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tv   To Tell a Tale  Deutsche Welle  April 14, 2024 3:15pm-4:01pm CEST

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is always to decide if it's when it's deciding and spell is it, is it responding to yvonne based on the intention of the wrong? or is it doing it based on the results? because the results for itself was quite harmless and you run was mostly trying to signal to israel. you have cost the line, we are aware of it and we are trying to re establish and just sort of um, equity for you in our relationship, you know. and now is really to decide what it wants to this new relationship to look like. if it's the go to choose to respond according to intentions, then for is really the means. there was a reason for escalations. we know for a fact the americans and bite, and they said, we are going to help you with defense. we're not going to help you with attack on your on we do not want to see this escalating. we do not want to see is getting any worse into more and know a wider regional confidence and already is. the other thing is that this is becoming more, more a multi front bull. so what are the dangers there for is right. you know, then what players do you have, the harder it is for you to control the situation, the so many mistakes or options that can happen. you know, we do know, however,
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that when the americans look at what happened tonight, they're very happy for that to be a demonstration of their, of the possible alliance that they're planning for the middle east for the day, for the future. and i'm in gaza and for the past in the whole region, we see in alliance of the western countries led by the americans with the sunni motto in the country. some of them not necessarily have direct ties with as well. but through the american connection, they are willing to be part of this alliance against the she, i iranian a threat which has, for the americans mean the may swear when you talk, where you talk about the me least for many, many years. and also for israel and israel himself to decide is it's going to focus shift is focus to iran, into that strength which into now himself, personally as a politician has been talking about for decades or is it now still letting golf lot and what's happening with the palestinian front be the main center of its defense operations in the next weeks because we should remind us there were so many people factors in both the hostages. correct? um the the civilians stuck in rough us or the so i'm going i mean old. amen.
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the last 24 hours you've had over 40 casualties and guys of this is still happening . you know, this is still going on there still over a 130 is really, is kept in gauze or the pressure from the families. it's still mounting, still very strong. is really kind of withdrew or is now in the most minimum level of operations and gaza. but this is still a problem and it's real me to decide is it, you know, and we've also seen the last 24 hours since this attack, that the, we have a, these really have received an official response from us regarding the possible hostages to offer that was on the table that they're not interested in. how much sees the pressure on israel? how much very much is looking forward to seeing you, ron and other forces coming in to tour it to turn this into a region a war. so in a way, israel escalating would play to come off of hands uh when it comes to that. and also how much would very much like to see where the bridge between the americans and is really is growing bigger and bigger. that's part of, you know, israel's main assets united strategic. yes, it is the american support. and if they manage to put a wedge between those around and in america, that's also
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a great achievement for from us. and also for these 8 right hands. of course, so many more questions i want to ask you, shiney will bring you back in later in the show. first of all, been wide spread international condemnation of the arabian attack. un secretary general antonio terrace, criticizing what he called a serious escalation by a run. the un security council is called an emergency meeting, b. e use foreign policy chief, joseph beretta called the sold unacceptable, and a great frank to regional security. the british prime minister wishes to next that it was reckless and bound to stand up for his why the security driven chance level f sholtes has responded to the obedient assault while on a trip to china is what he had to say a short time ago to be a full time drawn, we strongly condemned the reigning an attack and warned against any food. the escalation by the run must not continue down this past off. these would be to fight them like kind of the same time. it's absolutely clear to us that we stand in
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solidarity we these round, which has every right to defend itself. the leave will do everything we can to prevent further escalation and will day for continue to pursue our current course caused by to for, for the i because we can only want everyone especially around not against continuing down this path. the able to use the political later to miss out because that is travelling with the chancellor in china is her assessment of all the filter comments to the german chancellor and making very clear that germany remains at israel side in its hour of need at the same time pushing for a diplomatic solution. the d. 7 nations, all co ordinating the german chancellor. joining that meeting here from china, from joan king chinas, essentially the world's largest city. he just arrived to the news of the range, an attack of on his 3 day trip to china. and he will also be holding tools with
