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tv   Reporter - On Location  Deutsche Welle  April 15, 2024 6:45am-7:01am CEST

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logistics, bolts of crucial rare of sentiments to japan. china has denied this, has happened, and it's paid by how much they reduce their ex. but what is clear is that this morning event mark the stock of an incredible price search in a world wide frenzy to secure these rare elements. arguably, the most important of them being this new to me, you know, do, man, has him, is the way down here in the periodic system. it's one of the 17 raps elements, which is actually not that rev until these metals with 1st considered rad, because they've never been seen before, but red, red, slight, neo, do me in a quite abundant in the crust. it's just very hot to separate them from material around them when it was discovered in 1885 by this austrian scientist. nobody really knew what to do with it. from the 1920s on woods, it was used to color gloss pub pole, which in 1983 were such as from general motors and the japanese conglomerates to
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meet time of independently announced a huge invention of the same conference. if you combine neo demand together with ball rolling, and i and you get really, really strong markets today near to me i'm itself is also used in special protective gloss and for lasers among other things. but the magnet is what turned out to be a game changer near to me. and magnets can be up to 10 times stronger than fair, right? magnets the normally the 9th, as ation of breaks up into the doctor. this was the domain's pointing in different directions. this is michael kelly, a professor who has been researching, magnet size 50 is we don't want that to happen. to have a good use, usable, permanent, magnus. we want them all to be in the same direction. and the way you do that is allowing the on with another element, which is new to me and which is the best one. for this purpose, that makes me now give me a magnet, crucial for things like electric cars, wind turbines,
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or even your phone. the invention of new demand magnets pays the road for more efficient electric make just demo compact and lights up because these magnets is so powerful that even comparatively small wellness get the job done. today. many electric calls contain an average of about to kilogram of neo gimme a magnets. wind turbines use much, much more up to half a ton turbine. this is why the mountain air do name is only projected to grow and put out strips of the plot. but let's rewind back to that boat incident in a minute. it wasn't just depend panic to little when they realized how dependent they had become one rad mind in china. the price of narrow to me and the math. quite often the commission is old, worn out of this, this fear from the big the concentration that you see raised. and that then 20 tons with china. this is michelle boost amount of to she looks at critical minerals
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and their impact, some of them on natural resources. i have seen the concerns around these types of materials lead a lot of countries to become more resourceful naturalist and i solution s and want to mine all of our own stuff. and i only, you know, produce everything domestically australia with me or do me a me is relatively abundance has scaled up its production significantly. the us reopened. it's one ras mine in 2017 me on my scale that fits mining. but x boats a lot of its rabbits to china. india wants to quadruplets domestic production in the coming decade. but scaling up near demand production is still far from easy. the problem is getting this element out of the neo, to me and ms. com, jumbled together with other similar ras elements purifying. it takes a lot of steps that process uses many assets and solvents to, to detrimental,
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to the environment and hazardous to work. cuz know certainly that what are the unique challenges associated with rarer mining often is that they're mixed up a lot of the or is mix stuff with highly radioactive elements. that's why even 10 years off of the range of pricing, china is still the main producer of the villain. and they would do me. i'm along with other writ of element coverage in pop property during recent trade center and prices us starting to search again. the problem is that these new demand magnet so great that it's really hard to replace people. i've tried to find other ones, other combinations of on with different as. and some of them have been somewhat successful, but nothing has good as need to me. all these details about them intelligence, much, much to what does, what though is using less of it more efficiently. for example, in electric,
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much as we found, yes, you could not surely replace 50 percent off from your game. you with fair, right? marketing without compromising the performance issues, it can evident he's a chemist, developing new methods to recycle and substitute new demi him magnets. so he's the mother of all the time of these and substitution, but not for the entire replacement. recycling always seems like the most obvious solution, but we're in the very early stages. but since the wind turbine and electric call markets, the rules that we expect is to keep home growing, it could incentivize more recent claim. i can tell you that we're making version upwards is to recover these rest elements in an environmentally friendly way. using that process, we call the assets free. the solution office with this method does no need to pre thoughts and separate count the ras magnets one by one instead of toxic gas is the
