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tv   Sports Life  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2024 1:15pm-1:31pm CEST

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but as i mentioned, he's on a trip to china, tell us small. yeah, sort of shots and it shows the statement during the night basically just after he had landed on china and he just recently faced the cameras and repeated his comments very much in a similar line of vein to what's on the back of the foreign minister. how to say, and i think the central statement here is sort of directly with israel, a defense of israel, or all the defense of israel's right to, to defend itself on a and a warning, a repeated warning, a very strong warning to a wrong, not to escalate the matter further not to continue with the with further attacks. joe, but he's been repeating that support for israel ever since. i'll type a 7. what does it actually name? well, i think at the moment what it will mean is that germany will continue to supply weapons to israel if those are required to germinate has been a major supplier of weapons to israel, and it will continue to express as to the directory. but the question as to what extent this sort of dougherty on the, on germany's part actually translates into
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a political influence and israel. and i think that one has to put the question mark um that has not really been much evidence of german warnings being accepted by these very good government in recent weeks. excuse me. but at the same time, i think tony is trying very much to react to this within the context of international coalition. so within the g 7 context within the united states are united nation security context. i think we're kind of already see that. and the reactions that happened issued there has been some coordination already in the background between what the whitehouse has to say, what the job insurance we have to say and so on. so when you mentioned the supplying of weapons, that's something that grabs people's attention. what about german society? how is it reacted? there has been quite a bit of support for israel since the attack by hamas on israel in october. but that has been waning a poles have been showing that has been quite a bit of a discussion here around germany. because it is a very strong palestinian
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a exile community or community in germany. and what has to say against a background over you rhonda is also a very strong exile in writing and to the community in germany. so those are those will leads to further discussions. i'm sure in germany for the heated discussions, one has to say, and at the same time, i think there's a very strong desire in german society for peaceful things not to escalates. and i think that's something that the german government hearing is hearing very clearly. and this reacting to in, in his policies both here in the, in the middle east, but also in a wider sense as pon, thanks for the explained are on. germany's roland. supportive is where i want to be as well as the strongest supporters and allies. and let's bring in 10 years, fact logan next the middle east data list and head of the non profit organization, the piece economics and security code groups. she's a full, a member of these where the kinetic welcome to the w. what do you think around?
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what did you achieve with this attack as well? i think that it's quite clear that, that you're wrong. these basically the same game just like you through it wants to project power. and the phrase that the principal knows with the pays for the incident that in the muscles where it stop generals were killed, then uh, in the eyes of the rest of them, at least where it tries to build this proxy and that scan it to we. so while i use real quick, do i also do a cheap uh, you know, this uh, projection of power. uh, so was there is a running an answer. uh and uh, we saw that it was, well, you know, mazda is, but also rather limited in scope. even the $26.00, paying on these ro, they could do it for the princes in level of see right in other countries. so a whole lot of military postering here is, is what do you think you use to condense it as opposition until 2019 how far is
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that? yahoo is government willing to go in a reaction? well, you can still remember that it's, you know, he's not alone right now in his place of decision making. there is, uh it quite full dealer and rather strong minister of defense. you, i've got a whole range of points to time and again, independence. and there was also administered by the gum school. basically, he's a part of the positioning jointly been yelled only off the tragic events of then 7 . uh, so uh, the decisions that she will be making. she will be making it a loan with this people. and therefore, it's still telling you that, you know, if she's right, we members of cooperation that will be decided which will be the scope of the actual deep adult. and the i is sure you, that, that it seems that the coordination between that israel and the us is back on track in this regard we are expecting for single she ation, in regards to a form of is really
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a reaction the in the wrong. what about when it comes to is rails allies calls for a straight by as well, it's natural that the now, you know, the whole of the middle east is very boards and we know that even as sometimes a simpler step. so, you know, they can bring along the major wars, i just have to remind them today, keely, this as a nation of them own is really a box of they're in love in the, in the 1982 costs the they have, we're let them in june and i did, they did to so therefore i think that the is really allies and the same time while you know they're providing a sort of the shoulder, a little with these readers is really fine there. so it's really just uh, and the printer is lives or this, it lives yesterday at the same time. nobody is interested in this large regional war. uh no, they run himself themselves,
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but of course not bother. so we throw in the think that these are of, of course should be attentive to the voice is open, disclose elyse. that again proves that the nature of the relationship is much stronger than it gets sometimes full for the biggest trees. but so far is probably just a benjamin netanyahu has not been listening to his allies at a totally then how dependent is israel on its allies? it cannot afford to continue to ignore to well, i think that the, you know, via enters into a very different territory. there until recently, you know, while anything else feels that he's perhaps not obliged to listen to basically anybody, not only me, the list are in their lives, but also strong international i such as united states, germany in the k. uh, when the, you know, with of this fun chart to better during the direct blows between israel and the wrong. this is a whole different story. and we know from the past that, uh,