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president c in beijing on tuesday. the over arching question, of course being how to contain this, depending on what israel's next step will be, is also a key question for them in diplomacy. germany has as one of its fundamental principles of policy making, the defense of israel, the security of israel. this is a political consensus in germany, and this is also something the german taunts that would have told from the stands for. now the big question is, what will that mean and concrete terms of the coming hours and days, or to look at the international implications of the writing of the tax on israel and joined by richard wilka, our international chief editor. that was more about schultz and his meeting with she's in ping on tuesday. he's hoping to get help in avoiding further escalation,
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but to get that. yeah, so i mean, it, it's really quite nice. you see all of selves, of course, on the other side of the well the, at the moment when he's just been in showing, seeing, we just saw the pictures that from the visits in china, where a german company has a hydrogen facility. and he's been touring that and you might think, well he's, he's got other things on his mind today and then looking at a hydrogen factory. but i think that the gems are saying that the fact that they get to talk to jim paint the chinese present on tuesday really makes this trip. was it even from the point of view that this, this you risk of escalation going on? the germans web briefing before these trip that they would be going and asking the chinese to help to try to keep laid on things. and this, of course, is particularly with respect to iran, where china has a close relationship. and as a sign of that resisting to see so tony blink in the back and 2nd through state was supposed to when he his johnny's counterpart. um, just a couple of days ago. and, and the chinese foreign ministry. spokes person said that china condemns the attack
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on the ron, you and embassy and syria. so, so china, very much kind of teaching iran side a in what the backdrop to, what's happened to you this, this attack on the iranian facility in syria. so indicating that the chinese field, kind of, that the iranians were, you know, had every right to retaliate. now the question will be, well, you know, do, do the chinese really want to risk a major escalation? what could that mean for them? if you look at a chinese economy, it is very dependent on the oil imports from the middle east. so any kind of major was that could cause disruption, perhaps, to all expos, through the straight simple moves in it. for example, that could be very disrupt to china. especially in the time that is economics economy is we? so i think so it's would be appealing on those kind of self interest of grounds as well as on grounds of his own commitment to as well as defense. and you're saying that because it could cause some sort of on race back home in china. what,
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what we're trying to struggling with is economy and the kind of disruption that could happen to all markets. if there were a major conflict to shut down the straits for news that would affect china as much as any, it would affect any of the all important country at a time where the chinese economy is in trouble. so, so i think these are some of the on the current. so i think schultz will certainly be appealing on that. now the german foreign minister on the bank book said today that the middle east was on the edge of price. suppose that a run had almost pushed the region into chaos. let's listen in. don't see it. honestly, there's even how to the iranian regime has clearly led the entire middle east. to the brink of the, of this, this up associates, a ron fired over 300 rockets, drones, and cruise missiles that israel last night. because you can guess enough off east got you up to fly out. we condemn in the strongest possible terms, the direct iranian attack on the territory of israel. scott hughes. germany's fil. solidarity extends to israel follows only deputies dodge lots of stock warning
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there from bad bulk which it yeah, i mean, i think, reflecting just this level of concern, which we've seen back to october 7th and the how most terrorist attack on the as well, that really sets off that this, this new stage of instability in the middle east. that that's being this concern that, that could be a major escalation. i'm particularly a will between this trial and iran. and this is the closest we've been to that. yes, as we've been hearing, you know, that this time, unprecedented today, it hasn't happened before that iran has directly attacked as well. nobody really knows how that is going to change the dynamic in the region yet. so i think you get clear concerns here and by then the flurry of international diplomatic activity, of course, will this be out of stop any potential escalate? yeah, so we've got the un security council meeting in the afternoon. you your time today . of course, the un security council has not shown itself able to really deal with the major conflict. so you're trained,
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middle east or others at the moment because it is so kind of deadlocks. i mean, the, the great, so it kind of great power competition going on between the western powers and, and russia and china on the other hand, so that it is quite possible that, that will just descend into a kind of a blame game. the g 7 will also be talking beside a box that's already already. i think the western powers will want to be sending messages of reassurance to israel that they have it back. but at the same time wanting to try to work on these relative to, to try to persuade it not to retaliation, a major way to what has just happened. so that's a delicate balance west of how's it going to be trying to work at the moment? actually for international edits or richard volk, thank you very much. the you're watching t w use on pain for as well, and picking up on a point we were making that earlier driven trends load up. schultz arriving and