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process uses cup of salt and selectively leaches out the red rocks. and these are examples of forever elements that we recover from the what would make it even easier always if manufacturer has built that products with recycling in mines when the create, the currently sustainable supply chains that involve a high degree of reduce recycling. that's when we're really trying to solve the problems that create all disappear, not just by trying to mine everything ourselves as individual nature. so it's unlikely that this obscure element of going out of fashion any time the the lessons are about to get underway at the street school and use capital must
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stay in the school. daily though is already good. i was trying to see the teachers more than 80 children in the middle of a parking lot in new delhi meet the police officer launched the project 8 years ago. so developmental is aim is to provide children from poor backgrounds with free access to education, spots all over to now, i want you to teach children who have very limited opportunities in life. it is important for me to set a good example for society and i understand these children's lives without. my family also comes from a very poor background. so you go to i. today the children are learning their times, tables. 12 times 8 is 96, as because why not? many of the kids here were unable to read, write or do arithmetic. tons thing and for other teachers have taught them all this
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the children are hugely motivated. they know the school offers them the opportunity of a brighter future. might even my parents are too poor to afford school fees and uniform and books. without this school. i'd have no chance of an education video. authentic woman then i can live as a beginning. it, ma'am, i do, but i bet i want to be a police officer one day just like tons saying this is only possible because we have such great teachers. they teach us so much by now met by all the pupils receive a free lunch donated by a nearby temple for many. it's the only hot meal of the day. the school is funded by donations to the pay the teacher salaries, including that of 20 year old student and keeps a sharma, she's enthusiastic about the project and the children's desire to learn. every time the pupils are so eager to learn,
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they want me to teach them everything. i know they are big dreams and really want to make something up their lives. i mean, you have to be, as i mean, the learning experience goes beyond books together with their teachers. the children also device plays about social issues. the most prey knew is her classmates, to stay away from drugs. many children from 4 districts come into contact with them at an early age. tons thing believes it's important to make sure they are aware of the dangers. but taking the beginning, there were some children who are truly in tobacco products. that's why we put on this play. what would you draw attention to the fact, what good drugs are very dangerous and then you can quickly become extinct in that and even a slip into crime that gives a home just by single dental or sick claim. good thing, richard drivers like mohammed come run,
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also help with the project. they take the children to and from school free of charge, even though the drivers hardly earned any money themselves. i'm looking to buy. i couldn't go to school this, so i'm happy when i see the children the go ahead and yeah, i hope they don't have to drive a rickshaw later on. it's live, but 2 tons. seeing also hopes that the children they've been able to lead better lives than their parents, that education will allow them to escape poverty and be able to get a well paid job. good. mine's a death. oh yeah, i hope that they will become judges, doctors or police, but for example, anything they have in mind. i hope they understand the importance of education, because that alone would help me but your impact on their future. exactly. but i, you've been, you've got tons thing says he'd be happy even if his work just saved one child from the street.
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the, the, the
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new generation of farm is, is slicing to protect these they are vitally important animals on this planet. and we all need, we literally could live without combing foaming to guarantee l. a. c b type thing. the next generation, the coming up on the w using mind power train is paraplegics to walk again.
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is this the beginning of a new medical error? the research team is just getting started tomorrow today, 30 minutes on the w, the in the do you know which should vc industries has the highest c o 2 emission rates would you guess the concrete transforming business to live is on to figure out what's the real new deal, just reimbursing the watch now. the,
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the only way i can be on the top is to create my own empire. discover stories that just to take away the journey, the destination right? size. house based document trees. okay. name, street name project, cassandra re determined that has ball was operating like a global drug course. the objective to financially drain has gone up and bring them down. the team agents from the american drug enforcement agency they had criminalized themselves. we needed to reveal that so world, why did the us government suddenly shut down project cassandra in 2016?
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03 pod documentary series. and most king has paula stats may, 4th on d, w. the . this is due to the news and these are our top stories of israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, his mass with his war cabinet to work out a response to the aerial assault by a run to run, launched hundreds of drones on to me. so i was against these ro, nearly all were shot down around says the attack was retaliation for a strike on it's considered in syria. the united nations secretary general antonio good tatters, has warned the international community, against descending deeper into conflict. speaking at an emergency meeting of the un, secure.


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