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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  April 15, 2024 6:00am-6:16am CEST

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the, the, this is dw news lie from berlin. the world waits for israel's response to the attack by a rob. israel says the conflict is not over. the prime minister. netanyahu meets with his ward cabinets, rankles. the wave of may 1000 drones measured and justified us as it won't join any retaliation. also coming up, the head of the united nations warns against a deeper it descends into conflict each time the bed from liberty. antonio quoterush says neither the region nor the world can afford further escalation between iran and israel. the
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unpopular felony as welcome to the program a day after shooting diamond hundreds of me selves and drones launched against it by a run israel, who is waiting of its response and says, the conflict is not over as were leaders call for restraint. israel is war cabin is match with that, and i'm seeing any definite course of action around says it's a sold was an active self defense at the united nations. each side accused the other of being the main threat to peace in the middle east. the crater left by iran aerial attack. israel's military says this desert air be sustained only minor damage as a bronze launch more than $300.00 drones and missiles, israel and its allies shot down nearly all of them. despite decades of intense and moody, this was their ron's 1st direct attack on israel. while world leaders call
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for calm and restrained, israel's president says options are open. this is like a reading wall. and i mean, this is a declaration of whether or not, not because we are a strain and we cause we know the river questions and because we have the liberation. so without thoughts, as we are considering all options and i'm quite confident that's we wouldn't take the necessary steps that's all necessary to protect and defend on people. we are not to all say cuz i think i would leave it that, that the us says it will support israel's defense. but it will not take part in any military retaliation against iran. it's going to be up to these rarely some side uh what, what the next step is here. i would just say this present in button since the beginning of this conflict has worked very hard to keep this from becoming
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a broader regional war. israel's war cabinet met without announcing any decision. as the world waits to see what comes next. to him, new correspondents in east surf in jerusalem told me the war cabinet has not given any clear indication of what happens next. a well, not much of anything that answers the questions that are on the minds of most as rarely as right now and the world at large for that matter. there has been no publicized decision about how exactly is real is going to respond to this arabian response. of course, this was a reprisal for the or is really attack the attack that they did not claim on the damascus consulate in syria is where it run. generals were killed and that's important context for this, but israel's trying to decide on a reprise and now and we didn't get any answers out of that cabinet meeting. what
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we did get was a statement from ben against that said, that is real, was going to retaliate, but it was going to do it on its own terms and on its own timeframe. and it was going to do it with an international coalition. now what's interesting here is that a columnist of well respected columnist and is real said according to sources. if that meeting had been publicized, if it brought been broadcast on youtube, you would have had 4000000 is really is headed for vendor in airports and tell a beef to head out of the country. so that's gives you an idea of the, the kind of reprisals that were being debated there, but it seems for now cooler heads have prevailed. all right, but do we have any idea in what quote the retaliation look like then as well, it could be anything on a spectrum from a massive attack to knock out rainy in a nuclear weapons or butting nuclear facilities. it could also be something small.
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it could be another assassination or an attack on reading and proxy is of course the far right here. and there is a very far right in the government is real. i'm a been give you a bank of your excuse me, from the far right party is, has been calling for israel to go berserk. ah, so it gives an idea of what he wants to see happen. but of course the war cabinet contains not only look liquid, which is right wing. that's nothing. yeah. whose party, but also centrist. uh, so it seems that there's still a debate there and we don't know which side of the spectrum this reprisal is going to fall on over. the said there will be something is this rather likely to heat calls for restraint from the us and others? it seems that they are to have a 24 hour period that was closely watched as close now, and it seems that after phone call between netanyahu and us president joe biden, instead of retaliating immediately what is real did was calling you un security
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conference meeting to gather the international community around, it seems that there's thinking international legitimacy for whatever they do next. so that is a form of restraint. another president is like hertzog also said we are acting restrained. we know what the consequences are, but of course when they say that they are going to retaliate, that puts a lot of people on high alert because the ron said if there is any retaliation for this retaliation, another words iran wanted it to be over. now, if there's any kind of retaliation, then they would strike back even harder with more missiles, more ballistic missiles, more drones. and maybe even damage is real in a way that it hadn't been able to do. and this last attack, tens times on in the don't you corresponded to, i mean east of injuries and force thanks. leaders of the g 7 nations have condemned to ron's attack on israel in a video meeting called by president biden. they are also urged around to exercise
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restraint. the g 7 says it will work to prevent an uncontrollable regional escalation and will seek an immediate and lasting cease fire and gaza. the un secretary general antonio guitar shows warranty international community against ascending deeper into conflict. speaking at an emergency session of the un security council, he said the region cannot afford a wider war. it's time to step back from the building. it's vital to avoid any action that could lead to measure the military confrontations on multiple fronts. in the middle east, the civilians that already bedding the brands and paying the highest price. and we have a share the responsibility to actively engage all parties concerned to prevent further the escalation. ryan has described the attack as measured and justified. it's on