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china for a visit focused on the tense economic ties between the 2 countries as well as differences of a rush is war in ukraine is also the war in the middle east to talk about children arriving with a delegation of business leaders in the city of don't check the industrial habits or the 13000000 people in china. southwest is expected then to travel on to shanghai and then paging over the next 3 days. china has been germany's top trading partner for the past 8 years straight with the type volume of around 253000000000 euros. germany views china as a competitor bible and pot uh at the same time i asked the corresponded palm, be in touch by how tricky it is balancing act is for schultz as well. that is extremely tricky. a very delicate, a balancing act because as you mentioned, china is to germany's biggest trading popping up at the, at the same time, china is fundamentally changed in the direction that germany did not want to see.
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so politically, it is clear that china has become a systemic arrival of just look at how close to ties between china and russia also how increasing a close um china ties to north korea and also to iran so that china poses this risk of being of challenging the western world, or then you have the economic area where china is viewed as a competitor, but it competition that according to german companies, is increasingly on spam. and then you have the area with china as perceive as a partner. for example, when it comes to climate change and projects for and for environmental protection. but even those areas are not very innocent because china often says you cannot just cherry pick if you're suppose to be a partner. when it comes to changing a pipe in climate change, then don't criticize a politically for human rights, etc. so it is really a very tricky relationship. and on f sholtes has a lot of challenges ahead and what they're both sides want out of that relationship
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. this visit if you have the german chancellor, it's traveling with a big business delegation, dozens of a ceo's of big german companies. they want to strike deals, and i would still argue that this is not the main focus of the german side. because schoultz, i think he wants to get 2 messages across it to the chinese side, namely 1st that germany wants to do the risk. it's the economy that it wants to be less depending on china, in terms of critical technology, etc. but at the same time, that doesn't mean that the coupling and the 2nd message will address the changing economic relationship. sholtes will demand a level playing field because as i mentioned, there's an unfair competition. 2 thirds of the drum and companies c and china say that this competition is unfair, that they are facing discrimination. and also for the german economy. the chinese industrial policy has become a problem over capacities, etc. so this would be
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a big issue, and for the chinese side, they want business as usual, they especially want to keep germany as an investor, and also as a reliable trading putnam. i guess they're expecting business as usual. but how far will thoughts go in bringing up the war in ukraine and china's influence of a rush? i yeah, this will no doubt be the biggest political topic and he will bring it up. so for example, during his 1st visit and basing as a chance, a m, he got a seating ping, the china head of state to say that he's against any form of nuclear use. and he said isn't very strong words. and now of course, he wants to get more concessions. the big, the biggest, the fear among avari among a drum. it is that, you know, chinese companies are selling duly use products to rest. so they are exporting a product that could be used in a civil way, but also for military use. and so i'm sure that uh, sold to bring that up. but it doesn't matter which expert or diploma i talked to he
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and aging. the chances of the hopes that there will be much improvement on that issue is relatively low. you just have to look that only on to say i'm russian for . i mean it's the 2nd level of what's visiting beijing and he even got to meet with a seating thing, which was really highly unusual and would probably indicate that russian president vladimir putin visit badging soon at the rhetoric between those 2 countries. this really extremely frenzy. so i don't expect that china, but you really use its influence over russia to pressure into ending the war correspond fabia catch by in aging. thanks bye not. and if he just joined us, he's a recap of our main story is well, has repelled a massive a rainy an aerial attack. the ones, the campaign is not all of it's cold for vigilance. it runs 1st direct attack on israel, despite decades of hostility use. more than 300000 drawings,
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is been calm over as well in the wake of the badge. with looking at life pictures, there was the old of the weapons were intercepted by israel and its allies, including the u. s. u k. and george. so if i you ways president to abide and has said that he wants to coordinate a united diplomatic response to a rise attack at a meeting of the g 7 group of wealthy nations. he intends to convene tomorrow. it flashes in the sky off to tell him the dispute to choose the interception of designs and drones launched by it on his right and save its defense system, shut down most of them in the sky image, she land but sob. and last night, yvonne attacked israel with more than $300.00 weapons, but our technological an assay pavey our team meant that we were able to fend off of this assault. this your group together with a strong combination with a set did. almost all of these threats are you mean sizes after the 1st day of