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you know, while i get the y'all at some point, maybe it was inclining to some kind of blow against the wrong. she knew that it's impossible to be done without strong american support and involvement. so therefore, it's about talking about, you know, whether it's collation that can bring good along, you know, with this regional war. i think that the it is when you think, you know, and again that he's ready to go very far in many different stairs such as gods, of course, but not, for example, in the know where you're running and prosecute spotlight goals. and we see that for the last 6 months or there is just better, they look at the gables, the balance at that is going on and the same i think woke up and right now, so these are the around. so you then tell me how wide value about the possible escalation spell i as an is really is the mother who spent the last night. that was a sleepless night. that was not affected by myself. you know, by the attack i,
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my area, the center of israel, there were no sirens going on. but of course, you know, i was following up and very prepared, no shelter. and i was thinking how i going to track of 3 of my kids, the shelter in the middle of the night. i am very rewards and the i'm very worried about everything that the 70 in our country uh seems uh the bar to get the quote from us of and 7, i've worth about the further relations, you know, with more the scene. yes. because we should be promoting them and focusing on the relations with what the stadiums. mother is eric countries and strengthening the alliance between all of them. andrew, for now it seems as though almost impossible desk, but to me. so don't give up on that 2nd side of a thank you for being here on dw. thank you. german chancellor will the filters arrived in china for a visit focused on the 10th economic ties between the 2 countries, as well as differences of, of russia's war and ukraine shall divide with
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a delegation of business leaders in the city of joan king and industrial pop up over 30000000 people in china, southwest, he's expected to travel on to shanghai and then aging. over the next 3 days, china has been germany's top trading partner for the past 8 years running with a trade volume of 253000000000 years. probably. and catch my eye is in a jing, this is all actual to 2nd trip to china as chancellor, germany views china as a competitor, rival ad partner with the same time. how tricky is that balancing act? the shots as well? that is extremely tricky. a very delicate, a balancing act because as you mentioned, china is to germany's biggest trading popping up at the, at the same time, china is fundamentally changed in the direction that germany did not want to see. so politically, it is clear that china has become a systemic arrival of just look at how close to ties between china and russia also
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how increasing a close um china ties to north korea and also to iran so that china oppose this. this risk of being of challenging the western world, or then you have the economic area where china is viewed as a competitor, but it competition that according to german companies, is increasingly on spam. and then you have the area with china as perceive as a partner, for example, when it comes to climate change and projects for invert environmental protection. but even those areas are not very innocent, because china often says you cannot just cherry pick if you're suppose to be a partner. when it comes to changing a tightening climate change, then don't criticize a politically for human rights, etc. so it is really a very tricky relationship and on f sholtes has a lot of challenges ahead and what's a good sides one out of that relationship, this visit. if you have the german, a chance that it's traveling with a big
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a business delegation, dozens of ceo's of big german companies, they want to strike deals. and i would still argue that this is not the main focus of the german side. because schoultz, i think he wants to get 2 messages across it to the chinese side, namely, 1st it and germany wants to the risk. it's the economy that it wants to be less depending on china, in terms of critical technology, etc. but at the same time, that doesn't mean that the coupling and the 2nd message will address the changing economic relationship. sholtes will demand a level playing field because as i mentioned, that's an unfair competition. 2 thirds of the german company see in china say that this competition is unfair and that they are facing discrimination. also for the german economy, the chinese industrial policy has become a problem over capacities, etc. so this would be a big issue. and for the chinese side, they want business as usual, they especially want to keep germany as an investor,
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and also as a reliable trading putnam. they're expecting business as usual. but how far will salts go in bringing up the war in ukraine and china's influence of a rush? i yeah, this will no doubt be the biggest political topic and he will bring it up. so for example, during his 1st visit and basing as a chance, a m, he got a seating ping, the china head of state to say that he's against any form of nuclear use. and he said isn't very strong words. and now of course, he wants to get more concessions. the big, the biggest, the fear among avari among the germans is that, you know, chinese companies are selling duly used products to rest. so they are exporting a product that could be used in a simple way. but also for military use, and so i'm sure that uh, sold to bring that up, but it doesn't matter which expert or diploma i talked to he and paging. the chances of the hopes that there will be much improvement on that issue is
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relatively low. you just have to look that only on to say i'm russian for him and it's the 2nd level of what's visiting paging. and he even got to meet with a seating thing, which was really highly unusual. and we'll probably indicate that a russian president vladimir putin visit badging soon at the rhetoric between those 2 countries. this really extremely frenzy. so i don't expect that china, but you really use its influence over russia to pressure it into ending the war. correspond fabia catch by in aging. thanks bye match. so let's look at what we've been covering this alex. yvonne has attacked israel with a wave of drugs. and besides that, it's 1st direct millie for yourself in decades of positivity. people, you know, i think this over the, this week we are the library as capital old ones over us. the concept of before the
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nation should tell me a little bit about the fair rules prescribe to man this minute. and remember that we've been behind. i really think you will know that the miss said, those rules women's potential is waived, just taking care of who i believe the minute the weekend same or as the 77 percent next to for were on d. w a to a ride road guide. know the way around is strictly scientific trip to some pretty wide key places. curiosity is we tried tomorrow today on d w i. she's got any issues with
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a lot say what grade the this week on the 77 percent street debate. i believe the minute the week. yes, pain or f? i would say i'm independent. does that bother you? yeah. well mine was, this'll miss, it may even be a hot spot in the old. we sometimes think of them as babies. yeah, alpha as boss is already come on, the babies we shouldn't allow rest in us to impose yeah. quadra understanding of what a family is one as african. my husband is not ready. okay, cool. for. well, i do, but i, i can't read it in july and when you find me x or the even holding have let me re
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a feeling so single today on this.


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