yvonne really is. it's the state right. it's a tax is riled from a distance of 1500 kilometers hill and tries to activate, talk a little bit, talk, see my bill or be so, i mean, i fell off in its cultural control, but the well no more is no. so i see the power of a coalition and how israel stands alongside the us, and other countries made to block this attack. it thought go, falls all to ended the studio. i'm now joined by dw, the middle east analyst, a shiny rosanna, so shiny, a good to see you again. how easy do you think it is going to be for israel and the
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united states to agree on a clear response to this iranian natasha seems to be another. a battle coming, you know, when it comes to israel in america, trying to find together a response because the way the american see it is really to respond according to the result, which seems to be quite a, you know, almost a poor when, if the ring is one or 2, it seems like the way american, the defense courses are interpreting is that, that this was mostly a declarative statement by the reading is we have shown to these railways, we can, we're not afraid. but eventually there's very little damage done on the ground. and then do it, then it could have been correct it. and then on the other hand, when you look at as early as they, they mostly focused on the fact this is unprecedented. and that this is, you know, an attack on israel serenity. and they focused on the intentions of iran, and so now it's the battle between is there. i mean, that would be a harsh word, but it's going to be back and forth and how to agree on a response is going to be determined by the intent. and this is what is really
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would want to do. and then the is, does the americans, we see them, they're trying to bring down the escalation. they want to, they are very much not interested in a, in a, in a, an escalation into the original war. and it's going to take lucy, you pick it back and forth the next day. it is definitely. and what does it tell you the fact that this response from iran was more muted, it sounds like then it could, has been. and the fact that it took it 2 weeks after this attack on a runs embassy in damascus on april 1st to see this kind of response. what does that tell you? well, 1st of all, there's a very clear chain of hire key and decision making. any rhonda takes time, but it's also, you know, we're, we're used to seeing of this. she had a war between israel and the wrong dis, back and forth of, of attack cyber attacks and so on. a lot of it into shadows. a lot of it not unannounced, and the decision here definitely was, was it for the radiance was determined, you know, or because of the americans. and we've seen a lot of communication intelligence coming about that this back and forth. there was a need for the ranges to show that they are not afraid. and this is also something
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they can expect to october 7th. the biggest asset, israel last october, 7th, is the turns when the is released punch the attack in damascus on october on april 1st. just 2 weeks ago. the assumption was that the rings are not going to operate so severely, definitely not from union ground, definitely not directly into is really soil. so the fact that the rings have done that shows us the something in the very delicate balance in this war that has been never official but very clear, has been broken. do you think we've reached, in that sense, a point of no return here that we are moving from this kind of shadow warfare to a direct attack on his right. the very much depends on these really response. and this is exactly what the americans are trying to do. they're trying to prevent a responsive look at, you know, bring to an escalation, but is released to be like one of their very important needs in their long term defense strategy is rebuilding deterrence. and that can only be done the way they see it by being very aggressive in their responses to any attempt for any attack. i
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don't think we will see the immediate response in israel. this is also partially why you know, the, the, the piece that we're seeing and this kind of complex thing is really one takes time . but the last, where does that means that it's shiny. thank you. is always the 3rd middle east analyst shawnee was on us and we can speak now to hands. jacobo schindler, a senior director of the counter extremism projects. thank you so much for speaking with us. on the w news. i'd like to start with your thoughts on what has happened here. what do you make of the a tac last night to thank you so much for having me. it was me a you raining explanation which is nicholas and unfortunately really complicates things. but it was an escalation, again within the reading and twist. so what happened is, immediately after the drones and the records for launch from the ring in the territory, united states tv officially announced the launch giving these re lease hours.


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