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a direct military attack on his right from it on the intended cri you as president joe biden spoke, that is vitally prime minister benjamin netanyahu bite, and reaffirmed what he called america's island cleared commitment to this a good deal of his right hand announced plans through couldn't mean d 7 leaders protocol due to diplomacy corresponds and to hit on pro government data . onions took to the streets to celebrate the vehicle the strikes towards the stride. the slow i'm exec will lose bidding god called sees the overnight assault wasn't a response to a deadly added strike. one in into a little bit. it compiled in syria earlier this month, which killed several of its most senior commanders the dogs mission to the united nations route on social media. that it's a tech on his right can be deemed concluded up on his lot of course piece right and will react to these that tact. but whatever they do are brave,
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many the revolutionary guard will anticipate will die. i do not think israel will have an answer to the attack if they respond. iran will definitely also respond. but to try and say is it's confrontation, video dawn is not over. and the overnight escalation between 2 long time pulls has once again increased the threat of a full scale please. and the law i asked me to talk with ami from dw, as far as the service, why to run would take this unprecedented step. now, yes, it is unprecedented because so far that has be no direct confrontation with ease rate at this level. and of one of the reasons for this attack was the machines need to convince the supporters who as a venue response to the consulate attack. in addition, as since the day of us and so they money that, that this across. and so the money, the regime had not taken any harsh revenge that they were talking about. and that
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caused them to be ridiculous by a large part of the people. and many questions from their sports or so of course there was no venture at all, but the type of the attack was similar to the attacks on a known a side the base. so that is they had informed about this attack and even white house was informed about it, but there was a wanted to call them and they are supporters questioning them. they think the us will not entire to conflict by conflict. what i think, and this is a big gamble due to the current situation and the condition after the october 7th attack by him off, is read and must given aggressive response and everything depends on these response . i may also bring the us into a, into the war. and other reason, according to many, was the appeasement of the west. we dis,
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stomach default like experts believe that the dispute mechanism must be activated before and the i or g. c must be designated as a terrorist girl swiped the you and i think to death to death policy of the biden administration. this done group only had an opportunity to uh, so only and save financial resources to create more chaos in the region and a be. so for example, that uranium thrones were used in, in the war. and between russia and ukraine and routine continued its attacks through proxy forces and now because of the typed, it is regulatory, tory in an unprecedented today. so the rest should know that the subject of liquid continue to destabilize the region as long as it is in love. and at the same time it will suppress any one opposing their strategy inside the country. and this is
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why uranian pro democracy activists have been warning for years of peace and security in the middle east will depend on the destruction of the stronger public and establishment of democracy. regime in the long runs of leadership is now saying that any reckless is why the move will prompt a stronger response. tell me how prepare to run is for this conflict to escalate a me yes, uranium official including and comedy and i are just the commanders constantly warn israel in their statements today and days before and threatened the us for any possible interference. and it is certain that you want is vulnerable to is rain due to long distance between the 2 countries. and the have to consider is that you
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want internal conditions should be also consider that economy and social situation is critical. and the legitimacy office regime has been questioned for years. so in addition to is really a frost will not consist of just one country, but will be an international coalition against the one. and this one, the republic uh will not have the slightest chance of say, what this question is, highlights a tier to what extent does the best of the confrontation with you on the must remember that russia is now a war with ukraine, and he's really also fighting him off to re screw, you know, 5 allow me from the don't use fancy department. thank you. thank you. brand as well or i us middle east analyst 10. yes i drove of what she thinks is behind runs attack as well. i think that it's quite clear that,
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that you're on these basically the same game just like you through it towards the project flower and the phrase that you put the will know through the page for the incident, the in the muscles where it stop general's the cube then in the eyes of the rest of them, at least where it tries to view this frequency and that scan it to the week. so while i use real quick, do i also do a cheap uh, you know, this uh, projection of power. uh, so was there is a running an answer. uh and uh, we saw that it was, well, you know, boxes, but also rather limited in scope. if they want to inflict pain on these row, they could do it for the premises in level of see right in other countries. so a whole lot of military postering here is, is what do you think you use to connect that as opposition until 2019, how far is that in yahoo is government willing to go in a reaction?