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void to the united nation said well, rand does not seek a regional escalation. it will defend itself. face, which such says come as though says they stomach people because you don't have the no choice but to exist size. it's in your head on the right to self defense on the international law to alex tanka is director of the around program at the middle east institute in washington, dc. i asked them whether this attack was a strategic success for around yes, in a way a no yes, in the sense that they came out after the 1st of april strike by israel under damascus and said they would have to retaliate in time. meaning because they considered the embassy compound of damascus to be rainy and soil. they said they would have to strike israel on its soil. and that's basically what they have tried to do here. although as you heard in the reports that about 99 percent of all
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those missiles and drums were intercepted. i do have to point out that yes, in terms of the writing doing this for the 1st time, they have started a new chapter in this and it to you with israel. but i have to also, as an, i know this to leave that the way you run carry this operation suggest to me that they didn't really want this to escalate any further. this is what they're saying publicly, but their actions before and also showed that was the case. i mean, in any military operation, you don't give days of advice warning. you don't send off small, slow moving drones that give you a me plenty of time to prepare. so they wanted to make a point, they wanted to strike israel, but they want to make sure the damage was such that didn't the sincerely necessitate and is ready retaliation and kind and the rise hold right now clearly is that this is the end of this route. and they want to move on. all right,
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you set it there, but the a rainy and foreign minister has said the attack was and only at israel and not at the us. so what does that tell us as well? it just tells us that you have these days in a pretty uh, you know, a bad position even way because it has to mediate in a, in a conflict between an ally israel and an opponent called around. that doesn't really want to even talk to the united states directly, but nonetheless, both around in the united states. as, as, as bizarre as it sounds have one thing in common, not just side, wants to get into a regional conflict. and both sides recognize the simple fact that iran is real, costly will not be limited to you, right. and israel and in the united states very well will be forced to enter that conflict, which is again, we've heard it over the weekend by administration. clearly clearly is not interested and it's doing everything to try to prevent that. that with this attack,
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global attention has turned away from the war in gods. so how's this health is real? do you think? you know, you could, you could say that that might turn out to be the case not, not in the short term we've heard is really officials talking about what is the right did to them this we can as providing israel with what it is really, leaders are calling strategic leverage and the building of a new international regional college and a guest right now if you do that and if you're successful in doing that, then absolutely. this will be a win 44 as well in the long term. but it's not going to help them in the short term, and they're in their operations in gaza and the regional and international law position they face and the way they've carried themselves so far. so there you have it. okay, but could arouse attack on his route at reshape alliances or power at all in the region. i'm not into short term. look, i think for example,
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let me give you one concrete example. if this is rainy and attack is for example, seen by israel to re energize the moon, say in the gulf states, countries like saudi arabia, to look at normalizing relations with israel to sort of go back to where that would be for the guys and prizes. then i think is way too premature to assume that our public opinion is still very much upset about what's going on in gaza. that doesn't mean that likes the reading approach to his role at all. in fact, we've seen our country is very silent in some cases in the case of jordan, actively participating against the c rating operation. this is actually a separate point, but a very fundamental point. i do wonder if you ring and leaders now to around me to take a moment and think about what it is they're seeking to do with israel. because their energy towards israel is an ideological mission. there on your right is not an arab country. house thing doesn't need to be any radiated cost and the world is when the
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right to take the leadership on this. all these are tough questions. the reading leaders have to answer particularly given that uranium public opinion is very much opposed to what a ride is doing. in the region and this position on israel. all right, we don't have a whole lot of time, but briefly zip code, what do you expect to see happening next? i think we've heard so far from these really is clearly as the united states is telling them right now, you can call it a when you can call it a major spectacular military success. i'm calling today and move on. we'll come back to you around what we need to time to figure it out. it's not something we will do in days a weeks. it's a major project. and for that reason, i think the americans will prevail. these varies to not do this on their own. really in a successful way, so they have to wait for that american preparedness to come to their aid and do whatever it is that needs to be done in the long term down the road. but it won't happen in the short term. thanks alex alex with tank up from the middle east
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institute in washington dc. here's a recap of our main use. israel is considering its response to the wave of thrones and to me sounds launched against it by iran and says the conflict is not over. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is mad, his war cabinet ministers are said to favor retaliating or divided over how and when to strike back were leaders have urged restraints on all sides and the u. s. is refusing to join any is right. it made a treat retaliation against around, around launched to more than $300000.00 drones in its 1st direct attack on israel. nearly all were shot down by israel, the us u. k. and jordan. israel's president says, the rainy and attacking 9th to a declaration of war. okay, you are up to date coming up next. 4th life needs a chilean who's one of the world's best freestyle roller blighters and uses her
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talent to inspire other and stuff after a short break. and don't forget despite the more and using information on our website, dw, dot com and you can follow some social media or handle is dw news. i'm pablo sonya yes for me and the team here in berlin. thanks for watching. take care. the people in trucks in judge west trying to see the city center and the straight screen, the around the world more than 130000000 people us we all mine because no.


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