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well, you have to remember that the, you know, is not alone right now in his place of decision making. there is, uh it quite full dealer and rather strong minister of defense. you, i've got a whole range of points to time and again, independence. and there was also me to start buddy go school. basically, he's a part of the position who enjoys you've been yelled only off the tragic events of then 7. uh, so uh the decisions that she will be making. she will be making it a loan with this people and therefore it's the video and she's right. we members of is cooperation. that will be deciding what will be the scope of the reaction if adult and the i is sure you that, that it seems that the coordination between that israel in the us is back on track and then disregard. we are expecting of course, negotiation in regards to a form of is really a reaction the in the wrong. what about when it comes to is rails allies calls for
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restraint, bye. uh, uh. well uh it's uh natural that, uh now uh, you know, the whole of the middle east uh is uh, very boards. uh and uh, we know that even, uh, sometimes uh, simpler steps. uh, you know, they can bring along the major horse. uh i just uh have to remind the deck you like this as a nation of them on these right? yeah. boxes are in love in the, in the 1982 uh cost. uh they have were let them, uh, in june and i did they do 2. so therefore i think that the is really, uh it was uh at the same time. why? oh, you know, they've been fighting a sore the shoulder a little with these readers. is really fighters says really jets uh and the printers lives or this uh, it lives uh yesterday, at the same time, nobody is interested in this large regional war. uh no, they are running himself themselves, but of course not the father. so we throw in the thing that these are of, of course should be attentive to the voice of opa disclose elyse. that again proves
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that the nature of the relationship is much stronger. does give sometimes to prove that it is pres, but so far is probably just a benjamin netanyahu has not been listening to his allies and tell me then how dependent is israel on its allies? it cannot afford to continue to ignore to i think that the, you know, via enters into a very different territory there until recently, you know, while everything else feels that he's perhaps not obliged to listen to basically anybody, not only middle eastern airlines, but also strong international why such as united states germany in the u. k. uh, when the, you know, we introduce fun chart to better during the direct blows between israel and the wrong. this is a whole different story. and we know from the boss that, uh, you know, while i get the y'all at some point, maybe it was inclining to some kind of blow against the wrong to you. that it's
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impossible to be done without strong american support and involvement. so therefore it's about talking about, you know, brothers collation that can bring good alone, you know, with this regional war. i think that the it is when you think, you know, and again that he's ready to go very far in many different stairs such as gods, of course, but not for example, him to know where you're running and prosecute spotlight goals. and we see that for the last 6 months, or there is just better they look at the gable stay balance, act that is going on. and the same thing woke up and right now, so these are the around. so you then tell me how wide value about the possible escalation spell i as an is really is the mother and whole spent the last night that was the sleepless night that was not affected by myself. you know, by the attack i, my area, the center of police real. there was no sirens going on,
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but of course, you know, i was following up and very prepared, no shelter. and i was thinking how i going to track of 3 of my kids, the shelter in the middle of the night. i am very rewards and the i, the rewards both, everything that the step in and of countries uh, seems uh the buyer to get that quote from us of been 7. i've worked about the further relations, you know, with motors, but a scene. yes, because we should be promoting them and focusing on the relations with the cdns mother of air congress and strengthening the alliance between all of them. andrew, for now, it seems as though almost impossible desk, but to me, so don't give up on that side yet. so i thought, well thank you for being here on dw, thank you. and mckenzie, and is a senior advisor with the center for strategic and international studies. i asked him if around the attack is a major escalation or a symbolic show of force? well, it's really both on the one hand,
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the fact that that one has directly struck is real, is unprecedented. it has always been the past acted root proxies. so that's an escalation, that's something quite unusual. on the other hand, of course, there has not been very much damage, so that puts less pressure on these relays. the, this is not a situation like october 7th. i think that the as release will feel the need to do something and response, but nothing as a dramatic, nothing as large as what they've done in gaza. so what damage could around do so we run has a lot of missiles and particularly they have ballistic missiles which are harder to stop. now, these really is have a complete set of air defense weapons and missile defense weapons. they've been expecting this kind of attack for 20 years, but ballistic missiles are more difficult to intercept. they would have maybe
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a heart higher, a possibility of getting through and causing damage. so the, the radians do have some capabilities that they could employ drugs as well. and of course they have drones. yes, but the draws that have been shown to be susceptible to air defenses. how isolated would you say a ronnie is when it comes to its arab neighbors? well, the rod is clearly quite isolated. they'll be there. arab, the neighbors have always been nervous about you right now. this is a tension that. ready is back centuries between the persians and the arabs, the aggressive stance of iran against the arab countries. they've struck several of them in the past. so this is just increasing their nervousness. where do you stand on israel's next response?
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if there's going to be retaliation or not, or a step back or what we've heard from the previous commentators is 2 things. one is that these relays will probably do something that's very typical of is real. you'll get them, they'll get you back. on the other hand, the damage has not been very significant. so i think they might go after some targets where there will not be many casualties. certainly not civilian casualties . military airfield would be quite a classic one. maybe the production facility for drones. they might have to go like go after some of the rainy and naval capabilities. the rain is of course, has captured a ship in the gulf and these rays might go up to some of those naval capabilities has also been a rainy and ship in the red sea that has been giving, targeting information to the who these they might go up to that also, and mock, what sort of response would those options? droll it's hard to say, you know,
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if the, you know, the hope is that these really is make, you know, their counter and then both sides sort of step back. i'd be really assessed before i don't want a larger ward up before this. they had been talking about the escalating, they had a pull the who these back a bit for example. so one, what hopes that whatever the is release do you know it's limited in the radiance can sort of walk away. that's certainly what the united states, the same united states been very clear that they will not participate in the any attacks on the run or any calendars. but it's likely giving both advice and maybe some intelligence to the use release to help shape this response. i can see in senior advisor with the c s i s international security program. thank you very much for being on the. tell me thanks for having me on the show. to find these lights
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for tons of d, w correspond rebecca raters in jerusalem for us. betty guns from the is where the ball cabinet spoke just a short time ago. what did he have to say? well, benny guns lodge. we spoke about b rainy and threats being an international problem and a regional challenge. he said, and i quote that the world stood with israel and the world is against iran, really highlighting. then what seems to be the main messaging that we're hearing from politicians and from the military and the off the mouth of this attack military hailing. this is a strategic success. the fact that the allies were united and the even regional pot partners were united in israel defense. and that is a message that israel a trying to put across quite strongly. and it comes at a time when you know that the relationship between the us and israel, in particular, was faltering because of some of the events happening in gauze or, and the soviet death toll and humanitarian causes happening there. and now we're
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seeing much, we gotta use the international community and allies, you know, i think around israel. and that's certainly something that's, that israel is trying to promote. he went on to say that in the face of our enemies who wants to hurt us, we will unite and get stronger. who you then went on to say in the face of the arabian threat, we will build a regional coalition. i will take a toll on iran in the amount of time that is awesome. i think that's really see the main message that they will be some retaliation. of course, that's what is it everyone is expecting but, but it may not be in the next 1224 hours. we simply just don't know yet when it will happen. and israel don't want to keep any signals as to when it might happen. definitely from that word and you might imagine that they're going to take the time in deciding how to retaliate. and of course when to strike and that that, that will be coming as a surprise. losely tell us a bit more about the telephone conversation between prime minister benjamin netanyahu and u. s. president. if i didn't know what it happened,
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not that long after the attack of several hours ago. now, of course it was for about 25 minutes and by all accounts it was a strong and you know, good conversation president bide, and making a statement off the woods saying that you know, that he reiterated some prime minister benjamin benjamin netanyahu, that the us stood steadfast i am clad allies next to israel and that they would stand side by side with them. but we didn't hear any real information that came out of that coal in terms of content, but we were hearing report so that the us a very fun and very strong. and the fact that they would, as your last guess was talking about not, not assessed. and not be policy to any retaliatory tax towards iran. so those just were media reports of the state. but certainly something that we're hearing is a message that the us is really trying to, to press upon the as riley's correspondence
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to the actual editor, which walker and detail use middle east. analysts shiny was on a sunday any shift. first of all, that you'll single signs of a shift from regional, low global alliances off to these attacks. well as well, folk itself almost like a pariah. and just a few weeks ago. and now we're seeing uh, you know, the whole world uniting, again with israel against iran, something that the israel has been struggling with, galvanizing enough international support. it claimed for the union cost so far. so the challenge for israel now would be to use this to utilize this momentum in order to actually bring more pressure on iran without losing that support. and in order to do that, it needs to be very careful and it's response. now to this evening, an attack over night, richard, where do you see this going? yeah, i mean, it's a very precarious moment certainly, but the bowl is very much and as well as court, i think we've been hearing that throughout the course of the conversations today. um and uh, and that it does and that there is
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a degree of ambiguity almost. what has happened to notice a very large scale attacked me. $300.00 plus drones cruise missiles. i'm ballistic missile, so it's a, it's a huge number. but the impact was low. the damage was low, i mean imagine, but we will be talking about now if that being large, scale civilian casualties. yeah, that was the 1st day for the yvonne has so many proxies near on is there as border, has bought the, the 1st and foremost at his bottle. i had been ordered or chose to join iran. it would have been 9 hours of, of, of, for an announcement for his relative. it's about minutes that actually put most of his where the citizens under and, and it, and the talk of in support and lead by yvonne yvonne proxies. and the fact that the wrong is, did not choose to do that shows us they, they did not choose to go all in. so in a way they were signaling to israel. we were, you know, setting some new borders, but they did not want to, you know, they want it to make sure this gives him a good way back for israel not to retaliate in
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a very aggressive way. i feel for those have different interpretations about, you know, how it runs the attack. it will be viewed, will it be viewed as have shown this sort of strength trying to re establish as they would see to tyrants, you know, done target our diplomatic missions in damascus. or anywhere else, or will it only go to show how ineffective iranian missiles up to 99 percent of them can be sold out of the a and that you will even get, you know, not just u. s. u k. but even jordan, you're not helping to shoot these down so, so it's too early release. it kind of just like with that, how this will be viewed in the future. but i think what everyone agrees is we are. and then you kind of odd that to use the case a uncharted territory simply because this kind of direct attack has not happened before. so how do you take us through is rails priorities now? well that's, that's the main question. we have the cabinet meeting as we speak and they will have to decide is what needs to see where he wants to put this focus as it's going to yvonne. and we need to know himself as opposed sense as the men want it to be
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seen as a protector of israel. has been wanting about yvonne for decades and you want it, you know, he's very hard liner when it comes to that. but however, you know, folk, you know, shifting the focus there is really itself and not through the western allies or the americans will have to take a toll when it comes to gaza, which is still going on going that conflict as far from being resolved. so this is the main question as well, is now facing where is it shifting its focus? some voice is mostly on the right wing. many of them are in the tiny, i was caught cabinet. think this is, might be a chance to finally give on the blow that is real, has been, you know, refraining from doing so far. it's quite clear the americans will, they'll fight that very hard and putting a wedge between israel and the americans it's for itself is also another goal that you run is a homeless, a very happy to see if you, you alluded to positive aspect. see if it could come out of this. what about is it some sort of hope now for the hostages? is there any hope for all of those palestinians waiting to know, you know, it,
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can we get to safety? because the ball continues, as you mentioned to me earlier in the show, richard was mentioned and then duty, we hear very little from israel. we hear very little from what's next to be expected. there were some voices in his real saying maybe this is a good chance for us to actually have a proper excuse to say, okay, come us, but willing to give up, you know, given to your demands, we are willing to stop the war in gaza. you will return in returning to bring back the hostages, which is, seems to be made contention point in the deal, or the talks woocommerce overdue. that could maybe be the letter to help everybody climb down that tree and sort of bring some sort of a temporary resolution to gaza. i don't know how close we are to that, but they are hopes also among the more moderate politicians it is real that maybe that will be possible scenario. and richard, the incident additional aspect because we've had so much pressure on israel from so many players or so many allies, supporters, especially the west of light,
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is the us going to suddenly change its tune in some way here. what, what can we expect internationally when it comes to patrone so, well i, i think what was being clear is that the united states obviously is in a bind. when is when it comes to trying to apply pressure on israel. and when it sees is really policies that it things are going in the wrong direction, either to extreme towards civilians and gaza. whether it's fee is excessive counter attacks towards the wrong. it knows that there's still a bottom line where the us has to always stand by israel. this is no political space within these, within the united states, not to do that too deep with the connections between the 2 countries. it's different, but some are also in the case of germany. so it's so the scope for israel's allies to really put massive pressure on kind of it only goes so far. um so it's
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putney appeals, tu, tu, tu? tu enlightened? common sense to don't overdo it because it will hurt you. and that's a big question about potential. i think the concern in western countries and israel's west and allies, is partly that the political incentives for benjamin netanyahu potentially align towards an escalade tree step because it's part of the best. it fits with his brand as politicians throughout his career. i've warned about this all along. we need to take their 5 decisive steps plus will. so because he's on the massive political pressure at home for failures and the lead it to lead up to the october 7th, the terrorist attacks that he needs to kind of prove that he can come out as on top and have some kind of grand victory. so they could be political, temptations fullness and yahoo and those around him to say, all right, we need to strike iran new to program for instance, and try to set it at several years again because it's getting too close for comfort
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. and i think that's the big worry for the americans, for the germans, for the other western powers, is that they think, okay, if, if a big strength like that happens, then you really are into a domino effect because the wrong is it gonna retaliate a to that big time and then you maybe have plays on the outside like russia, that have an interesting tales in the middle east and sucking the americans in distracting the americans from vladimir putin square and ukraine. the values chief international editor richard woke up and down released analysts. i'm pregnant scientists. thank you very much to both of these for joining it. and thank you for watching special coverage you use continues in a few minutes to check the
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the the . this is the w use mind from bullying is well to celebrate sounds, to repelling an attack from the run. the boards, the campaign is known all is well and its allies intercept almost all of the hundreds of drones admissions launched, buying around the world's length to see what's next you way as reiterates. it's an iron clad support of israel to the un security council calls and emergency maintenance buildings find minnesota and elaina bab bunk expenses, solidarity with these routes and condemns iran in the strongest possible times. and german chancellor without salts coals the uranium based on the tax and unacceptable as.


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